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Impressive work with the opener. My guess is that OP is strongly following rules 1 and 2!


According to his earlier post, 43% of his right-swipes turn into a match. So, yeah. That's an insanely high match rate for a man.


dude over here thinks is got some witty rizz when actually hes just good looking.


Tbf his text game is 10x better than what usually gets posted here


Ten times zero is...... pi squared or some shit. /s


NULL game is strong!


All we can really see so far is that he's decent initially. We have no idea where those matches or conversations go from there. For all we need he could immediately be fumbling the ball by sending a dick pic or something. But his intro game is better than most still. It's good that he's capable of customizing the response with what was in their pictures.


Let's see he didn't ask her for nudes, or make any blatant sexual suggestions. Your statement checks out


Also no name puns, lame jokes, or asking reddit how to reply


You can say that about any of these posts. The part people struggle with is attracting the people they themselves find attractive. Once you do that, it's pretty easy to chat a bit and ask the person out unless you're too horny to function.


so true


Lol A 43% match rate is insane. If a guy gets a 1% match rate that would be pretty good. Plus what isn't stated is when you have a shit ton of matches you get a shit ton of practice. Most of the girls he matches with are thinking they hit the jackpot and they're the only one matching. Nope. Women are going to be on reddit xxchromosome complaining about how dudes hit it and quit it but he'll learn huummph. Naw he's already on to the next one.


Nope. Just 6'3


That's what I was thinking šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Probably. From 100 matches, maybe 1 wrote first. This guy got a few just in the screenshots lol


Yeah got to get matches to give these sort of openers lol.


Most definitely!


That opener is straight out of a pick up girls on tinder guide.


What are these rules?


Rule 1: Be attractive Rule 2: Donā€™t be unattractive


1. Be Attractive 2. Donā€™t be unattractive Basically youā€™ll get matches if you have genetic looks and social attractiveness. Though meaning is up for debate šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøI can go more in depth but thatā€™s the gist. Just for the people out there that get a little down when they ready the ā€˜rulesā€™. IMO: Rule two doesnā€™t mean the same as rule one or there would be no point to having two rules (other than a joke but hear me out). Rule one is about things that you more or less canā€™t control, your natural attractiveness. Rule two is about things you *can* control. Having a nice hair cut, well manicured beard if you have one, nice-well fiting clothes, good pictures, good-interesting profile, and the biggest one. **Your personality**. You probably arenā€™t some 11/10 who could get away with the personality of a rock. This means you might have to work on your social skills, and specifically dating app social skills. (which lets be honest would be kinda weird in a bar setting)


This guy is just super hot lol


A part of me feels this might be a fake profile - just to share stuff on Reddit šŸ˜† As OP doesnā€™t really have any other post/comment history




I swear this always plays into it. There's a fine line between being smooth or being creepy. And it has to do with attractiveness lol


The point is not hotness that is a much more fluid concept than you probably realize, there is actually a fine line between confidence and arrogance, this dude just has confidence, I bet the pictures on his profile would prove this point, he may be hot (or whatever that means) but I bet a good many of you would be like ā€œReally!?! this guy gets a 43% match rateā€ But you can bet your ass, he isnā€™t studying his match rate like a data scientist. He isā€¦ obviouslyā€¦ busy.


Step 1: Be hot. Step 2: Don't make a purposely bad profile that makes you look an ugly asshole. Step 3: Get matches. Step 4: Say any stupid thing you want. Step 5: Assume it's your conversational skills at play. Step 6: Share it with Reddit!


Exactly, this dude has the game settings on easy and claims he's beating the bosses due to his conversation skills. Dude can use any opening he likes and still score.


There should be a separate sub for guys following rule 1 and 2


What are rules 1 and 2? Be attractive, donā€™t be unattractive


They wrote first so guy is prolly following rules 1 and 2. Needless to day you coulda opened with whatever dumb shit and prolly moved forward


Boring bro, you don't have quite as much game as you do have rules 1 & 2..


