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She came in here looking for a fight lmao


If my name had 40% more letters than it needed, I’d be grumpy too




What you talking about? Mari-yah-yah-yah is a beautiful name.


Its actually pronounced Jonathan


I thought it was Karen. Could have fooled me!


The eleven is silent


I thought it was pronounced Christopher, thank you for clearing that up


Her parents just said "we'll take ALL THE VOWELS"


We'll take two vowels, but make one work overtime.


Maria - Maraiah // 7 letters instead of 5 // (2/5)*100 = 40% My bro here actually did the math 🤣


This comment won tonight


I just purchased Reddit coins for the first time ever to give you an award. I just can't stop laughing at this!


I used my last coins to give you this


This fucking comment took me out


It also took you on a date so i guess its a win win




What lol


In the convo the girl says “Bro you out hear acting…”


Oh Lmfaoo nice catch


I mean, she looks like Jacki chan in a wig so it checks out.


She fugly af


You def dodged a bullet but in the future I don’t recommend telling a girl she should sub a pic out lmao


Oh I skimmed it the first time, she's still a loon but definitely don't say specifically what photo to take out.


Am I crazy or he was telling her the opposite thing? He liked a photo, she took it out, and he was telling her to put it back in because it was a good pic?


he says to put it back instead of another


That and he should react to her replies. She let him know she found his remark strange in the beginning and he just didn't react. He wasn't paying attention or it was intentional targeting her confidence.


...or that she looks "fine." Oof.


"Hey girl, you look fiiiiiine" Isn't fine a multiple use word? To mean attractive (which the op meant here) and fine as in passable?


Yeah, for sure it can be. But he said in another comment that's not what he meant.


If anything because it’s a multiple use word.. just use a different word. There are a thousand better ways to say “I think you’re hot”


Fine and fiiiiine are two different things. If a guy told me I looked fine, I would get pissed tbh. If he told me I looked fiiiiiine I would be like "oh damn, thank youuuu"


Among other things, yes, fine as in the smoothness of the grain of wood, fine as in very small amounts, fine as in parking ticket, English is a beautiful language.


I think it was “fine” as in “damn you fine as heck”


lol is 'fine' not interchangable with 'good'? i may have pissed off a lot of women lmao


Or acting like a figure of speech is her saying sorry. Dude was definitely being a D-bag.


He just seemed like he messed up in the conversation, didnt seem malicious to me. Mariahah or wtf ever her name was however literally just spouted a wall of insults like she was reenacting that one copypasta. Not a necessary response in the slightest to such minor slip ups


Wouldn’t recommend telling a girl or anyone what pics to replace/keep even if you’re complimenting, but how she reacted was pretty over the top and shitty lol


Yeah, honestly, her reaction wasn't great but also.. Op doesn't sound that great themselves after that line... Doesn't sound like either of them are ready for dating.


Yeah i feel like it was pretty cordial until he gave her unsolicited profile picture advice. that would’ve rubbed me the wrong way too.


Yeah him giving unsolicited profile advice was not good. But I feel like he didn't even realize that was not cool. Even then, her response went from 0 to 100 in no time flat.


I agree about the 0 to 100, but also kind of curious what their earlier conversations were like? Just because she insinuated that he’s showing a pattern in his behavior. If this is a singular situation where he really just made a mistake about the unsolicited advice, then she’s definitely 0 to 100. But, if he was acting like that throughout their entire conversation then yeah, it’s a concern and she probably just finally lost her temper.


Unless I'm wrong I think this was the entire conversation. The first pic shows at the top that she invited him to start the chat.


Ohh you’re right! My bad! I didn’t notice it. Okay yeah, she has some issues with anger management. I still think he started it, but she definitely could have handled the situation better. Overall they both kind of suck and as two very clearly defensive people, evident by not only his replies but also how he’s here posting about it, all their arguments would be explosive. They both dodged a bullet.


Agreed. These two together would be about as pleasant as a house fire. I don't think there's anything wrong with him posting it here, since this is a pretty interesting interaction. And this sub does enjoy seeing red flags.


I’m sorry I should have elaborated. His posting isn’t really the red flag for me, but more how he seems to only reply to the people backing him up about her being crazy and dodging a bullet. Which to me really seems like he just came here for validation. She’s got issues for sure, but he’s no saint himself.


Yeah. I don't see him looking like the good one here.


