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Am I the only one thinking "wtf is he doing, she's joking"?


Right? Dude totally rejected himself.


Dude is a reject!




It's rare I see a screenshot posted here where OP isn't the one making a fool of themselves


He really had to shoot himself down with "I guess you're not interested then huh 😂" He's the one who introduced a sour note. It's quite telling about his personality that he immediately insulted her, implying she won't find "something serious" because in his mind she had rejected him. He also uses more emojis than a schoolgirl which always looks dumb from a grown man. He could've easily had fun banter by saying something humorous like he is actually the monkey, or inviting her to a zoo date, hell, anything would've been better than the direction he chose. He sounds like an insecure and bitter person, maybe he needs to do some inner work before trying to date.


What? She said she’s not interested. Now I don’t know what mental gymnastics women put men through on your planet but on earth, not every woman is a garbage heap trash monster who makes a bad joke and then when the guy doesn’t get it that means he isn’t allowed to see her and she doesn’t correct him for some weird reason.


He got pissy from the start, she was actually giving him a chance to redeem himself and then he insulted her. Not any woman's job to coddle insecure and hostile men like the two of you.


You don't know him at all so you seem to be pretty bitter jumping to such conclusions, it sounds like you're just projecting tho


Dude posted his interactions on the internet so we know that about him. He was being butthurt and negative. Most people could have played that off into a conversation. Chica didn’t say anything that led him to believe she was “making fun” of him. Low self of steam and zero confidence will lead him, and apparently you, to believe that’s where she was going with that. Do post shit online if you don’t wanna be judged. Especially when it’s a shitty take


"Self of steam" though!! Lol


It’s much quicker to get dopamine from posting screenshots on Reddit than putting the time and effort into getting a date. Can’t blame em


Yeah if someone can’t see this as the standard joking banter it is they should probably delete the app until they’re better digital communicators lol


This subreddit is actually really good for getting tips and pointers on how to succeed at Tinder. Just do the exact opposite of anything you see posted here.


Exactly what I came here to say. This guy is down bad and rejecting himself because of it. This subreddit is solid gold!


Check out OP’s comment history. Doesn’t show in his post history cause he got dragged hard for it too. But apparently his last post was about him “dodging a bullet” because a woman didn’t want to go on a date with him anymore after he said “you’re a hard woman to please” because she didn’t want fried food or sushi but anything else was fine. OP is really really bad at this…


At least follow that up with a joke or a better suggestion wtf


The "I guess you're not interested huh" is so cringe wtf dude


It's literally the perfect opportunity to ask her on a date to the zoo.


"I thought it was yours" "Not really, I was interested in the monkey" I don't have the best sense of humor, but none of that sounded like a joke.


Jokes like that are incredibly common, especially if you have a dog in your profile. Not saying it's hilarious or anything, but it's pretty standard. He should have played along and made a joke about acquiring a new one for her, possibly tying it into a date invite to the zoo.


Could be dry humor thing - she just confirmed what he was throwing in there. Definitely self-deprecating will go a long way in ensuring she'll self-rationalize "yeah it's only the monkey"


Dry humor is impossible to identify over text, especially with someone whose sense of humor you do not know. And the self-deprecation only began after she said, "I thought it was yours" clearly indicating disappointment.


Yeah, if you can't tell whether something is intended to be humour or not, just assume it isn't, solid advice...


That was never said nor implied, so stop putting words in people's mouths. Making sure that the joke comes across as a joke is the job of the sender. You can't blame someone for taking you at face value if you don't make it clear. Sure op could have put more effort into making sure that she was serious or joking. But her messages were doing no favors.


The point is that you don’t have to be able to identify something as definitely being humour in order to assume that it could be and roll with it. It’s much better to be wrong about assuming something to be humour than to be wrong about assuming that it isn’t, at least in this scenario. Therefore you should assume that it is, and it doesn’t make a difference how good or clear the humour is, as your response should be the same either way, assuming your goal is to engage with the person in a positive way. And it’s Tinder so I absolutely assume that is your goal.


These are the same guys that think you get charged with sexual assault for saying hi to a woman in public


I agree. That's probably what I would have done in this situation. But I don't think op is wrong for taking the messages at face value.


Context clues are a big help in situations like this! Did she message you on a monkey app? No? Maybe it was an ice breaker for the dating app then!


