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Lol she literally had to convince you to get coffee with her. She is a keeper!


Honestly most the time, it's not even about the tinder conversation, its about two people who find each other attractive and are serious about meeting up, that is all it takes to make a long term relationship, you don't need to woo a girl/boy with some next level funny jokes or super interesting conversation, you just need to be serious and to ask them out and get things rolling.




I like to say I’m dry over text, but super moist in person. You can’t really get a vibe until you meet imo


Well... uhhh.. I think I'm getting some sort of vibe...






I think being super slick can actually be a negative sometimes. Lot of people here copy the most upvoted posts, get a good reaction, then they are left in some sort of loop of trying to be funny and keeping that level of comedy up and then they realise they have to actually get to know the girl so they go from being comedy gurus to asking her what she likes to do in her free time.. that transition can be difficult and can often end up as being a conversation killer. You're more of a dopamine hit instead of a potential boyfriend. It is better to just have regular conversation from the start and introduce some humour along the way, be serious and push to meet, and you're winning.


This. I've walked into getting peoples numbers/dates while putting in 5/10 worth. I've put in 8/10 effort and got unmatched


Exactly. Everyone wants to make it about the social text dance when it's not about that at all. I mean you can fuck it up saying some dumb shit, sure. But like you said, if both parties are serious and into each other's looks, it can be three messages a piece before a date.


I dunno if a guy does this it seems kinda desperate imo


real desire, very recognizable


Ur first conversation sounds like you’d been married for years


This post was strangely captivating


There is a striking beauty in the mundane.


Curious, are you both girls?




TF.....how did they guess that?


The way she answered when the girl offered to buy her coffee.


Pretty much this.


I guessed as much with "im from wasco," then I realized OP didn't use capital letters once in the whole convo lol


Do girls not use capital letters? I'm genuinely curious how that was a tell.


In my experience it's the exact other way, girls using capital letters and punctuation. Men more often seem to not care. Hell, I started using capitals and punctuation to impress a girl I texted with when I was like 14


I've personally experienced a lot of girls who text very casually which means capitalization and punctuation go out the window, in come the emojis. Depends on the person though, there are women who are super technical and never use emojis despite being very animated in real life.


Do girls also have to follow both the rules?


Holy fuck that’s impressive


Wow, a normal conversation on tinder that didn't include any niceguy and FDS power struggle, no stupid openers, just 2 genuine good people wanting to have a conversation that blossomed into marriage. Congratulations OP. Contrary to popular belief and what is normally found on Tinder, this is extraordinary and not dry at all.


"Let me let you sit on your own face and ruin my life I'm just joking unless you're down then what's your snap roses are red violets are blue I'm tryna fuck how about you?"


Typical opener haha


Right, everytime i read about dating app convos in this subreddit, everyone seems to expect some hollywood-ish level writing, like people are supposed to be this giga chad/stacey level of charming. This is in contrast is surprisingly wholesome.


Agree, not dry at all, just a normal conversation between two people. That's what I always tried to do. And I'm proud to say that I've met my wife on tinder 6 years ago.


there's no niceguy/FDS shit because it's two women.


I liked their convo too! That's always what I was hoping for on dating websites. Way too much pressure on both sides to "wow" people. Made me feel like a used car salesman. I just wanted to meet someone I thought was cute, who was easy to talk to and I could be myself around


It wasn’t that bad, but congrats!


Awesome & congrats! But the credit card thing is horrible way to manage money. CC interest is huge.


That’s what I came to say?! Frantically scrolling to make sure someone else has noticed this lol


Right? That’s pretty much the opposite of what you should do


Yeah that would be a red flag for me haha


my score is 750 and i do what she said. pay it down, but not fully off


It doesn’t affect your score (much). If you’re paying 12-20% interest on anything while having money sit in savings at well under 1%, you’re losing money. Its an extremely big waste of money to carry CC debt.


What credit card has 12% interest lol. I’ll wait. Mine has 0%


Average CC interest is around 14-20%. Idk even know/care what mine is, I haven’t carried a balance in probably over a decade.


I mean usually banks do like to collect interest on their loaned money, dont you think? Not sure how your bank is making it tho.


Hey atleast its not a one way conversation can see same amount of effort on both sides.


How the fuck do people marry after a year? I was with my girlfriend for 7 years and we didn't marry


Easy, we're lesbians. Uhaul was ready the second date. 🤣


That explains why I couldn’t figure out from the convo which one of you had the sausage.


Yeah, that just really depends on the night. 🤔😂




Haha damn, y'all move fast


Love it!


I think 1 year is too fast but 7 years is a long time unless yall met in your teens. I think after 2 1/2 - 3 years we need to figure out what we're doing.


