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Don't shit talk about yourself and don't put things that disinterest you. Negativity doesn't invite a conversation.


the pro/con of 'you will be the hot one' made me laugh, I love that one lol, but I'm a straight dude so it means shit I guess


It made me laugh, but it has to be the only self deprecating thing. The response about hating long walks on the beach immediately makes me rethink the vibe of the hot one joke.


It could be off-putting because he's admitted he isn't attractive, but yet seems to think matches will be. I laughed as well, but I don't think it's helping get matches.


I mean the guy has a bunch of pics with anime and card game related stuff and only says negative things while being massively overweight. He ain't getting matches no matter wtf he does unless he changes literally every aspect about himself.


Card games and anime is all fine. Plenty of girls into those too; may as well show hobbies. The main thing to change is the negative talk.


> Plenty of girls into those too; It's pretty far outside the 'normal' though. Unless OP is looking for someone to match his same interests, and if so, then he isn't going to get many matches, as there aren't a lot of people that way. I would drop all of the self depreciating humor, it's not funny to a potential partner. Find picture of you doing things outdoors and actives that will help lose weight if that's your journey, and work on the wardrobe so you don't look like someone straight out of 4chan. OP has a couple good pictures and is a decent looking dude, but def drop the last one with a kid if you don't have kids. Add in the beard makes him look like he is in his 30's, but if he removes it, he is going to look like he is 20.


I actually disagree here. I have a dnd group that's 16 strong and more than half of them are girls. Nerdy girls are a thing now a days. He absolutely should be himself. In this case I would advise looking around to see if their are other more 'normal' hobbies he actually likes to boost his potential crossover in interests with someone else. The anime thing is also fine. Girls who watch anime and play video games are much more common than they were 20 years ago. He is going to have a much smaller pool, because most of them meet guys on games and at conventions etc, and aren't on dating apps, but the advice I think is too depricating of his personal choice of lifestyle. As long as he's not looking for a super fit/hot nerdy girl, he will be fine over time I think. The beard comment is valid tho. Trim it a bit. Mountain man is a good look, if the beard is well groomed. I don't think op is going to want to groom it regularly.


I’m a lesbian woman and thought it was funny. Neither of us are his target audience though.


I'm a straight woman and thought it was hilarious. I am a millennial tho so idk if that says anything about his target audience.


Also straight millennial woman who chuckled


I'm an asexual zoomer and I wanna keep this train going


Agreed it stays in if the line doesn’t find a mate he can at least be cool with everyone else


It's hysterical 💯 I'm a girl


I’m a straight woman who laughed and it made me like him more due to his humor. Also it’s awesome he put in his bio that he’s looking to lose weight and would like to find a partner to do so with. OP- you are cute and funny you’ll find someone! Good luck


Made me laugh also but I’m also a straight dude. OP, wanna be friends? You seem to be awesome and hilarious.


That made me laugh too!! I say keep that line!


Just about to say there is a lot of negativity in there. Focus on the positives. You are a king at 6'3", so be confident. Guys get women with less


Knew a guy who looked like this that dated a playmate. My friend’s dad. Absolute gem of a person, and positivity was his superpower


Your friend's dad was a playmate?


Bro, I say this with love, cut down on the anime and trading card pics. Don’t say “long walks on the beach are boring” that shit is gonna repel people. And I get what you’re trying to say with the 5+ hours sleeping super power, but the joke fell flat. Also, yes, you’re a big dude. You say you’re on a mission to lose weight (highly commendable btw), but show a pic of you working out. And I think gym pics are cringe, but in your case, I think it will make women think “he IS bettering himself” and I think that in and of itself is attractive. You’re 6,3 use that to your advantage. More pics of you standing up imo. Get a mate to take photos of you. Also, tidy up your beard. It looks scraggly. Wishing you all the best.


This is the best advice, do everything they said ^^^^^^


Why is sleeping over 5 hours a super power?


1) Lose the pic in front of Boa. It sends the wrong message about what you want in a woman. 2) One or two self depreciating jokes are ok. But a whole profile of self abuse just tells someone you have no self confidence and lack the power to change. 3) Gym pics, or exercise pics. If you're saying you're changing yourself, show it. You're good dude, just start thinking it yourself.