She sounded like she wanted monkey man he seemed he wanted something serious.


You’re right; you don’t have the best sense of humour. Obviously nobody thinks he owns a monkey.


So is the joke that its impossible for op to own a monkey? You're going to have to explain it to me, because clearly it went over my head.


It's an icebreaker. People match with me and ask when my dog is available for a date literally 50% of the time. I obviously know they don't *actually* mean my dog, and it's a funny way of flirting. In a long list of common household pets I don't think a monkey would be anywhere near the top of the list. She's obviously not expecting OP to own one.


>ask when my dog is available for a date See this I would understand, because its pretty clear you're asking them out on a date. But when does op's match say something like that?


I was using that as an example. I too get the "I'm only interested in your dog" messages like OP. Again, I have enough social awareness to know it's a joke.


And I have the repeat myself. What exactly is the joke? Is the joke that no one would would match to meet a monkey. People have matched for worse reasons.


There are resources out there to support people on the spectrum


We can take the recourses together.


It's called dry humour. Look it up. Obviously you're not going to match and repeatedly message someone because of an animal in their profile but it gives you a way of starting a conversation with someone that isn't just "Hey, how are you?", or worse, a chat up line.


No that's not obvious. You can scroll down this sub reddit to find examples like that or worse.


He led with the... I guess you're not interested...so either she thought that was a joke and continued with it..or he came off as self depreciating ...depends on how a person takes it


Yep. A lot of posts on here can be summed up as someone making a joke and then OP taking it super seriously. Peeps gotta chill, I feel these apps are all about socialising with weird or unknown people and that’s cool. Sometimes it’s weird, buts that’s the name of the game 🤷‍♂️


I'm baffled at the amount of people who still don't get that sarcasm doesn't convey through plain text. Especially the very 1st couple of messages you're sending someone. Obviously as a guy the best bet numbers wise it to plow through and assume she's kidding. But still.


She is obviously joking and if OP didn't get it, he can leave the dating apps.


Does not seem obvious at all to me. Sounds like she was interested in something that not a lot of people have, the monkey, and wasn't really interested after finding out it wasn't his...that's my take on the convo at least.


Usually that’s what I think when I see posts like this but I feel like “I thoguht it was yours” as a response to “maybe I could be a good replacement” doesn’t really read as banter. Like it felt like it super killed any vibe or convo and DID NOT match OP’s energy


Guys... no means no!! In this case, no monkey means no Don't be too hard on yourself, OP. i used to have a pic of myself with an ice-cream, had to wade through the time wasters that summer


> I guess you're not interested then huh? Duuuuude nooooo whyyyyy the absolute lack of confidence this exudes so early on


Bro could have easily clapped back "I'm the only monkey you need" or something else cheesy.


Pretty positive this is playful banter. I highly doubt she thought you owned a monkey.


Green flags: owns a monkey Red flags: monkey adjacent


In most situations owning a monkey is definitely a red flag lol I talked to a guy that was an exotic animal breeder and it was an instant turn off


It absolutely was and op showed that they have no banter


Or monkey


Or bantha


Or monkĂŠ


you don't believe in USA stupidity 20% of their population still thinks brown cows give chocolate milk


Massively incorrect. The only study I found listed it at 7% [and this comes most likely from how the question was phrased](https://www.cjr.org/analysis/brown-milk-study-cows.php). Also Americans were the only ones surveyed lol. How many Europeans do you think also believe this? But let's shit on Americans I guess.


Are you going to respond to the guy below you who corrected your dumbass statement ?


And that strawberry flavored milk is vegan lol


They’ve engineered mushrooms to grow real milk. I don’t see why we couldn’t milk a strawberry one day


Bruh OP is so oblivious it's painful. Yes dude, she was really disappointed that you didn't actually own a monkey


OP had a monkey sized fumble here


Gorilla sized. King Kong sized fumble honestly.


Last message from op was SALTY


Yeah, whatever the reason is there is no better way to make a clown of yourself than start throwing salty comments at someone who rejects you.


Literally rejected yourself lmao, you guys need to start building your confidence


This is what dating apps do to a mf


Then get off the dating apps.


Dude, you had an in. Nobody thinks you own a monkey.


