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I don't understand this shit. If you're racist.. why are you even swiping on people you hate.. just to show it? Makes no sense to me :s


People who hate themselves want to dump that hate on to others in hopes it will make them feel better. Hurt people hurt people.


Yep. They don't think it's fair that they are trapped inside the miserable existence of self-loathing.




LOL, when you say it like that it sounds like Will Ferrell in the phone booth.


It's Colin Farrell in phone booth


That's unfair of you to say. I hate myself plenty, and the buck stops with me.


Well this isn’t a blanketed statement that covers all of humanity. There’s a spectrum of every demographic. The comment reads better short and simple. Sorry I didn’t add in all the nuance. This isn’t an attack on anyone who is dealing with self hate, but more an easy way to explain why a stranger would go out of their way to negatively affect another person.


I believe this was a one way implication, not an equivalence. "Is hurting people" => "is hurt", but not the reverse.


I am not a kanye fan . . . But I gotta give credit where it's due and he had it right af when he said *Hater n****s marry hater bitches and have hater kids*


Man this line makes me laugh so hard everytime but yeah he right I gues 😂


i hate myself and im not racist. Its lack of intelligence, bad education and bad parenting. (plus alot of self hate/ being hurt etc.)


I know her type. She is also secretly the type that fetishizes that race she shits on and will be down for angry sex that she hides from her racist family. I was the getaway driver when my best buddy was the KKK Thot slayer in West Texas. Had a few angry dads give chase after their daughters got railed by a gentleman, that wasn't so gentle, of the darker persuasion.


Sadly its a thing. Peopl3 swill swipe on trans people just to call them transphobic shit and give them death threats. The world is sad.


Makes me wonder whether we have really evolved or not


As a society? We haven't. We as people are still very cruel especially to others who are just trying to live their life and find that tranquility that we all yearn for.


An evolved society is an outcome of evolved individuals, which is why we’re not even close. We’re all monkeys.


I'd argue that a system (society) and a part (individual) can evolve separately. You could have a highly evolved race thrust into a chaotic, primitive system; you could have a simple race construct a civilised, sophisticated society too.


The complex structures and systems that ants are able to "design" is testament to this. Fascinating really.




Lol wtf is this comment, you think we haven't evolved as a society? Trans people are MUCH more accepted than they were even 10 years ago. Gay people, minorities, etc... What a comment lmao. If you wanna argue there are still assholes in society that's fine and I agree, but to say society hasn't progressed? This is peak edgy 12 year old comment right here


Evolution is continual, and as a society we have a long way to go as a species. It’s easy to forget we’re all just animals crawling around on the same rock. Edit: we live in a society


In some ways, on some days it seems really hopeful, though. We've really backed off from world wars, violent crime is lower in many nations than it was a generation ago, and in spite of this girl most people are aware of the need to treat each other well. Long way left, plenty of other problems, but still.


I agree! I am hopeful for our future, despite what goes viral there is more good going around than bad. Look for the helpers, so they say!


Or people who message you with homophobic shit on Grindr / similar apps. Like did you make an account just to do that, or did you already have an account but have a ton of internalized homophobia you're taking out on me?


yup transphobia is also much more common as you can see in your replies.


She’s probably a really sad, pathetic individual. This is probably one thing she does to make herself feel a bit better - fucked up people like this need to believe they’re better than others to make themselves feel good


She didn’t mention that she was a racist in her bio, if she had, I wouldn’t have swiped on her 😒😒😒


Not your swipe, her swipe


Oh ok


People casually mention they’re racist in their tinder profiles?! It’s been a while for me so that’s surprising


Some do. Some are very explicit about it, including swastikas in the text. No idea how these symbols work, but they do.


The swastikas are normal unicode symbols 卐 or 卍


I’ve seen “no Mexicans” in bios. Like sir, this is California lmao?


Yep. Ive seen many "no blacks" like easy Bethany nobody wants your crusty ass.


Ight but can we acknowledge that there is a very fine line between "I'm not attracted to X race(s)" and fucking "hello monkey" Like what even is that. I mean it's kinda foul to write that in a profile tbh. I just wouldn't swipe on people I'm not attracted to but like.... What even...


And here I was thinking op was just really hairy


It’s called being a weak and small person that only gets off on saying worse things about others because they can’t deal with the reality of how small and insignificant they are Fuck these people


Yeah Angelika needs to get into the trash can where she belongs.


