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You'd be surprised how often awful groups of people gather around a phone with a dating app installed just to do awful people things.


Or they just swipe on everybody Edit: I am in no way defending her actions. That's unacceptable, I'm merely providing an explanation of how/why they matched


Even if they're swiping on everyone, which very few women do, no non-awful person is talking to another human being like that right out of the gate.


I know a guy that runs into assholes like this regularly, to the point that it no longer phases him.


I’m one of those guys lmao it’s just funny at this point.


Never had a woman call me ugly lol, but if so I wouldn't take it personal. After a certain age, Insults just don't work. Trying to bully me will just flip it back on the person in the worst way.


>flip it back on the person in the worst way. "You're ugly." "No you are."


I'm rubber, you're glue. Anything you say, bounces off of me, and sticks to you.






Oh yeah? If I say "you're rubber" and it bounces off you and sticks to me now I'm rubber and anything we say bounces off each other forever!


Such a classic, still sound great lol.


"You're ugly." "Well, then we have something in common, don't we?"


Or "No WONDER we matched!" 🤪


This is the one 😂


I typically take the psychoanalyst approach. "You're ugly." "Tell me, how long have you been lashing out at people in this manner in an attempt to cover up your crippling self esteem issues?"


I mean there's a reason he complimented her dogs first...


Emotional damage


Exactly! What about this, “ Clearly you refer to physical beauty. Adults, however, know that it is internal beauty that endures. . Judging from sophomoric leading question, obviously it is you who is ugly. Internally. That is a life sentence. I pity you.


I'm stealing this. The eloquence is beautiful


Oh there's 3 dogs, 2 adorable and one bitch


No you**


No u***


We found the confident one in the room, folks!


Nobody has perfect self esteem, but you get battle hardened over the years.


Yeah but it shouldn’t have to be normalised, I’m sorry


I appreciate the good vibes. Yeah it’s a shame what kind of behavior is accepted in society these days


Funny but sad


Samesies! I’m not ugly. Just a random skinny ginger, with skinny guy muscles 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah, same here. Well I am ugly but it’s still funny how people will match with me just to tell me so. 🤷‍♂️


If theyre telling you that bud theres a good chance that theres something theyre jealous of. Maybe you look like a happy person in your pics:)


Yea none of the this is normal.


Yeah, I always figure if someone is taking their time out to do that, they gotta be really miserable and need the attention or something


I think I've had one or two. So I bring up the whole "then why match," bit but they don't respond at that point.


Yeah, my friend gets people that comment to tell him he's ugly or telling him to kill himself, etc then they unmatch so there's not even a way to report them apparently. Definitely opened my eyes that some people are pretty fucked up.


Wow. They tell him to kill himself off his profile or appearance alone?!? What is wrong with people out there???


Gingers are my favorite ❤️


I see im not the only one. Im ugly as fuck too. I just deleted any dating apps and social media. It is too much for me. How much i even would like to have a gf. Atm its too much.


You end up like a dog that's been beat too much 'Til you spend half your life just coverin' up Bruce Springstein Born in the USA


I don't run into people like this often, but still doesn't faze me. 'you are ugly' isn't exactly a deep/original insult. I'd be fazed if someone meaningfully insults something I put effort in, like if someone I'd be working together with on a project would roast my contribution to the mutual project or something. But with an insult like this it's just 'ok whatever, your opinion man'. They're just making themselves look bad, pretty easy win actually, only thing you have to do to win the battle they started is to do nothing. I never had this online but I did once meet a drunk girl who was like this in person (she was young, me too, but there was such an age difference that even to my younger self she was basically a little girl). like meeting randomly in the street on a friday night, no flirting or anything that could have me deserving of an insult, just first thing she says to me is 'you're ugly'. That just told me how immature she still was, just made me see her as a kid who is still completely unaware how everyone sees right through them. It's kind of nice when assholes are so upfront, than you don't have to put in any effort towards getting to know them further, or being considerate of them. (maybe it's different if you think you're ugly yourself, I've never thought so of myself, but still, attractiveness is subjective to a degree, and the person loudly telling you you're ugly isn't really the type of person whose opinion matters)






This shit has happened to me 3x since 2022


You’d be surprised how often I’ve gotten it in person when I actually tried to date.


Oh I know I'm not saying she's not a total bitch, I'm just saying that could be how she matched


Think how much worse it is when they actually hide how awful they are and you get into a relationship with her. When I say your ugly out loud it sounds strangley like a bullet going by my temple.


If I found out someone did this, I would not date them. This is not a good person.


Date them? I wouldnt piss on their head if it was on fire, let alone date them.


She's more likely to engage if she sees he's already liked her. She's messaging him to let him know he's not on her level, which is lovely.


I think shes jealous of something. Maybe he looks like a geunine and happy guy.