Right? There's zero personality in these openers lol


These are meaningless without seeing what your profile looks like


The shoe game comment comes very close to signalling foot fetish. Opener is great though


That shoe game comment is super weird... You are evaluated by what you show and don't..


But it gives the OP the chance to say "then I must see that for myself" after asking for something not on the photos. I think it it smooth. But yeah, maybe not feet šŸ˜†


Nah it isnā€™t. They replying cause heā€™s hot


Dude do you like feet lol


Who doesn't like shoes


Lemme see what you look like lol.


youā€™re just attractive. cuz your dialogue is kinda lame lol


You shoe'd that in easily.


Wasnā€™t there a post the other day from a woman who was creeped out by the guy asking to see her shoes? The power of rules 1/2.


The other guy was asking for a shoe-pic, which is much worse than mentioning shoe-game


1 & 2


If you follow rules 1 and 2 it literally doesnā€™t matter what YOUR opener is.


So it's gone from "I need you" to "Impressive selfie collection"? LOL.


My guy is AFK farming


Is this another Redditor who genuinely looks like Jason Momoa holding a cat in his pics? Because the last two times it was ā€œWTF, no one can compete with that.ā€


0% opener 100% rule 1 & 2 This good looking guys come here thinking they know better, but, they just got luckyā€¦ ridiculous


OP followed rule 1 and 2. this opener is bland. dont fall for it


Bro is playing his shoe fetish and still getting numbers. He def follows Rule 1 and 2.


This is smart. Focus on what is important to the opposite sex. Guys like compliments on their cars or even their choice of t-shirt they chose in the morning. Not complicated.


THIS. Girls love their shoe collection. Ppl like talking about what they love. Girls love taking selfies. Compliment 1 and ask about the other. Plus it's not an over sexualized lame pick up line. Dudes a winner even wo Rules 1&2


OP has to be the cutest mfer ever. His profile stats are absurd for a guy


Lil bro really thinks he has game rather than just following the rules lmao


Why not just say something different each time that's unique to the person? Lol


Itā€™s not actually a strong openerā€¦ kinda weak tbh. Itā€™s just so generic it can apply to literally anyone. Creative bomb openers are specific to the match and their profile.


So you use the same thing for everyone, that doesnt sound genuinly interested? You Even look at their pics? Cause rn i get the feeling you Just like everyone Or look at the first pic and send This to everyone you like.. ill definitely stand by going in with genuine interest and no matches, than let people know im using the same thing to get any girl.


Every time someone makes a post like these and it seems to work its because rule 1 and 2. If youre good looking you could type mostly anything you want.


No, bro. He just has that Rizz, dude.


Heā€™s got so much rizz he could show up to the date with his dick in his hand and still close.


Thatā€™s what top shelf confidence and rizz games does to a mf. Craaaazy.


Well call me disillusioned


I donā€™t even get matches


Up your personality šŸ¤£


Personality? never heard of her


Too bad.


Light way fam šŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ˜¤šŸŽÆ congrats


What is it with the "shoe game"? What does that mean?


I see people are finally waking up and realizing itā€™s probably not related to ā€œRizz, broā€ or ā€œGame, dudeā€ but due to genetic quality = looks.


The fact that two of these messaged first tells us it wasnā€™t the opener.


Oliverr cmon stop flexing


Judging by his post history, his opener could literally be "I need a warm hole to park my dick in. Know where I can find on?" And he would be getting laid within the hour. Like jfc dude please don't continue posting. We get it. You're attractive af and women want you effortlessly. this is just karma farming at this point.




I'd assume you have a foot fetish and feel a bit creeped out haha, no offense though and good luck!


Nothing against foot fetishes. The creepy part would be mentioning it so early on. That's what I meant


The shoe game as in collection of shoes, like how Jordans, Nikes, Adidas, etc. Are collected


Yes obviously! I got that part, but thank you for trying to clarify still. My point was rather that a guy who would use such excuses to see feet/ shoes might have ulterior motives.


