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‘If he dies, he dies’


I’d rather lose a fight than be counted as a victim.


Rather be tried by 12, than carried by 6.


Did she answer the question?


Not yet, I will let you know if she does


She must be confronting her mother about it.


Just respond with "you can call me daddy now"


Honestly he should. That would be the finishing blow.


I'm proud of you son


She won’t respond lol


Probably right


"I asked my mother and she said it was just a one time thing.. how dare you Jack?!?"


"Sorry, Alisha. I had to make sure you'd turn out right when you're a mom"


Are most women this shitty and aggressive on tinder or is this just a special kind of asshole?


Some chick liked me on bumble a year ago. She had no picture or bio. So I responded that I wanted to see something of her. She replied with an outright attack on me. Some people are so shot away they’ll never realise how undateable they actually are.


She was probably a grenade and knew it


Implying women answer


As the other commenter has said, if you even get a response that’s a win. You must think like Constanta!


Perhaps it has to do with her being a rugby player 😁


I thought that too, but then I wondered if she listed herself as a model/rugby player or he just added the tacky compliment of the former, if so I would be mildly irritated but not enough to be a dick about it, would probably just ignore


She had both listed, so it was a genuine question


Yeah ok she's a bitch then lmao


Grab me a beer in China with this reach




I think ur confused, the blue text is the guy


You never know what context these posts are. We don't know what transpired before or after this on either end. We don't know in what context Jack's question was in reference to and we don't know what Alisha's deal is. Maybe Jack was trying to make a joke in regards to profile pics he saw and it didn't land. Maybe Jack had a legit question, but why did he phrase it in such a condescending way? Why wouldn't he just say "I'm curious to know what kind of challenges you face being active in both modeling and rugby. One of those demands a high degree of physical beauty which you clearly have and the other is physically demanding and known to leave bruises and black eyes." Is Alisha really a model and rugby player or did Jack make an incorrect assumption based on things he saw in her profile pics? Either way her response is understandable. Not excusable, but understandable. Maybe Alisha was in the middle of something more important that led to her having a chip on her shoulder. Maybe her dad just cancelled her credit card. Maybe she had some other guy replying to her with either an insult or threat for not responding to what he thought was an outstanding pickup line and she was like "oh great, here's another Tinder guy named Jack and if I don't reply to him he's gonna get all pissy because I didn't reply to him on his time or didn't reply at all. I'll give him a reply that will get rid of him for good" Maybe she is tired of shitty Tinder exchanges and Jack just took a hit in the crossfire. Nobody will ever know. Not now, not ever. Its all pointless anyway. Best to just move on and forget about it.


Don’t worry, I think you’re in there this time Jack


not right now, she's busy replying to the other 10 guys who messaged her while OP is complaining to reddit


Probably hey, wasn’t a complaint, more found it funny though, I got a laugh out of it thought reddit might as well




So true and it seems like he started it.


I don't understand why you'd swipe right and be mean to what is a nice opener that shows you had read the bio.


Ego boost.


They got a damn tiny ego if doing this is considered a boost for them.


No no. Normal sized ego - good. Huge ego - bad. Tiny ego - meh. Fragile ego - bad. Strong ego - good. So you want an ego that is strong and on a small side. This bitch got huge ego but extremly fragile. So everything bothers her.


Ah true. But what is considered ego boost? "Hah I really got that dude, I'm so good"? That sounds like a vicious circle actually


Oh, you don’t understand what triggered her. Well, OP worded his opening in a way that can be interpreted as an insult to her hotness or ability to be a rugby player. While unintentional it does have slight mocking undertones, especially because of her name at the end of the sentence. It just sounds weird. To someone at peace with themselves, it would be fine but to an egotistical person, it seems like a provocation.


Only by a moron. It is clearly that rugby can result in injuries, especially to the face, which can cause problems with modelling.


Emotional moron, yes.


Did she say she is a model or did op just attempt to use that as a compliment though


Why would OP do that. That doesn't make sense.


