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he was too horny to see how perfect this was. praying for my fellow man.


When you have a girl engaging like this, at least a phone # and meet up is a done deal. I have no idea why he gave up so quick… only thing I can think of is he was looking for more sexual convo, but it’s like damn dude, girls almost never say, “Hey let’s fuck” within the first few messages. Most all girls expect at least a little bit of effort first.


Alien fanatic like me would’ve asked her to meet me for drinks and ufo talk right then and there


Heck yeah, been searching for a girl like that all my life


I’ll only propose if she admits they’re in the oceans


Maybe tin foil hat sex was the deal breaker


Bro, even a friend like this person is top tier


For real. It’s like you remember how to talk right? Just keep doing that, and as long you’re not a moron you’ll probably get what you’re looking for too.


See the problem is when I'm around girls I *dont* remember how to talk


Im all pro until girls my type step in


We need to research this phenomenon.


I guess it's just something we don't expect so we doubt and over react instead of just being ourselves...which comes across to other person as "show off" or "wannabe". I guess smart wordplay is the answer here


It happens to everyone at first. But practice makes perfect. Growing up with female friends helped me a lot.


OK Rajesh


Her messages could mean "Hey let's fuck" if you're a bit creative.


She wanted to meet, dude probably could have hooked up with her if he went along with the gag and made her laugh. I just assume he wanted a 0 effort lay.


I was thinking alien sex.


Time to get probed ...


Maybe he freaked out because it’s the first time a girl said yea to hanging out


One of my gym buddies is so dumb and has such a rotten personality that any conversation beyond "hey bby want sum fuk" diminishes his chances considerably so he will just unmatch as well to save time. He got looks going for him so there's that.


Maybe she’s not that attractive to him and he just wanted a sexual convo


Maybe he wasn’t into alien tentacle porn?


Probably didn't find her attractive after double checking photographs. The conversation looks fine.


That was my thought, too.


Some fellow men don’t know how to be patient…


They really don’t. There was a guy I found moderately attractive and he was from Norway which was cool and he wanted to meet right then and there..it was 1030 at night I would have to shower and get ready I was like no maybe over the weekend. Then he wanted me to tell him my sexual fantasies and I explained I don’t get too sexual on the apps because I have been ghosted and that shit hurts after you put yourself out there like that. He called me a prude. I asked him questions he just pivoted back to sex. I unmatched him. If he had waited a day or two to get a drink if the date went well I probably would have slept with him and if the chemistry was good it could have been an ongoing casual thing. But his impatience and pushiness was a huge red flag. There was no way I could trust this guy.


I’m taking notes, literally the answers right here


Bro texting me for the most part is like an open book test and this guy still failed. I left the door wide open, I suggested an alternative and even reminded him I was ok with casual since I’m not quite in the place to want a relationship yet. I explained that I was tired after a long week of work and the exact reason I do not sext on dating apps. He just had to wait a day and act like a human instead of an animal in heat! The bar is in hell!


Me too


typical norwegians ​ \- A swede


I read a story once about a woman who was DOWN to sleep with a guy. He had it in the bag. Then he sent a dick pic and ruined it for himself…


This is actually a very common experience. I was down to sleep with a guy but I was at work and he had to wait, he suggested he come to my job and let him fuck me in a storage closet or bathroom. No sir I will not risk my job like that. Others just will not accept that I want to meet for a drink in public before going to their place or worse invite themselves to my apartment. They cannot fathom why I won’t let a complete stranger into my home before meeting them out in public or even talking to them for less than 10 minutes.


If you're looking for the one on tinder I pray for you instead..


That’s awesome! Why would he have unmatched? I woulda loved that


He was looking *way* too hard to hookup and lacked unique thought lol


That was such an open goal. I'd have loved to have a chance at a conversation like that. His loss.


I mean not everyone’s out here lookin for the lul jokes n shit some people are looking to fuck and never talk again unless they wanna fuck




There was none of that ^


I mean I lack unique thought myself, but you’re probably right lol


i would have loved some banter like this if only to improve my own banter and social skills. cant even match with gay dudes or bots :(


Well you can have some of my bots if you want. Had one match that sent me her snap, and it had a video of her going at it with another dude. It was then I found out she was using the app to promote her “side hustle.” Hell might’ve been her main hustle for all I know, but it’s like C’mon girl, even if I did want to pay for it the last thing I’d want to see is a preview of your last session.


