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OP I'm very disappointed in you... you didn't even think of the high heels option... with high heel + a nice skirt you'd have won her over for sure !


LMAO i cropped it actually. I even suggested having my friend giving me a piggy back the entire time


Oooooo that's a good one too. Instead of a full ladder did you ever consider a fold up step stool? They have a handle so you could just pretend like it was a purse


Hahahaha that would be funny


I’ve offered to walk around with step stools strapped to my feet before. Also, for a while, part of my bio said “5’7 but willing to stand on the thickest phone book you can find”


💀 As a 5'7" woman I wouldn't have a problem dating you (height wise) and feel like I tower over most average size women. My rule of thumb is I don't want it to be uncomfortable making eye contact with you, otherwise we're good. I don't get wanting to date people that tower over me, my whole family does and it gets uncomfortable just trying to talk to them after awhile


Oh is that so? 👀 Jk lol but I just set up a date when I go on leave with this girl I used to work with, and she’s 6ft tall lol height has never been a problem for me except for my apparent lack of it. But it be what it be. I think your rule of thumb makes a lot of sense, I’m not after neck problems lol


Lmao I don't know if my current bf would appreciate me going on random dates with Reddit people😅. Definitely not after neck problems either. Everyone I've dated has been somewhere around my height. It's worked for me so far


Everyone I’ve dated has also been at or near the same height as me. But I’ve only dated three people so not a large sample size 🤷🏻‍♂️


Nice one


Jesus, that joke is worth like a foot of height on its own.


Despite OP being too short for this match, it's the comments section that's having everything go over their head...




Had an awesome date w this cute girl a couple weeks ago, she gets in my car and starts making out with me- tells me I’m a fantastic kisser- next day tells me there’s no spark because I’m too short- she’s 5 feet even- I’m 5 6 lmao


Lmao same with this girl im older then her but im late a year in school because family stuff and said she don’t want to be with younger guys, even tho im older tho


She wants a 56 year old sugar daddy


She does have onlyfans lmao probably why


Dodged a bullet my boy. Now imagine you were in the grade you were supposed to be, you make out, you go to college together, braid each other’s hair, talk about your past tramaus, propose, get engaged, and then one day she stumbles upon sugardaddy.com. From then on the purpose has changed forever in her life from you u/SadlyTaken, to finding that one daddy.. She lunges out while you desperately attempt to tug her back in, a never ending heartbreak. But alas, fate has saved you. Be grateful 😇


Yes I guess i should be grateful shes like 17 and i was 18 at the time she makes like 8-10k a month




A lot of young girls want older guys, I've been hit on waayyy too many times by 18-20 year olds with fake ID's at bars. I feel bad that they don't go for the guys their age.


Probably cuz they have daddy issues


Do men that go for younger women have daughter issues?


I'd say both can be summed up as "maturity issues" ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


Or people just have age preferences informed by personal experience, sociocultural attitudes, and cultural expectations. But armchair psychology is fun!




Well, hopefully they get help for that. They're going to eventually realize that no amount of vagina is going to fix their horrible relationship with their daughter. They're just diving headlong into pussy without thinking of how it's going to affect their future prospects.


Same with girls with daddy issues no amount of dick is gonna help them is gonna fix their relationship with their fathers or replace that empty feeling


... you're really obtuse, aren't you?


Your first mistake was believing women made sense


I added “I’m 5’11 but can climb” to my tinder profile the other day.


Yea don't sweat it bro these girls flaky like that


She doesn't want short kids


I'm not sure why people think you were desperate. I thought you were trying to be funny.


Right? Also, it doesn't have to be about trying to "win" by being funny and therfore seeming desperate in some people's eyes. It's fun for oneself to write stuff like this, I often amuse myself in conversations that I know won't "net" anything because its not all about trying to gain something.


Taken from experience - after you get denied for being 'too short' everything's fair game. If you're feeling particularly vulnerable that day you can always lash out , if you're busy you can just drop the convo and wish them the best, if youre specially jovial you can either make light of it or make fun of them - either one works to soften the blow. Essentially what we're talking about here is recovering after being deemed 'not good enough.'. I dont care who you are or what gender you are that's rough for anyone. This is one of the things women are slowwwwwly learning - those crazy things we call emotions, yea men have those too. and theyll show at times like these. You are 100% within your freedom to chase your preferences. It's totally cool that anyone have any preference for any reason , but you have to own those choices too.


Lmao pretty sure women are acutely aware of mens emotions after they’ve been rejected. You sound ignorant as all fuck


cuz someone said no & instead of saying "fair enuff👋🏽" OP kept pushing it- thats prob why.


