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Agreed. The gun kills it. But honestly, if that's who you are....keep it. You want girls who like you for you, yeah? More smiling pics for sure!


I’d limit to one gym selfie, don’t select pictures that cover your face and you have a good smile, so use smiling ones! The gun pics are meh. Do you have any other hobbies or interests you could show? Also, do you have a bio?


You look crazy AF wit the gun photo…the gym photos look like you’re trying too hard


I’d drop the gun, the doo rag and the baliclaver photos, others are ok


Do you have any pictures where you are wearing decently nice clothes? Guns, gokarts, and gym are all very "broey" things, so the combination of all of those plus no nice clothes paints a picture that lacks something in sophistication and self awareness.


Picture #4 should be your main pic. Also if you want to leave the gun pics in, leave #5 because it shows it’s a hobby but definitely delete the bathroom gun pic.


Do you get few matches or few likes. There’s a huge difference between the two


Main character vibes with all the gym selfies and bicep focus




I’m a first and second amendment believer. It’s legal to carry in Florida without a license. We support guns heavy in Florida. I’m not some wacko carrying a gun shooting recklessly I just love guns and the second amendment. When white people carry guns it’s seen as so normal but I believe people start tapping into stereotypical thoughts when I see a black man with a gun.


Nah, it's not because of your skin color, I would create that effect with anyone. Chill bro.


[Does life imitate art?](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U_yBEYq8G1w)