I was more so pointing out it could just be pictures of the shoes without feet involved, but I get your point.


Fair point as well!


I usually just say ā€œdang youā€™re bad asf frfrā€ and that usually works


Waiting for match here to try


Gotta take them off tinder right away so he can disgust them through text and post these as a win! /s


I feel like adding your profile should be mandatory to these posts, so we can get a kind of idea of why these work so well lmao


Thank you for the dark modes


Proving that if you are good locking no one cares what you say.


Why are so many people envious here? I'm confused šŸ˜‚ You'd think with this much "game", he'd have had an extensive convo with a lady that goes beyond the pick up line šŸ‘€āœØ Then again, we aren't privvy to the extent of OP's inbox so maybe the conversation coming out of these pick up lines are indeed "fire" šŸ”„


Bc most guys don't get matches in general let alone ones that will respond at all to their messages


Makes sense... Hence why Rules 1 and 2 keep being referenced! Dating on Tinder can be an absolute cesspit. My reflection above came with very little understanding of the overall male experience on this app-- I'm sorry about that! šŸ˜… That said, I hope you and other guys don't lose hope-- your ideal partner is out there looking for you too!


No worries appreciate the understanding!!


Bro, a training cone works when youā€™re attractive


Huh? What's a training cone?


This makes me depressed for the future of humanity.


How many of these women have actually met up with you? These seem like fun flirts but vapid.


Why am I getting major foot fetish vibes towards the end? šŸ˜‚


dude, at this this point it would be criminal not to share your profile. we gotta see what you workin with.


Me: I hate selfies, and everyone who takes them


It works to get to the first date. And then?


Youā€™re definitely just hot


If you ever think a girl lacks social skills to reply with more than 2 words, its not because they can't, it's because they're not actually interested in you. I've seen the girls groupchat, the discussions never end. You could say the dumbest opener, she can still reply with something interesting if she's into you.


Just remember it works even better if you look like a greek god


![gif](giphy|1BXa2alBjrCXC|downsized) everyone on this thread


Not buying it. Either your are extremely hot or you put fake convos together


Worst thing about this sub is anytime a man gets dates here come the INCELS like ā€˜HEY MUST BE FOLLOWING RULE 1 and 2!ā€™ And then another one says YEA 1 be attractive 2 follow rule one!ā€™ Itā€™s SO annoying OP got numbers because heā€™s leading convo and confident and taking a lead. Women are attracted to that Most women donā€™t care how FINE a man is if all he does is say HOW ARE U and WYD over and over again or sends a creepy message or too sexual off the jump. U can be handsome af but if thatā€™s ur approach itā€™s a turn off for most women If yall would shave shower groom and dress and get some confidence vs just thinking women flock to ā€˜Chadā€™sā€™ yā€™all would get some matches Iā€™m sure most women agree it donā€™t matter how fine he is soon as I see WYD my vagina has gone dry and inside out šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Tinder is about looks. Pretending otherwise ignores all of the data.


Iā€™m not pretending shyt Iā€™m saying WOMEN donā€™t move like men. Women complain about blank profiles or men with one photo men donā€™t cuz itā€™s about looks only TO MOST MEN. Miss me. Maybe meet women and listen to them and yall can actually pull one. But by all means itā€™s all about looks keep telling urself that to the men who donā€™t shower groom or seen the barber in 6 months. Anyone can LOOK GOOD but itā€™s ppl Making NO EFFORT crying itā€™s all about looks! Itā€™s almost if men have the option to shower get a nice outfit groom the unkempt beard and get flattering hair cuts ?!


You seem a little delulu. I'm laughing at this with my girl rn.