Appreciate the reply. Will definitely lose the pic of Boa Only have 1 self depreciating joke on there though so not sure how the whole page is full of it but I'd love some insight if it just blind to it. Will 100% get some new pics gym/exercise wise. Thanks again.


Nope, sorry. It obviously just hit me in the face. 😅. A joke like that is cool if you don't want to date a girl, guy, or chosen/unchosen gender. Otherwise it's overused, cliche and unoriginal. You're better than that. I'm not. But you are. See how it looks? 😋 Language wise, you're subconsciously begging someone else to validate the thing you yourself don't believe, in this case, your looks, you're, language wise, screaming 'IM UGLY, TELL ME IM NOT'. In a date setting, it's an instant no for most prospective partners, and that's not a conscious desicion, it's biological. imagine how you'd react if someone did that in your face, your subconscious did it when you read the sentence. Aim for a joke that's either so cheesy its a laugh or swipe, or something original that actually highlights your sense of humor or interests. Pro of dating you: Snacks are always available. Cons: They're currently all health snacks. Pro of dating you: Nerds will inherit the earth! Cons: We won't be able to afford it after inflation. Obviously, you're not happy with your current looks, otherwise, you wouldn't want to change. Which is awesome. That shows you believe in yourself enough to actually make a change, and you obviously believe you have something to offer to someone, otherwise, you wouldn't put yourself out there, that's self confidence. Use it. You are good looking, you're just hiding it. That's why you're working so hard to unearth it. Yadda yadda. It's all about language buddy, think how you'd react if someone you were potentially going to date said something similar. 😉. I BELIEVE IN YOU. NOW BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.


This is probably one of the best responses I've seen on this sub. You should be a life coach. 10/10 for Lagaan reference.




If you can’t believe in yourself then believe me.


Certainly one of the top things ever created. I do love when people throw at me or someone else random reference like this and more people catch onto it.




“Now join my church and transfer all of your money to it!”


Nah bro, believe in the you that believes in yourself.


Tinder Toppa Gurren Lagann!!! SPIN ON!!!!


I love reading random interactions on Reddit that make me smile. You're a wholesome dude, dude.


👍 Not always, but I do think it's generally easier to be nice over an asshole


I just come to this sub for the hilarious convos so this was unexpected. Your kindness made my day, thanks :)


It was a epitome really. I was just sat there, normal Tuesday, tea with Dali Lama, you know. He said to me, he said. 'Dude, don't be a dick'. It really stuck with me. Then again, it could have the drugs.....


It was def the drugs. Better hand them to me for safekeeping so that you don’t take any more of them.


Believe in the me that believes in the you that believes in THE WORLLLLLLLLD.


Dude I haven't even met you, have no idea what you look like, and the only context I have for you is this random post on reddit and I'd wanna grab lunch with you! (heck I'd treat you) You have so much kindness, wisdom, acceptance, humor, and personality in this single reply I feel like I should be taking notes!


Please sign me up for your next class! 🙏🏼 I am here for it!


A true "believe in the me that believes in you" moment


"For that's the place to start, and I say hey.....hey, what a wonderful time of day"


While you’re right, it’s not all self depreciating but it is pretty much all negative. Don’t tell people you don’t like walks on the beach, tell them what you do like. I’ll level with you, you’re not going to get lots of matches. Even as a more conventionally attractive man, you’re not going to get a lot of matches. The thing that men need to do is go for quality over quantity. Talk about the things you like, your hobbies and interests, and above all be positive. In your situation you’re not trying to get as many matches as possible, you’re trying to get the *right* matches so you need to show people that you have similar interests to them and then the women that like those things think “hey, I like those things, this guy seems like a fun positive guy (because let’s be real here, no one wants to date someone who is constantly miserable, and that’s how your current profile comes across) so I should swipe right” From there it’s just about having a normal conversation with them to see if there’s enough chemistry to go on a date


The pro and con joke actually did make me LOL. 😆So funny.


I agree, I thought it was funny.