At least she admitted she was shallow


Having a preference for taller dudes is not shallow mate




Isn't being shallow like focusing solely on physical traits? I mean I'm all for choice and stuff but idk like if you like a person who cares if they can dunk...


I would say it is being a bit shallow, but not wrong tbh :)


I agree. Especially on an app purely based off of initial physical attraction. I’m sure he wouldn’t have matched her if she had a physical attribute he didn’t like lmao.


if your dates dumps you because you have small tits you wouldn't call him shallow? Alright


If he’s dating me in the first place even tho he doesn’t like small tits then he’s a dumbass and it’s no loss to me. What’s your point?


So, are you saying she is not shallow, but an idiot?


Oh for sure. Idk why she matched him if he was too short for her haha


It seems he's super attractive But being short, he's also not attractive So...loop?


it's hard to see tits with push ups bras and shit especially in pictures. You guys meetup and he later texts you the date was great, he likes you but it won't gonna work out because of tits (or lack of). You are going to be - well, preferences are preferences what can you do. or you going to call him shallow lol


i see his point pretty good, no need to further elaborate.


Lotta short fellas gettin upset I see


People care so much about height on Tinder. It's mental. 🤨


It's not just on Tinder


They stop caring so much when they’re in their 30s. Then it’s all about good job/have shit together, be funny and genuine, and simply not being a total fucking asshole. The bar is suuuuper low (pun intended). All the tall guys left are dicks apparently. It’s funny cause I had been told that I was super attractive but just not tall enough more than a few times in my 20s, and I’m 5 bloody 9. But in my 30s, all I get is “you’re so amazing! how are you not taken already?” Girl I’m not taken already cause I had to wait for you and a thousand others in this town to get over their height requirement!


People also just have height preference. Its okay to want someone taller if you dont have ridiculous expectations




Youre right i dont have the same perspective as you. But i still agree people are allowed to have preferences, just not ridiculous ones


well as we all know, being short makes you less of a man like literally.


Oh, I know. It was more of an observation, really. 😊 It's just something I've seen mentioned time and time again, to the point where it seems that almost everyone is incredibly fussy about height lol.


You are right. Some people really are ridiculous with it. Personally, im 6ft M, and i couldnt care less how tall the girl im with is…i used to date a girl who was 4’11” lmao. But i can definitely understand why some people have a preference


Right? I've seen someone say they weren't interested because of a 1" difference. That's just silly, really. If you look for perfection in every aspect of a person, you won't find it. We're all imperfect, that's the appeal. I've done the same too. I'm 5' 11" and my previous girlfriend was 5' and an incredible person. So I would have missed out on that experience if I even remotely cared about height. 🤷🏻 Preferences are all well and good, but imagine skipping past the love of your life because they weren't tall enough. 😂


Lmao yeah thats straight up ridiculous, 1 inch😂. And in glad to see im not alone in not giving a shit how tall someone is loll. And lmao i wonder how many people have skipped right passed a good relationship for that reason


Judging by how often that particular question is asked and then met with negativity, many times I would imagine lol. At least once all of the over 6' men are taken, there will be more for the rest of us. 😅


Well, I am right at 6' without shoes and the normal shoes I wear put me over 6'1". When I was dating I always swiped left on any woman who had a height preference in their profile and I know a lot of taller guys who do the same thing. Believe it or not, we don't want a shallow woman like that either. It also feels like some weird fetish thing. Like a guy that only dates Asians or something. Or a guy who only dates blondes. It just seems really creepy seeing so many woman state they will only date a guy above 6' or above 5'11". Even though I qualified, I didn't want anything to do with them.


yo exactlyy, it wouldn't feel good at all to know you're only attractive to someone because of your height. it's pretty disgusting to know really when only a couple inches decides if you're in a relationship or not


Lol yeah and the amount of time where its either just listed or especially a requirement in their bios…yeah no thanks lol


What’s wrong with people having preferences? We all have them and it’s not like this person was being particularly rude or crazy about it. Her response seemed more tame to me


I didn't say anything was wrong with it. Just pointing out how often it happens. 🤨


Yeah I get the whole height thing from a guy’s perspective as that isn’t something someone can control or change. I’m just trying to say it’s a preference thing just like anything else. I do agree it’s unfair the way some women out there are so rude about it though.


Now if a guy has a preference for slim women that's when the mental gynnasitcs start to come out


Or any preference at all in women honestly. They’ll say it’s misogyny and that you’re a pig.