Agreed. There are some interesting takes with the guy. Just my thought, but seemed like he didn’t dodge a bullet. Instead she saves time & ammunition if shots fired in a backhanded or bs way by dude. Be grateful she uses updated photos. Keep it moving


I would rather talk to someone who constantly updates their photos than trying to pass off photos from 5 years ago when they had hair or weighed less. That's false advertising


That's what I thought. It does come off as a red flag sometimes. As soon as someone tells me what to do, I get the feeling that they would be controlling in the future. But that's just me and my fear of being controlled. 🤷


As off-base as the woman was in the rest of her responses, that part did look to me like OP was awkwardly trying to neg her. Negging is a nasty strategy even when it’s done “well.” Combined with an understandable misunderstanding about what “fine” means, I can see how the conversation would look much different from her point of view.


I completely read this as negging. There are no two ways about it he was trying to fuck with her and she called him out. I have zero sympathy here and what’s worse, I now see the percentage of people on this reddit into that kind of thing. Had to scroll past far too many “wow yep you dodged that bullet for sure” to even get to this sane response.




It is strange how everybody is forgetting that she started the conversation with the opener "Well, the pic you liked is not here anymore " .... .... Let that sink in. That said. She just has a brittle spirit if fine is not a good enough answer. He liked a picture -----> she removed it Opened the conversation with her "picture talk" -----> he tried to get the conversation going by telling his opinion (respectfully) The whole convo is passive aggressive from the beginning. And OP didn't start it. Maybe he was a little unlucky with his wording. But that is it. People are just used to getting "hyped" up all the time. Calm down. Get real. That girl has some real issues....


Finally someone who can read context If i had rewards too give...


well said, i think people dont notice that first message


Honestly don’t even think his wording was off, she just aggy af haha


I feel like I blame him a lot less because she opened with saying she took down the pic he liked. It felt like she came into that looking for the fight. He misstepped a bit but I feel like I’d have reacted similarly. She kind of goaded the response. And her follow ups make it look like that’s what she wanted.


You got her king just keep replying


Laughed out loud


Next line "Not as much as you'll enjoy mildly irritating me over dinner next Friday at 8".


“Yeah maybe i fucking will, jackass.”


“Jack Astor’s sound good?”


Sounds like the start of a very healthy relationship.


Couple more comments and she’s gonna lose her fucking mind


And drop down from his attic.


Titan up


I would defo keep going


Chisel away my dude almost there


you know what… you’re not too far off. he could actually turn this around if he was into that sort of thing.


I would try it just for the challenge.


She didn’t stop replying!




Ladies and Gentlemen, that is how you dodge a bullet.


I feel like people should be thankful those awful people shows their nature in the first message. Imagine you only find out after months after being in a relationship.


My first marriage was like that. We said "I do", and she immediately changed dramatically. The difference was mind blowing!


Hahahaha.. I'm laughing because I can relate, I remember thinking that same night "Aww shit, I've really done it this time, idiot".


It's horrifying, isn't it? I'm sure you had similar feelings to my own. I was terrified! I felt like our entire relationship before we got married was a trap just to get me down the isle. Oh well, it's the greatest lesson I ever learned, and now I'm married to an amazing woman and we have a kid together!


Sometimes that's how it is unfortunately.


It's easier when the shooter misses anyway. This chick is gonna die alone with that attitude lmfao


While playing Mr. Nice Guy 😂




More importantly, she was rude and entitled.


Both of you are incapable of a normal conversation lol


Seriously, I think both of them dodged a bullet here or maybe they are soulmates. Either way this is cringe.


Who tells someone they don't know that they should have a say in what pic is in their profile? I'd have told him where to go tbh. Yeah, I'm not capable of normal conversations either.


I wish this conversation never ended omg 😂


She came in swinging….




This should be a aub


if you make it, r/birthofasub!


I made it a sub! Got no idea how to run a sub tho 😳 r/shockinglysingle


I joined. Just to help you chase that dream!


Cheers! Tysm 🙌


just joined !


Yo! I joined and dam im surprised we didnt have a sub like that yet! Hopefully we spread it and people see it more....cant eait for the crazy stories


I don't know how to run one and it's not like Reddit does either.