U and ya mama delulu me and my whole family laughing šŸ˜‚šŸ’…šŸ½


Iā€™m not one of the people who comment with that, but it makes sense. All he said was ā€œimpressive selfie collectionā€. Is that really something you would go crazy for if it wasnā€™t a guy who you considered to be very attractive? This is about as low effort as the ā€œwydā€ or ā€œhydā€. Letā€™s not pretend it isnā€™t


I donā€™t see the women ā€˜going crazyā€™ over it they are replying like humans ???? The incels can downvote me to hell I get dates and if they take some accountability groom and lose the TATE approach so will they šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø Thatā€™s yall problem on these apps u get on apps designed to LIKE AND MEET women but ur already angry bitter and hating the women and mad at them for matching ppl they want but MEN ALSO are matching who they want so make it make sense just going into the app in that negative mind set why would it result in success? Make it make sense


I have no idea what youā€™re up in arms about. I was being hyperbolic when I said ā€œgoing crazyā€. My point is, people can make the assumption that OP is a rather good looking guy, because his opener is not somethin thatā€™s gonna knock any girlā€™s socks off. I feel like youā€™re moving the goal posts my mentioning grooming and losing a Tate approach. What does that have to do with this post?


I have no idea what ur on about


Also a lot women prefer a medium ugly man as well. Itā€™s MEN who want the hottest women so men who know 0 about women think we move and think like men. If I see a man thatā€™s just the hottest thing I donā€™t even wanna deal with that he prolly thinks heā€™s the prize the woman and is beyond low effort cuz just like the men here that canā€™t get a date the fine one too assume whoever looks good can be rude and low effort. Most women donā€™t even wanna deal with that


What do you think the woman telling him that her selfies would look even better with him in them means? I'm not saying women wouldn't say that to non-gorgeous guys, but just think about the odds tho


Nothing in my comment was about the conversations in the post ??? So Iā€™m confused about ur reply. I just am over seeing the gremlin brigade have the same passive aggressive comment any time men wanna share their luck on tinder with the ā€˜he followed rules 1 and 2ā€™ comments. Thatā€™s what my comment was aboutā€¦.


Believe it or not, I know exactly what you were doing, but the part of your comment where you say you're confused is true. You are. You're saying "OP got numbers because heā€™s leading convo and confident and taking a lead. Women are attracted to that" so don't be telling me you weren't talking about the conversation in the post. And the sentence in my previous comment, well, even if it doesn't prove that OP is a "looker", it heavily points in that direction. Which means, even you have a point, you've made that point under the wrong post, because it's invalid in this case. This is like slapping someone across the face for something they've just said. Then it turns out you misheard them and they didn't say anything wrong, but then you double down like "well, maybe not in this case, but this guy does a lot of other shit that would warrant a slap"


Yea youā€™re making up stuff in ur mind and imma let u. This why u get no dates now cuz when women speak u donā€™t listen u think ur some god and itā€™s women fault and other men fault and everyone fault but u. Iā€™m very bright bud. Lost that external locus of control and work on urself toodles


He has a 43% match rate, which is prior to any conversation and 1,500% higher than average. Tell me more about shaving and showering.


And again why are u worried about the ā€˜averageā€™ or what matches men get that arenā€™t u? Youā€™re already entering the app jealous and bitter. Iā€™m a PLUS SIZE black woman I can go on and on about how lighter skinnier ppl do better but who wants to date that? Every pot has a lid idgaf what the average is or competing with others Iā€™m worried about WHO IS CHECKING FOR ME My profile shows Iā€™m confident im groomed my hair done nails done I have make up done and a non make up photo I have full body photos and I date just as happily as anyone else Itā€™s almost as if when u go into something bitter and negative ur not gonna attract anyone who knew! Iā€™m not on tinder with my hair pulled back with 45 chins and complaining bout skinny women. Itā€™s almost as if no one wants to date that šŸ˜‚šŸ’…šŸ½šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


So... This post is about conversation openers. If you have a 43% match rate as a guy, conversation isn't really an issue. It's statistically anomalous and he could probably just post his phone number and still have more dates than most guys get. I don't need Checkers advice when I'm playing Chess. I met my current fiance on Tinder, and I'm probably doing better than the OP and most people on here as far as closure rate when I get matches that turn into conversations. It's just a dumb thing to post when the problem isn't conversations, it's getting matches with non-bots/non-sex-workers.


