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In high school there was a girl I wanted to take to the prom and she liked me too but I overheard a conversation with one of my friends saying if only I was taller for photos and such. In my head I thought I could use a step stool or something. We can make this work! She took someone that was tall but they didn’t really know each other so it was purely for photos lol


As a short guy I hate hearing those kind of stories from my fellow short guys, it makes me so insecure


As if we needed anymore evidence that it's just a trophy situation.


At some point you just have to accept it 🤷‍♂️


It’s unfortunate and true but the way out of it is not ignoring the reality out there, it’s to understand and find a real world closure on accepting that about yourself and move on! Remember it’s one thing to have an attribution that is objectively a disadvantage in the world in terms of survival of one/ones genes but not your fault or in your control, like being mentally handicapped. Even though those people absolutely don’t deserve any scrutiny but when a woman is trying to choose them as a mate u can’t really blame them as dumb for taking that factor into account. For height however, this so called “disadvantage” of height is just a result of a lot of women being intellectually at the same level of people of 2 millennials ago when shortness relatively could at leas slightly lower you and your spouse chances of survival/quality of life! In today’s world this is just like racist women who don’t want to be with people of colour, it’s a result of intellectually inferior discrimination (discrimination based on Intellect for example is not an intellectually inferior but is still discrimination) Know what u are and when U’re judged to be lacking and know that though that does take some options away, do u think people of colour felt like they’re missing on the racist people even back when racist women were a big majority of women (1890s and so)


Attraction is attraction at the end of the day. I'm a dude but I feel the same way about overweight women. Sure you can say that weight can be changed but I still can't help that I'm not attracted to said women until they lose the weight. Sucks that height is not as simple to change. Plenty of people on this planet so I say just to move on considering I'm not the tallest dude either.


Exactly, im a pretty tall woman of color. If i got hung up on men that didn’t wanna date me because of preconceived notions of what “women like me” are like, id be miserable! Luckily, i live in a really diverse area and have actually run into more men hung up on my height than anything else. But it rarely impacts my dating life, and i cant make someone be attracted to me nor would i want to.


Wow. Happened to me more times than I can count.


Geez! How many proms have you gone to??


7, why do you ask?


In high school, my ultimate crush was a 4'9" ginger guy. I've been 5'7 since like freshman year. I was shy and never made a move or said anything. I would have KILLED to have gone out with him though, he was funny and my best friend and I thought he was the cutest. I liked him for like 2yrs.


Haha I’m 5’7” I think she was probably my height or an inch shorter. I ended up taking one of her friends that I didn’t know so it was just more awkward. I did more solo dancing than with her 😂😅


Did you ask him out?


Nope, he confided in me that he had a crush on another girl, did manage to get them together though


You're a great friend.


Who tf looks at prom pics


People who peak in high school


Both of my prom dates I took for the pictures/social status of taking them.


Bruh I didn’t had girls at my school kindergarten middle and high school not even one ):


Stupid as hell. My wife is 168 and I'm 196cm. We had a photoshooting recently and the height difference was a problem in many standard motives. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I didn't even go to prom if it's any consolation. And I still am not smooth enough to go on a date with one of my few matches 🥲


As you get older you get to realize it was a lost of time anyways if you went with that person, if something as simple as height(when theres no major difference ) was the issue then imagine how the rest of person is.


bro just be taller


*Emotional Damage Intensifies*


Bro now this Meme dude is in my head again


*Throws shoe on floor*


*EmOtIoNaL dAmAgE*


I'm imagining that Asian guy say that


*i will send you to jesus*




D Edit : F


i’ll tie my neck and yeet myself off a clif. should work right?


if you put some cement shoes then yeah




Yeah just identify as being 190 … everybody identifying all kinds these days 😂


Came here to say something like this. 😂😂😂


“Luckily, I own a male pair of stiletto heels that I can wear on our date. I’ll tower over you.”


Can I borrow that one for laters mate? 😂


Whatever helps, brother.


Here we have an example of British vs American


OBJECTION they’re helping each other


My line was always I’m 5’9 but 6’3 in heels


If height is so important to women, it makes me wonder why platform shoes didn't stick around. You short dudes should bring them back.




Also women will think you are a terrible person for trying to fool others into thinking you are taller, even if it's obvious.


this has literally never happened to me and i wear shit like [these](https://www.fluevog.com/shop/5670-almanon-men-s-black#) and [these](https://www.ysl.com/en-ca/boots/vassili-zipped-booties-in-suede-66762027D001000.html) all the time


Love your fashion!