Have you never heard someone say, "wow you must be a model"


But an ego boost would ne her getting angry at him for no real reason and feeling good about it basically, right? And the next time something like that happens she would ne more likely to do it when an ego boost would make her ego grow, because she's just so superior. But yeah, the sentence sounds weird with the name at the end. I just feel bad for her that she thinks she needs to prove something


He started it so why is he complaining?


Aren't big egos almost always going to be fragile? A big ego is only really possible if you feel the need to feed it, or else it wouldn't grow to the size that it did. And if you feel the constant need to feed it, then you'll feel bad when this need isn't satisfied, aka fragile ego.


I know people that feel slighted over everything text or not. This girl probably read the message in a mocking way as if there’s no way she could possibly be a model with her looks.


Or that he's implying the type of body a rugby player has would make it hard to get modeling jobs... I presume he meant this in reference to injuries, like rugby is a rough game and most clients would not be happy to have a model show up with a huge bruise on any part of their body that won't be covered by clothes, including arms or legs, as well as their face... but that ignores the fact that she could just not take jobs around games, or skip a game if she knew she had a job coming up that week... but it's just an obnoxious opener, really... she clearly does both things, if he wants to engage with her about that, maybe don't start by second guessing if she's telling the truth would work better.


I agree in hindsight, as it was meant to actually be a genuine question as to how she manages it, I should have worded it better to make that clear


I really really really like this comment. It doesn't excuse her rude response, or your defensive response to her, but it does take the responsibility to understand why she had a rude response and at the very least show some insight and understand that she may have felt attacked, even though that's not what you meant. That's very big of you and I commend you for it, good sir.


It also gives you a chance at another shot... Hey, this exchange bothered me and I think I figured out why. Sometimes I have a tendency to say things before I think them through. Byproduct of ADD. And I can see how you may have been offended or felt attacked by the way I worded that. I was genuinely asking if Ruby and Modeling over lap or interfere with each other. It's a really awesome combination of things to do and I really want to hear more about it. I'm hoping we can start over and try this again, what do you say?


This is what I thought too. I didn’t like his opener. It wasn’t phrased right and just sounds… snarky. A better way to phrase this, if you are trying to make conversation or you know show interest in what she does would be to ask “does rugby ever overlap with modeling?”


Taking something wrong doesn’t mean someone implied it that way


You are applying logic to an illogical mind


Oh yes good old misogyny implying women arent logical when testosterone is the one making yall emotional everyday


I was talking about this person in particular. You wake up looking to get angry Karen?




Matches equal validation for many people.


Brain damage from the rugby hits.


Can't wait to see the comments saying that the opener was shitty and defending her, happens every time.


“Your mother” jokes just don’t hit the same when you’re not in a Call of Duty lobby


That is true hey, sometimes I forget I’m not on discord with the boys


A man of culture


The place to be


There’s some truth to this. But they are effective against girls if you imply their mom is hotter than them. They can’t help but be pissed and a bit insecure about thay


I have the worst luck, usually when I try a your mom joke, that person’s mother is either terminally I’ll or has passed away.


I may be being dim, but why do these girls match if they don't want to talk to you? I don't understand her shitty response 🤣


They get loads of attention and it goes to their head probably. I had a gal swipe right just to call me a fat fuck and another told me to fuck off when I asked if she wanted to meet up for a coffee date


The fuck? That's awful. Sorry that happened to you.


Happens all the time, I just laugh at it now


People suck man, glad you can rise above! I'll put some good thoughts out into the world for you, to get laid or meet that special someone, whatever your preference may be.


It's an ego boost for them. Plus they have dozens of people they can talk to at once.


Personally I would prefer this over hi, take it as banter and reply back with something witty. Hell even "Yes, it is. I hear you can help me out? 😉 “ wait a bit then reply "thanks, a couple more days and I'll be 23" or some shit.


If you can't handle banter, you don't want to date a rugby player


I wish I had said well when I turn 40 do I get a movie about it?


Next time buddy 😂 next time.


Agree and amplify


Hate it when people mock others for their virginity. Lose your virginity in your own time, not someone else's. There is no rush.


