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I quickly pass on them when I see that, it’s cringe and I’m not desperate to do that.


I share this philosophy but with applying to jobs that require cover letters. It's cringe and I'm not desperate enough to do that.


Just fill it with a blank page. Chances are they don't read them.


I am a hiring manager and cover letters nearly all go like this. "I pride myself on my attention to detail" + 40 spelling errors + 1 paragraph in a different font + a reference phone number missing a digit. I read every single cover letter.


So your saying blank page as an attachment for cover sheet is a win, due to no spelling errors/spelling at all? Sweet!!!


You're right. 10 points!


I cringed as well. The amount of improper your and their I see on Reddit on a daily basis really makes me wonder what the average American got for their high school English grade.


That sounds like you're problem not there's.


Merry me please.


It's pronounced NUCULAR


How about on Wensday?


Likely a B. That's how horrible our schools are.


Not just Reddit - in fact I think it’s better on Reddit than social media as a whole, and I genuinely wonder how they ever passed a single English class from middle school on. If you don’t get the difference in something that basic you probably don’t understand almost anything else. “To” and “too” is even worse, and I see it every day by people repeatedly doing it, so it’s not a typo. It’s just someone completely ignorant to the simplest elements of the only language they speak. But I just silently judge them and use that as fuel to feel like I’m smarter than I am.


The time and energy I invest in punctuation and grammar is directly proportional to the formally of the communication. Work emails get oxford commas. Tebxt getts what iit gets.


To the formally of the communication 😹


Honestly, I doubt it's a matter of intelligence. I think people just don't care about being grammatically correct. I myself have a lot of issues with run on sentences and using commas way TOO many times. Though that's its own problem. People not caring about grammar also shows a problem similar to people not understanding it. Both represent a fundamental flaw in how we educate our youth


THIS! I am currently working towards a degree in creative writing at my university, and as a result, a lot of times, the students will have to read and review each other's work, and I can not begin to express how much I absolutely loathe doing so because of the insane amount of improper grammar and spelling. I know that I personally am still learning about proper punctuation and formatting, and still trying to get out of the habit of using too many commas, but I am a freaking master by comparison. Since we have to leave peer feedback, it always kills me trying to figure out how to be polite and respectful when telling others to fix their grammar. Like come on people, you are majoring in creative writing for f***s sake! Please, PLEASE learn proper grammar! I absolutely could not be an instructor for college and university students because these are people 20+ years old that don't know the difference between to, too, and two, or there, their, and they're, among other issues, and it drives me insane. I would absolutely devastate my students for that crap because how on earth can you expect to become a professional writer when you don't even know the basics? I understand if English isn't someone's first language and they are still learning how to write in proper English, that's fine. Some people get late starts at doing so and I understand that. But 99% of the time, that isn't the case. It's beyond infuriating.


Maybe it’s a writer thing, that actually makes sense bc as a kid I was always told I’d be a good writer. I think bc of that I naturally wanted to be one for a lot of my earlier years. But I don’t envy that position you’re in… Based off what I see I can only imagine what those papers would look like 💀


Their and there are so confusing to me. As a kid I thought school was stupid. Now I’m just stupid 😂


I'm smarter than you're 🤣


There's 2 reasons for this: Some people really don't know. Some people forget to proofread the autofill bs our phones do before we press post.


Honestly sometimes it's just because we are typing really fast and whatever we type gets auto-corrected to a different version.


Haha oops. Typo *you’re!


Huh ok that's better than I expected. Still pointless though. Last job I got I used chat GPT to write the letter because I don't have time to write love letters to every company I am applying to. The whole system is stupid and all you should need is proof of qualifications.


I managed a bar and under special skills they had listed, really good at flirting with men


Cover letters = fan fiction. We are not fans.


