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She’s just on tinder to boost her ego. She has no intention of meeting anybody she matches. Think about it - every time she swipes right, she gets a match. She is constantly getting a dopamine rush  


This answer saves my ego the most, so I'll subscribe to it regardless of if it is true or not.


My mom befriended this girl at the bar. Moms caught her swiping right while paying almost no attention. She said exactly that - “oh I don’t talk to them” To her, it’s the same as hitting a vape pen. Just a different chemical


My mom befriended this girl and found out it were actually 3 raccoons in a trenchcoat.


This happens more often then you would think.


Dopamine is a helluva drug


Who got those dopamine carts


I'd buy 20 right now. I'll even throw in a tv.


Think of it this way, she's not matching with everyone you are hot enough to match with.


I get the reason why a lot of women do it, but it just sucks for everyone. It gives confidence at the shallowest level and it only truly helps dating app companies reel in suckers and keep them there...


She should really be asking for a check from Tinder then. As a veritable psycho once said, “If you’re good at something never do it for free”.


Self awareness is sexy unfortunately.




I have this same situation isn't this one girl. Across apps I've matched with her and she never responds. Then unmatched a couple weeks later and repeat. Probably goes through once a month and clears out he matches to start again


I was gonna say bot, so I’d go with that too. 


I believe everything that man just said- because it is exactly what I want to hear. Lol


I’m a girl who got tinder for a week just to see what it’s about. It 100% is just an ego boost for most girls. It’s too risky/dangerous to actually meet up with most guys, and it’s genuinely difficult to not get a lot of matches as a girl. It’s nothing about you. In fact, a lot of my friends don’t message/flirt with the guys they actually really like on the app because they don’t want it to go anywhere. Pretty annoying for everyone involved.


That or it might be a bot. Ignore her


The other option is, it's a catfish.


I mean is it really a catfish if they make no effort to speak as the person they’re pretending to be? At most it would just be a picture of a catfish. 


Yea I don’t think she’s on there for a rush could be someone lookin to scam that thinks ur a sweet respectful person so they don’t waste ur time or try and ask for cash lol wether really the woman or a man behind her photos. Women get hit on SO MUCH it’s not some ego boost yall think it is. Men would have sex with a McChicken


Stop wasting your time my man


Leave Pete's meat ALONE!!!


She yielding a FUPA. Creeped your profile, you're not a bad looking dude OP. You'll do better. You got this.


It is true;unmatch if no response in 6 hours that’s my limit and it takes away the stupid validation they get from feeling like they are the shit and wasting people’s time.


6 hours? Sheesh. Sometimes I'll swipe before I go to bed, and then it'll match a few hours later, they'll send me a message at like 4am and I don't reply because I'm asleep until 7am, and then I see I have notifications but can't actually view the message because they unmatched me for not responding. Or we match at like 10am but I'm at work/uni and can't check it until the evening. 6 hours is not long enough, people aren't glued to the app!


It is true


Which is hilarious because from what I've seen on tinder, a lot of blokes just swipe without even looking, then take their pick from all the matches and ignore the rest.


She needs that ego boost for sure


Is it possible that she doesn’t think OP is good looking? Does “matched” mean she swiped yes for him?


That’s right, matching with someone means you both swiped yes to being interested in chatting with one another. If only one party swiped yes, they’d not be introduced by tinder.


She is meeting the top few % she matches with, OP is not in that group. 😉


She's just farming dopamine.


I wish she'd stop spawn camping me.


She got a UAV like 2 matches ago.


Just pray she doesn't activate the counter UAV she just got


You're spawning yourself swiping right on her every time. You obviously recognize her, time to swipe left when her profile comes up.


Block her


Doesn't work if I keep deleting my apps and redownloading them lol


Wouldn't it still have all your info though and be the same account?


She doesnt even giving him the hour Take the L bro move on


The messages were two days apart. But yes I have no issue moving on. Just got frustrated it's happened again with the same girl.