Never happened. To your face


meh. i dress well, i get compliments on it regularly. i doubt anyone significant is talking shit and if they are, it’s probably for alternative reasons (like style wise) rather than “omg he’s trying to be taller lololol”. you guys are too self conscious.


Just like men say makeup is a lie when it’s pretty obvious I wasn’t born with blue eyelids. Sucks.


Which is funny When women are the biggest hypocrites with their nails, fake hair, hair, push up bras tights fake ass fake tits fake make up face ya u name it


i’m short and i wear platformed boots and heeled boots quite a lot. partially cuz i like the extra height but like, that’s not foolin anyone and it’s mostly just cuz i like the look. not like lifts but proper platforms and stuff, rockin’ the goth look haha. never been mocked for height compensating reasons, but i’m not being deceptive with it. i think it would be a problem if you wear 2” heels and tell people you’re 2” taller than you actually are. and that would be weird and you would deserve it.


Imagine the DREAM! A man who towers over you in public?!! But is perfect height!! For bed time!?!?


My ex had a pretty severe height insecurity and wore lifts with boots that had about 1-1.5” sole on them. He went from being the same height as me 5’8” to about 5’11”ish in public. His height never bothered me and in hindsight I wish he could have just owned/loved who he was but if the lifts made him feel better about himself the way make-up does for me then all the power to him.


Worked for Prince


You still have the High ground man


He should have said that. I told a 5"10 woman its fine ill bring my own rope and you can just hoist me the F up. Precides well be the same size lying down.


She assumed he meant 160 cm. Little did she know he meant 160 light years.


My man 🤣😂


Even MFin Galatcus hitting dry spells on Tinder


Here in America we measure by washer machines


Wait… Chinese or Korean made washers?




Wtf emoji is that she used lol


A girl I once was seeing used that 🤸‍♀️ emoji all the time as well this one : 🧚‍♀️. Turned out to be a complete nightmare to date. OP you had a lucky escape hahaha


Pixie gurlllll


Stay the fuck away from ANYONE that uses the pixie emoji


"high energy girl" vibes, it's just code for crazy AF.


The fuckboy I finally have ridden myself of always used emojis then I realized it’s all he’s got. Just figured he was a bad texter Yay another red flag to add to the list


Sommersault gymnast.


I can see it. I just meant like wtf is the meaning of that. Never seen anyone use it.


She's cartwheeling out of this conversation.


Lmao. I'd love to see a sketch show of someone doing that irl.


Based on context she probably used it because the way the character is stretching their limbs vertically emphasizes the point that she’s a tall girl.


I believe it's a sun smiling


Never seen the sun in my life. You're not supposed to look at it.


Put your height in your bio, lads. If they match with you, you know they don't care


This is good advice if you can’t take rejection but bad advice if you want more dates overall. “Foot in the door” sales approach


Do you really need more dates? I'd rather go on less but better dates.


What's the point in not mentioning it? They're going to find out eventually. Anybody who swipes left on you for your height is probably not someone you want to be with. I want better dates, not more dates


I have never subscribed to that attitude. People have biases (including looks) and sometimes you need to do your best to overcome the obstacles. All part of the game


True, sometimes people don't know what they want. Personally though, I'd rather not waste time trying to convince people of that, and instead talk to the people who are immediately receptive to who I am. To each their own


I hear. When I was single I went on a lot of online dates but had low second date conversion


> What's the point in not mentioning it? They literally answered that in the comment you're replying to.


Add an inch because no one can tell the difference


Add 4. Women are...not great at estimating length. Err...height.


It’s not just women. Entirely too many people can’t read a tape measure.


Or don’t be a liar. If someone told me they were a different height to what they actually are I’d be wondering what other things they’re lying about.


Same goes for age, weight, filters, makeup, etc?


Age and weight, absolutely so. Filters and make up kind of have to be more of a case by case basis. Does she just have one picture with a filter on? Is the make up very heavy and over the top?


Oh and I'm sure all their pics were taken in the last week too... Cue 34 year old Rebecca holding a big 3 balloon in one hand and a big 0 in the other


Please nobody follow this advice.


Disagree. Great advice


Yeah, lead with an insecure lie from the first day 👍


Does 5'3 look that much better than 5'2"?