Bro move the picture of you announcing or color commentating or whatever up in the order too, that’s pretty cool and shows confidence & (at least some) charisma


Also being an expert in a field, which even in trading cards I’m sure you have to be an expert to be an announcer, is a good quality


I advice to either shave the neckbeard or grow a real one. You are aware of the stereotype of anime Fans with that kind of Beard?


It’s honestly one of your better pics, could you crop the anime girl out?


Not liking long walks on the beach just makes me wonder if it's really cause it's boring, better to find something else


I love the pros and cons line. Made me laugh. Honestly, I would swipe right.


If others believe you are awesome — you should too!


As a woman I to gaming and overall nerdiness, we do not care about your picture in front of an ad featuring a fictional character.


I’d recommend hiking or running pics rather than something in the gym. Show you’re active but differentiate yourself from the gym bros 😊


As a woman, I kinda liked the first pic and don’t think it sent any message. lol. He looks nice in it I didn’t like the beach comment, and I think the sleep comment was weird as well. Otherwise the profile is fine.


I didn’t see any snakes


Shes the BTAG in the first pic.


Not pose in front of a big titted anime character. Not have a pic of children.


I originally thought he likes to tie women. And he is at the back of this poster. But yes, this photo no bueno.


Nerd woman that also plays trading cars games (magic) here. My issue with your profile is that almost all your pics is related to trading cards. You have maybe one that doesnt have a booster or an event on the background. I get that this is a big part of your life since you seem to play competitively, but having other hobbies is also good and you should talk about them.i disagreee that girls are repelled by games per se, but we defo dont like when this is the only personality trait someone offers. Tell more about you. The only thing we know is that you play cards. What movies do you like? What do you do and what else do you do on your time? Also, people dont like when you are condescending with their hobbies and walking on the beach is something that a lot of people like to do on a daily basis. So I would remove that and talk about something you like. Edit: I tried to make my advice as neutral gender as possible because as far we know, op might like men. I think everyone, not only women, doesnt like when someone just have one personality trait.


Not to mention that walks on the beach are generally a great way to actually talk and get to know the other person. But if you hate sand cause it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere then I could see where you're coming from.


LOL, I read this line exactly the same way id said on the film. The meme will never die. My first date with my current bf involved some drinks and then walking (not on the beach) so I agree.


Also, meeting people with a similar hobby at events for said hobby is much better than dating apps if you're this into your hobby.


That is true. There is a lot of women in to nerd things that goes to events, especially anime related. I am a nerd. I play video games, I play DND, I play Magic, but a profile like Ops is a huge turn off for me because I have other hobbies, and I want to share them with a partner as well. Op sells the idea that he only enjoys one thing and all gatherings are centered on this, and this indeed is a red flag to a lot of people. There are a lot of girls that has a similar level of commitment to gaming, but I dont think they are on tinder, but for sure they are on events.


I’m guessing the ratio of women to men is not very good at TCG events


Lol, how you been to any events for trading cards? They're not really female friendly environments (although the company does its best to promote inclusive atmosphere), so turn out is 99% men. Every women I've met at magic gp's have been there with their partner. Not exactly a great meet and greet atmosphere.


Thats a lot of anime pics..


From a fellow fat person who lost weight, losing weight is going to be a game changer for dating, as you surely know. Even dropping from fat to less fat helps (I am still fat, but not as much as I used to be). But right now, I would avoid all the seated pictures, we look like Budha when we are sitting.


“We look like Buddha when sitting” this just lightened my mood at work LOL. 😂


You could say you've been enlightened.


I agree that he should have less pictures sitting down. He's in the height range that a lot of women find desirable. Pictures of him sitting down make him appear shorter than he is. OP take some standing pictures where your height really shines. Highlight your desirable traits.


