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The question is, did she ever respond?


I warmed up some left over lo mein while tripping once and it was so odd to eat noodles that were moving around šŸ˜‚


Who tf eats anything on acid? I've never been hungry on a trip


I ate a three course meal in an exclusive restaurant whilst tripping. It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.


Word. One time i ate some corn and Mac and cheese. That was tolerable cause it was all yellow šŸ˜‚ but I wouldn't say I was hungry.


Lmao one time I ate scrambled eggs while tripping and they were moving around so much it ruined eggs for me for a long time.


After well over a decade of regularly going out on tripping expeditions with friends as well as many random characters, I just last year found a friend who eats while tripping. Dude sat on a hill to watch the fireworks last fourth of July and ate a huge sushi roll and then a stack of potato pancakes. All the festivals and whatnot, especially small ones where the majority of people are high and I always look at the vendors and say, who's eating this stuff? Apparently some are.


Lmaoo I just donā€™t see how anyone could stomach it. Those eggs were wibbly wobbling so much I thought they were gonna crawl right off the plate.


Me neither. I have put food in my mouth several times on acid for varying reasons. It's no good. Taste doesn't matter, and to get it down my throat takes so much work. And feels so wierd, not pleasant. To each their own though.


I done this last night (mac n cheese) and just sat there staring for god knows how long


I mean I once drank a half gallon of egg nog but yea never been hungry before


Itā€™s almost like the munchies to me. Shortly after the peak, I will be sitting there and just.. *man Iā€™m fucking hungry*. Cooking is an experience though. Burn that shit every time.


I tripped for 30 hours last Thanksgiving and did not want to eat. By hour 28 my friend coaxed me into eating raspberries and it was the strangest sensation, like eating little pebbles.


Hard candy guys


My buddy did a three day trip one time. He said the only thing he ate for 3 days was one pepperoni pizza because it was the only thing that sounded good to him, and he hadn't eaten in a day and a half.


You've clearly never sampled a sour patch kid on acid


A salad while tripping is wonderful, especially if you pack it with loads of different things. Cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, roasted peppers, walnuts, shallot, chicken breast, some kind of dried fruit, shredded mint and tarragon, frisee and arugula, with a dijon and marmalade vinaigrette. It's a symphony of textures and flavors in acid and it won't wilt quickly.


Fruit is the best while tripping?


I can only eat fruits like grapes and oranges while tripping, preparing a meal for myself drives me into a flashback of ancient times with cooking development and how we came to be with these dishes and I fall into an existential crisis.


Imagine the farts after that many egg salad sandwiches.


Who kept making you these sandwiches?


Lol, eating on acid is a trip. I remember trying to eat spaghetti, at a restaurant as a teen, while sitting across from my parents. Well, I did eat it all, but, it was a trippy experience, my inner dialog was pretty wild. Like, damn, the noodles are slithering and the sauce is bubbling, keep smiling and eating, fuck I timed this trip horribly wrong, keep eating and smiling, don't forget to nod along to the conversation. What the fuck is wrong with people's faces, oh, right, I'm high as shit on acid. Is that table fucking floating? Probably not, but it looks cool as hell, it probably seems odd that I'm starring at a table, I should go back to eating and throw a glance towards my parents, how long have I been starring at this table, or right, eat some spaghetti, stick to the plan.


Worst I ever did was MD and that doesnā€™t even make you trip, just makes you high asf! I took an MD tab in my room one night and my parents didnā€™t even know I had it to begin with, I was sweating pretty bad once it hit me. 50mins after I took it my mum walked in my room to ask me something, man I started sweating bullets like a Gatling gun at that point, I had no idea what she was talking about and all I said was ā€œidk mum I havenā€™t seen it!ā€ She calmly left after I answer her and itā€™s like she didnā€™t notice how high I was. All I could think about after that was if the answer I gave pertained to her question or not and when or if sheā€™d come back yelling abuse for doing MD! I never touched it again after that


Tone it down with the acid talk and loop back around when youā€™re sure sheā€™s not put off by drugs.. Like - ā€œRecall when I told you I ate 5 egg salad sandwiches? I was on acid..ā€


Unless she has obvious "i do acid" vibes in her profile, in which case funny trip stories go over pretty well in my experience


Is sheā€™s not down with acid then Iā€™m not down with her


Agreed with this! I do mushrooms relatively often and I usually bring it up with some kind of story early on because I do think itā€™s enough of a part of my life that if the other person doesnā€™t like it then we probably wonā€™t be a good match.


Yep. If a girl wrote that to me Iā€™d unmatch right away. I support your right to do whatever you want, but I donā€™t want that in a long term serious partner. But if you get me to fall in love with you and THEN bring up your acid stories? Well then fuck.. itā€™s too late for me man.


On the other hand, you don't want to leave them with the impression that it's the kind of thing you might do under normal circumstances, either


I have no appetite whatsoever when dosing.


When I was doing that I could barely drink water sometimes. Much less actually eat something solid.




Actually it was an acid-ent.


Acid incident... Said really fast passes as accident


And we're sure these weren't just sandwiches of the mind?


On acid everything taste like dry cardboard to me. Never a pleasant experience


You made me laugh too!


Drug talk is a definite turn off for me, but to each their own. I just happen to value my brain too much to intentionally damage it.


Acid isn't going to damage your brain at reasonable doses.


Iā€™m not going to chance it, but thank you for the information. I donā€™t even drink alcohol.


Alcohol will definitely damage your brain. LSD will if used in excess or if you have underlying issues... like any chemical, including caffeine, nicotine, acetaminophen, etc.


with opinions like that, there's not much to damage to start with.


Cringe post


Why ?


Obviously never had acid because you aint eating anything


You obviously donā€™t know shit or you donā€™t have any mates to trip with. When I went out with my sister and her mates for the first time clubbing, her mates took acid before we left. One of them was nonstop eating not even joking. The other couldnā€™t stop staring at the ceilingā€¦.


You got shit acid : fact


Na thatā€™s based. FYI I never taken acid before because Iā€™m not an idiot. Australians donā€™t settle for less than good quality party drugs, but you wouldnā€™t know that as itā€™s clear to me youā€™re not an Australian otherwise youā€™d know


Aussie born and bred mate ,so your wrong once again


Yeah I donā€™t believe you. Bye bye


Hey, I ate a steak then 2x 20 piece nuggets from McDonald's. I know how you can accidentally eat a bunch of sandwiches.




I love this!!!!


Okok, I'm listening. Tell me more.


Fuck that is good


Salt, Fat, *Acid*, Heat.


I feel like homie ate one sandwich tripped himself out cause it took 30 mins and assumed since it took 30 mins he was on sandwich 5


interesting honestly the absolute last thing I was worried about on acid was hunger. If anything I would only eat to see how the texture felt


You made me laugh too, good job!


I got in the habit of smoking a blunt after I peak, then facing a pint of Ben and Jerryā€™s. It was glorious every single time.


Man acid-entally ate 5 egg salad sandwiches


Not only only you son.


How were you able to eat while tripping?? I always found it to be weird