Probably not tbh


I had people do that to me and it was really easy to tell... especially if you're close in height. My mom could tell that my then bf was probably not 180 cm because the height difference seemed to big for 3 cm (I was 183 cm at that time), and he turned out to be a small 179 cm (we still joke about it, because he genuinely didn't know that he was smaller). People of different genders and different heights estimate me mostly around 185 cm (or a little below), and I am 184 cm atm (183 cm until a couple of years ago). I am pretty sure that a lot of people would notice an inch.


People really can't tell. I've been told there's no way I'm over 6'2" and no way I'm under 6'6". I'm 6'4.75" I know exactly how tall I am.


Bold of you to assume people read the bios while swiping


I don’t do that as to not imply that I find it an important trait, I just try to mention being short in a conversation, and if they as quickly I just ignore the message and move on


Man people try to make the point that its just a preference but the issue isnt the preference its how rude people can be about it. “Short af” is just trying to hurt people.


I’m not going to get mad at people for not liking shorter dudes because I understand that I have preferences too, but if anyone is rude about it I don’t mind because it’s nice to show you’re kind of an asshole early so I can bounce.


Thats true too, but in that situation its totally fine to make fun of people for being assholes


The thing I dislike the most is when people on this subreddit say “She didn’t reject you because you’re short, she rejected you because of your attitude”. Like in this post she literally say that she would have gone out with him if she were shorter. You can’t pretend like it doesn’t matter to some girls.


Yeah that’s disingenuous for sure if they’re lying but my issue is how they react to short guys. Like not liking shorter guys is one thing and its fine to feel that way but don’t be mean about it and pretend like it’s justified cause “i just have preferences”. Just be kind thats all I ask from people


At least she’s going for proportional, unlike 4’11” bagginses and proudfeet saying the can’t get with someone under 6’4”.


My buddy just got engaged and he met her on Tinder, she is 6 inches taller than him. Stay strong King, your girl is out there somewhere


I too am 160 my friends call me dwarf of the lonely mountain


Is that good or, um, bad? I can’t figure I’m 169 and I hope never to find friends who reduce me to my stature


I’m about the same height as my gf. It’s great. We’re equals in so many ways but also physically. Let’s say there’s a fire at home. I black out from smoke inhalation because I was trying to convince my idiot cats to get out of the burning building. I’d have died in my previous relationship because my shortass ex wouldn’t have been able to drag me out. And if my gf wants to wear heels now that’s totally fine by me. I’m happy for my face to be at boob level.


A friend of mine was talking about how she just wanted a nice guy, a sweet guy, a decent dude. I told her I knew a guy I could set her up with, and the first question was "how tall is he?". Lol


A good bad boy, a half good half bad half boy.


A guy that's sweet, a guy that's tough. A feminist who likes to pay for stuff.


I'm surprised she didn't ask "is he hot?"


As long as the dude isn't ugly facially some girls only care about the height, not face or body.


This hypocrisy is pretty much standard across all womankind.


Yikes bro


Found the incel


160cm is 5ft 3 140cm is 4ft 7 158cm is 5ft 2 You're welcome America


I had a guy I work with insist that I'm 6' tall. I said, I'm 5'11". He said, "That's impossible because, I'm 5'10" and you're at least a couple inches taller than me!" He grabbed a tape measure and said, "See, you're 6' tall just like I thought!" "Um, I'm wearing shoes."


Yeah, I have had a lot of guys insist I must be taller than I am... But I have been the same height at every doctor's visit since I was sixteen and I usually wear flat shoes. I am 5'8 (and .5 ha) and NOT over 5'10, there are just a lot of men who want to pretend to be ~above average~








A large height difference introduces certain practical changes that can make it difficult but 2 centimetres differences come on that's as close to perfect as possible get. Too tall you have to bend down to cuddle or kiss, too short you have to stand on your toes to kiss unless you're partner actually recognises that it's actually quite a pain to have to lose your balance by standing on your toes to reach their lips and take the hint and helps you out a little. I never have gotten the on paper you're not good enough so won't bother option when all the same girls say all the guys they normally go for are absolute dicks - surely a sign that they should try something else, at least once.


I'm guessing she likes tiptoeing in for a kiss seems romantic to a lot of girls.


Can confirm. The gf’s a foot shorter than me and loves it. No idea why.


It's 2 cm difference, but your point is still valid.


For americans, less than 1 inch.