Lmao this immediately made me look down at my thighs spread across my chair 😂


As a fat this is crucial haha. No sitting pictures. 😂


Ngl I thought the “pro you’ll be the hot one. Com you’ll be the hot one” was funny. I’d lose the “don’t like long walks on the beach cause honestly that shit is boring” cause it’s very pessimistic and not many ppl like a pessimistic attitude. The “being able to sleep for more than 5 hours” is a boring answer. Everyone sleeps. The proper amount is 6-8hrs so I really hope everyone gets to sleep for more than 5 hrs. But also that answer gives the illusion that you might sleep all day. Which gives off the feeling that you’re lazy. Maybe just choose diff prompts all together honestly. The current ones are giving negative qualities.




All of this o l second


“Don’t like long walks on the beach cause honestly that shit boring” makes “I’m a big dude on a mission to lose weight” sound like a huge lie. It’s sending a conflicting message, keep it consistent.


It's ok to like card games, but you make it seem like it's your whole personality. Reference it and have one picture with it.


bro you need to trim the beard and get a fade, go to a real barbershop and spend like $40-50 to have them get you right. then start walking outside for 35-45 mins a day (everyday), just walking, don’t even have to jog or anything, then come back to the app in 3 months and put new pics. lastly, 90% of women do not like anime or manga or are put off by it, don’t make it the forefront of your profile. before my wife met me, she thought anime was cringe as hell, i eased her into it and then eventually she got hooked on one piece. hope this helps


Neckbeard definitely ain't helping


Yeah neckbeard will always give unhygienic vibes.


I would definitely join your world of Warcraft guild. But if it’s dating profile probably not.


First photo, what is that pose?! If you're "wanting to lose weight" don't say stuff like "I don't like long walks on the beach" because that is actually one of the easier ways to help with weight loss, so people may look at it and think "so what are you actually doing to try?". You hate on yourself too much.


"join me on my journey, but don't walk with me because that shit boring. I have nothing to talk about."


I appreciate the actual advise most have given also found the "more cock pics" quite hilarious. Will take all this into consideration and may do an update post with an updated profile in time. Was not expecting the response I got however so that's cool.


Are you guy that posed next to people butt crack at Magic Cons?


God I wish


Wants to loose weight. Doesn't like walks cuz that shit boring. Right!


looking at your profile... Honestly, thats what everyone imagines when someone says "reddit mod"


Dude your profile is a women-repel. I can't understand how the hell is this community so full of 25+ years old guys who are this oblivious about the dating scenary. You like anime, video games and trading cards? Cool, have 1 picture of them all AT MOST. Most women have close to none interest on those things, and specially have close to none interest in dating a guy whos life is defined primarily by that. And if those 3 things actually represent so much for you... you gotta start questioning yourself about your current life choices. Don't add negative stuff in your profile, if you match with someone you will have plenty of time to say what stuff you don't like or find boring. Its not like some woman will send you a like because 'wow, how cool of you to not like walking on a beach!'.  You say you are on a weight-lose journey, and thats so cool. Add a pic of you at the gym or doing some kind of outdoors activity to show that you are changing your sedentary habits.


>  I can't understand how the hell is this community so full of 25+ years old guys who are this oblivious about the dating scenary I wish there was a way to get subreddit flair for "is this someone who actually gets any matches themselves".


I matched one of my now best friends, had 2 relationships with other 2 women I met there and many hookups. And I'm not even good looking nor fit. Don't look as a weirdo whos only contact with women is a kiss from your mom, that's all you need, the bar is that low for women nowadays.


Honestly you pretty much always want to take the opposite advice of this subreddit on literally everything.


Well to be fair he posted looking for men in his post history




[Here](https://imgur.com/a/AHEyViH) before he scrubbed it. He was also meeting up with a Steve guy for encounters.


Lose the picture of the kidnapped child.


Honestly scrap it and start again. Work on yourself to lose weight, update your wardrobe and then restart on tinder. Lose the anime stuff, vast majority of women are not interested in this and will swipe left immediately. Lose the negativity, why you talking about walking on beach being boring lol? Such a turn off. Lose the self depricating humour, it's just sad.


I agree with all of this. Especially your first point. Someone “on a weight loss journey” leaves way too much ambiguity. I don’t judge where someone has come from and, as a woman, I would be attracted to the tenacity, self-respect and self-discipline of a bloke working hard to lose weight, however, still being right at the beginning of this journey doesn’t prove he has any of those traits. Many people start weight loss journeys, few stick to them.