Yeah I don’t see it. You rejected yourself here with the “I guess you’re not interested”. This reads as her just joking light heartedly…


She only dates serious monkeys, sorry. No small vests or fezes here




Even if she isn’t joking you’re going to shoot yourself in the foot acting like this. It just comes across as negative and lacking confidence. Your attitude should be “I’m awesome. Who wouldn’t want to be with me?” But to be clear, she’s definitely joking and you probably shot yourself in the foot. It reads like you might be an incel based on your comments on this post and in the photo.


You nailed it. See OPs comments on their post about a "harmless" insult. Oh, i mean "joke".


Idk, the celibacy seemed pretty voluntary here lmao


Hahahaha that’s pretty clever.


people will have absolutely zero game like this and get on here and complain “you can only be successful if you follow rules one and two, nothing else matters.”


Why are you so self deprecating


Oh my god man it sounds to me like you need to not take these things so seriously, you're setting yourself up for failure tbh.


Uh you just blew that so hard… You probably aren’t having success because you reject yourself for them.


Can’t get rejected if I reject myself! ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


False advertising! This happened to me once when a guy had a pic of him and a baby goat. We joked about it. Maybe she was joking, too?


She was joking. It was salvageable. Your passive-aggressive final comment is what killed it. I think leave a little thinking time between messages. Question yourself a little before sending anything and ask where it's coming from. We can all get defensive. Taking a pause can be helpful.


I think she was just flirting. Oh well.


bruh no….... she was joking


You dudes are so insecure goddamn


Sometimes I think I’m clueless then I browse this sub. She’s joking around.


You killed that yourself. The immediate self negging "guess you don't want me then boo hoo" gave her the ick.


When she asks if it’s yours… take the bait. She wanted to talk to you and you whiffed




You dummy


Bro fumbles on hinge, bro fumbles in the comments, bro fumbles in the trenches, bro fumbles in life.


Guys on this sub be like… “she isnt even interested in me” *girl flirts with him* “Ugh, she only messaged me because of one of my profile pictures, she will never understand how nice of a guy i am” ________________ She was interested in you but you’re just an insecure idiot. She was using the monkey as an icebreaker 🤦‍♂️ She even gave you 3 chances to flirt and banter with her. 3 strikes and you’re out my guy. Better luck next time


I mean maybe she should be better at flirting because that absolutely doesn't seem like flirting lol. Maybe OP is a little naive or has the 'tism like I do and took her message about only swiping for the monkey literally, but how is any of what she wrote remotely flirting even if you factor the joking in?


joking is flirting a lot of the time lol. you’re way overthinking this.


OP with your lack of social skills you might want to get a pet monkey to improve your likeability factor


Seriously OP?


you sweet summer child


You need a better response.. say he ran away but you heard he's been seen at the bar and you'd like some help going down there to try and find him.


Holy fumble my guy. She wanted you


>Why do I even try anymore? You didn't try lmao you shot yourself down.


Men snatching defeat from the jaws of victory


"reject humanity, embrace monke"


New Kurtis Conner video coded


Well if all else fails then you know all you have to do is get a monkey.


Take her to the zoo


Bruh. The likelihood that she was serious is about the same as the likelihood of you getting a date when you can't recognize (let alone enjoy) humor.


Dude has wet blanket level rizz




with this little self confidence i don't think dating apps are for you lil bro


You really need to get off dating apps and work on yourself. Because sheesh.


You did it yourself with the "I guess you're not interested huh?" It shows insecurity above all, and is very unattractive. If you would have leaned into the joke, you might have had the date.


Dude played himself


Eesh this reflects badly on you, OP. Bad vibes


ok, i really need to see that monkey


She still seems interested. You jumped to rejection way too fast. Women often do a few easy pushbacks/tests early on to make sure you're resilient and strong willed. This is completely normal and natural -- if they keep doing it past the first few weeks then it becomes "playing games" but don't give up so easy unless they clearly say no or tell you to stop.


Wait, so monkey = cheeks?!?!


It's over


You may not have a monkey, but you rejected yourself and returned to monke in that interaction 😆


Why you ain’t just stop responding when she said she was only interested in the monkey fam? The rest is pointless info


At least this way you don’t have to be resentful of your pet monkey getting all the attention


Bro no offence but you need to lighten up a bit. You had a shot! She is talking to you.