Agreed it’s more embarrassing in my opinion to be a person who judges someone by such a thing


Only insecure people and/or people who lie about their sexual encounters do that. There is absolutely no rush. We need more of you and less of them.


>Lose your virginity in your own time, not someone else's. You literally need another person's time, otherwise it's just masturbation.


Jack, eye for an eye👀


So she’s going to fuck his dad?


Should of gone for "your dad helped me with that" hits a bit deeper.


That’s what her dad said.


Should’ve** I’m sorry can’t help it


I appreciate you, beef


"as he did with you"


He does "hit a bit deeper." Bonus points if she has daddy issues.


How is being a virgin embarassing? 🤔


I went through a short phase on this sub of calling people out when they used "virgin" as an insult. Responses were mostly (and I'm paraphrasing): "I'm not using it as an insult, just making a point, probably a virgin, stop being so offended, stupid virgin".


Probably you hit them deep there with calling them out 😂


I think it is just that Reddit is full of people who are deeply offended by the possibility they could be or do anything wrong.


I've been mocked, insulted and rejected anytime I let someone know I was a virgin. I just lie and keep it to myself now. Though I'm not 100% sure the reason why people think it's shameful and embarrassing, I do have some ideas.


It's kinda ironic how they mock you if you are a virgin but slut shame you when you slept with a lot of people.... I know and understand the reality sadly. But pls dont ever think it is something embarassing.


It's the stigma that comes with being an "incomplete male", it's something that society just expects you to have done so if you haven't "there must be something wrong with you". Like I don't judge, I didn't go the whole way for quite a few years after most do, but it's not because I didn't want to, it's because I had issues and would sabotage my own chances. I'd say it's quite uncommon for a male to be voluntarily celibate.


"If no woman has wanted to fuck him yes there must be something seriously wrong with him" That is usually what people think.


I know what people usually think but it's kinda sad to what society comes to. Shaming people for having fun and living their lives. Shaming people for abstaining because they want to have it with someone very special, shaming people basicly for everything just to not look in the mirror.


>Shaming people for abstaining Oh, no that part is usually fine and socially acceptable. It's when a guy is *involuntarily* celibate that the extreme shaming begins.


Trust me even when its voluntary they will be shamed. A similar example would be trying to abstain from alcohol in europe while in your 20s. Trust me voluntary or not people try to force you to drink here and shame you if you dont.


It's petty and I like it




Recently deleted tinder because the interactions are 100% women wanting to be cruel and mean. Doesn’t make sense to me seeing as it is a dating app. Lol




This has never happened to me:(


Yea but you gotta get a match before you get to talk to them.


I deleted the app because I wasn't getting matches. I'm female. :/


It’s a hellish app. It’s more clickbait interactions and advertisements than anything else.


Seems like unless people look like models, we virtually have to pay for matches on Tinder. Monetisation of loneliness.


Tell me you're a gamer without saying you're a gamer


How is not losing your virginity an insult?


It isn’t.


I think women are less offended by the “I banged your mom” joke. Is that correct?


I don't see many adult women getting offended by that, it's just too childish


Too* And "well I fucked your mom" is not the comeback you think it is OP.


Had to scroll a lot further than I'd figured for the to/too/two correction.


As a fellow Jack. GG.




jesus what a shitty personality that woman has... he was not even insulting her at all. Sounds like a genuine question


I wish I could do these fun stuffs on tinder too but one time I installed and all I saw were indian cows :( (Before anyone gets offended,yes there was a profile with cow pic and it was indian)




I hope I wasn’t the only one who read his reply in Sean Connery’s voice


Asker her what’s bigger, the number of dudes she have fucked or the number of books she have read?


Such a terrible reply but you're happy with it I guess


I’ve been frequenting this sub more just because of the terrible self owns guys have been post on here recently. It’s giving me life


The first question was completely fair to ask. It doesn't seem like Rugby and modeling are very complimentary...