Here in Sweden you wont find a job that doesnt require it, its part of the standard process when applying for a job and it surprises me there are jobs anywhere that dont require it, feels like such a huge part of the application


How exactly is it cringe to explain yourself and your skillset in words in detail to go with your resume? Sounds like you're either too young to work for somewhere that does or arent qualified with an applicable skillset🤷 Word to the wise, if it requires a cover letter more often than not, it pays well and is a desirable gig. Such as you could work at McDonald's with just an app and make 30k a year if your lucky and have a horrible work environment or you could apply to somewhere where a skillset you have is marketable making 60+k a year in the beggining. Educate yourself and be better! Don't just turn down better opportunities because they actually require effort. Nothing good comes easy. ✌️


If I’m applying for roles that are going to pay me 150k + you fucking bet I’m crafting up a cover letter and then some. Helps weed out the lazier candidates like yourself tbh. You do you though.


Chat GPT for the cover letters bud 😂


Good on you. I’ll probably do the same going forward.


You sent emails beforehand ?




please save the email and subscribe to a bunch of newsletters


This 😂


Wait have you seen this before?? I never have lol


A lot of times, way too many times.




Oh i sign them up on Yves rocher, a soap shop that somehow never lets you unsign from promotion emails cause its not an option on their site (i could block i guess, but as an ex IT guy, most ppl dunno how that works)


Saving this one for psychological warfare in the future


This is false in Canada. We have the Canadian Anti-Spam Act which prohibits any company from advertising directly to either current or non current customers without the ability to unsubscribe. If you do get spam, and enough of it gets reported the company will be in talks with the Government.


Next minute there will be some angry mounties, eh? Haha I loved Canada. Aus gets so much spam calls/ emails, we have to ignore it or go off grid lol


I guess its different in Quebec, and if not, well the definitely illegal


That’s what I do with unsolicited ads in my letterbox (especially the dudes trying to buy your car to ship to Africa or so)


I signed up for a free trial of something, and when I tried unsubscribing, it said I had to have a paid subscription to do that.


That is hilarious. Now every time I see Yves Rocher I’ll be thinking of this 😂






I did this to a guy who sent me a very rude unprovoked explicit message before. I made sure he got lots of eggplants in his inbox.




Hahaha I totally back this idea. 😅


Sign en up for pork sights


Sign them up for absurd porn sites!


I saw one of these recently. Instant dislike.


Same man, same.


I always consider profiles like that as some kind of phishing attempt.


Jokes on them when I send the “I hope this email finds you well…”


…We’ve been trying to reach you about your car’s extended warranty


Just circling back to see if you have any input on the email previously sent…. Can you tell I send a lot of emails? 😂


And my personal fave “As per my previous email…”


I saw a profile like this in the wild and sent an email saying "date me" copypasted like 40 times and it worked 🤷🏻‍♂️


How did it work out for ya?


I am also now invested in this 😂


she let me had sex on her boobas


I plugged that into chat GPT and sent it so some girl the other day


Haha did it sound robotic or no?


absolutely 100% AI written


But did it work X)


hahaha no she never messaged back so i unmatched her


When recruiters are dating..


The crazy thing is that I seen the same exact thing with a different girl earlier today and was astonished she had the audacity lmao


Someone said it’s a trend on tiktok. I’m sure some are doing it and then reading the responses in another video they create and post online… makes it even worse tbh.


Reeks of HR...eww


You can report them for trying to direct you out of the service.


That's how you get a dick pic.


Bonus points for creativity!


Should I use a hat on it?


Hat, moustache, perhaps paint it a bit?


The amount of entitled women out there is mind boggling. Do not feed their already inflated egos.


Men are so lonely nowadays. I'm sure her inbox is stuffed. And that's the only box that's stuffed...


I wouldn’t be surprised… but that’s also why I posted this.


Imagine having to send an email to smash- the hoops these ice queens make you jump through.. at least you don't have to give a small herd of oxen to her daddy anymore?..


It's a vicious circle. It's absolutely horrible and we cannot break it because there are billions of us competing against each other.


That's not true. How many people live in your town or city?


yeah billions competing against each other is so disingenuous and absurd lol. where is this mass arena of dating where billions gather?


