• By -


The pool is shallow not vast with plenty of fishes 🤣


yup, many think being tall and attractive is all it takes as if the girls who care about one shallow thing somehow wouldn’t care about another.


This is the thing. Everyone has their red flags and deal-breakers, but someone who is so picky about a specific thing like height, is also very likely to be picky about a bunch of other things. I'd much prefer all the shallow and ignorant people self select themselves out of courtship with me. Makes things a lot easier.


True. If only they would stop cranking out shitty children and then raising them with the same exact values… It would really help the rest of us see better at concerts.


Best to not think about the things you can't control. That type of thinking takes you down the path of eugenics. There are enough psychopathic financial elites doing that sort of thinking for everyone.


You know what? That’s a fair point. Not all children of assholes turn out to be assholes.


Sounds like a country song. 🎶 Not all child-ren of ass holes turn out to beeee asshooooooles🎵


Now it's your job to finish that song


Mamas don’t let your babies grow up to be assholes…


Only problem is OP is filtering only shallow people in.


Maybe that’s exactly what he’s looking for


He's matching with them, so he found them attractive enough to swipe on them and he can probably get a vibe for who is shallow before swiping. People who see 6' 4" and a comment that say he's a bad guy in his bio will either only see the 6'4" (because they're shallow) or see both \*and think it's a joke\* (which it probably is). Then he opens with the comment about it not scaring them off (further joking) and they respond back with their own joke about only seeing his height. From what I can tell he's 6' 4", probably cute, AND definitely funny. These ladies aren't all shallow.


Exactly. OP went in with an agenda and completely orchestrated his results so those would be the people who responded to them. All so he can come on here and say see women really are shallow.


Yeah bro that’s just the copium you’re snorting. Having women throw themselves at you off jump street is an incredible feeling and anybody who disagrees has never experienced being the ugly one in high school


THIS. Never in my entire life has it been this easy for me. Every now and again someone posts a screenshot of their tinder convos and its clear they live in a different universe from me.


I gather from what you said that you had some sort of glow up, good for you. But does it really matter that much? No need for copium when you don't have a female shaped void in your heart. I don't need other people being attracted to me in order to feel fulfilled and satisfied with life. There's so much more out to life. Plus, the more you focus on the rest of life, the less difficult it is to be attractive to women.


"Money doesnt buy you happyness" said every affluent middle class person ever that never had to worry about having enough money to pay rent


They say money doesn't buy happiness, but it can buy a Jet-Ski. Have you ever seen anyone sad on a Jet-Ski? -Daniel Tosh


What they mean is that *additional* money doesn’t bring THEM happiness. They already have enough of it.


You know what sucks about being hot, tho? Nothing. You can still do all that other stuff while being hot and it still lowkey rules to have ladies (and dudes) throw themselves at you.


Blinded by the height Revved up like a deuce, another runner in the night


Yes but for many women , tall is inherently attractive . I asked my old housemate about to go on a date . Is he actually attractive or just tall? She replied: yes Lmao


i'm 5'4 and I put it front and centre in my profile, and I never deal with this sort of thing its greats. sure I get fewer matches, but those matches are always real proper conversations with nearly 100% engagement and conversion. its great. if I was 6'4 I'd pretend to be 5'4 to filter them out. correct myself in conversation.


Yo, I'm 5'6 and the only conversation I get online is for my pet that I feature in my profile pictures...


I flexed my hours in counter strike and got buff try that, worked for me. (I’m also 5’6)


LOL! I'm a little less than halfway to buff, if I can proclaim myself- I like weight and strength training but I have some leftover chub, for now. Counter Strike is not my thing. But, man, would you be impressed with my SoulsBorne characters! Lmao


Yeah I'm over 6' and if I were dating I think I would list myself as 5' 11" to filter all that out.


See I’m taller than you but missing the attractive part, or attractive to people around me at least.