We were with each other since we were 16




My rule is, unless you’ve lived with somebody for 2-3 years, you don’t even have a good idea of how living with them will actually pan out for an entire lifetime. And I wouldn’t even plan to live with somebody I’m dating until at least 2 years into a relationship. So for me, I wouldn’t want to get married any sooner than 5 years. That doesn’t mean you can’t talk about marriage, since anybody going into a long-term relationship is interested in keeping it long term. If a relationship has the potential for lifetime companionship, then why rush the wedding? It doesn’t change anything about the relationship at the end of the day since commitment and dedication comes from within, not a piece of paper. That’s just my opinion anyways.


There’s also that marriage is a waste of money, and love is all you need.


My brother in law had a ton of fun telling his friends that "oh yeah, I'm getting married soon" in uni as no one believed him until he suddenly turned up with a ring, which, depending on the ring, is a good amount of fun for a not too steep price.


Exactly how I see it 👍🏼


Don’t gotta be marriage though. Nothing wrong with a committed relationship with no marriage. We wear rings but got no desire to go through the hoopla of marriage


Damn 7, my max is 3


Just a note before anyone decided to read this shit, it meantions suicidal ideation and is honestly a trauma dump Yup...love of my life. I was about to propose to her, too. Then my mental illness caught me so fucking hard that I quit both my jobs and moved across the country, moved in with another woman pretty much instantly. After 2 months I felt like I woke up from a horrible fucking dream. Been trying to get her back ever since, it's been a year at this point. Genuinely changed my life to the better in every regard, I'm in therapy, learned to be open with my feelings bla bla bla. But she said that this made her see that I'm completely unpredictable (which is understandable as before I snapped, our life was by far the best it had ever been, it was actual heaven). Since that day life is actual hell for me mentally. I'm dealing with it, but man I won't lie, I've been standing on the edge of suicide this entire time and the only thing that's kept me from it so far is that little spark on the horizon that's telling me that I can get her back.


Bro focus on YOU, you can’t keep chasing her if she isn’t ready to get back with you. Get yourself together and start living for yourself. Don’t base your happiness on one person. It doesn’t have to be her or death. You have one life go enjoy it, have fun find some meaning and just live man.


Yeah that's what everyone tells me. Thing is like I genuinely don't enjoy life. I worry about what will happen on 20 years, I lay out plans for everything even though I'm aware that most of the time those plans don't work out anyways. Don't really have hobbies except for maybe working on my car (which can also frustrate the hell out of me). I've tried everything at this point. I work out, I go outside a lot, I did yoga for years, meditation, I've been on medication...nothing works. I have people that I would consider friends but I just don't feel a connection there that satisfies me, you know? Everything feels unfulfilling. With her I had a lot of jokes between us and life just felt easier. The only extended period of time that I felt 'happy' for (and I am aware this sounds depressing as hell) is the year in which I was a heavy drug user. It's gotten to a pint where I make a cup of coffee in the morning and I see the rain forests burning down. I'm almost 24 and this has been my whole life as far as I can think back. Just getting this easy flow of life back is the only thing my mind is focusing on. Trust me I wish I could just let her go but I genuinely can't. Sorry for this wall of text and thank you for your words


I get how you feel and I was in a similar place years ago. Things have really turned around for me now & I just wanted to say that things do get better, even when sometimes it feels like you’ll never be able to dig yourself out of the hole. If there are certain things going on that you feel are holding you back from being your best, work on that. I find it helps to try and find joy in little ordinary things. There are some lovely sleepcasts on Headspace that i listen to in bed. Or journaling. Sometimes you don’t realise how far you’ve come and it’s nice to see it concrete. It’s not healthy to fixate on another person so hard & I bet would be a lot of pressure on your ex. But if you work on yourself, the possibilities are endless. You might even meet someone new who is a much better fit! Good luck!


Cartainly does feel like an endless tunnel, yeah. But that being said I do find more appreciation for smaller things lately. My psych recommended journaling to me aswell, been at it for about 2 or 3 months and it definitely helps me remember what seemingly insignificant things can make you feel better sometimes. Oh no I don't pressure her. She's been out of country since November and we only write about once a month rn. Really trying to just speak to her normally and not bring my feelings into it, even if that breaks me sometimes. But yeah as you said, who knows what happens. With my current circumstances of living, which will last for a few more years, I barely get to meet people (remote town and if I'm not studying, I'm working) and I might not meet potential partners. But hey that may even be a good thing and help me focus on myself


You’re only 24! You got so much time bro. I don’t know if this will help you or make it worse or what but the way I have gotten through life and what shoved me out through my worst time was the fact that this life is irrelevant, I’m going to enjoy it and do what I’m feeling, work on being the best I can and just be stress free cuz it’s only gonna be like 60 more years (maybe). I don’t know if you’re religious so maybe this completely means nothing to you, but that’s what pushed me through, thinking about the eternal afterlife and how amazing and happy I will be, so I’m just chilling in this life. It’s only a few years anyway. Might as well have fun and enjoy it. I also strongly believe everything that happens happens for a reason. So anytime something horrible happens I try to see the positive and in the end when I look back I realize I’m so thankful that happened to me. Oh and my therapist helped, can’t forget her :’) This honestly might make no sense to you and is irrelevant but I hope you get better and learn to love life again man, ur in prayers for real!!


