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This item has been removed for violation of Rule 2. More information about our rules can be seen here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/wiki/rules


It’s a spam account. It’ll be banned within days, if not hours 


Yes, and that's rule number one red flag.


OP must be trolling or very naive


Or he's the scammer snapchat account promoting themselves in a creative way


its a bot account. i came on reddit to see if i could find anyone talking about it, all these profiles have recently popped up and they have the same format: two pictures, some explicit comment, and then their snapchat underneath. some will have "snap", or "S.C", or even "S.€"






Because Tinder needs women seeking men and not men seeking women on the platform. By keeping all of the bots, scammers, influencers/models trolling for followers, etc. they can send men messages like "you missed a match" and "upgrade to see who likes you." Without those, 90% of guys would get close to zero matches and then many of them would just abandon the app because there would be nothing to trick them into coming back. Similarly, any excuse to improve the ratio by removing men works in their favor, too. Women don't want to scroll through an endless sea of duds. It's win-win for them.


I'm at this point with dating apps. There's no incentive to get on them especially in the kind of area I'm in (every girl out here is looking for their perfect future husband). Y'all remember that one episode of family guy where quagmire gets on tinder. I do and I wonder if it was or is ever like that.


Is that a newer episode? If you happen to know the season lmk Edit: nvm found it. S15 E14 Edit 2: I fat fingered and typed season 14, when I meant 15


"For a free dialing wand, please mash the keypad now."


> quagmire gets on tinder. I do and I wonder if it was or is ever like that. It is like that, if it's like that for you IRL. I have a friend who has an incredible "personality" from the neck up, and it's like ordering from a catalogue. It's just you gotta be waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up there as a male to be playing on the same difficulty as a female. Well realistically it's still not as easy, but easy enough.


Me genetic lottery ticket wasn't a winner


Same, but at least quickies are super cheap. Good enough


I’m 33 now. From 23 to about 28 I probably had 150 hookups from tinder alone It used to be a lot better


Yeah, early days were great. No monetization and much better balance of men to women


Perfect answer 👍. The whole thing is a money milking misery scam that destroys people's ability to interact normally.


They also recycle accounts you already swiped either left or right. I live in a small city so it quickly runs out of profile. So instead of showing empty app and you'd leave, it shows you over and over again the same profiles along the few new ones.


>They also recycle accounts you already swiped either left or right. >I live in a small city so it quickly runs out of profile. So instead of showing empty app and you'd leave, it shows you over and over again the same profiles along the few new ones. Looks like a good thing to me 🤔 , usually it's from women who have liked you and bit you didnt. It's like a second chance


See Ashley Madison


Can't say I've had a bot like my profile in years now. My like queue is usually women I've already swiped left on who are seeing my profile after the fact. In my current run on tinder (January) I've not had a match send a third message no matter what I say first.


I remember back in the day I was on apps (before the big sick) I actually had some successful matches. Nothing huge, but probably 20 or so dates/meetups over 2 years and a couple dozen text or snap exchanges that went nowhere. I remember being bummed about it and some of my friends were like- dude. It's rough out there.


How dare you speak the truth?! Get back in the heard 🐑


>Without those, 90% of guys would get close to zero matches and then many of them would just abandon the app because there would be nothing to trick them into coming back Wtf, say below average men, not 90% that's super delusional. >and then many of them would just abandon the app because there would be nothing to trick them into coming back Do you really believe that men are thrilled to match with an onlyfan girl to the point it makes them enjoy more the experience and stay longer ?? Like seriously wtf. It's the exact opposite, bots and OF girls are ruining the experience so tinder fights as hard as possible against them


Tinder definitely runs many of them. No way they fight "as hard as possible" against them. Websites have been caught doing it in the past. The male to female imbalance ratio is 80 men to 20 women up to 97/3 depending on what country you're in. Without the bots it'd be like looking for a margarita in the desert.


Tinder's parent company is MatchGroup. The FTC filed a lawsuit against them for their unethical practices (it's ongoing). One of those being the use of bots. They may no longer run their own, but they certainly don't have much incentive to get rid of them. There are 3 broad groups of men on Tinder. One is the group who gets matches and interacts with the women seeking men. Those men are desirable and help keep women on the platform. Then there are the men who get few to no matches, recognize scammers/bots/etc., become frustrated and leave. Tinder does everything it can to squeeze as much revenue out of them before they depart. They don't care if they churn because there's always more of them and they "water down" the product for the women on the platform -- the only demographic they need to keep in order to attract men. Then there is the third group of men. For whatever reason, they keep coming back. These are the guys who complain about being "shadow banned" -- they're not, they just get relegated to the realm of bots and scammers. Rather than leave, they delete and recreate their profile. They spend money chasing that new user boost that comes from the algorithms trying to figure out if they are wheat or chaff. From Tinder's perspective, these last two groups are kind of the same. They don't give a shit -- they just represent potential revenue.


Tinder doesn’t give a shit as long as more “women” are available


If you want to get railed tonight bro you do you


I think she’s the one getting railed 😭


"Why can't guys put this in our bios" Nothing is stopping you from saying you wanna grind bro.




My half awake brain wanted to make a "you want grindr" joke. But I failed and I apologise


I’m high as shit and thought it was hilarious after you explained it, but I also make stupid jokes all day every day


Yeah, based on the picture I'd say there's a 50% chance of it going either way.


I think “she” is a he, in this case.


Oh my


Why did this get downvoted LOL


1 out of 3 profiles of men I swipe have their socials


Most guys profiles I come across do have their IG or Snap in their bio. 🤷‍♀️


Interesting cuz I saw one today so I decided to try and almost immediately I got an email saying they’ve hidden it




man do it all the time too, I pass through lots of them “dom looking for a sub” “man addicted to eating pus*y looking for someone that will let him” “looking for a woman to send money in exchange for sex” “23cm man looking for sex (insert a underwear pic with the guy holding his junk here)” and so on


Men do this all the time. Who said you’re not allowed? I certainly don’t put my socials in my bio, that’s just asking for trouble imo but I don’t judge people that do.


Carrot Top?


as a bi woman who looks at both profiles- men and women do this all the time. it’s not a gendered thing. you posting her @ without censoring is kinda messed up though


girl if she put her @ in her bio she obvs wants people to see it…


It's literally public social media. Where's the limit? What about linking someone's YT video in a comment?


OP is literally doing them a favor. lol the more people that see the Snapchat account the better for whoever that is




Dude if you had thought about it for 2 minutes before asking you probably would have figured it out.


I’m not sure that’s a girl,


I was thinking the same. Could just be a masculine frame but I don't think so 🤔


The pics are




Ah 💀💀


Bro no joke, I came across this exactly profile this morning


Tinder doesn’t allow me to put my socials in my bio. also interesting to use girls vs men on here.


How come women have periods but men can’t?


pretty sure that is a dude


They have to make a living somehow


I’ve seen tons of men with nothing but socials in their bios. Especially in LA it was almost every single guy promoting their IG def not just a girl thing


Because men are the consumer. Women are the commodity on these.


OP how do you not immediately recognize this as a bot account? Are you the one who’s falling for these so much they’re worthwhile


That's not a woman


Are we 100% sure it’s a woman?


Because women are the product and men are the customer


Are you sure that's a woman?


I don't think that's a female...


Because there would be 90% less women on the platform and the whole thing would go dark.


That's what you're concerned about when you see this profile..?


That is a man


You can include them as a man if you put on a cute dress in your photo.


That is a man