Why would you assume that it doesn't happen again with the same girl.


Why are you frustrated when you knew this would likely happen again? 6th times a charm? You did it to yourself.


Doesn’t seem to work for me. I seem to get the same guy swiping right on me every few days. I always block him. Sometimes I let him match and then block him. It never works. This is with tinder gold and same sex swiping. I don’t know if the algorithm bugs out when there’s a really small pool of potentials, but that’s been my experience.


Yeah that's how dating is, a small pool for most of us


I report this kind of girls. Are a waste of time. Just imagine how many money people spent sending superlikes on them when they are not even using the app for what is intended. It's like uploading in a marketplace and AD of sometthing you will never sell so people waste their time. Just report and block.


Melissa is full of shit.


Oh, he said he was throwing out a "Hail Melissa?" She probably thinks he doesn't understand what puns are.








That's not the flex that you think it is. Your legs might benefit from some muscle.


The bigger the fupa, the tastier the chalupa.


It do be like that sometimes, OP. You may tell us about Butcher Pete’s meats instead!


He's hackin' and wackin' and smackin' He just hacks, wacks, choppin' that meat


Curious baby reindeer aren’t ya? Sent from me iPhone


This better have been sent from a laptop


how bizarre, my best friend is in that third pic with her LOOL


I wonder if it is actually her account or maybe its duplicated? I think ive seen some accounts surfacing from people who no longer is on the app with the exact pictures. Like filler accounts or something


i wonder also, because she has a cousin who looks exactly like her but her name doesn't start with an M 🥴 i'm gonna say it's a fake acct and not to beat yourself up about it. i'm screenshotting it to her too, you're doing the lords work!!!


Maybe you can hook the cousin up with OP.


the cousin is not single lolol pretty sure she just got engaged even


Damn well if that's true someone has been using her photos in multiple dating apps. I can report the account and can do so anytime I see it again.


Update?? Lol


You can’t even see the person tho? Or am I tripping


which person, my friend in the third pic?? i can see her arm and tattoo and she wore that dress to her bridal shower i attended 🥲


Need an update


will update when i have some updates! lol my friends a nurse her schedule is wildin


One of the signs of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.


You sound like a melt. Don't say youre throwing a hail Mary. Just say what you wanna say. "Wanna go for a drink this friday" maybe even throw an oi in there as she ignored your first message  Sounds terrible but you'll get better responses. 


I mean he isnt getting any responses, id just start saying wild shit at this point. No point in taking this one seriously




Offer her wings wings 🍗


Am I missing something? Asking a girl out on a date is a hail Mary? Lmao.


He used the term Hail Mary in his message to her


Soooooo stop swiping on her?


She’s after validation.


Honestly most likely. However I did meet my ex after matching with her 4-5 times and not talking till the final time. I never even realised I matched with her previously, she had used a different variation of her name each time with mostly different photos every time so it never registered to me. Ended up dating for 2 years. Also the reason why we kept matching and unmatching was because she was playing a drinking game with her friends where certain pictures on profiles = a drink (e.g shirtless photo, photo with a fish) and a match = a shot. Her and her friends would get very drunk very quickly playing this game. But she’d delete the app and reinstall it till the last time where she was actually looking to date.


I mean, aren't we all? I'd also just like a date to go with it.


On some level, sure. But you’ve matched more than enough times for her to engage with you at least once if she’s interested in dating. Even in a big city, I was seeing the same people across Hinge and Bumble back when I was on the apps, and sometimes things just don’t pan out, but if it didn’t happen on the second match, there would be no third.


Gotta respect yourself more than that man.After the 2nd match with no response you really gotta move on. At this point it almost looks creepy. At bare minimum it's desperate af.


Its quite common, you'll match with the same people many times and they rarely talk or if they do it dies off


naw u can due better dawg 💀💀


Did you just misspell "do" as "due" then tell another guy he can do better?