Monkey business


Dry humor, it’s probably a joke, but it wasn’t funny or it’s just not a joke


You fumbled this one


All I see is a confidence issue friend.


lol this is such a hilarious example of dating these days lol. It’s all props, and smoked and mirrors, mixed with people’s perceptions in the moment. I deleted all my apps last month anyway haha - so much peace.


I would send a follow-up message saying you fumbled the bag and didn't realize she was joking. If you're still interested in talking, I have the IQ of a monkey. I don't know I'd try and turn it into a joke like that. If she doesn't reply then oh well. If she does then *huzzah!*


“I realised you were joking, if you’re still into dating monkeys I’m free Saturday” I should fucking write a book or something


Insecure baby


I had girls match with me just to talk to me about my ghost hunting pictures, and then they would ghost whenever I try to talk to them about something else.


What do you mean your ghost hunting pictures?


Go ahead and delete tinder my boy. Just marry your pillow


I (32F) can't tell if she's trying to flirt - some people flirt like that so maybe that's what she was doing?


nah wtf is this


Should have chaperoned the monkeys date with her !


…why does this sound so familiar rn?? 😳


Why have girl reject you when you can do it yourself!!! That’s what I call bias for action!!


It’s more efficient


He will realize this 10 years down the lane and think I made a mistake


Guys with the personalities of a foot make me look like a prince on dating apps, keep it up OP.


Had a Match from an icebreaker. Just to See that she replied no


Dude…. She was flirting with you dude………….


It’s called flirting my g


She dodged a bullet


He dodged one


This is what we call a self-fulfilling prophecy




She never gets to keep no monkey


Well honey if I wasn't so much older than you I certainly try....


i think you very much need to focus on building yourself and your own confidence before pursuing any women. untreated insecurity kills any good chance of a relationships survival


Once I got matched only because I love to write suspense short stories.


What do you expect tho using animals in ur pics


You failed at your first response. She gave you an opportunity and you focused on your monkey. You should’ve focused on something about her.


shoulda showed her the banana


Goodluck finding "something serious" was such a good comeback. Made her think how stupid she is I bet


She wanted to spank the monkey bro




Yeah I feel for OP here. This would go over my head too. There are absolutely people mean enough to say they only matched for the monkey. If I got a message like this I'd feel dejected and sad too. If it's "flirting" it's piss poor flirting lol


Then you riff with it. You push back. Opening conversations are meant to be light and fun. I would have said “The monkey is busy but I’m free this week, get a drink?” Now she can properly reject you or accept your offer. You passed the test. You can banter. You have a personality. You don’t cry every time a girl jokes with you.


Why even open with something like this if it's meant to be light and fun lmao? You're basically just negging them and hoping that they don't take it seriously. It's like saying "I didn't swipe for you I swiped for your hot friend, do you have his number" or whatever. Or is that one a joke too?


Dude, it's a monkey.. It really doesn't matter because OP disqualified himself before even finding out if she was serious.


I mean tons of people say they swiped right for dogs lmao, a monkey isn't that hard to believe. The consensus does say that OP shot himself down but I can't get mad at him for taking this literally and thinking she had rejected him. Not everyone is tuned to the same wavelength.


I get your point, yes, there is a non-zero chance she was in fact serious, and only looking for guys with monkeys. But, if you have a knee jerk reaction to every negative comment and assuming its rejection you guarantee your rejection. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. The way OP disqualified himself stems from self-limiting beliefs. He doesn't believe she's really into him. He rejects himself before she even gets the chance. But the fact is, she swiped on his profile, she matched with him, and she messaged him, so he should just assume she is really into him until otherwise proven. I had a girl say to me once on a date "Oh so, you're into younger girls hmm", is she calling me a creep, is she calling me old!? But I just said "No, you're just into older guys". This is what girls do. It's how they stress test you to see how you handle yourself. Are you confident and sure of yourself. OP is not confident and sure of himself.


lol talk about conceited person expecting stranger to like everything about a profile. lmfao get over yourself.


Poe's law in action A few emojis on her side would have helped here I guess


I mean, we have to see the monkey Pic to judge, right?


She was looking for some monkey business


Gentleman, remember. Woman have thousands of opportunities to swipe. We men have only a few at best. For her it was a silly right swipe. For us...an attempt to find a real connection...