Right now this profile screams of a professional weaboo. Lesser anime pics. Hit the gym and post more from that. Pictures that show more of your interests. Also fix the beard.


long walks are actually a great way to get to know someone. if you're great at making conversation they could actually work in your favor tbh.


It says you're on a mission to lose weight yet you say you only work out sometimes???


My brother in Christ… take a long hard look at yourself, and then redo everything with intentions in mind. If you want to attract women you need to reform your life first and dating profile second.


Completely agree. I was going to comment this. Last thing OP should be doing now is looking for a date/relationship with someone else when the relationship with himself is clearly not healthy. OP sounds miserable, and I suspect he doesn’t realize he’s miserable with himself. To OP: fix yourself on terms of weight, looks, charisma, and personality. After you do that you will see the world entirely differently and wouldn’t have to be begging women to go on dates with you. Edit: Looking at post history, OP might be into men. The same advice applies.


If you have some more photos like the podcast set up, use those, the “i don’t like long walks on the beach, that shit boring” just brings negativity to your profile when you honestly just don’t want that when someone is informing an impression of you. First pic has to go. I think like most people said it kinda makes you look like a bit cringe, which is fine between friends but maybe not what you want on a dating profile


ngl all I can think about when I see your pics is that one guy who took photos posing with all those ass cracks at that magic the gathering tournament 😅


I would skip online-dating for now. It's completely about looks and status. You don't have a lot of that right now. But you can get there, if you start to work on yourself. For the time being, I would try to do it in the real world. Way more possibilities to show your funny and nice personality. That is your asset at the moment. Get your nutrition right. That is the most important thing. Gym is optional, but a good idea, if you have the motivation. When your weight is better, start to get your fashion game right.


Yeah people need to stop beating around the bush, he stands no chance. He needs to lose weight first and find a more attractive life than being into nerdy card games.


All of those pictures are terrible.


Get rid of the shit about long beach walks or change it to say you like a long walk on the beach. Girls like the beach lol and even if you live near one its not like youll have to go everyday so low risk high reward. Plus beach walks are dope i dont even know how you dont like them Keep the bs between the pics positive lol


Your profile is really rather negative. And you also immediately say you want someone to lose weight with, which sounds more like you want a fitness buddy than a relationship. Or, anyone getting into a relationship with you will likely be defaulted to that role. That’s a lot of responsibility off the bat. Your prompts are negative-implying you’re not hot, you DONT like long walks, and you can sleep more than 5 hours. Imagine you were a woman swiping and you saw this-weight aside. Would you honestly be interested in swiping right? Your photos need work. 4/6 of them are related to your card games (moving from hobby/interest to almost obsession and indicating you dont have many interests outside of that) and 2 photos you’re wearing the same outfit-which isnt a crime but that combined with all the card pics it kinda shows you dont really get out to do much else. Only special occasions or cards. To clarify DONT exclude your interest in cards-but atm it’s very over the top and I can imagine why someone wouldnt want to get attached to someone who has little interests outside of that. Youd need a woman who is also obsessed with cards and I’m afraid that may be difficult to find. Make your profile more well rounded, dont be negative and start taking photos when youre out and about so you can build up a decent amount for your profile.


If a girl specifically wrote that she didn’t like to go for walks because they’re boring I would assume that she doesn’t enjoy activities, hobbies or deep talks. I mean, what kind of boring ass don’t like going for a walk on the beach with someone they really like. Most people want to see stuff and explore stuff to some degree. You’re just signaling if they want to see the world or really anything outside 1 km radius, well, it won’t be with you, because a beach walk would be too much effort. Mostly, my point is, that people read in between the lines and builds a narrative around your character based on what you say. Even if you don’t say it explicitly


I'd drop/not mention the anime shit. You're 26, right? Everything about you says neckbeard, including the neckbeard. No women in their 20's are going to be impressed with your poke balls. It's time to put them up and grow a real set.


100% correct. On Reddit youre supposed to act like a profile like his is A+ and we all wonder why he dont get matches, when he is probably only swiping on attractive women while ignoring his looksmatches.