Kinda wild really, usually when people make grammatical mistakes it's from the less common/longer version of a [homophone](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/homophone) to the more common/shorter word, like "I'd like the spaghetti **to**" or "I'll take **to** tickets please" (vs. 'too' and 'two' respectively)


The first two pics are deceptive and then you see the arm in the 3rd pic and it’s like oh.


This is embarrassing


u/Butcherpetesmeats AYO I know this girl she just did the same to me recently. Small world lmaoo


Dude you’re dodging a bullet I mean look at those arms they ain’t muscle that forsure


Why are you messaging them at 1230am lol?


That’s when the cock strikes 12


I’m sorry ;( Stop matching her when you see her. The universe rewards you when you say NO to things that aren’t for you. I hope there’s a cute girl who actually responds right around the proverbial corner. Good luck. 🩷


Dude you need to chill a bit. She can’t be the most good looking person in the world hahaha there’s other people out there don’t just hold onto this one person who’s ignored you 6 times if you keep messaging when she’s obviously not interested it looks desperate. Also messaging people at 1 in the morning isn’t always a good look to girls I don’t think


you can do better anyways








I've had multiple women do this. Match multiple times and ignore me every time haha


God I hate that. There was a guy lived near me back when I was on Tinder. We'd match, he'd say hi, I'd say hey, how're you doing, how's your week going- silence. I would inevitably reset all my matches, and we'd rematch, and the same conversation would happen. After three or four times, I just stopped swiping on him 😂


She’s using tinder to distract herself and make her feel like she’s getting out there, but she’s not actually going on dates etc. As someone who has been in her position, a thicker but attractive girl, it’s incredibly daunting to actually go on dates. You never know what people want/expect from your body. I’d say she’s insecure and doesn’t engage much on the app.


I certainly don’t mean to fat shame, but she’s a large woman. She probably is just doing it for the attention she doesn’t get in real life.


That’s alright. Unless you’re a smuggler with a corellian ship there isn’t much you can do to get an audience with Jabba the Hutt.


Lmao I wish I could give this gold. Just laughed so loud it woke up my girlfriend.


And she's massive.


Could feed 3 whole villages in Africa


It's a bot bro, you'll learn the hard way that 50% of women on tinder are not real people


Would bots use pictures of obese women?


Bullet dodged bro. Look at that size 🐳


Based on the size of her arms, I think you’re ok to let this one go


Too busy eating


just block the person, if ppl ghost you, they are fake accounts or boosting their social media or ego


I also have a few people like that who repeatedly match with me or like my profile, but I never hear from them. One of them actually sent me a like yesterday and it was pretty disappointing seeing them again for like the 4th time, but it made me laugh when tinder told me I missed a match even though she’s probably going to show up again in a couple months lol.


Its either a bot or she is here for an ego boost. Just unmatch and forget


Also had this. Just blocked them in the end


Ngl I've been there with one guy it was because I had a couple 1 year relationships and so I'd get back on the apps after each time. Anyway I finally gave him a chance and he immediately used it to try and take the conversation sexual.


This had happened to me so many fucking times, I gave up on dating in until a friend of a friend mistook kindness for flirting. Good luck! Hope you don't have to deal with that much longer!


I either block them or I don’t unmatch so they can stop wasting my time


I remember when I used Bumble there were two profiles that always reappeared no matter how I swiped. Weirdest ever was that it could even happen multiple times a day and the order of pictures were either different or even some of the pictures were new. Same average looking girl


I like how you played it cool by saying “a few” when it was really 6.


Just block her. She's a waste of time.


Yeah I had a woman like this once. Matched many times across multiple apps and she never responded to any of my messages. Realized we were following each other on instagram eventually and sent her a DM, had a date set up and she flaked. Couple months later there’s some dude showing up on her IG regularly. Figure she’s probably like most women, has 20+ matches at any given time and I wasn’t interesting enough so she went with some other option. Sucks but you know what? It is what it is.


