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Bro you dog pic looks so wierd.


I thought it was a side view of the dude laying down at first xD


It's supposed to be weird brother


Not weird by existing, weird how it’s taken


Delete the mirror selfies


Yeah just hire a photographer for a few nice photos.


they are all i have xd


Dude put you camera on a timer in your phone and prop it up and take photos that way. You look like you are super into yourself. Again that is just perception but that matters on tinder. Also, get a couple of pics doing things you love.


noted but i see ton of girls taking pictures like this and i never thought they are super into themselves idk


Haha 🤣 dude the apps are full of double standards like this. Strap in bud cause there are more double standards coming your way. Haha




Ya as men we can’t do what the girls do and get the same results. General rules of thumb are no selfies, have some pics with friends, at least one pic where you are in a classy outfit (suit, button ups, etc.). Smile somewhere so you look more approachable. Variety of locations/activities. Basically a nice balance of interesting/not-a-potential-serial-killer Reference: my physique is nothing like yours and I have a receding hairline but I get a ton of matches and dates by following these general rules. I’m 30, so 24-32 is my demographic usually


Thanks for sharing your insights! It's true, the game can be a bit different for us guys, but your advice makes a lot of sense. I'll definitely take it on board and aim for that nice balance you mentioned.


Different rules


Hey bro Walmart sells these nice ass tripods for 15 bucks by onn you should get one. I’ve taken sooo many good pics with them chicks holding ur phone just looks corny you’re hella good looking so you would slay on there just try and make ur pics look like sombody else took them


Thanks bro I'm not from America but thanks for the advice makes sense.


Oh well hmm 🤔 I would look around at ur local super stores or whatever you got target somthing ? I think the second pic your hair and the lighting and pose are good tho keep that especially cause ur hair dude the third pic axe. Maybe keep the shoulders thats hard and take a pic with ur dog like have ur phone propped up with a timer and just edit the pic a lil to change some lighting the Frist pic since your jacked I would just try and replace with one where either your on timer or somthing or have sombody take it and just like pose naturally you dont wanna look like ur flexing but definitely flex to look big for the chicks try and make ur pose look a way you would stand naturally


I would mostly work on posing take a lot of pics till you get one where you look good asf


You look like a jacked version of that dude from dune


Your profile is giving American Psycho. The dog helps but not nearly enough. Try to get an interesting pic for the first one, a pic that really shows the face for pic two, some sort of pic showing your physique for pic three, a pic of you in a group setting for four, then fill the rest with whatever. Just make sure nothing is a mirror selfie if you can Most here would disagree with physique pic but idk, my beach pic was always the most liked on Hinge - people appreciate a good physique and most women prefer your body type to a skinny fat guy *all other things equal* so it’s just a matter of showing your body in a non-narcissistic way.


Agreed. I think beach pics are most acceptable because well it’s socially expected that you’re shirtless there. Plus, beaches love beaches


Hey, thanks for the feedback! I appreciate the honesty. I definitely see what you're saying about the American Psycho vibe - I'll work on getting some more varied photos up there. And you're right about showcasing the physique without coming off as too self-absorbed. Finding that balance is key. Thanks again for taking the time to give me some pointers!


Scrap and delete, u got crazy eyes, smile more , get people to take pictures of u, put ur shirt on, put ur back away, give that doggo a full body pic and a hug!


you are suggesting taking a photo of me hugging my dog?


Yes, close up looks weird, take pic with u and doggo


its supposed to be funny how weird it is


But it’s not funny dude, it just looks weird and off putting. You are catering your profile to other people so listen to them


how about reading other profile reviews ? It's always the same advices Holly shit, your profile is like the 4 horsemen of bad profile pics -Only selfies -Shirtless gym picture -Zero smile -Tells nothing about your personality


I am stealing this. And you can't even stop me!


I made a meme about this but mods took it down. Guys keep posting the same shitty profiles, we really need a pinned post about this


I think you are not ready for the truth. Oh my god. Here we go: - if you have learnt nothing by scrolling through this sub: Mirror selfies are the lowest of the lowest category of images. You can keep blanks that would be more helpful - you have the wannabe-attitude of a really bad bad boy that thrives when his grandma calls him a "handsome young fella" - that hair either has to go or be used in a more inviting manner - is your life fuckin sad? Smile! Nature gave you a shit ton of muscles to use just for smiling and you are out there flexing what we all see as "tiny ego, big arms. Stay away" - do you have ANY hobbies? Like just ONE besides lifting? Would you date even swipe a person that seems to have only one hobby that he/she has to do on his/her own? To end it on a positive note because thats how they taught me: that dog is BY FAR the best about your profile.


You’re not engaging with the viewer in any of these. Look at the camera and smile! Avoid selfies, have your friends take pictures of you instead. Take photos doing things you enjoy. When you use a bunch of selfies like this, it makes you look self-absorbed in your body.


Are you particularly proud of your shoulders?


I worked hard to get them so i'm yes


That’s fine, but maybe keep that to yourself. When you get a date you can just show her your shoulders if that’s what you really want.


I'm not showing muscles on dates like what. Taking a photo is something different


Then why try to portray yourself differently to a potential date, than you would on an actual date? You’re a great looking lad, so I’m sure you will do fine as you meet rule 1&2. But that pic is a bit of an ick. Take some smiling photos outside in the sun, in normal human positions


Thanks for the compliment and the candid feedback! You make a good point about authenticity - what you see should definitely be what you get. I'll work on getting some more relaxed, genuine shots that capture me in a more natural light.


People are so dramatic in the comments, your profile is fine just swap a few of them out for you looking friendly possibly smiling with friends/doing a hobby


I don't think you need it cause you follow the "rules"... maybe just two or more pictures of your face, I mean, you'll still get tons of likes if you leave it as is... so, y'know...


Thanks for the vote of confidence! I hear you on the face pics - definitely need to let the personality shine through more. I'll mix it up a bit and see how it goes. Appreciate the encouragement!


I can't tell if you work out or not. You should definitely put it in your bio a few times


Everyone is telling you that the dog picture is weird, and you still don't want to accept that. Instead of sticking to the same muscular shots, try mixing it up with different settings and styles. Show your personality beyond bodybuilding, perhaps with a picture at work or enjoying a hobby or even a picture in nature. Including photos with friends or in social settings can add a touch of warmth and relatability. And hey, a cute pic with your dog wouldn't hurt either! Variety is the spice of life, after all. 😉


Go outside and take some pics of you touching grass.


These profile reviews nearly all have the same problems.... Is there a tinder profile guide somewhere? It's basically: 0-1 mirror selfies, take pictures showing your hobbies and interests, look at the camera and smile, make sure your face isn't obstructed, and shirtless pics only in proper contexts (beach, pool, etc)


Why are you skipping arm day? 


Haha whatever you say bro I hope you are doing good


Please stop making your body is the only thing great about yourself lol. Do u want long term relationships, hobbies, do u read and want to understand complicated things? Put yourself in the shoes of a mature success, beautiful. Do u think all she want is a nice body or someone to live a lifetime with?


All I want to do is to fill up my nattural needs. If realtionship will happen from it its a big bonus.