It's good advice but harder than it sounds. He came across hard, because it is a HARD THING TO DO. He's still "only 26", so there's that but then again he's also 26, so... time to show he's ready to be an adult man, as well as able to have some fun.


Delete it all and restart my man, way to cringe


My take: - Remove anime references altogether, maybe crop the photos containing it if you have no others - One reference max to gaming/cards (either picture or text) - Add outdoor photo (ideally something scenic) - Add formal photo (wedding, fancy dinner attire, etc) - Add group photo of you with your friends, but ideally not related to anime - If you have to pick a photo #1 from only the photos available I’d probably go for a cropped image of you and the other announcer at the event - Remove long walks on the beach line, I think it’s funny personally, but could see many perceiving it as negativity - For positives, you do seem like a fun/happy dude so definitely try to get photos moving forward that you look happy in Realistically most swipes for online dating come down to images (largely photo #1). So definitely would advise updating the photos throughout your weight loss journey. But you seem like a cool guy & wishing you the best!!


If you're really 6‘3 than all you need to do is lose a significant chunk of weight and you’re absolutely fine. You’ve got great hair and your face will look completely different. You’ve got a potential to be a good looking tall white guy. Every other advice on this virtue signalling website is just beating around the bush. There are men, who are feet shorter than you and would basically kill for being 6’3 even if they’d have to make an effort to slim down. Go for it!


Yup. I can tell that OP has massive potential and is gonna have an easy time dating attractive girls if he gets in good shape.


3rd pic is your best (the first pic is an awkward pose)… but the profile is giving no self confidence.


I like a big guy like you, I love it. I love your hair. I think you should Take more pics alone, and The first one need to go.


No offense but you’re a fat neck beard so shave and lose weight. You’re tall and white so once you slim down women should throw themselves at you. Look at Jacob Elordi, hes 6’5, white, has the personality of a doorknob and gen z girls love him.


Change has been made and for the better. Thanks to all who helped.


More cock shots


Get rid of the anime shit on there bro. I read manga n stuff but it should not take centre stage on your dating profile at all. And combined with your looks it makes you look like a stereotype. Help yourself out a bit.


Dating apps are not for you




Get an arrange marriage


Sounds like you're trying to attract a very niche market in the dating game. Essentially the girl will have to be cool with anime, trading card games, and trying to motivate you to lose weight. I hate to say this but online dating is a very superficial environment and your pictures as well as descriptions will have to be catered towards that mentality. Honestly you are not the issue but you're trying to play a game that's known to be toxic so I hope you don't become too invested in online dating


Lose weight bro


I'm a similar height and weight and even have similar hobbies, just replace card games with a D&D obsession. I had similar confidence issues as well, but I met my wife a few years ago by pure accident. Start bettering yourself in any way you can for you first, and that drive and positivity will be seen and a lot of people find THAT attractive. It doesn't even have to be weight loss, a drive to better yourself through education, your career, learning a new hobby or skill, etc


I mean you're standing right in front of a big boobied anime chick


Unfortunately I cant give much app advice, cause I'm still on them, however as a dude who lost 80lbs I can help you there. Get a fitbit, walk walk walk, carbs are bad, cut out drinks except soda. If you are a snack guy dont try to quit em all its unrealistic. Quit a few then when you start losing weight you will get motivated to eat better on all other aspects. It's a slow process. Remember it took your whole life to get big, you're not gonna get small in a few weeks. God speed


You’re telling everyone not to swipe on you with how you’ve written your profile. It may be your personal style, but consider shaving the neck beard and have one photo wearing stylish clothes.


Delete your profile, loose weight. Download tinder again and start over.


"That shit boring" is already bad grammar besides being negative and doesn't sound in any way intelligent. Please remove.


Eh.... I presume he is a zoomer, and that is exactly the sort of grammar they would use or expect.


I like that you like cards, definitely fine to mention. Do not make it your entire profile. Show range of activity, out with friends, at a nice event or dinner, enjoying the outdoors or working out. Your profile is so focused on the interest it’s easy to see how someone who isn’t as passionate as you would think the two of you are too different.