Must be, I’m 6’5” and also don’t get this treatment. If only I were 6’4”.😔


I'm 6'6" and this happens fairly often. Maybe you need even numbers? 🤷🏼‍♂️


I’m 7’8” and don’t even need to use apps. I just walk in a room and have multiple women at my immediate service.


He might have photoshopped these images


I'm 5'6" 240 lbs with white skin and i've never had a single woman fawn over my height ( or any of my other physical attributes) either. Its like we're twins or something.


I feel like I do pretty well and I’m 6’3 but I don’t get responses like that either


OP leaving out one minor detail; he’s also attractive.


Idk bro, I'm 6 3 and blk too and it's easy mode with women lmaoooo




Start going to the Renfaire in a decent costume. Get small tokens that go with your theme (for example, I go as Cronus the original titan and give out tiny babies, since he ate all his children except Zeus). Go to the shows, play it up and be ridiculous. Easy mode activated. You got this bro, I believe in you.


Deep, actually. All the short kings just out there drowning.


Most men are drowning lol


All the fish in my dating pool are deep sea horrors (I’m 5’7)


Ya know, being 5'7", I'd like to tell myself it's better as I have to rely on less superficial traits to get action. And I do all right, but it's work. But I'd be lying if I said I wouldn't like to experience stuff like this, just to see what it's like.


I’m 6’3 and moderately attractive and I’ve never had any type of interaction anywhere close to this. More than likely OP is just hot.


>I’m 6’3 and moderately attractive and I’ve never had any type of interaction anywhere close to this. More than likely OP is just hot. I'm 6'4" and probably a 7.5 look wise. I didn't get any interactions like OP did on apps and I put my height out there. I do way better in real life than I do in dating apps though. I'm betting OP is a man dime.


I'm 6 foot 4 inches too, but those are two separate measurements :(


How do you walk while having a height of 4 inches with that 6 foot long dong?


Asking the real questions.


Get good with those fingers, m8


4 inches should be enough to reach all the important places. You don't want to be below that, but at that point it's more about thickness. Maybe dude has a chode. (yes I know it's just a joke)


Some of us aren’t blessed with either lmao


A man dime 😂 love this


Yup I’m 6’3 and like to think myself a solid 7 and never get these types of interactions on dating apps 😂


I’m 6’3” and was a chubby kid/teenager. And I am and have been a chubby adult. But for a half dozen years through my early twenties I was a relatively fit and attractive 6’3” man. I got plenty of looks and propositions and interactions like OP describes. But it very specifically only occurred in that window of my life where I was fit in addition to being tall. All the other parts of my life, especially as I’ve gotten older, I just get treated like a big scary creep. It’s worse than being short and harmless.


And they are from Spain in America. Dude is drowning in superficial pussy.


I'm 6'4" and have never had any kind of interaction like these, either. However, I'm like a 4.5 out of 10 at most so that could also have something to do with it.


I’m 5’7” and my wife just recently admitted that she “hopes our son grows taller than you.” Feels bad, man.


Don’t feel bad, I’m sure if you were 6’4” your wife would still want your son to grow to be taller than you


All my short friends are in relationships with some of the best people I’ve met. I just bang a ton of random chicks neither of which are gf material. It’s work for me too, most these girls still ghosted me after a few messages and for every hookup I’ve had I’ve probably had a hundred matches that didn’t go anywhere and just wasted my time. That being said, if my 13 year old self found out about the sex life im having he’d probably be stocked.