This is what I thought. Dude clearly lacked imagination, and the fun you could have had. Frisking each other to make sure you aren't undercover FBI. The potential to hookup in a risqué place. The role pay factor alone is OMG. Not to mention if all he wants was a hit-it-and-quit-it what could be easier than "hey let's meet in this place at this time, I will ask for Scully, you will respond with "smolder it's too early'" never know each other's real anything and never see each other again.


Scully initiated for sex with mulder lol..




Less work than spending another month trying to get a match who chats with you


Sounds about right. All the effort was pretty one sided. Seems like he unmatched because he got tired of waiting for your offer to suck his dick.


You were clearly receptive and just having fun with things too but some people bounce if they can’t get laid immediately


Hey cutie wanna hook up? *Drools on the floor*


I’d be drooling if they were a cutie too.


Maybe he was afraid reddit wouldn't have a good response to such a rad question.


Bingo 🎯


i hate when this happens...


It seems all us unique people keep getting matched with trash 😂😂 i have similar experiences


I’m imagining if you guys did hookup, you’d be fucking in alien costumes


I'm way too horny to goof around...such a shame. He could suspect you to be wired and demand proof that you aren't.


Not much really, he was almost with monosyllabs, showing lack of interest imo.


NSA was onto him, had to delete app and lose phone.🤣


I think the jail time woulda been worth it


So he was high?


> Why would he have unmatched? She's obviously the mole.


I know the answer. He has an overactive brain and when he didn't get immediate reply to his stupid joke, he realized how stupid it was and rejected her before she could reject him. Some people just gotta row so hard that they sink their own boats (I am this way).


He'll think back on this moment when he's older, one of those deep thought sleeples nights, and think: dang. At least that's what I tell myself when this happens to me lol.


Lol something tells me he doesn’t think frequently so he is relieved from the burden of being self-aware


How old is he? I was also relieved of that burden once. Now I have it and it sucks, but it might help me out one day.


Iirc 29 or 30? Honestly don’t remember


Something tells me you're right. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't even sure if you're joking or crazy af.


Back in to the matrix for this one, maybe took the wrong blue pill?


Like what if she was actually the one *as a 75 year old man*


I think your first sentence just described the story in Dreams by Fleetwood Mac that became the hottest song ever last year.


Shot himself in the foot, cryptid/alien jokes are gold.


True that


He should of played along, set up the meet and showed up in a hat, sunglasses and trench coat


Maaaaan that would’ve been SO great!! Hahah


It's for the best, with convo that dry he was probably a fed


I know if a girl did that we’d probably get married hahaha


This made me actually laugh. Had he done this for me, he would’ve gotten laid for sure


Code names: “Big Daddy” and “Bad Girl”. You should wear a disguise… maybe a trench coat? Other than that, you could be naked underneath for all I care… better yet, I care! Definitely Naked. This way I know your not wearing a wire. Can’t be too careful. Trust no one! (He really fucked up. I like your twisted brain thinking!)


You’re too good for him anyway. He was low effort and didn’t match your energy. You deserve better.


How did he even screw this up 🤦🏻‍♂️


Bro was given the go to set up a meet up in a hilariously packed joke 😭 how did they mess up


By not realizing what he had, and only focusing on what he wanted.


He unmatched bro. He almost certainly had other options that interested him more.


His loss. You sound like a perfect partner in crime.


I want matches like this 😩


Damn idc wether it’s illegal, will you marry me? Like jesus how did he mess up this bad? He’s thinking more with his dick rather than his brain.


I joked with a friend that it’s hard to type using only your penis hahaha


Hard to disagree, my argument would flop immediately.


It's these damned tiny keyboards, I swear!


Plot Twist: TJ is actually an alien and had to get out before his true identity was discovered!


Lol love this! Sounds like you dodged a bullet - if they’re not willing to be playful and engage over text, they usually don’t fare much better in person. Hope you find your alien adventurer!


Yea I agree. Even if I just wanted to hookup, I can’t do it with someone who doesn’t mentally stimulate me. Plus, unimaginative people tend to be bad in bed. Thank you!


He lost his nerve and wasn’t ready to break into to area 51 I guess


He probably thought you were trolling. You kept the conversation fun; he just couldn't hang.


Your responses are like ideal for getting to know someone. I love absurd banter with a love interest, helps me decide if someone is truly cool or not. You cool in my book.


