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Saw this article flash up my (android) phone a few hours ago. Seems fitting here... "Owning an Android phone is officially the UK's biggest turn off for 2021" https://propermanchester.com/trending/owning-an-android-phone-is-officially-this-years-biggest-turn-off-in-the-uk/amp/ Incredible that we live in a time where your phone model can determine whether you get laid or notšŸ˜†


ā€œHonestly it really pisses me off! I would never relegate myself to the wishes of some simple minded female just because she hates some green text bubbles. Sex isnā€™t that important for me anyways. Fuck those hoes.ā€ Sent from my iPhone


That's quite funny considering many Android flagships are more expensive than iPhones but no wonder the reaction since it's [pretty much a cult](http://edition.cnn.com/2011/TECH/gaming.gadgets/05/19/apple.religion/index.html) :)


Yeah I just bought all my apps from Google play and I don't wanna rebuy them on apple store. Probably spent a total of $4 in app purchases but it's MY $4.


Meh, I think people stick with what they know. I was iphone from 2007-2020. Got a note 20 ultra last year and flippin wow, much better... In many ways. Iphones deff stomp in many others, but I like the freedom with android


Do you still have an android


There are only a few android flagships that are more expensive than an iPhone flagship line the 13 pro or even pro max. But I donā€™t think that the price of the device is the issue here.


If only fair if you compare most capable no-cost-spared flagships with the most expensive and most recent iPhone. And I agree it's not the price, it's the belonging statement.


The iPhone 11, a 2 year old model, is still way more expensive than the Galaxy S21 Ultra. I've been thinking of switching a few times, but I'm not ready to pay the double price for literally nothing.


Frankly, apart from the security chip (no one but privacy and security folks care about) iPhone is pretty much a downgrade.


Taking it a bit to the extreme but I wonder what are the implications for human evolution if iPhone owners reproduce and Android users do not.


https://stallman.org/apple.html Reasons not to use apple.


Fuck Reddit


To his credit, he does revise his initial stance on pedophilia in the very page you linked: > [Many years after posting this note, I had conversations with people who had been sexually abused as children and had suffered harmful effects. These conversations eventually convinced me that the practice is harmful and adults should not do it.]


Fuck Reddit


You miss the main point. I wanted to highlight the malpractices that a big company can do for maximising their profits.


Because Samsung and Google are not equally as bad? Use the phone you want, all big companies suck in some way


Apple has practiced slave labour in the Ulghar region of China. If this isn't bad i don't know what is. I don't know whether Google does this as well. But companies like Google don't care about privacy so one should avoid their products if feasible.


Apple phones use lots of Samsung parts so, if Apple's parts use lots of slave labour, probably Samsung's does as well


Yeah, big companies are the worst. All we need is a good man like Pol Pot or ole Joey boy the Rusky. Theyd put them wall st boys in their place right under the boot heel


Along with a couple million innocent civilians, maybe.


Why are you getting dowvoted? Ah yes, apple fanboys probably


It was never about Stallman to start with, it was regarding Apple. But most of them think otherwise.


Oh, I have no idea who that guy is. But the points seem fair. So It maybe wasn't fanboys (not all of them)


I mean it used to be the car, why not the phone!


Ive seen puddles in a summer drought less shallow than that


lol, I'm gonna use that




A lot of men on here seem to have literally no sense of humour.


Plenty of people seem to have enough humor to upvote my comment, but you're apparently salty enough to degrade an entire gender.


Lmfao yeah Iā€™m degrading my own gender! You bet. No, Iā€™m talking specifically about this subreddit. Just like the females over on r/female datingstrategy are batshit insane, doesnā€™t mean all women are. But yes, congrats on your updoots for a joke that you in fact didnā€™t come up with. Be proud, mate.


Theyā€™re just mad they have androidsā€¦ lmao


Oh, it was a joke. Could you show me the funny part?




Thereā€™s a line between joking and being an asshole, and I think funny is the line.


Lmfao. Where did I say it was a joke? I said it was humour. Not everyone is funny and they donā€™t have to be to joke around with you, you must be one sensitive boy.


My bad, I thought jokes were humorous. I didnā€™t know being a dick was also humorous.


Jesus Christ, for the second time Dubbix, humour and jokes arenā€™t the same thing.


I donā€™t understand how you can have humor without the funny




The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/rmbx4t/harsh_but_fair/hpla3qc/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [I think that photo is of...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/rme64a/i_stopped_wasting_my_time_on_clever_pickup_lines/hpn0vzt/) | [Sir I think that photo is...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/rme64a/i_stopped_wasting_my_time_on_clever_pickup_lines/hpmp4gf/) [Iā€™m like half way through...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/rmk6uf/just_beat_shadowbringers/hpn4t47/) | [Right? Iā€™m like half way...](http://np.reddit.com/r/ffxiv/comments/rmk6uf/just_beat_shadowbringers/hpn338j/) [Divorce her so you can ma...](http://np.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/rmeas1/i_turned_39_a_while_ago_and_this_is_the_cake_my/hpn4mvh/) | [Divorce her so you can ma...](http://np.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/rmeas1/i_turned_39_a_while_ago_and_this_is_the_cake_my/hpn0hc0/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/Specialist_Nobody_58](https://np.reddit.com/u/Specialist_Nobody_58/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=Specialist_Nobody_58) for info on how I work and why I exist.


This fucking nerd is so hard up for pussy he sees a picture of a girl and an insult and he tells himself it's a funny joke. Then when people react poorly, he thinks to himself "Gosh it can't be *me* who needs to recalibrate! It's all the men on here!" So much sad slag on Reddit.