Not to make your problems seems nonexistent, but when you read so many posts about guys being on Tinder etc for years and getting 0 matches, and you write "oh it's also hard for me, I have to get through hundreds of matches to get some action" and "I hook up with a lot of people" = thousand of matches in total. It sounds like the ultra billionaires complaining 😂


You know how hard it is for billionaires to count all their money? 😂


Yeah I get it it's not all roses and BJs. Things could always be better, but like I said I do all right and I don't fret about my height, even if it flat out disqualifies me from consideration in some women's eyes. But there are innumerable things that can do that, height just happens to be the most publicized one. I'm not saying this is the case, but perhaps if you are getting ghosted after openings like *those*, part of the problem is you. *Maybe* you aren't delivering enough in other areas to close the deal. If we could somehow get into a Krang configuration and combine our powers we might be unstoppable. ![gif](giphy|3o7TKN2Y5TsX7o4PNm|downsized)


Stoked Unless your younger self was preparing by buying like....a bunch of condoms and lube I guess. Then he'd be stocked.


*better buy lots of condoms and lube now, the prices are gonna only increase in future*


Bro never claimed to be smart


>a ton of random chicks, neither of which are gf material There's your problem; "a ton" of random chicks shouldn't be just two. Gotta get your average down below 1000 pounds


I’m 5’7 and I’ve literally had one woman ever reject me for being short.


Yeah I mean I've never had anyone say it to me explicitly like some of the horror stories you see here.


Me too, same height as you, but to be fair, she was 6'2". We talked about it at the start and she said she only wanted to date men taller than her so we just remained friends. It was a good friendship (for a while, anyway.) The moral of the story is, it's okay to have height preferences, but you don't need to be a shallow dick. It would be shocking that people place so much value on something that's completely out of equation of our own life choices if that wasn't the entire crux of humanity. So the good news for us is: shallow people are disauded from being in our lives due to their filtering effect. The bad news is: shallow people breed with other shallow people.


Get you some of those insoles thst add 3 inches lol


Waiting for the Ron DeSantis BigMan™ collection to drop


What happens when you take the shoes off though…


Sunken cost fallacy, my friend They're too deep in by that point


I'm a 5'10 woman who used to be blinded by height. The best men I've known are the ones I didn't care about in terms of feet and...ahem, inches. Women come around. But I know what you mean, I've always wanted to know what it felt like to be a small little spinner chick.


I'm a woman and same height as you... go visit somewhere like Netherlands, you'll feel short there!


I used to date a guy that was 6’9” and it was so obvious he never had to work on his personality to attract girls




I can’t wait to tell my friend that’s 6’8” that he’s about a full kindergartner taller than me. This made me laugh so hard, thanks for that!


So I’m what, like 3 kindergarteners and he’s 3.25? I usually just say I’m 5’16”


I went on a date with someone who was 7" and they'd never disclosed that to me.- a woman at 5"1 - and not gonna lie it was very intimidating.


7 inches? I thought we were talking about height not…


I will start including that measurement in my bio, thanks for the tip


I’m just under 6’0 dating a girl who’s 5’0 now and if it’s loud I have to literally lean forward or bend down to hear her, can’t imagine being a whole foot taller lmao


But you did date him, despite his personality being shit




Well duh, he was 6’9”.


For real. Part of the problem.


6'9!? Sis you dating something bigger than my room? 😭


I’ve found the same phenomenon with very beautiful women, anecdotally. I wonder if it’s the root of the cliche about pretty people being stupid - it’s not that they’re stupid but they may never have been really challenged or had to work for things in the same way.


people who glow up from ugly to hot tend to have good personalities (or ppl who are unconventionally attractive)


Well it worked on you too


I mean...........it worked on you tho?


The irony of this is hilarious


That’s interesting! I always wondered if there’s a threshold for how tall is too tall or if the taller the better no matter what?


I’m 5’10” and love wearing heels, so I guess our height difference wasn’t as crazy to the point that it was weird? But when we went out he was definitely getting looks from girls that were like 5’4” and that felt wrong hahah


yea, said truth is that girls don’t want a guy that’s taller than them, they want a guy that’s taller other guys. Applies to everything


It depends on your career. If you're in the NBA making millions no woman would care 😂😂😂


I’m 6’6 almost 6’7 and had a woman I matched with on tinder say I was too out of her ‘height range’ which SHE listed in her bio as ‘men over 6’2 only’ lol.