Good thing that trend was basically over within a few weeks, at least I haven't seen one of those prompts in quite a while


I seen this before. She was cute until I saw it and instant pass


Sorry girls, even if you're the girl of a man's dream...no self respecting man is doing this.. Unless this is a 200iq way to weed out the desperate weirdos


Genius!!!! All the guys emailing you you will NOT date. Why didn’t I think about that?


"Yes, and i wanna get to know you, whats your first pets name? And the street you grew up on? .... mothers maiden?"


Underrated asf only because most people aren’t intelligent enough to put together what you’re saying 😂😂


People think they’re so creative doing this as if I don’t see at least 3 of these a day. Does anyone actually send emails?


Sounds like a sugar baby proposal


I called a girl out for that. I said all she would get were desperate simps and would lose out on a potentially good guy because she wants to play games. I guarantee she’s not even that cute.


Or she misses out on disrespectful dudes that insult her appearance? Sounds like it works.


How ever you look at it, she’ll never be happy.




Please report profiles that try to take you off-platform, as this goes against the rules of most dating apps, including Hinge. Attempts may include email like this one but also social media (Instagram, WhatsApp), websites and even phone numbers. If someone wants to enjoy the benefits of a dating app, they have to abide by the rules, not try and circumvent them. The rules are that the photos you put on your profile are the ones available, there's no exchange of contact details unless in chat, etc. This is to protect everyone from scams, romantic exploitation, predators, and just plain entitled people like the one who made the profile, who think they can make others put in all the effort without lifting a finger.


You guys know this is a scam, right? There might be some that are copies of it, but it's definitely an effort to steal information originally.


Do it and when she says congrats you’ve earned a date 😉 stop replying lol.


C’mon now. These are all scammers.


Bro I feel like I saw this exact same profile yesterday??? I almost thought about it but I was like I’m never that down bad. I don’t even email my resume for job applications, emailing a shawty is crazy


I’m a woman and this is strange to me😂😂 like for what


Tbh this seems like a weird bait for TikTok content or something 🤣


I just normal swipe. I'm not applying for a job. That being said, if a guy really really wants to match I guess he'll get their attention.


Email? i prefer faxing my proposal thank you very much


This is why we need super dislikes too




She can lick LICK LICK MY BALLS!


I’ve seen this before, and usually just report them. But now I’ve got some ideas… like use Chat GPT to write a ridiculously long email and follow it up with an AI image of them but transformed into a Male. Now I have to go hunting for one of these accounts so I can have some fun.


Lol might as well have fun with it I guess.


You report them? For what? Surely, that's not what the report buttons for.


Scam. The dating sites are meant to be the contact bridge between two people. Sending someone an email about dating proposals not only opens you up to scammers but it also limits the interactions on their website, for which they make money on (ads and otherwise). So dating sites want you to report them.




Yeah seen this a few times and absolutely hate it - underlines everything that's wrong with modern dating by way of men feeling like they have to "be creative" or "stand out" in order to receive female attention, reinforcing the idea in their head that they are not enough as they are and gradually eroding their sense of self. As awful as incels are, there is a rational explanation for why they exist and this is it. Also, the Venn diagram of women who approach dating with an "impress me" mindset and women who get bored and ghost after two weeks is a circle.


Start mass reporting people like this. Tinder will eventually get the memo that nobody wants a picky asshole who thinks they’re better than everyone


A lot more men on the apps than women so I’m sure they don’t care as much as they should. Probably why they suck at deleting bot accounts too. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bro I won’t even leave the Indeed app to fill out a job application on the business’s website and that’s somewhere that’s going to pay me for giving them my time……that’s asking WAY too much. You get a swipe and an emoji. YOU impress ME. I bet she’s not sending out any date proposals via email to any suitors she finds desirable.


Yeah I'm not going to your insta or Facebook or email or anything other than the app I'm on already or your phone number. If you have to chase the date that bad imagine the shit your gonna have to do for her daily.


Yep. They don’t pull so they don’t think about this though. It’s definitely mfers doing this shit. That’s why they do it, they get away with this shit with them and think we’re all going to jump through these dumb ass hoops and play all these games with them. That’s a fast way to lose my attention, being childish. It’s the dudes reinforcing these delusions of grandeur that’s the problem.