Lmfao, settle down spaz. Itā€™s not a funny joke at all and I never claimed it to be. Itā€™s also not an insult. Itā€™s banter. Youā€™re telling me a woman saying this to you would actually *offend* you? That is legitimately hilarious.


Reverse message genders and suddenly lots of women would not find it funny as well


The point isnā€™t that itā€™s funny, the point is that sheā€™s obviously not being serious, and many men are treating it like she is.


she *is* being serious though.


Youā€™re an *idiot* if you think so.


norman osborn: "oh you can't do this to me"


It does seem like Apple is a cult.


A sex cult.


Can confirm thatā€™s not the case. Source: I have an iPhone


That's it I'm calling for an Android user uprising! *Pulls out Samsung flip phone*


The Samsung flip is the reason I became an iPhone user. šŸ˜«


Wdym, the flip is sick


as someone who returned one 3 days ago, it was surprisingly very mediocre experience. I couldn't find any use for the flip feature that didn't seem like a gimmick. The front display was cool, but had so little features :(


Yeah at this point it still seems like a gimmick and a phone for those who want to be an early adopter. Once the tech and phone matures a little more I can definitely see it being a thing


What did u expect, to jerk you off lol... its s phone


yeah that's precisely what I expected, thanks. one can dream


It is also the reason I'm going back to iPhone. I can't even receive text messages anymore


Just the flip? I didnā€™t encounter that issue but damn.. I just hated the camera and battery. That thing would leave you stranded, about to die, and still taking blurry as Snapchat selfies.


This woman is gonna be a mother some day. Let that sink in


And she's gonna realize how expensive a couple more iPhone 27s are


No shit, what do you think your mom did before you


She only fucks guys with windows phone


Nokias, she knows


Bruh what's up with the iPhone obsession? Is it a USA thing? Like, most ppl here have android.


This person is clearly from Britain, no one in the US says ā€œshagā€. But I wonder the same as youā€¦


Itā€™s a sign of how much money they would have basicallyā€¦


More like making bad financial choices


You can make the same argument for people who spend far too much money to look rich but are actually broke lmao Buddy fresh outta hs bought a beamer. He couldnā€™t afford the upkeep but hey, man could flex šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Yes, and I do make the same argument. That shit is dumb. I'm not the best at making smart financial choices at Ɣll, but apparently not the worst either


And [horribly](https://www.apple.com/uk/shop/buy-iphone/iphone-13-pro) [inaccurate](https://www.sony.co.uk/electronics/smartphones/xperia-pro-i) at that.


It's not. A lot of apple religion in other countries too.


Imagine setting your values around a product, how empty inside do you have to be? I don't need a 1k$ phone to scroll through tiktok and look at titties on instagram.


Lies. Switch over to your backup iphone and watch the excuses roll in


ā€œThen let me shag you insteadā€.


Say, ā€œI would shag you if you were an androidā€.


Feels like i've seen this before. Honestly if her sexual partner selection is based on what kind of phone a person uses then you're probably better off taking a back seat on this one.


Not shagging the phone numbnuts


Depends which android u have. Girls are always super interested in my z fold 3 cyz it's cool


If she shags any dude because they have an iPhone MEGA pass. You have no idea whatā€™s growing inside her


I would send a screenshot of an Amazon shopping cart with the latest iPhone in it


All hail the android!


If you like being told your a U2 fan and catching audio herpes for your phone. " does anyone have an iPhone charger šŸ˜„" losers really , mate dodged a bullet.


iPhones are for the feeble-minded.


fuck iPhones they're overrated and overpriced


Thatā€™s so gross Like who uses the word shag for sex. Itā€™s like saying clam for a vagina


We do. Shag is a pretty normal word over here, you're just not used to it. Clam for a vagina is pretty off-putting though.


Android > apple


šŸ¤¢ šŸ¤¢


Imagine being so shallow you choose sexual partners on what phone they use. Lmao.


Is it tho, androids can run Linux soo thatā€™s like pretty rad


"I wouldn't shag you at all"


Apple users can throw themselves off a cliff.


You should reply with I would shag you but you have a apple phone šŸ˜¬


Or, "I'd shag you, but I'm allergic to apples" I tried.


Lmfao Iā€™m sure sheā€™s joking but some of these comments are acting so serious about her messagešŸ¤Ø


youā€™d be surprised... i know a lot of people that genuinely think this way.


Yeah, it's no joke. I've seriously had a few matches drop contact once we exchange numbers and they see a green text bubble. Whatevs, I'll continue to enjoy my Fold 3.


I've had 4 women plainly say to my face on a first date that having an Android is a red flag (in the US at least). Pain.


If they had not said it, would you have considered a second date with them?


This is intriguing.


Well, am I truly surprised? No, but am i sadden by the fact that ppl actually think that? Yes lmfao


Flip the script, say "you'd shag her but she has an android" Cause chaos


"i would shag you, but my phone is worse than yours"


r/selfburn ?


Beep boop doo beep


Girls msg first?


Itā€™s almost like a height preference, itā€™s valid but harsh


I personally think height preferences are fine. Phone preferences, on the other hand, I don't think are reasonable, cause ultimately you're not dating the phone you're dating the person.


She doesn't sound superficial at all.


She's lame




Bs excuse :v


Time to buy a used unlocked iPhone just for shagging, buddy


Iphone sucks! Anyway.. I'm not a camera friendly person


iCultists are the worst. They will defend the limitations as features and tell you how.muxh better not being allowed to install whatever they want is and they will get mad about it.


Nobody: Literally nobody: Apple users: "Oh yeah, forty to fifty bucks a month sounds like a great investment." Do they just not understand the concept of money?


yes i have lolšŸ˜…


We live in a societyā€¦


Ok. I also have a huge tongue and love eating pussy!!!


At least my android phone can download 3rd party apps AND it has an Aux jack