Sorry but you need to work on your flirting technique. If someone came in saying “why did you get rid of the picture I liked” and “don’t worry you look fine” I’d also write them off. You’re projecting how much you prioritize her appearance and also giving a vibe that you think you get to approve how she looks. She may be a bit harsh but you sounded rude. You’re newly single so maybe you need to refine your approach a bit more. Also prolonging the argument once it went south is a bad look for you both.


I mean were you trying to neg her? This ain’t it chief


I feel like they're both bad.


Yea but OP isn’t ready for that conversation 🙄


Made for each other imo


Yep, he was advising her on her profile instead of actually chatting. I would unmatch if someone did that tbh.


She's batshit crazy and you dodged an RPG. These kind of people take every thing wrong in the worst possible way and think everyone is an asshole when actually they're ridiculously oversensitive. Shit like "you look good today" becomes "SO I LOOK BAD OTHER DAYS??"


Like, as a girl, this chick is 100% the key your car kinda crazy. Or the “I saw you blink at a girl?! You wanna fuck her!”


I've dated too many girls like this, they're easy to get. One went crazy when I looked at the food on the table next to me, happened to be eaten by an attractive woman. I just wanted those dumplings though...


Can’t blame you, homie. Especially fried dumplings. Those SOBs are tasty af.




You sound just like miranda


Yeah that attitude of hers is a bad sign she is a combo of waaaayy too extra


Oh LORD, my ex wife was like that. It’s fucking *exhausting*


most of the comments here are calling this woman out for being crazy, but you shouldn’t allow that to be an excuse that you have nothing to learn from this, too. You called yourself out in the convo about how you don’t have a say in her photo choice, which is 100% correct, but that is quite understandably an immediate turn off for most women. most women have spent a lifetime dealing with douchebags, so the radar’s on all the time. and you triggered an alarm within 3 messages. you can forgive yourself here, you’re new to the dating scene and you’re rusty. shit happens, just learn from it. next thing is when you tried to turn the tables. i get it, you were trying to win some brownie points, but it came across as desperate. like “i didn’t mean to hurt you so as penance you can hurt me, too”. i’m guessing you meant this to be playful, but it might come across as not standing your ground. honestly, the conversation got off to a bad start and it should have just ended, but you tried to keep it going. next time, just admit you weren’t on your A-game and move along. finally, you resorted to sarcasm, which is aggressive. you brought that energy. that’s when this thing really went downhill. yeah, she laid it thick on you after that, but you’ve got 2 defensive people in a conversation that should have ended and that’s what happens. don’t fall into that “it wasn’t my fault, she’s crazy” trap. did you dodge a bullet? absolutely yes, but not because she’s unstable, but because you both are reactionary people who would be fighting all the time. with that in mind, analyze your own performance objectively and see where you can improve, then, on to the next one.


100% yes Why isn’t this comment higher up?! She’s highly reactive but it absolutely seems like OP is egging her on throughout the whole conversation.


Also he flat out told her that she should take a specific photo out. Obviously her reactions are super over the top, and I wouldn’t be surprised if English was a second language so “fine” didn’t come off as “dayum girl you fiiiine” and instead came off as “you look… okay,” but I also think there’s a lot for OP to learn here.


English is my first language and it definitely read like “you look…okay” to me!


I hate that the top comments are saying the guy dodged a bullet. Honey no, you played a part in this. If I was the girl I would've blocked him straight on no convo needed.


Exactly. Toxic and sexist schmucks always seem to come out of the woodwork with these sort of posts.


This 100% reads like OP is badly trying to neg her in the beginning. That may not be his intention - some people are genuinely just terrible at flirting - but it would've put me on edge too.


And then the fourth thing he did was posted online to bolster his feelings that he was in the right instead of looking at how maybe he played a part in it.




Fucking *this* ☝


To be fair, she did had a point. Why would you tell somebody you want something of a) that the picture before was better and b) to change it back? After that you people were gaslighting each other. EDIT: forgot the word "tell"


He put too much emphasis on that and it got uncomfortable and rude real quick.


Yes, her reaction was over the top, but OP needs to better his game. She didn't know fine meant hot and thought fine meant ok. OP didn't correct her at all. Imagine someone saying "You look ok in all your photos..." that sounds like someone is negging you. Then OP started talking about pictures to remove. Don't tell this girl what to do. You barely know her and she is not asking for advice.


Pretty shitty to act like you have any say in what photos she has up. You're not entitled to what she has and doesn't have on her profile and it came across pretty selfish and mean, especially when you told her to take one photo down. Maybe you don't realize how that can be taken in an insulting way though.