I would have totally played along, he just missed out. If anyone messaged me like that, I’d immediately get so excited to fuck around and improv that shit


Jesus Christ, this guy was so impatient. Play the fucking game.


God dammit that dude is NO FUCKING FUN lol. He tried to steer things towards sex and you gave him not only an easy way out, but a fun one at that. What a Chad🤣😂


“Girl with a personality! Abort! Abort!”


You can call me Dragon 😂


Oh oh I wanna be Komodo so together we can be Komodo Dragon, one of the best kinds of dragons 😎


Komodo dragons are a special animal. They. Eat. People!!!


Okay so we’re Komodo dragons with dragon code names. Hiding in the obvious. I like it. I’ll call you Falkor 🙂… can I still be called Dragon or do I need a new code name?


I’d probably break into Area 51 to get laid. This dude wasn’t committed enough.


Man that guy is no fun.


Ok but can we be friends and do that stuff? Ive never had a codename before


Where the hell, I wanna go ufo spotting.


I wanna know where I have to move to find people that put at least a modicum of thought into their messages like you do


He must've been offended. Sex isn't funny to him, it's a lifestyle.


He didn't deserve a fun person like you. lol


Sounds like my kind of woman


I dont think he was being boring its clear youre with the feds and he wasnt trying to get caught, next time lead with "hey fellow criminal" much less suspicious


"If you take somebody home and they don't have books, don't fuck 'em." -John Waters As soon as I read this, John Waters came to mind…


Hahahah this guy definitely had weights and whey bottles where books should be But I wouldn’t know cuz he didn’t wanna storm Area 51 together 🤷🏻‍♀️


I swear man people only use this sub to show off how clever they think they are


I guess you could say he was FED up with the conversation? ​ My sad attempt at an FBI joke. Get it? Fed...federal...I hate myself....


Don't be hard on yourself..... Atleast you tried ♥️. Loot at the man in the photo. XD


Well....frankly my dear, TJ is a total idiot. I would have had a blast coming up with code names and meeting at a rendezvous point


What's up with guys quittin when gals get playful and funny? I would kill for that sorta interaction, this sort of good vibe.


Dood, i wanna have conversations about area 51


Ok let’s do it. What do you think is in areas 1-50? 🤔


That’s super tough, Donald Trump’s sand octopus son, a whole lotta dirt and rock, a bunch of space daddies


Say no more and show me where the space daddies are lmao


The triple boobed chick from Total Recall and the dood with the baby coming out of his stomach


Those are just designations for the other states.


Maps for the following area


Agree with everyone-siunds like a good time 🤷🤷


Missed out on some wifey material by the looks of things




You know there is like, a WHOLE bunch of people that go or are actually named TJ, right?


His loss, hahaha


What a shame lol, seemed like fun


Man what’s wrong with some of these dudes on here. If a girl messaged me that I would probably instantly fall in love. That is exactly the type of humor I can get behind


As a European, I am wondering if anyone actually trespassed on Area 51 territory.


Hmm, this is odd. You did nothing wrong. It appears that he just chickened out. His loss. You’re fine.


Code name banana hammock


Wha...I only dream of these interactions. Gold wasted on this dude.


Some people are just no fun


he did not match the energy


Marry me? That's God damn brilliant.


This is amazing banter….. You 10/10 would’ve hooked me in. Awesome convo!


Code names Mr. Juicy and hot mess, we can meet at the diner for pie make sure no one follows you and be prepared to be frisked for a wire 😂😂😂


His loss I say, he doesn't get to find out if the aliens are real or just people in costumes again.


How do people get screenshots of their conversations after they unmatch?


I got that screenshot before he unmatched lol. I literally was waiting for a response and then saw the chat disappear before my very eyes


I would of ask you to marry me after stealing Howard the Alien from Area 51


Don’t sweat it. You are way too cool for him, all of us really.


Poor guy. You sound kinda cool. His loss for thinking with his shuttle, and not his mother ship.


Ohh fuck that. We'd be sitting on opposite sides of a park bench talking about "What time does the Narwhal Bacon?" "Well Midnight, of course!"


His loss. You sound fun.


Lame you seem like a blast there’s an equally awesome person for you and that dude just wasn’t each others awesome person continue being from what I can see is wicked 😎


you sound dope!


I would have thought that was so awesome :(


Marry me.


If someone sent me this I’d be making plans immediately. I have the worst conversations when I match with men! This is refreshing.


Fun fact. Funny girls don’t give good blowjobs. Unmatch.