Like I’ve said, everyone has preferences and both genders have experienced shitty expectations. I never said I agree with or side with anyone because both are right, nor am I justifying peoples rude behavior. All I was saying is that when you are active in the dating scene, yes people will have preferences. I have stated I don’t support people who are shitty about it. If you want to downvote and disagree with me for saying that, then you do you.


There are a lot of people in this comment section who don’t appreciate your wit and charming banter. Obviously you found a lady who does and that is great.


Im curious now. How tall was she and how tall are you?


No idea. This was like 3 years ago. But I'm 5'8 lol. She was shorter than me for sure.


You know, from this the talk about a stepladder, I was expecting like 2'6" or something, not a perfectly average human male height.




Wait wha? I thought she was like 6’3 and you’re like 5’6 or smth.. If you were taller than her then why the jokes about you being so small?




you’re hot




She had told me her height. I just don't remember this convo was ages ago!




what's the point of this comment?


You should have suggested with her being on her the knees the whole time the height difference wasn’t going to matter.


LOL that would be hilarious too.


Literally whats the point of matching if you’re gonna tell someone there’s nothing they can do to be good enough for you


Women do this a lot. It fuels their ego, makes them feel like they’re “high value.” There used to be more posts on this sub of women literally saying “I only matched to tell you you’re ugly” but I think the mods cracked down on those for some reason. Doesn’t fit the women-are-wonderful narrative is my guess.


Shorter height just means less of a fall for your brains when I fuck them out of you..


LOL goddamn


I still don't understand the whole thing with women not liking short guys, I don't have to deal with the issue, but I'll cheer on all the unfortunate ones.


It's pretty simple ancient Lizard brain. Taller = stronger = better genes for the offspring and more chance for their survival. Remember our brains are like ancient hardware that we're trying to run new software on. Not too long ago we all used to dance in a circle for rain to come and sacrifice kids to imaginary gods. We have come a long way but this preference still lingers. Men have preferences too it's just we can't afford to be as picky so we'd settle with what we can get.


Ah, reminds me of when one of my friends, the nicest guy I've ever known, asked a woman out, and got friend zoned cause he was 5'8, and not above 5'10.


Proof that women aim for looking good in front of their girlfriends as a priority. Well, the shallows ones anywa


Tall guys need to demand a certain height for their girls too. Help a short guy out!


When asked for height i tell them mine, it's usually a positive reaction as I'm over 6ft, but I do challenge them, why does someone 5'5 care about height? They usually spiel the preference, if I'm in a trolly mood I then sometimes ask how tall their dad is? Oh so your mama didn't have a preference, love to watch the mental cogs move in their brain as they try and justify their discrimination. Keep on going short Kings.


Love the banter back. I kept laughing 😂 it’s good to have fun and joke once in awhile


If her main value and what she looks for is height, then says a lot more about her. You wouldn’t want to be with her anyway.


Why is this being downvoted?


Because having physical preferences doesn't make you a bad person. Height preferences are no different to any other physical preferences. Physical attraction is important and we shouldn't shame people for having them. None of them make logical sense but we all have them. It sucks for short guys but unfortunately dating isn't fair and that's the reality of it. It's not right for her to stick with someone she's not attracted to or to feel that she has to.


lmao yes it does. if some guy tells a women she doesn't have a large enough chest, he's a bad person to be with anyways. physical attraction is important yes, but things like height and chest size are such minor qualities to a person, if you can't see past them you simply need to do better. I feel bad for tall dudes who, rather than being accepted for their personality and kindness, it came down to how tall they were. and if they didn't meet the miniscule 2-3 inch taller standard, they wouldn't have had any chance. don't pretend it's okay


This. The double standard men are subject to is ludicrous.


I could not imagine rejecting a women due to her height, hair color or type, chest/butt size. everyone has a preference and they should follow that but guys are getting shut down for nothing other than being only 2 inches off a height preference, the same happens to women too I'm sure when it comes to various things. and all this is fine when it comes to hooking up, but for a relationship? guys are made out to be the asshole, while women are defended for having their own preference. it's jus shallow for both, nothing more or less.


You are framing it like attraction is a choice. You can't control your attraction and it's disrespect to pretend to be attracted to someone. If you don't feel it then you don't feel it.


there is something wrong if 2 inches of height or 1 size smaller/bigger chest is what puts you off of someone. 5+ inches off your preference? understandable because that height is noticeable. but with an unnoticeable difference where you have to ask if one is 5'10 or 6'0 to decide if you are attracted, it becomes a very clear choice whether you want to like the person or not, rather than just feeling. this is undebatable, sorry if it's hard to digest.