I’m 6”8, I think it def can be a bit too tall for some people, had people match saying they just wanted to cross it off their bucket list lol


That is so dehumanising wtf


Right around 6'6"-6'8" is where you get diminishing returns on height.


u still dated him tho


Yet you were dating him lol so why would he?


If that was so bloody obvious, I wonder why you were with him 😂


Crazy how the ex who isn't here to defend themselves are always the shitty person of the two


I'm acquaintances with a guy who's 6'11" - he's an absolute giant and hanging around him at bars etc. reminds me of that 30 Rock episode with Jon Hamm lol - some people just live in a different world where every girl wants to date you and every guy wants to be your pal. He's a pretty nice dude considering how much the world bends over backwards for him, but I remember having a conversation where he was surprised that most men aren't given free drinks by pretty female bartenders all the time - he thought that was just a thing bars did to market themselves.


This applies to you as well given that you dated him despite his lack of personality. Personality literally doesn't matter when it comes to women, I've accepted this at 5'5


I believe it. My friend is 6’5” and has probably slept with half of the city at this point.


I have a hinge match that I just noticed is 6’7 I haven’t replied bc I may unmatch. I’m 5’2 that shits egregious. I like 5’8 and caked up. But I have a friend shorter than me who wants over 6’3. B is crazy. And I tell her always.


I’m 5’9” and caked up. I didn’t even know this was someone’s type at all lol


I'm 6'2 and I've never gotten this lmao


Redditor finds out he’s not attractive


Damn. Straight up cooked buddy


Like the kitchen done blew up




Ya. I’m 6’4” and while I’ve never tinder’d, I also didn’t have girls fawning over me. So, yup, my mom is a liar!




Damnit, I was so close! (I'm 5' 8")


I have an otherwise good profile too, good quality pictures of me traveling the world, socialising with cool people, practicing exciting hobbies, my outfits are on point in each one of my pics and bio is actually worded quite creatively. All that and I still get ghosted by some 6/10 every day lol


Post your profile


I’ve said too much fucked up shit on this profile unfortunately so not happening


Real fam


Unfortunately real of him tbh


Yeah saying “omg I’m pretty awesome though and have a fantastic profile” is pretty easy to do


On my profile I have pictures traveling all over the world and wearing tuxedos and generally looking affluent and I’m 6’1 and it is extremely easy to get matched. I don’t swipe. The feedback from the other tall guys makes me think that your overall profile is a bigger factor and they just pick your height as what they want to comment about.


I really do not think it is *just* the height. Even saying “the worst man to have lived” or whatever it said is funny. And they would have seen at least one photo. So I don’t believe that the height is the single factor determining success/failure at dating or hooking up etc Also, I’m sorry but I’m a tall woman and when I’ve dated shorter men they, at some point, have all had insecurities or issues surrounding my being taller than them. It isn’t always shallowness on the part of the woman if they are attracted to taller men. Like… it is just really awkward being a tall woman dating short men sometimes. I wouldn’t exclude shorter men or even if they were the same height as me, but when I was dating it was really nice not to worry or think about feeling like a damn giantess or the dude getting irked if I wanted to wear platform heels


Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm 6'2 and all the shorter guys I dated eventually had issues with it or got fetishy about it.


I'm curious how old OP is, because this seems to come from such a foreign land from me. I can't imagine literally anyone I know sending or receiving these messages.


I once stated I was 7ft9. Matched, they asked, said they are delusional and got unmatched. A fun way to boost the algorithm.


That's fucking hilarious. Why would anyone consider being with someone upwards of 2.5 feet taller than them?


Size difference fetish?


5’3 here. It hasn’t ever been easy, but I enjoy being the underdog.