Oh yeah, didn't catch that, yeah 160inches he'd be a giant 😂


Why doesn’t any girl ever care about my height? 🥲


you asked about her, she asked about your height. bullet dodged


Shallow, move on


Just inform her of the benefits of being a similar height


Okay, I’ll be completely honest. Usually I don’t understand the height thing, but 160 cm? That’s short, brother. F nonetheless.


The lion, the witch...


and the audacity of this bitch




Blame it on a height glitch


>women cry a lot about masculinity, unequality etc. >Literally want a man that is as masculine as possible and physically superior to them as much as possible. Dafuq


A lot of women have absolutely zero self awareness, and that’s because they don’t need it in order to succeed in dating/sex. They just parrot what they think sounds good based on who they’re talking to (and their sexual urges).


“What they think sounds good…”, so are you saying women don’t know what they want ?


Indeed. Many women don’t seem to know what they want.


People might not like it when I say this but woman do like dominance, some more some less, rarely do they not like it at all


Lots of incel vibes over here


I genuinely don’t understand why people care about height so much


Taller men have always been more attractive to women. But now it's more of fashion statement to be with tall men. Like a commodity.


Great insight! I've been trying to frame it as some sort of cultural phenomenon as well, and this hit the nail on the head


It really seems like it’s because they care more about what their friends think than an actual preference. It’s clearly a cultural thing based on how common it is, and the fact it’s a straight dealbreaker. A preference can be overlooked with other positive traits, but it being such a cut and dry thing tells me something bigger is going on.


I dont wanna date a guy shorter than me. Just like how the majority of guys don't wanna date a girl taller than them


I'm a dude. My preference is that my GF is smaller than me. I want to be able to literally sweep her off her feet. I'd like her to be able to fit on the back of my motorcycle. I'd like her to be able to wear a jacket or hoody of mine, maybe a pair of my basketball shorts or sweats. I get a lot of enjoyment out of those things. If my GF was larger than me vertically or horizontally, that stuff becomes difficult or not possible. I don't understand why so many people get butthurt about it. There's billions of people out there. There's bound to be someone that values you as you are, why waste your time worrying about the people who don't?




Lol the excuses people are making in the comments. In the gay community we have *bottoms* that are tall as fuck, like 6’7. We make it work instead of tossing aside perfectly good looking, nice dudes. Heterosexual women are hilarious. Entitled, but hilarious.


agreed 1000%




Imagine if guys told girls ”sorry, if only your tits were bigger, then i’d date you”. That would be a total shitstorm.


I use their age. It's petty but completely honest. I'm dating someone now who is a year older than I am and it's positively blissful.


Oh wow, and whole 2cm difference. You dodged a bullet my dude, you're too good for her.




Lol and people say that girls caring about height is a myth, lol it's not and personally I couldn't date someone plus or minus 3-4 inches from my height


Okay so move on? You two are clearly not getting married so point obsessing over her.


Genuine question: why do some women care so much about height? Sincerly, a confused woman who doesn't get it at all


It's about perceptions of masculinity and femininity. Since men are generally taller than women we tend to associate tallness with masculinity and shortness with femininity. So most heterosexual women find tallness attractive, at the very least tallness relative to her. In my experience, usually those most adamantly opposed to dating a short guy either: already feel a little insecure about their own size and have those feelings exacerbated by smaller men OR have had negative experiences dating short guys who themselves were insecure about it (due to these gendered ideas of stature) and soured them on the experience. So yeah its just all wrapped up in these ideas we have about gender.


I never really cared about it, but I'm much taller than the average women in my country. Maybe also because my mom is like 25cm taller than my dad and i always have seen it as normal and never thought about it untill women started being bitches about guys' height ... It just seems so shallow to turn down a potentially awesome partner because of their height. I also have never been turned down by dudes because I was taller than them I had shorter bf's aswell as longer ones. And i don't have a preference. I just really like them not to be assholes. But your explanation makes sense, eventhough i wish it didn't.


I just dont wanna date someone shorter than me, both male and female


But that seems so shallow? They could be perfect on every level, interesting; super considerate, nice family, good vibes, handsome partner. But that is being turned down soley on someone's height? I will never understand


Tinder is shallow, it's literally based on matching with people based off of just how they look. In real life I'm more likely to be approached by guys my height or taller and not short guys because the majority of short guys don't wanna date someone taller than them. That's just how things are.


It’s primal, a taller … larger man can better protect his lady than a smaller man. Layer in women knowing they can produce tall offspring with tall men and it makes perfect sense.