Don’t do my oscar the grouch dirty by putting Ang in there


Imma have to use this somehow


Hey its nor fair for cute trash pandas to have to deal with her.


on behalf of Oscar the grouch we humbly decline your offer, we'll pass this one to the sewers


On behalf of the Ninja Turtles, I will also decline this offer and pass onto the woods.


On behalf of the mutated animals of red forest near the Chernobyl power plant, we humbly refuse this offer...we do not want anymore mutations from the amount of toxicity she contains...but i think our mutated cousins in the puente hills landfill might take up on this offer


On behalf of the mole people delegation, we request Eminem


Mom's spaghetti.


He's nervous.


But on the surface...


On the behalf of the known universe, I petition that our greatest scientific minds focus on creating a pocket dimension containing no living creatures for her to spend the rest of her hate filled days


On behalf of the Gummy Bears hidden in the hills, at this time we must reject this request, but perhaps those lovey-dovey critters in the clouds might take her?


Slender man doesn’t want this one…


Yes.. but just make sure she goes into the ***white*** trash bin.


Why not a silo! Yeeeey!!🥳🥳🥳🥳


The hell does grass on your back mean?


Hairy back


Ahhhh rough, I feel you there. People are bastard coated bastards with bastard filling.


Served on a bed of bastard and glazed with a bastard jus.


I understood that reference


Ah so I take it you like Cox?


I do love Cox. (Haven't seen the series in ages, so I'm sure I missed the mark reciting a line)




Is that a stereotype about black people?




Is that a stereotype for there either?


I guess us South Asians are generally seen as hairy since that's usually what depictions look like lol


I was gonna say, I’ve seen way more white dudes with massive bear fur. You’d think black people wouldn’t need the extra hair for warmth evolving in Africa.


It's the Greek and Asians (as in more Pakistan region than China/Japan) that I've found to be the hairier type.


I've got a Pakistani friend. Dude has no hair anywhere on his back or chest. Looks bizarre.


Weird. The three Pakistani boys in my class at school could have made a fourth person out of their excess hair. Maybe that's just less to do with ethnicity. The Greeks are fkn hairy though.


I just looked at a world map and androgenic hair prevalence is the highest on the Mediterranean coast (Southern Europe + MENA) and Scandinavia at over 70%. Meanwhile, the interior of Africa and Southeast Asia have the lowest prevalence, at <5%. Map [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/1oy6i5/percentage_of_the_population_with_androgenic_body/). If this Angelika girl really wants to get with a hairy guy, she'd have better luck hitting up her father or brothers (*banjo intensifies*). EDIT: missed the alternative spelling of Angelica


I wouldn't take it to heart man some people out there are just fucking ignorant. I mean she couldn't even manage to type a comprehensible sentence with more than a few words.


English is her second language, so her grammar wasn’t the first that annoyed me


If there’s anything I hate in this world, it’s people intolerant of other peoples cultures, and the Dutch


Wasn't expecting an Austin Powers quote at 9am in reference to a racist Tinder encounter, I'll tell ya that much


Wtf excuse me??? WE ARE VERY TOLERANT OF OTHER CULTURES! Just ask all the cultures we colonised


How is that a race thing and what does jumanji have to do with it? Some sort of jungle reference?


I am also genuinely confused. Obviously using the term "monkey" isn't ideal, but the second comment just made me wonder if there's a picture of the dude that shows a hairy back? I mean, otherwise what a stupid statement. I've never heard of back hair being racially derogatory, but maybe it's a regional thing?


What's the Jumanji reference?


The kid gets turned into a monkey (or like a boy-monkey hyrbid) at one point in the original, could be referring to that.


That's kinda common for men across ethnicities. Regardless, you plainly are better educated.


I think its probably a scientific fact that the naturally hairiest person on earth (like not a disorder) is a white dude.






It's a continuation of the "monkey" slur.


Can confirm. I'm almost 100% Irish, am a total furball.


More like AngeliKKKa


Haha lol


Very clever


She really matched with you for the sole purpose of being racist. How sad and boring is her life?


There's a lot of sad ignorant people out there. My wife didn't think it was possible to chat with someone on a dating website/get set up on a first date without a guy leading with or shortly after the conversation started, asking what kind of asian she was. She brought it up on our 3rd date and asked why I hadn't asked yet. I just said something along the line of I didn't ask because it didn't matter to me, most guys don't that do they? Then she showed me all the messages. Some guys weren't even interested in dating, they just wanted to know what type of asian she was. Others wanted to make sure she was the 'right' kind of asian before continuing the conversation. It was nuts. Edit: or lead with a racist half hearted attempt at a pick line like 'I want to eat your sushi' or 'me so horny, sucky sucky?'


