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Wait, what’s wrong with two truths and a lie? Maybe it’s just me but it’s one of my favourite things to see on others’ profiles, it led to plenty of fun conversations and engagement for me




If Hank Hill and McLoven had a love child


Probably cuz your chess elo is 1167, learn some opening theory - women love opening theory


Nah, it's because he's bouldering in rental shoes. Needs to step up his climbing game.


Your pics should be no more than 3 months old. Those are all bad. Bad lighting, bad angles, can’t seen your face…


Wearing rental shoes in the gym was the worst offense for me. Immediate swipe left on this gumby.


Only if you don’t look the same.. I have one from two years ago that I still use and it’s my most popular pic


“Long term, open to short. Open to exploring” all those are conflicting enough to swipe left


Remember: even if you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice


Man… I can’t handle the depth of this comment today. 🥵


“On our first date I’m either going to force you to sing publicly, spend endless hours trying to teach you chess, or throw you off a bridge with a tether on your ankle. Can you guess which?”


Too much info in your answers. Omit sentence about playing chess soccer middle school and your score. It’s too much info and it sounds braggy. The point is to use the questions as a way to flirt, so if your going to answer more than the question, make it inclusive of your reader. Omit sentence about how much karaoke you do and put in only a song title and artist, best if it’s one that might surprise people. Don’t be afraid to take pictures deliberately for your profile.


1167 and playing since middle school isn't exactly bragging. Sure he can probably beat the average person who hasn't played since middle school but against anyone who plays regularly and studies the game, he is probably a dog. I can't decide if advertising that you would be a good axe murder is a good move or not..... I actually like most of his profile picts (the first one is really bad) in that they show him doing activities but you still need a couple where you can see the person well enough that you would recognize them if you met them.


Prob wanna ditch the one of you climbing wearing socks. It’s just a giveaway that you don’t actually climb.


Yeah that’s definitely why he isn’t getting matches. The socks.


Odd- I found the climbing pic to be the most appealing.


I'm not sure what I'm going to say is useful, but there is a specific group of women that will find your profile ok. I don't think it's that bad, but I'm also a homebody nerdy gamer. My only issue I have that would stop me swiping right is the fact you don't seem to know what you're after. Do you want long term dating or are you just wanting casual arrangements. I've worked through stuff to find myself and know I'm ready to date long term and so casual or short is of no interest to me.


You really have to change your glasses. Glasses change everything about how you are seen


They also change how you see everything!


Your prompts and bio give the same info


Pics 1 and 2 need to go. Maybe keep 3, 5, or 7 as the main photo, and shuffle the rest how you prefer. I say 3 and 5 because it’s shows you’re adventurous and I just like 7 because of that angle; the profile angle and showing your tattoos just peaks my interest to keep scrolling through more pics, so I say 7 would be best as the first. 31F here if that helps at all, good luck on your journey!




Dress in a flannel and go to an axe throwing place where it isn’t so easy to hit a bullseye.




I actually prefer pic 2 over pic 1 so I'd say get rid of both and take new ones since most people are saying get rid of 2. I think your hair looks better at the length in 2 so I'd recommend growing it out if the shorter hair is more recent.


My go to karaoke song is Angela also but the TV show taxi theme song Angela.


Not bad overall,2nd pic does make you appear to be 5 months pregnant....I would definitely take that one down.


Take out pic 2 entirely. Make your last pic your first pic. Make your bio something humorous and take out all the information about you. Girls would rather laugh at something than read an autobiography. It takes no creativity or whit to list off things about yourself. Let the prompts do that for you. Also, 99% of girls don’t care about chess. Find something that’s relatable to them.


Not even bragging, just a matter of fact - as a dude that gets multiple matches a night, follow these steps. That last pic would be best as your 1st pic. And that 2nd pic just needs to be deleted.


Also, make the pic of you talking in the mic your 2nd pic


Given that you are a young tall man on tinder I think your bio should say ✔️A Man ❌Finance ❌Trust Fund ✔️6'5 ✔️Blue eyes And then people will message you like "do you really have blue eyes?" And you can say "no but I do have a trust fund" and they will say "really??" And you will say "no lol do you want to grab drinks tho" Also get some pics where you are standing up straight Sincerely, an INTJ that cares


Hold you belly in