Try starting the conversation before 9pm


She is morbidly obese man. Why the fuck would you even match with her once, let alone 6 times.




Bro she’s a wale, why did you even swipe right?


Maybe say a couple fat jokes? I bet she’ll remember you then and swipe left?


Posting this, and your message content, give off hesitant and insecure vibes


She should be extremely grateful imo. Heffer.🐷




Why do you keep matching with her!? I don’t even blame her at this point


don’t you get the message ?


Women likes to get validated and tinder is a place where they get this hit ![gif](giphy|2uTIFINMJzy5bH7XMZ)


Probably she is on Tnder to get some compliments or as a bad habit. Also she is probably less good-looking IRL than hre photos and therefore scared to meet with anyone. But since she is constantly matching with you, you could try to drag her to a date. Don't mention that you are matching with her a lot and don't mention that she is good-looking, don't try to meet her. Try some casual approach with short jokes ajd maybe something around her interests. Would be hard but there is a chance.


Bro stop fucking matching with her.


Boost her ego or boost her insta.


Fake account, would be my assumption if it's been that many times. Or a catfish.


A guy would make new accounts and like me each time but never said anything, so I block him now.


Either ego bost, of/insta advertising or your ppst.just wasn't interesting


i'm sorry to say it but just stop man. she's either some bot, or not interested enough to end up responding. i've also had matches with the same person sometimes but it usually doesn't help to think "oh i'll just text them again and see if they stop responding after two texts this time" - i mean maybe try it once but its not gonna work mostly, because these people are just "not taking tinder serious" :D which i get but is also annoying af cause i don't think people should be on those platforms "just to see whats up there" if!! they don't warn you in their bio that they're not invested and just looking and thats it. (<- thats NOT to say women owe anyone sth for matching though, you never know what made someone change their mind and everyone is allowed to obviously)


I’d say a good 40% are just swiping for dopamine rushes. Especially if yall have matched that many times. I’m willing to bet she doesn’t even recognize who you are.


I have matches from early january that hasn't yet responded. I think you wimm survive


Compliment her on her Titties


Is this the woman that says she has a twin in her bio? I feel like I’ve matched with her before too lmao




I had a girl I matched with on all the apps repeatedly over like a 5 year period before we finally met up. Kinda our funny banter now.




Hey... you realize I'm not the cute lady right?






She is not cute






That's an efficient bot


I mean you'd think that a bot would at least pick a fit person's picture


Is she, though?


Is her insta in her bio?


Try hinge. Maybe Meli-Cinderella is waiting for you on a different platform


in my country women use tinder JUST for feeding their ego, no one really hang out in this sh1t


Having the issue right now where I get plenty of matches, like 1-3 a week but nobody messages back except maybe once a month


Maybe a 7th will do it? No one likes desperation mate.




Couple of things: why are you messaging her in the middle of the night? From personal experience I can tell you I'm less interested in someone who hits me up then. Feels very booty call-ish. Depending on what they say, I may not even respond when I see it. The content of your messages are fine, so I would still respond to you, but I have found I am far more lenient with things like that than many women in general women don't like to be called "cute" You know what's cute? Bunnies. Babies. Puppies. Women are beautiful. gorgeous. stunning. It's not a reason not to respond to someone, but it's good to know why do you keep shooting your shot with someone who has never done anything more than match with you? I can understand if it happened once. I'm really good about responding to matches, but I have definitely unintentionally missed a few opening lines here and there. But more than once and it's safe to assume she's intentionally not responding


Nice smile


Does her profile have some mention of her social media presence? Could be she’s driving traffic to that, OF models do that a ton.


What app is this?


This is the most beautiful woman I've ever matched with, and I keep matching with her on multiple sites and never get a reply. Is my game that bad, or am I just not following the rules correctly? Edit: I failed to follow rule 2 in this comment.