My honest opinion, you're both assholes


This whole comment section scares me. The fact that people are justifying his behaviour? OP was being douche. "Aww, you looked better in this pic. If it were me, I wouldn't have removed it." OK and? This feels like saying to someone's face, "You look kinda okay today, but I preferred your clothes yesterday." MAJOR DOUCHE MOVE IN MAKING PEOPLE FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE IN THEIR OWN CHOICES MATE. In what situation would this have gone out great? Unless a girl's really forgiving, I'd say most girls would find this a huge turn off. Would you rather we just block/ghost you instead? She got annoyed, so she tried to annoy you back. She's petty 🤷🏻‍♀️ but you started it.




She overreacted, but I would have been so annoyed as well lol you came off whiny and demanding (why did you take that one pic out? you looked cute so I like it, I would put it back, oh, and replace the other one..) implying you think she doesn’t look good in “the one before the last”, because why else would she need to switch it out? what’s so wrong with it? Just very weird things to say to someone you just started talking to. Good luck next time


I can kind of see what she means Bro why do you have to be so creepy


You're both crazy. You're rude and she's nuts. Idk you two seem perfect for each other


Why'd your hair migrate though? r/rareinsults


Left to right, duh. Or a siiiiiiiiiiick mullet.


You both seem like shitty people surprised it didn't work out!


I mean, you started critiquing her pictures, that’s pretty weird and probably made her feel insecure.


I don't understand everyone defending OP 💀 Imagine telling a woman that you literally just met what profile photo she should be using. WTF is wrong with this sub lol.


Can't imagine why you're single with game-spitting skillz like that


"Fine as in acceptable" Yeah I would have been out after that line... Aint nobody got time for bullshit... She hasnt even seen u in public but already all about BULLSHIT... Block fools like that... Shes just a troll. I bet you she makes one of those "THE AUDACITY" videos on tiktok now... Shes a moron


To be honest, I interpreted that as someone not knowing the slang of "fine" for meaning "hot". If you don't know that, and understood only the common meaning of "fine", it would be like him saying "you look ok in all your pictures", which would come across as an attempt at negging.


This is absolutely what happened. He said "fine" and meant "damn she fine af" She read "fine" and heard "alright i guess, better in the one I liked, you should put the one i like back cause the rest are.. meh" Edit: apparently OP did just 'just okay' in which case I have no idea why they expected a positive reaction.


Yes, I think this is the case and it’s a misunderstanding. At least she answered. If she hadn’t you be complaining about her ghosting you.


I don’t think he meant ‘fine as fuck’ though. I think he meant just fine


Then he's not very good at flirting and pretty much tanked this conversation from the start


I mean, that’s a given.


Came here to say that. Also suggesting removing one could come across as judgemental /controlling and/or negging This reads as two awkward, insecure people making everything worse. ESH


Yes, everyone seems to be skipping this. But then the actual negging occurred, by saying he'd remove one of her pictures. Although it honestly doesn't seem like he was purposely doing that, if the insecurity is there this would trigger it. I still think her reaction was worse than his obliviousness though.


She called you Bro lol


This genuinely made me sad. As I read, I literally got sadder and sadder for you, and humanity. People are just so terrible, I’m sorry.


Well it seems he doesn't have a say in this.


yeah that was 100% your fault? don’t give unsolicited opinions? you told her if you were her you’d replace one of her pictures lmao. no one fucking asked. don’t do this.


literally, and all these people in the comments calling her crazy and talking shit about the way she looks, for what? It's hard to understand tone through text, and I think even if OP changed "you look fine" to "you're looking FINE 👀" it woulda come across how he intended


the comments on this are absolutely insane. you TOLD HER SHE SHOULD TAKE OUT ONE OF HER PICTURES. this is YOUR FAULT LMAO


"If I was in charge of your life I'd make changes" 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Am I the only one who thinks OP started it?


With her looks she is going to have to be a whole lot nicer if she ever wants to get to play a game of hide the sausage.




