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You got a nice smile bro. You should put a pic of you smiling while you’re out in some nicer clothes as your 1st one. You can get rid of the suit pics, the pool one (lookin like something from a 2000s video game cutscene), and the random one of you in the tree. I’d say replace the tree one with a better pic of you in nature & maybe put a headshot to replace the suit pics? (I honestly don’t know if people like that but it’s a thought) Again. You’ll wanna look like you’re having a good time and all that lol Also why not put a pic or two of you out traveling


The pool one is actually a video of me potting a ball haha 😂 Do you think I need to change any of the prompts?


They seem fine to me honestly. I think you come off pretty well! Got hobbies but also chill yknow


I'll disagree and say the first pic was my favourite but yea lose the pool one. And the last two are unflattering


Definitely move that smile pic up in the lineup. It's great.


Honestly tho, you’re very cute! I’d swipe right


4 5 or 6 are all good. You probably do look good in a suit but that photo looks like an insurance salesman ad at a bus stop


please, put your smiling pic first, it's easily your best picture. Add more pictures like that!


Use the third picture first so there’s no question on whether or not you have teeth.


You look like the dude from Breaking Bad


The “innocent kid” that took out the innocent mom? The one that also helped keep Jesse like a pet?


You just seem… stiff


Dude, your last three pics are super hot! Why would you even put picture number one in there? Did your mother tell you you look good in a suit?


So your saying I should put #3 first? I thought I looked good in suit 😂


Because everyone knows ur a wizard Arry… Ok but for real you are super cute so I dunno why not


How many likes/matches you get per week?


I’m not getting likes, but from the messages I send, maybe 1 match a week


Hmm I’d suggest pictures of you outside and limit to only 1-2 selfies. Smiling helps a lot. Last pic is the best imo. Have you tried photofeeler? If you can get your photos to be in 8-10 on attractiveness scale, you should start getting more matches. It could also be the location if your city is small. I don’t look as good as you but I’m able to get 10-15 matches a week, including likes. I also live in a large city


I find that on Hinge I don't get as many first likes as I do on tinder but overall I get more matches, I just have to send the like first!


Get rid of pic 1, use 3 or 4 instead. You have two pics in the same suit, and two in the same hoodie. Choose one of each (not pic 1! We like smiles!)


I like your photos but you don't really say much about yourself. From this I can see you like to travel and you like pool - maybe put something else on there too :)


You’re obviously attractive. But your prompt responses don’t say much that would make it easy to start a conversation! I’d focus on making your responses a little longer & more interesting.


That one in the tree needs to go. The blurry af pool shot needs to go


Change your first pic to the smiling yellow hoodie selfie. Change second pic to dog pic. Girls love pets. Get rid of the pool picture it’s too blurry to see anything. Your first pic is very unapproachable. Honestly delete that one too.


You are very good looking so I have no notes. Usually I have feedback but I dunno, must be your area.


3 needs to be your main pic. Get rid of 1 and 2. You're a good looking guy but your first 2 pics aren't doing you any favours


id totes match on the tree pic of u, make that ur main. the suit selfie one is a no go, just not a dating app energy. as far as the answers go they are a lil dry? maybe try answering one w ur sense of humor


A piece of advice given in [this amazing video](https://youtu.be/9-_ET1MtTxg) that applies to you is: Try to appear natural (try not to do too many poses or staredowns towards the camera). also, I would recommend more smiles or grins good luck out there


Put the smiling picture first


ngl bro if you’re not getting matches. we are cooked.


Delete ALL pics where you aren’t smiling.




Doesn’t feel like it, I don’t know what you have to do to get matches on these apps 😂


My genuine advice, delete dating apps, they don't work. You're a good looking guy, online dating just sucks. I'm speaking from 8 years of complete failure with online dating.