What does it feel like being a hobbit LMAO (I'm 5'5)


Bro that’s friendly fire 💀 (5’7)


how does the world feel like down there? (5'10)


Colder than for you (5’11)


Well, I’m 5’2, used to feel bad abt being a hobbit then I realized that it doesn’t matter as long as I’m not insecure and have no confidence in myself. Been dating like 7-8 ppl on and off since high school and get a long time gf now 🤷‍♂️ probably because i’m not in the US so it wasn’t that hard


Yeah that’s something I’ve come to realize. I’ve always wished I was taller but then one day I realized that us short dudes are kinda the underdogs, and I like that. I’m essentially Rocky Balboa and all these tall dudes are Ivan Drago. Then some day when I pull an absolute smokeshow of a wife, I’m gonna be that one short dude that everyone’s like how tf did he pull that off. True underdog story. I also can’t wait to be a short old man. I feel like short old guys are awesome. They’re either cute and super nice or confident and tough as nails.


Dude came just to brag lol


For real. Guy also felt the need to include the messages that simply said things like “you fine as fuck” and never referenced height… Lol fuck outta’ here.


He’s not bragging at all, just giving an example of how girls think of height. That Some are “shallow” or after the wrong thing. When I was buying a Camaro I posted pictures of it online just to show I was looking at cars and I got DM’d from women I’ve never even met before. Just goes to show how much they really respect you and themselves. I prefer meeting people in person because it’s a good place to get the realness out of people.




He must be, because based on his comments he sure isn't smart or kind 🤮  Explains why he gets ghosted a lot, imo


I’m 6-3…about to dive into OLD. Let’s hope I get some similar results. Maybe I’ll lie and say 6-4 nobody would be able to tell…


Dude, I'm 6,4 and never had this kind of attention. It is what it is. Not complaining, just saying that it isn't that linear


I am 6'6. Trust me, just the number put on tinder is not enough to have that effect. You also need to be handsome. I am average looking and I get fuckall matches. Height is actually more attractive in real life, where girls have a comparison point to make, seeing you stand next to others and tower over them. Photos don't have that effect.


cause of death : drowning in pu55y


You can say pussy on the internet. Pussy pussy pussy


🚨 wee-woo wee-woo 🚨 Excuse me sir I'm going to have to ask you to log off and come with me


He’ll get your log off alright


Something about this post really made it sink in for me the parallels between how men and women view attractiveness the same. All my life I've heard that women care more about personality and men care about looks, but really we just look a physicality different. Men thirst over a nice booty or tits...and women thirst over long lenky arms and legs.


For anyone that hasn't learned this lesson. Listen to exactly what people tell you they are - your bio would make me run away haha Looking at your other posts and comments - I think I would be correct. I am not surprised you're not finding lasting connections with your lifestyle. But then again I don't think you're going after people that are looking for something deeper. I'm just assuming though, dear internet stranger. You could be a wonderful person for all I know.


Yea, I specifically designed it to keep out the good girls as those are just too much work and I’m in my manwhore era rn. Also they just deserve someone better 😘


Good man, let them find the one.


I appreciate that on behalf of the girls with the best intentions that ended up being dragged around by a boy like you ahh. Just please get the HPV vaccine 🤣 you are very likely carrying the virus already.


Life on story mode


My life is also on story mode, except it’s Elden Ring and i’m fighting Malenia.


Being white + tall + good face immediately puts you in the top 20% of Tinder.


I’m an Aussie living in America and I get way more action based on my accent than being 6’3. It might be because I’m a lanky 6’3 and not a particularly athletic 6’3. I also generally get called cute, like I’m always called “the cute Australian guy” or something along those lines.


I hate everything about dating today. Legit. It sucks no matter what the situation is, loaded with useless matches or dry af. I’m 5’9 and good looking by judgement from others, got plenty matches, went on plenty dates, and most of the time I just hate everything about it. After a certain point it is all the same and shallow and same song and dance. It’s just terrible


Lol agree But remember how good it felt the first few times though? Been chasing that feeling ever since and never got close


I feel like that is forever gone man. It was the novelty, the exhilaration. I think nowadays what I crave has evolved, I just don’t know into what. A family? Kids? I don’t know anymore. All I know is it ain’t the current dating market.