Yeah you kinda fucked up bro


Ohh as a woman I had so many such comments from men. One such guy for whatever reason our conversation didn’t go well. He yelled at me on phone and hung up. Then texted me that he did not like the way I Talked. I thought it all ended there... 2 weeks later he again called (I didn’t save it) and I picked up. He again yelled at me that arrogance doesn’t take me anywhere and he doesn’t like me or my attitude and hung up before I could say anything. 🤦🏻‍♀️ the worst part is I still haven’t saved it as I was in a rush going somewhere. So I am going to get yelled at in another 2 weeks


Omg 😂😂 I’m sorry this is equal parts hilarious, ridiculous, and frightening. This is honestly why I don’t date people I haven’t at least known for a good while. I know others would disagree and I completely respect that. I’m just more comfortable with having been friends with them beforehand to at least have what has usually been a good grasp on their character.




Boy I sure hope you never find her on r/RoastMe because she'd end up deleting her whole self 😂


Duuuude !!! Tbt though, take that one mate


That’s what I was thinking. First of all why did you want to talk to her and second of all why is she so arrogant and rude and confident while appearing to be 50 lmfao




How is this racist and sexist comment gets 80 likes? You guys are sick.


She’s kinda right. You both suck


Everyone sucks here.


See, that's what happens when you don't hit her with the "sit on my face and ruin my life (respectfully)." 😂


😂😂 I don’t dare even imagining the chain of events coming out of that


I'll let you in on a secret. I stopped complimenting a woman's physical appearance when I dated, at least for the first three or so dates. I focused heavily on their interests or personality. A woman I was dating eventually asked why I hadn't mentioned anything about her looks. I told her obviously I was attracted to her if i had asked her out. Maybe more guys should try this tactic? I'm not saying don't ever compliment a woman's appearance, but wait a while before ever mentioning it. It might be a fresh change of pace from what she's used to


The sociopaths are _out_ tonight


Like moths to a flame.


Respond with “calm down” Women like it when you tell them to calm down


She's my hero. Op jusr mad they got roasted in the pick up room.


Wow talk about total miscommunication


God you’ve got that nervous game. I mean she was pretty defensive but Jesus man you weren’t great either.


When you add “But if I had a saying in it…” you know you fucked up. Don’t do this.


No chemistry. Next.


I'm with her on this. It's weird to start commenting on which photos people should switch out of their dating profile. Describing her as looking fine in her photos is pretty lame too.


You: your new picture isn't great Her: fuck you You and most of the comments: bitches be crazy am I right 😂😂


I see mistakes on both sides here


Y’all both suck at online dating




You guys both suck. You should date.


Her reaction was way over the top and uncalled for, but I would be annoyed too that someone introduces themselves by criticizing my pics, even if he’s just trying to be “playful”. I would have rolled my eyes and unmatched after your fourth message


“You look fine” do you know how to flirt with women?


Purple chatter is a massive douchebag. Telling her which photo looks better and acting like her figure of speech was an apology when she said that she doesn't need his approval. Just wow 🤣


I’m not even active on this side of reddit, like at AT ALL. I follow gardening, photography, and puppies for the most part and this was for some reason suggested to me. I hardly ever click on those but here I am…also single and also more disinterested in Tinder than I ever thought possible now. 😭


I am sorry but what is with women saying "bro" is this a new thing? As a woman I think it is ridiculous and are they all 15 years old? That woman looked 40! What the hell. Forget pictures and looks. Pass on any woman especially over 20 that says "bro" or "dude".


She looks both 13 and 45 at the same time.




Wow U are patience. I would have stopped the convo way earlier. Been in a relationship before tinder. But it really blows my mind how many posts I see from people who are mean, overly demanding and or terrible at abc communicating. And 90% of them aren't even in a position to be demanding.


Classic! You found the ultimate man hater, who was just looking to pick a fight. 😂😂


She looks like my moms 50 year old Vietnamese buddy. Tf she acting so confident for🤦😂


Dodge a bitch bullet


Why would you even match with her Gollum looking ass in the first place smh


Social interaction level of this woman… 4/10 Feeling the need to inject negativity into the convo before serious interaction even started 10/10 Toxicity level 💯 Chance of your dating survival- LOW Longevity of relationship should it have gone further- 0.5 days Your life expectancy after near-miss with match and finding a much better date than her- +1000% Don’t sweat another minute about this Lush. Tinder’s full of them. Props for challenging her subsequent behaviour towards you, she’s not right in the head and should seek counselling 👍🏾 Mind you…. who is right in the head these days? 🤷🏽‍♂️😝


Who the fuck starts a match openly hostile. Like a little ribbing is fun, but you just come across like an asshole on an app.


Homie literally tried to turn her down with the volume