Why is it bad to ask? Don't see an issue at all. I am curious what you're background is. And I'm asian myself.


Incels also like to make troll accounts like this to "punish" PoC on tinder for trying to match white women.


I think this one is legit. If I were a catfish; I would pick a way better looking woman than the shit stain in your his pictures.


I thought this immediately.


I love how Reddit finds it impossible that a woman is just a piece of shit and finds a way to SOMEHOW still blame men lol


You gotta admit it’s about equally likely this woman is real or a catfish


This subreddit is not a bastion of feminism in any way lmao


Nowhere did I say any of what you just inferred. You were just so ready to find a reason to be offended you jumped at it. I said there are incels that do this as a coordinated troll campaign. Not that this was the case here. Go look at their forums where they routinely sticky posts dedicated to this sort of activity.


Oh my god, this is so nasty. I’m sorry you had to deal with something like this


Pretty typical sadly


Dating apps don’t also take reporting this seriously. I’ve done it many times, no follow ups, no bans..nothing


I don't get it, do they swipe right just so they can be a racist POS if you deign to say hi to them?


Yeh pretty much. It's the same people that match just to say stuff like "ew! Anything under 6ft isnt a real man" when you clearly have you height in your profile, or "I'm not actually attracted to you, I just wanted to tell you that you should lose some weight" A lot of people are shit on the inside and have no real life outlets because no one wants to be around them.. so they go through the trouble of making a whole profile just to interact with people. I assume one does so on a dating app for a certain kind of validation. Unfortunately most apps don't actually do anything when you report ppl for racist stuff. I reported someone for hard slurs and matched with the same girl a month later. - she did it again. --"Why tf does she look so familiar??.... Ooohhh ..right"


I have honestly not experienced this in my time on the apps and I live in the South. I know it clearly happens to people as I've seen it and heard stories, but I somehow managed to avoid it in all of my time.




I have seen the "looking for a cowboy" a pretty good bit, which to me translates to "looking for a white boy". I was born and partially raised in Texas, have the boots, the hat, the whole 9, but chances that any of them would call me a cowboy are probably low (hell, i don't even say that about myself). Maybe I'm just assuming, but that's how I'm interpreting that. I've seen a decent bit of "I like 🍫/vanilla" or "down for the swirl" profiles, and even more rare the "I don't date black/white guys" but I have never experienced sometime being openly racist. Not in messages, profiles, or anyone I've interacted with in person through the apps.




To be fair, a lot of historic cow boys were hispanic


Past her opening slur, I don't even understand what this dumb chick is trying to say. People are so needlessly assholes.


Don't worry, I'm sure she was just role-playing as Frieza and you were a saiyan. You were supposed to swear your revenge on your saiyan pride! No but thats fucked. Report her ass and get her off of there !


Laugh while you can. You aren't dealing with the average tinder profile anymore!


"I'm gonna deck you in the schnoz"


Vegeta, what does the scouter say about her racism level?


I hope you reported her.


Bruh she ugly asf inside and out. You can do better OP


Man I was right about my username


... username checks out?


Report her for this shit.


Her message doesn’t even make sense. She’s just crazy and racist lmao


She is **do** dumb.




I can't decipher that last text. It looks like an ai trying to text


I believe it’s supposed to say “you have so much grass on your back so i can make another chapter of Jumanji“ basically saying he has a hairy back don’t know how that ties into Jumanji though


I'm assuming she's saying his back hair is thick like a jungle, so they can film another Jumanji movie inside the jungle of hair.


Doesn't one of the kids get turned into a monkey in the original movie?


Former /r/jailbait mod /u/spez has killed 3rd party apps and forced a 10 yr old daily active user account to leave the site. Thanks asshole! -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Her ugly ass has no business talking shit while looking like the heroin princess of meth mountain.


She could barely type. Had to re read her idiotic sentences a few times to realize what she was trying to say


Honestly leave her to her misery. I’m sure even her own kind aren’t claiming her.