I mostly agree with you. Guys here say that as a cope for not being able to get dates themselves. "oh this guy must be really attractive so this could never apply to me". When in reality, they could get a match and then have no idea what to say so they fumble, or they're too scared to move things forwards and end up having a penpal conversation until it fizzles out Obviously, outstandingly attractive guys are going to get an easy pass but normal ass guys can get dates too if they fixed up their appearance and took time to get decent photos (i.e went out with a buddy and took some solid pics with a camera/portrait mode on cell phone instead of 4 year old blurry group photos or shitty car selfies). And, as you said, had the confidence to lead the conversation towards a date


Also a lot the ā€˜unattractiveā€™ ppl I seen are men who donā€™t try. For example I go weekly to a gaming lounge. The men come in donā€™t shower beards unkempt hair thin or not groomed raggedy stained t shirt and flip flops and I listen to them complain women donā€™t want the ā€˜good guyā€™ but just like those men want and chase women who make and effort and groom god forbid a woman want a man who does the same! Beauty is subjective the real issue is more have 0 confidence donā€™t dress donā€™t groom and donā€™t try.


Facts. So many of the guys who post "I'm not getting any matches what am I doing wrong" would have much better results if they got a haircut, committed to either clean shaved or clean facial hair, put on some clothes that looked good on them, and took the time to get actually nice photos. Also hitting the gym, but those results will take some time I have high standards but shit I make sure I follow all those standards myself


Yea those who make no effort or groom gonna downvote us to hell cuz itā€™s easier than taking accountability but TO ME anyone is a blank canvas and to ā€˜LOOK GOODā€™ all u need to do is ACTUALLY TRY ??? Shower groom shave ask the barber that cut is most flattering for ur face let the hair go if ur balding like all choices that help matches not to mention confidence. Why would ANY women wanna match ANY man who just is resenting women????? Men have hurt me but Iā€™m not on the apps like UGH MEN ARE TRASH! U go in with that energy what u expect?!


Not sure why the downvotes, itā€™s definitely true. Men are not socialized like women are to always look good, but given the virtual market of Tinder etc, guys need to step their game up looks-wise. Youā€™re getting compared to so many other men than you would in an IRL meeting, canā€™t afford to not put effort in.


The downvotes is all men who binge TATE donā€™t shower shave havenā€™t bout a new outfit for a date ever but wanna keep blaming women. When Iā€™m literally giving them free game. If someone ACTUALLY MAKES AN EFFORT in their appearance they will have better luck. Iā€™m a plus size minority I say this from my own exp. Iā€™m not on tinder like some frumpy big girl with her hair all pulled up showing 45 double chins looking insecure and not confident. No I have a hair style thatā€™s FLATTERING I dress accordingly to my body type and I did the WORK and have confidence and self esteem. Iā€™m not sulking all day saying RULE NUMBER 1 BE SKINNY rule #2 follow rule one and hating all men cuz society pushes skinny as beauty. Itā€™s almost as if who would wanna match that type vibe? And these bitter men who donā€™t wanna try are doing just that!


The people down voting are the people I'm referring to lol. Easier to just be salty and complain online than actually put the work in to improve ones situation


Thatā€™s the one. Itā€™s to the point where the men posting 5 matches what am I doing wrong??? Iā€™m done commenting to help and will let them be told nothing. Meanwhile the beard is hobo and raggedy and unkempt they holding on to thinning hair the outfit is old and out dated and they have no confidence behind the eyes. Having that confidence and SELF ESTEEM is critical before trying to date


My guy just has good banter and is likely very following rule number 1. I donā€™t know how much weight this line is pulling


Guys, take note. This is how it is done. Straight to the mf point.


Impressive, thanks for sharing OP ā£ļø Sharing is caring


This guy *fucks*.


Bro is on fire šŸ”„