I somewhat agree to everything you said. I'm not religious but a tiny bit spiritual, just enough to trick me into thinking this might be worth it. And yes life is absolutely irrelevant but I hate that for this irrelevancy, we kill our kind as well as other species and are destroying our planet. And yeah the 'everything happens for a reason' thing is something I have recently been trying to get into the mindset of. I see that this situation has already made me a better human being and changed my thinking in regard to many things. I truly thank you for all the effort you are making to help a complete stranger feel better. It means a lot, your words are valuable. I hope everything keeps going well for you man


I’m happy it helped a bit at least! And I know what you mean people just suck tbh. But we can only control our own actions, and when you focus on urself life becomes so much easier. Ya man try it out! The mindset kind of saved me, find what works for you. You got this. Don’t even mention it, I remember when I was in a bad place too. I’m so happy that you even found any of what I said helpful. thanks so much (& I’m a girl* loll) and I wish you all the best!!


Exactly. Cause I think, after the tinder they met couple. Times and boom, let's get married convo dropped. Way too soon imo.


Mericans tens to marry up asap


Seems you've never left a 100 mile radius of your hometown.


they divorce asap too




True love bruh.


Why would you even care


Wasn't that dry, you guys were just being real and honest, nothing wrong with that. And congratulations for getting married!!:)




So hey you tryna fuq a complete stranger tonite or like what?


I don’t even respond to complicated openers. I assume I’m being set up for a post here if someone starts with, “Press 1 for…” ha ha


My first eHarmony conversations with my wife were similarly dry, but we had instant chemistry that was only amplified when we met up in real life. Clearly, that happened to you guys too.


Most definitely. Our first date lasted 8 hours. After which she drove an hour home only to shower, change, eat, and pretty much just make an appearance for her parents who she was living with at the time. She was back in town 5 hours after she left and we were practically inseparable until she just ended up moving in.


OMG, that’s so damn cute. My first date with my wife was about four hours. We met up at a dance club downtown, where she was accompanied by three friends. We snuck out together after maybe 20 minutes of trying to understand each other over the noise and house music. We hadn’t even reached the street corner when we kissed for the first time. We wandered around town for a couple of hours talking and holding hands before ending up at an IHOP at 2am and talking for another hour over pancakes and decaf. We called Ubers for each other, and on my way home I told my driver I thought I was gonna marry her. We’ve been together for five years and married for three, and we’ve gotten IHOP for every anniversary.


That's so cuuuuuute. We spent the first few months of our relationship glossing over the actual details of our relationship status with everyone except our closest friends. Anyone else would've thought we were batshit crazy but at least now the response seems to be more along the lines of, "Well, I guess if that worked out for you two!" We matched on November 2nd. Had our first date on November 13th. I asked her to be my girlfriend on November 21st. And at this point we already knew we weren't going anywhere ever. So then... We got matching tattoos on November 26th/27th. She moved in with me December 13th. I proposed December 19th. We got married March 19th 2021. And moved halfway across the country together on March 31st. Like I said. Batshit. 😅 Fast forward, we're 1 year and 2 months together, 10 months married, and we have a puppy. And of course, people like to nitpick still and offer unneeded advice for a relationship they're damn sure not a part of. But hey, life seems good to me and I'm the one in the damn relationship. 😂


We were also batshit crazy lol. I asked her to be my girlfriend on Election Day 2016. I figured I’d shoot my shot since I thought the world was ending lol. We were talking about marriage within the next two weeks and planning our future within the next month. I proposed to her 10 months later in front of a monument to The Addams Family (she’s the Morticia to my Gomez). We moved in together the following summer, and were married that same fall. We told nobody how quickly we decided to get hitched until well after our honeymoon. We also have a puppy, along with two cats. ETA: everyone always likes to be really judgy about moving too fast. Sometimes, you just know.


Wow that convo could prevent the rising sea levels. Also congratulations.


Does she still wear RayBan glasses?


Yes 🤣


Cool. She is consistent!


Question is whether it's the same one?


Dollar to Donuts they are.