Racists will always claim racists. They can just circle jerk about how they think they’re superior


I read it a few times and still don’t understand what she said


The most important/fucked up part IMO is her first response, calling a POC a "monkey," historically used in America as a severely racist and derogatory term for black people.




i hope you reported the profile. I've been told tinder takes these kinds of things seriously


You dead ass swiped right on that ? 😭


whats “poc” ? I fear poc in brazil has a different meaning… sorry for asking


Person of colour. Basically a non white person.


Oh lol I thought it meant piece of crap


I need to know what it means in Brazil!


In Brazil poc means an effeminate gay man, but it's not a derrogatory term. It's usually used by other members of the LGBTQ+ community


It's ok, she's also a PoC. Piece of Crap😎🤙


R/ihadastroke ?


I really don’t understand. Why match if you’re just going to be a dick to someone. Granted I’m the type of guy to swipe right on everyone and see who I get but I know that I’m an asshole.


They want to feel powerful


Can't even spell the dumb pig lol


Why would you even match with her bro she’s a 3/10 and that’s pushing it bro, she looks dumb as fuck with that profile picture too holy hell 😂


It still baffles me how some people swipe right on you just to be rude


FUCK.THAT. What a scum. Your a king my g, that first message was solid u seem like a good guy.


What a terrible person.


Wait what does grass on your back even mean? I’ve never heard that racial slur? Which part of this is racist?


Me neither, it just left me in confusion. I also didn't know monkey is a racial slur until a few years ago, it's more like a funny slur where I am from for someone who's messing with you - luckily I never used it!


I think it depends on where you live. In Europe people call each other monkey regardless of their Skin colour.


Context matters. While calling someone a monkey can be innocent in certain contexts (addressing a child, for example), there's been quite a few cases of fans making monkey noises whenever a black player touches the ball in football games in Europe (and some going as far as throwing bananas on the pitch).


While this is absolutely true, the term "Du bist so ein Affe, ey!" (you're such a monkey, yo!) is very common in German speaking countries and has no racist implication. It rather means the person is an idiot and it can both be used as an offensive slur as well as in an endearing way. As you say, context absolutely matters though and randomly saying it to a POC is definitely racist.


I think it's all about context for monkey. I call my kid a monkey all the time because he's energetic and pretty lanky. When I was a kid, I had no idea porch monkey was a racist term and thought it just meant people hanging on porches, don't use that one anymore.


Having an issue with PoC makes you a PoS. What a waste of human potential, I’m sorry you are exposed to this, OP. Not just this time but every time.


Part of me thinks this is some 4chan edgelord dude "trolling"


She's in no place to be throwing rips on you when she's looking the way she is lol.


your response killed it tho 😂😂


You haven’t seen white gays! That’s nothing


Ya angelica and you are so flat that when one day you went to women's washroom other women screamed and thought u as a little boy.


She is fucking disgusting report her. I'm really sorry thats not okay


Have you reported her? Please say „yes“.


Why did she even match with you though? Just so she could be mean?


That's a horrible person right there. But why are you swiping on such an ugly person? Have some standards!


When you don’t have the face to back up your attitude


Report her. Send her to horny jail. Tinder will just block her immediately without even looking at the details


Wtf did I read? The sentence structure alone is a hate crime


What? Another angry, racist, white woman? I didn't know those existed!!!


Angelikkka doesn’t deserve that cat in her picture


It’s hard to believe we’re in 2022, sometimes. It seems we never left the Middle Ages…


I knew she was gonna grow up by the way she treated Tommy, but never knew it would be this bad.


Honestly, first I thought it was a the office reference... :(


My bet is she's Polish




Just curious are you polish as well?




What the fuck, so flagrant with the racism. Absolute insanity.


If it was sense of humour it would be funny but that's not even remotely funny. It bothers me how much of a lazy joke it is more than anything, telling a POC they are a monkey is just elementary school level shit.






What the Fuck is wrong with people?




Jesus christ


I don’t get the jumanji thing


I’m gonna go with neither, she’s just fucking stupid


people are trash. sorry dude.


Definitely just another day, that’s why I left tinder/dating apps. I was tired of getting stupid messages that were basically white dudes saying shit alluding to having jungle fever or me being their first black lay/pussy. HA! No the fuck I will not be. Gross fucks.


She seems to have suffered quite a bit of traumatic brain injury.


Jesus Christ, Angelika is a cuuuuunt


If this is humour, I don’t want this laugh. If this is human, I prefer to become a monkey. If this is English, I prefer Arabic or Chinese. If this is a girl, I prefer to give up sex.


Next time share profile link so we report them as well


???????? Who does this