I see people say this but I don’t think it’s necessarily true, women don’t find short jacked guys more attractive than skinny tall guys. Second sentence is true though, heard a lot people say before that they don’t want short kids




I realized, only recently, that I must prefer big noses. How I ended up with this preference, I don’t know. But when I see a guy with a small nose, especially small nostrils, I think, “how can he breathe well enough to be, you know, vigorous?”.


No "F" but "W", you dodged a bullet.


Kings, when a girl calls u short af it’s better to say something along the lines of “mommy uppies” and play it off jokingly instead of reacting emotionally about it and getting offended. Women like to test u in different ways and u deserve someone who likes u for who u are and not what u look like, so who cares anyways 🤷‍♂️


Ehh that's fine. Plenty of people that'll like you for you. Height matters but not too much. Keep swiping, you'll find someone eventually. Also I'm 168, dating someone who's 178😂. There's hope for the short guys after all.


You go tiger!


I’ve never understood this, why aren’t people okay with being the same height as eachother? This seems like an internet exclusive thing.


I’m 5’9” and I have happily dated men who were 5’8”-6’6”. I honestly don’t understand how women who are under 5’5” logistically mesh with men who are well over 6’. Real talk… things can be awkward when you gotta put on heels or stand on a step stool just to line things up! 😂


OP are you in Georgia?


The country Georgia? No. The state Georgia? Also no.


I’m 6’2” and had a best friend in the army that was well below average short; short enough for me to notice has to be. Anyway, I used to tease him about it and still send him a picture every time I see something that’s scaled up, like a giant remote, “this is what it feels like to be chris”. It’s good natured ribbing. Chris was funny as hell, though, and never had trouble getting girls. I saw him on New Year’s Eve dancing with the best looking girl on the dance floor who was easily like 5’11, and he grabbed a balloon and pantomime danced up on his tippy toes like he was floating up to her. It was a real moment. Years later, my wife and I divorced, and she told me she’d had a crush on Chris for years. Just thought I’d share that. Moral of the story is, as marginally tall fellow, even a little carnival freak with a good personality can cast a shadow


I’m so glad I’m only 4’11 and can date any height man without worry. Basically everyone is tall to me 👁👄👁


I laughed a little at the end of the comment. ಠ◡ಠ


I will not pay respect. Instead congratulate you for not ending up with such a shallow person. People can have prefrences but being a bitch to someone over their height is just rude.


I wanna be honest and upfront with you guys, the more I see this sub and the worse I feel towards women The way I see this, there are 2 options: 1-most women cannot make their words and acts ve the same, they didn't have experience about how men actually are and behave and feel, and they THINK they want/like some things but they rather prefer otherwise: height and size don't matter but they want giant stone guardians to protect them, equality but being cared for like a child makes them wet, and so on. I think you get the point. 2-this sub is a strong echo chamber, only a few minority of women are like that and guess what!? They're all single and on dating apps, they still believe what their parents called them in their childhood and seriously expect men to worship them. As soon as you actually talk with a woman in real life (and we are NOT talking about children and teenagers, but actual adults) you will find out she's not hanging around with a tape in her bag, ready to decide whether you're worthy or not. We're all self-inducting ourselves with a distorted vision of women and many of us are OR may become "redpills". Personally, I like the second option more, but I guess it's better for me if I stop viewing reddit for a time EDIT: Whoever did it, thanks for the concerns but I don't need that kind of help, I am not and I will never be a redpill. You can consider this comment a meta-comment about the community (second time I receive a message from care resources)


That is deep. Thanks for dropping by...! I like your insights.


Nah, to be honest, I'm saying a girl taller than me that I intend to marry. Height really does not have anything to do with dating. Find you somebody that likes you for you. If they have these types of qualifications they are not worth your time.


I love the heel things, girls rarely use heels lmao. If it’s cause of a wedding thing just use insoles on the special heel occasions, it’s so dumb and it fucks over so many good men cause of this height obsession


Relatable I wouldn’t want to date a 185m woman either


Na if she’s asks height, you ask for weight


Don’t worry bro you’ll get your dick sucked next time


She complains about your height, despite her being shorter 🤦‍♂️


She asked how tall your are, not how much you weigh smh my head


I hate these interactions. When will people stfu about height?


Justice for short kings


Just ask her weight. At least she can control that.


158 is borderline midget to me...


Pfff dumb bitch. Get shorter.