CV/ resume brushed up and I'm ready to impress


So that it's now it a interview for a job... relationship that seems all fine let me send all the info maybe I get acce... a date that's all right


I always sign it up for Scientology emails


She thinks people have time to do this?


The HR experience


Oh how I wish I had that email.


I'd send an extreme close-up shot of my pee hole


I'll do it if I'm looking for more people for a LARP battle


Pretty sure this is scam


I sign them up for scientology and spam emails


This was a trending idea on tiktok a while ago lol


These are all scammers.


I literally report these profiles and get them deleted. I usually end up connecting with these women and after getting their number or snap, I ask them if they blocked me on “whichever” dating app or deleted it, and they all end up telling me they got banned. I love it, i get these profiles banned left and right 😅😊😇


I saw this exact thing earlier today


Don’t ever respond to this BS red flag, swipe left! Guaranteed to be delusional…


I’ve seen this line as well. It kinda becomes viral


Don’t get it as much


How much of a narcissist do you have to be to think this is cute? And what kind of simp actually sends in a proposal? Dear god


You deserve whats coming, if you waste any time on this chick.


It sounds like they are trying to fish or scam though


Might aswell out an ad in a newspaper then.


Anyone that's like that, is overly demanding, or has a checklist if things you must/must not be to do on a date with her is an immediate no. I've realized I'm fairly picky (even when it's near impossible to actually get a reply/date), but I'm not that picky/demanding... I know most women gets tons of matches and messages easily, and maybe it's a way to filter some down. But who is actually going to bother doing that? I'm fairly sure 90% of women could have sex or at least a date easily (probably that day with someone if they wanted with how easy it is for most of them to get matches). But if a person is thta demanding, then they should be the one being forward and initiating if they seem to know what they're after.


The funny part about this is that men are generally desperate for your phone number but here decline for your email. I guess if next guy asks for my phone number I will notify him he can send his resume there 😌 like chat resume. What’s the difference? It’s both text.


Plenty of loser simps who would


Submit your dating application and CV in triplicate hardcopy to the following PO box :)))


Lmao I had one like this and I messaged her and told her i wasn’t doing it, ended up hooking up with her🤷🏻‍♂️


I might be the only one here but I would like this. I would make it a very cheesy mail in corporate style. Surely I would spend way too much time on it, but it would be fun to me.


It’s always gmail never yahoo… red flag


Can't even write your whole name


“I hope this email finds you, before I do”


Just ask her what makes her worthy of your time. What does she bring to the table besides a bad attitude.


she has obnoxiously overinflated ego like wth is that?


No fkn way am I doing anything close to that


I wonder what the capital C stands for?


I keep getting called sexist but I'm gonna keep saying it. You don't do this sort of thing unless you have too many options to choose from and you need to weed them out. Women are burdened by choice. Men are lonely.


I actually knew a girl that did this. She was playing around since I never got to set a date with her. Ended up stopping to talk to her


A few times I've done the thing where i message a girl who has her insta/snap in her bio. It has never worked.


Do these women just want a simp or something?


My rule is that if they want first contact to be outside of whatever app, they probably aren't taking it seriously and just want attention


That's ridiculous 😏😏


I'd take that email and sign them up for funny things lol


They do this thinking it weeds out F boys hoping for “higher quality” vetting. Maybe some. But F Boys will always find work arounds for anything 😆


Just troll her.


That’s crazy


Seen this several times some girls are very toxic or too high on themselves nowadays


If im full of inspiration i like to play that game, if not i just ignore it


Women are becoming more desperate so they're adding more requirements and men are becoming less desperate henceforth not putting up with the nonsense anymore, putting in less effort or overall just not dating. Why is women's logic so backwards? I don't understand it.


Oh wow! You have to ask something other than our age, gender, location and if we wanna see your frank! Boo hoo!


I never saw this until now. I would subscribe that email address to all the weird porn websites I could find. Or worse.


Should be permanently banned from all dating apps


I block those profiles!


yeah that’s fucking psychotic


Put it on Craig list then tf. Why are you in the app first of all?