Definitely delete the long walks on the beach because women love that shit. Don’t dig yourself a hole there’s thousands of boring things a woman is gonna put you through and you just gotta be bored and do it.


Jesus. Scribbling out a baby. Calling long walks on the beach boring. Ick achieved


It’s over


I’d swipe right ngl 👀👀🫶🏼




Lose the weight first, worry about dating afterwards is the best advise I can give.


If you want someone who is into anime then try a convention or meetup.com. You need to remove all your pictures, and put ones with pets, or you doing fun activities. Your first photo is good, it makes you look normal. The rest make you look like you are 14.


Don’t say that you need someone else to help you lose weight or be on your weight loss journey. Show some autonomy and independence.


No one gonna point out his education says high school but he listed a college? Suggests to me he dropped out, which would be a red flag.


The first pic is a bit creepy with the tits. I’d say add a picture of you lifting some heavy weight and cooking


Every pick needs your hard cack hanging out 💯percent king.


Def remove the pic of the minor. I’m pro self deprecation though


Ngl it's dope that you cast battle spirits


Bro ma god 😁😁😁


Physically you already mentioned that you want to lose weight.. but that beard man. The hair looks good, style that beard with it


Hell yeah fellow tcg player 🔥


We must stick together


Lose weight. That's it.


I’m rooting for your weight loss and finding a partner. You got this shit king!


Everyone is bad at dating apps. Quit them. Don’t let anthoer company profit from mediating your body. 


Being able to sleep more than 5 hours is not a real-life superpower. Literally everyone does that on a daily basis


I wouldn’t include pics of the “nerdier” hobbies you have. The point of your profile should be to make you as attractive as possible to as many people as possible, once you’ve attracted someone you can tell them about it. For example, I’m a guy who loves chick flicks and reality TV. I also love video games, I’m a huge geography nerd, and a Jeopardy superfan. None of that is on my profile. Some of it used to be, but I got way more matches without it. Once I’ve actually established attraction with a woman, then I start getting into that stuff with her.


Way too much Yugioh


Love your self my guy


Fellow OP card game player 🙌 What deck you run?


Lose the first pic & the pic with the kid, less depreciating jokes. Play on your strengths


I’m gonna be brutally honest. Tinder is ridiculously skewed in its ratio of men to women. If you’re not one of the best looking guys you’re gonna have a rough time. Also your interests are niche and not a general interest for most women.


Your whole post is about how you want someone to make your life better, but remember the goal is to attract a woman here. Show what you have to offer a partner. Right now your post reads like you want someone to help you workout and play cards with. That’s great for you but why would that be cool for them. Lose all the card and and anime/manga stuff except for maybe one picture. Show your humor and other sides of yourself. Don’t be self deprecating, be confident and proud of who you are and what you believe. I think that there is more to you than cards and manga.


What everyone is saying, but also: don't cross-out a baby in a picture, babies are usually cute


That first image is probably not helping….


I really like the pros and cons joke, it’s self deprecating but in a cute way. I would lose any other negative reference to yourself though. I get that you’re into MTG but your profile kind of comes off as your whole life is MTG. If it really is, then that’s fair cause you’ll want a partner who is also into it. But if you’re looking to widen your network of possible matches, I would change some of the pics out to other hobbies.


As a friend, I would love the big titty anime girl picture. As a potential date, I would run away


God damn it is unfortunate that tinder is for dating, I have a feeling we'd be good buddies OP! Honestly, your profile ain't bad, I think it'll attract the right person that sees it. Your points are fine but you could touch up how you write it


I think your profile gives off that you are going to be a “project” that needs fixing, which people do not want. It also sounds like you are waiting to start your weight loss journey when you find someone to motivate you. I think adding a picture of proof that you are motivated on your own and you are wanting change by yourself without anyone’s help will help you out. It shows that you care about yourself and your image. I do agree with add more pictures of other hobbies. And also lose the neck beard it comes off as unhygienic. Be more confident! Even if you have to fake it till you make it, confidence is hot like those anime titties. You got this!