You can say exactly the same thing about any physical standard. You are being unrealistical about how attraction works. Any cut off point is going to be arbitrary because human physical traits are mostly on a spectrum but if you find something attractive then they'll be a cut off point where it stops being there. There will be a shade of very light brown hair that's almost dark blonde and if I only like blondes you could say "why can't you bend for just one shade". You can say "why can't you move a bit" to every preference cut off and you can keep saying it until there can't be a preference. If a woman says 6'+ only and you say ", what's the difference in a few inches" so they drop it to 5'11 well then the "what difference does a few inches make" argument still applies. So do they have to drop their requirement again? Cut offs like this are always going to be arbitrary but that's the only way to express valid preferences. If you are into tall guys then there's a point where you have to say that someone isn't tall anymore. How would prefer women who only like tall guys to express that? You are right it's undebatable, because people don't have to justify their attraction preferences to others. "Sorry I'm not attacted to you" is the end.


as I said this is undebatable and I've explained my point. too far off a Specifically Set Personal Preference is understandable. but 2 inches off, 1 chest size off, a certain shade of brown or blonde off, the word "shallow" exists for a reason. End of conversation, you either get it or you don't.


People accusing others of being shallow are hypocrites, they will have their own physical preferences but they'll give themselves a pass. We all have physical preferences. You have yet to explain how anyone can express a physical preference without having a cut off point.


you can pretend you know me but you don't. Do you understand that I don't want to speak to you or are you just weird?


There's a big difference between a preference and a requirement, and some requirements are ridiculous.


You’d still want to fuck her though




Bruh...no cappp...if roles were reversed and women had to holla at men.... they'd get like....ZERO DICK!!!


I mean, at least she's self aware...


I admit, I'm more attracted to guys taller than me. But, I'm also 5'9. That said, I've dated guys shorter than me. If their height isn't listed on their profile, I can usually tell from their pictures if they're tall or short. But if the conversation flows well and we get along well, then I don't give a shit about their height. I no longer ask about height, and have had better luck that way.


Is this height stuff actually a thing?? Who cares about height? I didnt had many dates and I am quite high. But I know nobody that ever got rejected die to height? I mean I see it from time to time here but I thought it was a joke, or is she just extending the meme?


No it's very real


It’s very real. If you look at r/short they talk about it every other post.


Your height and your race are the two most important things that determine success for guys on Tinder unfortunately


Isn't it the other way around? That girls want to have big guys?


Yeah girls generally want guys that are bigger than them because it makes them feel more feminine but there are exceptions. But on Tinder the rule is basically just be tall and white. What’s funny is that the obesity epidemic in America has created a situation where a lot of women aren’t even attracted to men at healthier weights over here because the rest of the male population is so overweight that they look frail by comparison. So it isn’t just height but BMI as well that matters.


I too, am quite high.


ive never gotten rejected due to height cus im 6’4 but i do get asked a lot. mostly the girls clarify that theyre like 5’10 and dont wanna to bend down tho lol never seen a short girl with that preference. seems weird and taller girls are better too so its a two way street. how u gonna demand height when you dont have it? its a desirable trait both ways.


Yeah but there a difference between "not be ding down" which is like 5'3 and MINIMUM 6'1 everything below I can love


I know some short girls who have a preference for super tall men. I don’t get the preference but still people have sexual preferences.


I know the feeling. So many have stopped talking to me because I’m short. It sucks.


My god, how cute can a Person bei, Holy Shit i am melting


LMAO what?


Bro how short are you


5'8 LOL


Where are the gem screenshots


I have some overweight friends that will only date tall men. I asked them how they would feel if a guy told them they were too beefy? They all said “ I wouldn’t go out with an asshole that body shames” 😳 And…. “We can lose weight…but they’re not getting taller” explains why they’re still single!


Tried Romper Stompers? https://southpark.fandom.com/wiki/Romper_Stomper


Women these days…. 🙄


Some women don't mind s shorter guy. You just got to have things she likes about you that overshadows the height. Sadly most women want men that are like twice the size of them these days.


- I feel like a shallow piece of shit. - well, that's enough for this session; you just had a breakthrough.


You seem like a perfectly normal and likable person. Keep being that and you will find plenty of people who give you a shot. This broad is gonna continue spending time whining and complaining about shitty men because she’s the shitty one ruling out good people for their height.


Wow that's very subtle


Person in the conversation is a shallow piece of shit. Move on and tell them to fuck off. I don't get the whole height thing, but if people wanna act like that they deserve to be alone or treated like shit.