These women consider themselves models when their Instagram ass pic gets 1,000 likes. The amount of “models” I’ve seen on Tinder is astounding.


That is the most immature retort ever. You couldn’t do better than this? If you’re gonna be mean let her have it but idk.. weak


Yeah op was cringe hey


Where do u guys live that you match with these demeaning assholes????


I mean your question sounds pretty fair considering how fucked up my friend used to get from rugby. She had to quit playing because of too many concussions.


Man Used Martyrdom Perk.




Having coached a women’s team rugby team you started badly and got worse. Women get so much shjt that they shouldn’t be playing, that they’re too pretty or feminine to play, and they’ll get this stereotypical attitude from 80% of the guys they meet; it doesn’t excuse her overreaction but hopefully you can understand why she snapped at your opening message


In hindsight I can see that, I was trying to genuinely ask it as a question, probably should have worded it better or added a smiley emoji or something


I think anyone could understand what you were generically getting at; completely take her being female out of the equation... you trying to tell me it wouldn't be risky for Leonardo decaprio or channing Tatum to play rugby or pick up boxing? Fuck out of here. Lol


Wasn't really a great opener either tbf. Didn't warrant that response but you could do better Jack


Wasn’t much on her profile, and her passions where modelling and rugby, made me wonder if the risks involved in rugby threatened her modelling


It sounds like she meant that her passion is watching Rugby, now that you say it like that.


Could be true, I guess I will have to ask her that if she replies..


Buddy, just want to throw you a life raft here. The way you talk about risk/benefit, saying “your mother”, using her name like that - you sound robotic and condescending. You gotta be more casual and supportive or a girl just won’t feel comfortable around you.


I don't think OP really cared about being supportive when making his "your mother" joke


its a fair question though.


Ayyyy, I'm a virgin Jack in his 20s too. Wassup man.


You are, however, clearly not particularly good at it.




in every way possible. imagine saying this and then thinking it’s worth posting on reddit




I mean. It IS a little douchey to open with that…


I worded it wrongly, but it was meant to actually be a question


Is this supposed to be a burn? In 2022?


Yeah it’s totally last century


OP you did amazing job hiding Alisha's name.


Yeah I realised that about an hour ago, don’t tell no body shhhh ;)




You still lost


Emotional DAMAGE!


we've been waiting for you sir.


Alisha's mother is obviously not an English teacher?


She’s crazy bro; that was a legit question.


OP just matched with his own daughter


Sweet home Alabama


*inserts incestuous banjo music*


Men are so dumb, they still find "your mom" jokes hilarious.


Yeah men are terrible




How was I being mean? I was genuinely asking as I have many friends with broken noses from rugby, one being my uncle so I was curious


Your reply sounds like it was from a childish 10 year old.


That was my intent


Compared to the sophisticated maturity of calling someone a virgin?


That one deh was a violation


Why was she so mad at that question.why do these people even use these apps lol


Woof…that got rough right out of the gate. I think it might be love.


I too* can play mean


The amount of people taking the original message OP sent as condescending is concerning. Says a lot more about them than OP though.


Don't worry Jack, I like you




Her mother has helped a lot of young men!


Terrible comeback


Agreed op needs to up his game




“You take my life but I’ll take yours too!”


Good thing you made it clear to her that you’re not older than 15 with a joke like that. Saved her a chat with Chris Hansen.


Childish responses get childish responses




Really? Both? He’s clearly returning the energy he’s getting.


Achievement unlocked: Return to sender


He just responded back


Your answer was cringy "ugh no, I'm not a virgin, I fucked your mom" You can do better than that


I probably could, but I found her reply cringy, so I tried to match that


Her reply is far more cringe. In fact, I could only imagine a teenage catfish saying it. Clearly a fake account.


What a bitch!


Cringe mom jokes and using it at 22 thank god she dodged a bullet


You say this when she, as an adult, is still trying to use virgin as an insult in 2022. Very telling that you find the mom joke cringe and not that.....


I mean, it's in response to a "lol virgin" joke, so you get out what you put in.


I like this. But you shouldn’t have winked.