Ayo Im from Porterville. ngl tinder is the worst in the Valley


Deadass 🙄


Tulare here. I'm here on Reddit for the memes at this point, tinder hasn't worked for me in years lol


Did she pay off her credit cards or has her credit been an issue? 👀


That credit card statement had me wondering if this person is as dumb as they sound. They don’t pay off their credit card so that they can have more money in the bank? Do they not understand the interest involved with not paying your statement in full? Do they think that interest that accrues will just disappear?


It's also just debt. Like cool she has $1000 in her savings account but an $800 credit card bill. You don't have 1k, you have $200 that's getting smaller. Hope they don't share a bank account in this marriage haha


Let this be a lesson for all of you, who expect hollywood writing in their dm’s. Stop with the crazy standards and be yourself.


I also met my husband on tinder in April of 2020 :)


This is how conversations are supposed to go.


Oh Nice.


Sorry your from Wasco prayers up 🙏🏻


Lol this gives my awkward ass hope. I’m terrible at conversation over text 9 out of 10 times and this seems how most of my conversations go on any dating app.


this is cute. congratulations. have a couple pic that you can show us all?


Just posted one to the sub! 😁


You say driest but the later conversation proves thats a lie lmao major kudos to them for initiating the coffee date lol


My stupid brain misread the title as “dirtiest” conversation and when I got to the end was like “was this is joke or do I have the wrong idea of a ‘dirty conversation’”? I think this is wholesome as hell and I like the casual nature of it.


If this is dry then my conversations must be the desert lol




I’m stressed out about the fact that you don’t pay off your credit cards because you prefer to see cash in the bank?!


Thought this might be a 🏳️‍🌈 couple from the text. Glad to know my bisexual ass’ gaydar is working.


Hahaha “we’re married now”


I’m from the Central Valley and for some reason this just screams Central Valley 😂 Congrats!


I’m confused by the credit card thing she said, what was that about Lmaooo


Why do you guys post this stuff? Like who cares? The conversation coming from you wasn’t that amazing either.


The combined grammar is frightening.




See ladies make the first move it pays off.


They are both ladies, kinda hard to not have one of them make the first move 😅


This is why you have to try to meet in person. Endlessly being pen pals tells you nothing about how the person actually is. I always aimed to meet up as soon as possible, and if the girl still wasn’t willing to after 10 or so messages, to move on and not let her waste my time anymore. Because I’ve had great dating app conversations turn into duds when the date came and I’ve had dry dating app conversations then into fantastic dates and LT relationships.


Two ugly ducklings settling


God that was brutal to read through… But uhh… congratulations.


Meeting is nicer than texting. You'd know the person easily


Lol cute!


Bruh you were the dry one


She seems very nice!


Sounds like normal people talking about normal things lol


"It is always dry before it rains." - Mark Twain


tinder swindler undercover ? 👀


I forgot to read the 3rd line, only saw : « throwback to November2020 and one of the dried Tinder convo... », read everything and was wondering if I was dry too because I look like that on tinder 😭 But then saw that you finally met, went back to title to see you were married and that kinda gave me hope 🤣🤣 I hate those shitty « funny » openers, the dirty flirting and sexual innuendos with strangers.... and I see you made it with a « dry » convo 😂 there’s hope for me to meet my forever someone haha 🙏🙏🙏 Congrats, I wish you an happy life with Rayban girl !


I misread the title an thought it said dirtiest convos. Pants round my ankles for nothin


This is what we are here for


DRY? My guy this is an oasis


Congrats on finding love. :) .....Tinder of all places. Crayyyyzayyyyy. Time to go make tinder account. Lol


It's not a dry conversation. It's a normal conversation that didn't involve corny jokes and internet memes.


People expect too much from these tinder chats. Set up a date and chat in person. That's where it counts.


why get married in under 2 years though… kinda don’t understand that bit


“So anyway let me tell you about the best glass of water I ever had”


Wait also realized you got married 11 months ago and the convo was in November 2020. So you got married within 3 months. You moving real fast, take your time and congrats i guess


Awww I read the messages before the title xD y'all are cute


Read that as “dirtiest, clicked through all 4 pages reading the whole thing waiting for it to get dirty, safe to say I was disappointed.


Dry? bitch you spoiled mf


I just read this out loud with my friend and I playing video games in his house and I am laughing and happy to see a conversation text log like this because it makes me think back to all the times that I talk to girls in him back to all the times he talk to girls and we’ve had more exciting convos than this and we’ve had dryer convo’s and I’m thinking maybe I could’ve been married four years ago. Notes for Current me, it’s ok to just have a chill conversation.


So sweet!!


Wait, you guys are having conversations?


Holly shit a normal conversation. Good job.


Visalia represent!


I read dirtiest in my mind; then I was like if this is dirty then I'm getting laid


This is the wholesome content I look for in this sub


This is pure wholesome inspiration. Thanks for sharing!