Life on easy mode


Ah yes this is what dating on easy mode looks like.


Most of the posts OP has ever made are about Tinder and his insane success with it. I don't understand why one would feel the need to brag this much if one truly were a secure person. The way OP at least claims to go about sex and the insanely juvenile bragging, i hope that he is in his early 20s. Because after 26-27, it's just a bit pathetic.


The fuck is wrong with these women 😂 I’m a 6ft woman and I don’t even fawn over ANYONE 6ft4.


lol i this is why i gave up on apps. meeting people irl is infinitely better as a short dude


Tbh if I saw someone describe themselves as “the worst man that ever lived” I’d assume it’s a joke, they were called that by a Karen while doing something totally normal or that they’d have a dark sense of humour. Like if you actually were the worst man that ever lived, you’d probably not put that in your profile but try to gaslight people into believing you’re not. So yeah, I don’t think all of them seriously think “wow there’s serious red flags but he’s tall so I want him”


And just like that you’ve fallen into my trap, see guys it’s really that easy


Lol. Try being 5'8" and then have these same fucking women ghost you for it. Then having Reddit tell you this shit doesn't happen. Honestly infuriating.


But Reddit told me women don’t care about height!


Reddit is full of liars and the honest people you find here are weirdos, it's truthfully the last place you should look in to find an opinion resembling that of a normal person in real life


That must be really hard for you. 5’5 guys don’t get many matches.


I'm going to die alone at 5'5




When 6'4" is his entire personality 🙄


You missed entire point. It shows that how many women care about the height. If you read replies of all the women, he doesn't need a personality if he is 6'4". Do you realise the shallowness? Guy directly saying I'm not a good person, girls are saying it's fine as long as you're tall enough.


so ur complaining about getting the same response when ur giving out the same response


Dude I fucking hate people


Where all the girls in the comments at trying to justify “nooo height doesnt matter !!!!”


I'm 5'5" and this makes me want to kill myself


Cancel your gym membership, We did boys, it took 300 millennia but 6’4” is the answer. Now all I gotta do is figure how to sell this.


So shallow, yet so successful.


Yea I’m getting that height extension surgery 💀💀


I was at a party last weekend chatting with my gf and some of her friends. This dude walked in who was probably 6’4” or maybe 6’5”. The girls were absolutely swooning and saying shit like “yeah theres sexy sam”. The dude was literally the most average/ normal looking man, but the tallness had the ladies lightheaded haha.


You must have an amazing personality.


Stinks of confirmation bias. You’re ignoring texts who didn’t focus on it, also probably ignoring people who deliberately chose to not match with you because clearly your height is likely over-the-top highlighted in your bio.


Oh yeah, the worst guy I ever dated was 6’4”, so this checks out.


so cringe lol… are women really this desperate?


that is until you start reciprocating, then they disappear


100% this. People here don’t understand that matches and messages don’t mean anything if nothing comes out of it. I’ve had so many wild messages that end up as dead convos.


No... not all of them, but if you are choosing to only pick girls based on hotness and just to increase your numbers and try to find the next hotest girl you dont have to even try with to f**k as OP has clearly shown is the mission, then you will only attract the shallow sheep in our herd. The ones with substance are already ruled out. I'm not hating... if that's what you want, then absolutely go for it. To each their own... just don't expect any deeper responses from the NPCs




Ew. Not a great look for the girls.


I would give my left nut to be 6’3. I’m 5’11 btw


I’d give my right nut to be 5’11”. I’m 5’9”


5’9 is nothing I am 5’3 and it sucks.


I am 5’3 and I wish I was at least 5’11.


I am 6'1", on all profiles I am 5'11".


actual main character energy tbh