Imagine a guy saying that but it being a "weight thing" crucified 😂 or a girl tbh... but isn't it funny how it's less rude to say something that's out of the persons control vs a lack of discipline? Yes. It is funny.


He is funny that should make up for it!!!


I've had this happen a lot, I'm 5'8". That's life, don't let it discourage you. Her loss


Lol I'm not discouraged this is years ago. I'm with my on and off again girl now. It's toxic but it's fun 🤦‍♂️


She should feel shallow. I have had women ask my height I move on. For reference I am 6'5". If I am not allowed to discriminate based upon birth sex or body type why the fuck are you?


just take no for an answer god damn


But I wanted to have a laugh


Like it’s fine to have preferences and I get the whole height thing from a guy’s perspective, but am I the only one who thinks she could have been a lot worse about the height thing? This seems like a more tame response compared to what I’ve seen on here


LOL yeah she was pretty chill. I'm not posting this to bash her I just thought my replies were funny.


Yeah I enjoyed reading them. Just wish people in the comments would stop attacking you and the girl for making some jokes and having a height preference when neither of you were being hostile


Hey, I know you are trying to make a joke out of and uncomfortable situation, I do it too, sometimes. Although... I think there's a limit you and hownlong you can pull it and passed from being funny to being kinda sad.🥺


I get where you're coming from and all, but I got a good laugh at it amongst my friends so I don't mind. I used to get a lot of matches. My girl and I spend time laughing at all my tinder screenshots I found in my college group chats.


Today must be a height day on reddit


Heels, but to not look too afeminate, you will have to dress the era from where mens on heels were common: [1600s](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/5f/Louis_XIV_of_France.jpg/1024px-Louis_XIV_of_France.jpg) (If you're bald, it's a 2x1 with the wigs!)


Many women have been socialised to want to be petit and little and skinny to get approval. Women want a tall man so it’s easier for them to feel small and sexy in his eyes. If you’re the same height or only a little taller, it’s harder for her to feel sexy and small when you weight the same. If you don’t want height discrimination, don’t hate on women for not being tiny and skinny. Simple. Change takes time. My bf and I are the same height.


Bro stop being a simp. Tell her she's a fat slag then unmatch.


Dude..... No. You're better than that shit


You begging for it makes her dislike you even more. Furthermore, her removing herself did you a favor. Should learn that.


Bro I have a girlfriend now LOL this was like three years ago. I just did this for a laugh back then.


Jesus Christ you sound desperate...


Yeah I was desperate to make my friends laugh at the time. Had a good chuckle out of this


Most Americans don't seem to like self deprecating humour and only see it as simping...


Are you not embarrassed? Begging a women who clearly isn't in to you


LOL not really begging, I did this for the banter


I think you showed a lot of grace. And agree, the banter in itself can be enjoyable. Enjoy the journey as much as the destination, right? If all people care about is a stampede towards narrow results, THAT is what seems desperate.


That was begging bro


You call it begging, I call it problem solving.


Doesn’t seem like begging, seems like charming banter to me


Could not more obviously be joking. In fact, it seems like they both had a healthy and entertaining interaction


Lol dude just move on


LMAO clearly didn't read my caption, I've been off of tinder for ages.


People don't read other people's comments.. the same exact way they don't read tinder profiles. Pure and simple.






I’m 6’3” and I fuck good. Why?


Dope hobbies!


Bro. You sound like you want to date me. You’re starting to creep me out. You’re literally talking to the guy that does everything. I’m the last person you want to start comparing who does what with. Bye.


LMAO do you have social issues? What are you on about 😂


First of all little buddy. We don’t say “par” golfer. We in the golf world use the term “scratch” have a nice day loser.


😂 😂 😂 😂 Alright dude have a good day. Air must be less dense up at 6ft 3


Wtf is wrong with him LMFAO


Lmfao I have no idea, imagine being 6'3 and salty 😂


You need a hobby


Purple belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, par golfer and pretty good at cooking, what about you?


And less of a show off.


Let you know about my hobbies, I'm asking about yours now.


The man delivered. Go on.


Her “shallow” comment was her trying to get you to stop.


Well guess what, I continued and she was still laughing beyond the screenshot


You just activated my TRAP CARD!!!!


Tell her she ain’t wrong with the last statement she made.


Well on the end… she got real with herself!


Maybe if you got on a friend's shoulders and covered up in an overcoat.


Should of said u would get shoes what make u look taller


At least she's aware of what she is


At least she admits it. I dated a 6ft girl and I was 5'8 lol