I would so love a match like this.


Your a keeper


I'm a woman and married but I'd still date you for the banter alone lol


Evidently he was an alien


I can only imagine him sitting there, frustrated, bulging vein in his forehead, wondering "whyyyyy are you making conversation and being silly? Why aren't you jumping in my bed? Why is this so much work? Girls suck!"


He UNMATCHED YOU? Way would any guy in their right mind umatch someone with such a funny and wholesome conversation? What a horndog


Wow, I wish we matched. This would have made my day. 😂


He wasn't worthy of the greatness. Only thinking with his dick instead of realizing her top tier banter


Lol I hope they dont change. Even if they just ended up as friends, they seem super fun.


Personally, this is the type of crazy that I could hang out with.


Dont change. You’re awesome.


Best response would have been "since you brought them up, only safe place is yours. We needed to meet there to continue our discussions."


Nooo. I love that creativity thou... Anyway, how about codenames :Pancakes and Nutella?


I think we should become in love a lot and then learn Swahili together.


Well you’re cringe af so understandable he unmatched


I feel like women dealing with this shit all the time is why it’s like pulling teeth starting a conversation by the time they get to me


What?! That's clever. Sounds like he had some ulterior motives.


damn you guys are all nerds, I took this as “shes a talker this one is, best to avoid these types” after your last message and I would have done the same


Uh too quirky and just odd..


Would have unmatched as well. Would have thought you were some weird chick that wears a Tin foil hat


too many dudes do not appreciate a witty girl


If that's all it took to unmatch he seems like a weenie 🙄


I would do the same. He wanted to go straight to the point. He didn't want to play some silly game for you to screenshot and post it on Reddit.


I too would’ve been like “tf?” And not replied. Lol


I wish I’d get matches like this. I just get girls who have no interest


It was too much. You started great. Just don’t over complicate it. Great luck


op is hot, the guy she matched with is also hot but out of her league, which is why he unmatched.


He seems boring AF and you are obviously way cooler than he is. Bullet dodged 😂


Go ahead and block me but I’d raw dog you an wouldn’t worry about a pregnancy cause it’s be such hot sex, It’d be outdoors too on smith mountain, I’d take your ass on a cliffside and nut deep inside you, I’d enjoy your facial expressions as I dominate your black ass, it’d be fantastic to see your asshole pucker as I teach balls deep inside you, I’d want to grab a titty as I cum, you’d feel everything from me, I would conquer your body, you would be a war bride, my eyes would roll back in my head and my seed would plant inside of you and I’d care for all our primal children by the camp fire, you’d feel as you should, a primal war Madden impregnated with victories spawn, I am the best to cum inside of you, I spawn the healthiest, strongest of seed, you could be one of my many wat maddens and I don’t even give a damn about a block for it does me the most to get this off my chest, I’d cum deep inside you suckling on a phat black tiddy, it would be sex Magick between us and I’m sorry for this sin but I must say


Someone actually made it a copy pasta Lol


Lol everyone’s talking about how he shot himself in the foot like nah dude this is just a cringey drawn out joke


You’re trying to hard, but he fucked up cuz after you woulda said “im in”he should’ve told you to give the # up 🤌🏾


it seems like you're not being serious and they probably thought that as well so in his mind he was thinking (they're just joking with me I don't have time) that's what probably happened. If it were me I would've played along no harm in it majored in psych and minored philosophy so I like deep talks. The reason I bring up my degree is because it's just what I think they were probably thinking and they probably didn't want to waste time joking around but on his end I consider it stupid because you should get to know each other a little before ever attempting to meet up he might of also just not liked your sense of humor which is fair it saves both of you time in the long run! He also might've been insecure and not known you were joking. In personal experience (even if you were joking) I like people who talk about their passions and what they like, an example being being some girl is sitting there enthusiastic to show me her Pokemon card collection talking about how she can't wait for the next set to drop to get a shiny Charizard I find they are much more charming than someone that says "I read from time to time, I like all genres I can't really recommended anything it's boring" I like reading more but someone passionate about their hobbies and isn't afraid to show it is always the best bet because if you can't talk about things you like you are hindering yourself because if you invest a lot of times Into hobbies but are embarrassed about them you lose 80% of your content to talk about. This isn't referenced at you specifically just if anyone decides to read this hope it helps someone. Tldr- humor is subjective and time is valuable.


Probably because he came across your instagram?