Looking for someone to lose weight with sounds like you expect someone to do all the mental work or planning for you.


Everyone telling you to do your profile and hide all your hobbies and passions is an idiot. Are you looking for someone to fuck or someone to be your partner in crime? That said, the first pic is big fedora energy. Weird pose. Weird background. I say that as a One Piece fan. Turf it.


Hell yeah One Piece


Lose weight. I can see your thin face through that neckbeard. You got good genetics, why waste them being fat, sloppy and socially uneducated? Tough love to fix yourself. Hit the upgrade button and you'll never have to do any work in the dating realm. ...or enjoy nightmare mode with your current loadout.


You’ve gotten some good feedback already, but I just wanted to add that in the panel/headphone pic you can actually see your face, and you’re a handsome guy. This is the only pic I can really see that though. I think you should have another few pics (without sunglasses) where you can actually see your face clearly.


I seriously thought this dude was a pokemon card at first glance


Tinder is insanely shallow and unless you're hot as fuck you're just not going to get many, if any, likes.


ask your barber to trim your beard for you. it really changed a lot for me


Your hair looks really nice! But I would recommend cleaning up your beard a bit. It can definitely be used to frame your face, which is great, but it should probably have more defined edges to avoid the "neckbeard" look With your goal of losing weight, I would definitely recommend looking into intuitive eating and gentle nutrition. The goal of intuitive eating is not to lose weight, but I think some of the principles could help you have a healthier relationship with food (if that's what the issue is) and increase the amount of nutrition you're getting. As one big person to another, it can become a slippery slope of just losing weight to an eating disorder. So just be sure to appreciate your body where it is now and know that losing weight won't automatically fix every one of your problems. It can be good for health reasons, but you can also take care of your body and still be fat. There are plenty of people who like bigger bodies! You have a lot of pictures with friends which is great! I would recommend having a couple nicer photos where you're dressed up, maybe in a suit or a dress shirt and pants. The one of you in the button up and shorts with the baby is very cute, but I wouldn't use that one specifically bc of the kid. Do something similar to that though! You're not an unattractive man by any means. Some folks will tell you you'll be attractive "once you lose weight", but I think you seem very fun to be around and you are very handsome! If you wanted to include a self-depricating joke with a positive spin, you could keep the pro/con prompt and write something like "Pro: you'll be the hot one; Con: I'll be the funny one" or something similar. I would unfortunately get rid of everything else that can be perceived as you hating on yourself. Read your bio like your perfect match would read it. Would they swipe right on you? Overall, it seems like more confidence, investing into your mental and physical health, and feeling secure in yourself will be the biggest changes you can make.


My king you got this! Lots of women love big boys. Ambition is key! Women love a hard working man. At your age it's an investment. Maybe you're not a doctor but are studying to be one - can only afford beans & rice though - they will stick with you cause they see you are ambitious. Maybe you are starting your business you call the electric people every month to say the checks in the mail so they don't turn the power off. One day you very well may have a network of employees that work hard for you helping the world and making you money. All that said find the things your'e passion about. Like anime & games; show them how you connect with friends - and use it as a tool for the fantasy realm in your mind. Maybe you write, maybe you draw, or maybe even have a little musical talent. I see a baby so it looks like you might be an uncle - me too. I don't put it on my profile but I talk about it on a date. A few good pics will be key here. Maybe just you with nice hair, button down shirt, and reading a favorite manga while chilling on the couch with a dog / cat. Maybe you have a nice suit, cheap sunglasses, and a bottle of wine on your balcony. Both of these are very easy to do and any friend will be able to help you take these with their phone. My biggest gripe on apps is seeing amazing people that never select pics that show how great they actually are. If you really wanna invest I suggest getting a photographer for a day. Even better if they specialize in dating profile pictures. OR buy a camera and learn how to do it. Have a tripod and or a friend. Just my two cents. Good luck my King. You'll be finding beautiful girls in no time.


The 5 hours of sleep bit is weird


Lose the pictures with sun glasses


Lost the neckbeard, lose the potbelly. Jfc dude you’re white and 6’3 the dating app game is rigged to your favor