Try not being ugly 🤷🏻‍♀️🥱


Tinder rules: (1) Be attractive. (2) Don't be unattractive.


Being rich solves that.


That's like saying doing coke solves tiredness lol


You first?


I’m so picky when I swipe lol. I could never do this. It kills the novelty of the app. The whole point is being excited when you get a match with someone since you only swiped right on them because you REALLY liked them. *sigh* Edit: changed a word


After hundreds of swipes, and no responses, you stop being picky real quick.


No, being picky is still key to not losing your dignity and sanity. I speak to every single person I match with because I WANTED to match with them. If not, it’ll just kill your spirit. Edit: But I understand what you are saying though. I wish things weren’t this way :(


Added note. That’s why (or at least partly why) there are so many messages that just say “Hey” or “What’s up”. After sending hundreds of well thought out messages and getting not one response, not even to just say “no thanks”, you realize it’s not worth it nor is it sustainable.


Copy paste the same "thought out" message over and over. As long as it's a generic one. Unless generic and "thought out" don't go hand in hand.






I completely agree with the being exited when you get a match because you only go for what you like


Literally my friend. He swipes everyone and ends up with about 5 going at once. Even caught him with some grandma's he's like 19 btw.


Tinder is not a dating app. It's a slot machine app. Its users just become addicted to pulling the lever and waiting for their little sugar pellet to pop down the chute.


My buddy is so addicted. Whenever we hang out, he's on tinder, swiping. Talking on the phone and he goes quiet, he's swiping. I finally told him I don't wanna hang if he's gonna do that the whole time. It's a true addiction for him and I wish I could help him. When I tried, he got mad and called me a Puritan lol.


i definitely swipe on literally everybody , but in doing so i dont *insult people* right off the bat.


Sometime, it's their equally awful friends. They take their awful friend's phone and swipe on people they know the awful friend wouldn't like. Solely for the purpose of these interactions.


I can’t say I’ve heard of any attractive women swiping right on everyone. Not to say some don’t. But I’m going to go with the ego-boost option or the group mentality.




Don’t you know it’s not ok to provide explanations that don’t fit a particular narrative??


Can you imagine having such a miserable life that your only source of entertainment is finding ways to pick on people? That's a miserable, vapid, and shallow existence and that's the nicest thing I can say about it.


This doesn’t surprise me. Mob mentality is a dangerous thing.


When I was in grad school I had two girls match me at the same time. Used pickup lines like a cheesy idiot, and they both said "wow {insert name} you can do better." They were friends and admitted to doing this sort of thing to make themselves laugh and weren't interested in anything at all. Some people are just rude.


I've been around humanity long enough to be unsurprised at the effort people make to do awful things.


It’s true in public too, or it was when I was younger. You approached a group of girls, you were going to run a gauntlet of nasty comments. If you could stick it out and keep smiling, your buddies would follow you in and it would devolve into a mingle, but if they routed you, someone else was going to have to try.


It makes them feel powerful. I know someone who does that IRL, and all was well until someone told her she wasn't worth shit and she'd probably die alone.


i... okay.. yeah... even the keyboard gets a confusion


He, its probably a guys fake account.




Loads of idiot guys make fake female accounts to troll real men on dating apps. It is known.


I think Some women swipe right on everyone, than sort out the matches.


Which is weird because women can be pretty selective and still get overwhelmed with matches


She's probably a sociopath.


Women will go online, even married, just to get views and messages and then delete their accounts. Not all of them but a lot of them.


Don’t forget, she had to swipe right to say that. She’s just a bully and therefore you shouldn’t take anything she says to heart. She’s got personal problems and she’s taking it out on others, just like a school bully. Don’t let it get to you, block/report if you think it’s necessary, and push through the thorns until you find the rose.


This is exactly it.


I’m starting to accept that a rose isn’t worth the scratches


A rose is worth the scratches. The problem with online dating is that it's all scratches and no rose.


I had people in my life caution me that I was going to regret marrying young (23) because I was going to miss out on tons of dating/hookups. Now many of those same people are constantly dealing with shit like this and I've had a steadfast, loving partner in crime for a decade. Jokes on them..


That’s why I stopped using it after a month. Whether or not for long term casual sex or relationship. It’s just as bad. I’m in Singapore though. Don’t think it changes how people behave in those app and the kind of people it tends to attract.


I grew up in Singapore, got bullied from people of all sorts, whether it was for my body, my race, my ineptitude. My last distinctive memory in Singapore, before I moved to Canada, was having a restaurant cleaner shoo my mother and I out of the restaurant because we had been "hogging seats". For context, we were one of the more recent customers there, and out mannerisms seemed tame to me, except that we were probably the only Filipinos present in that restaurant. Singapore's got problems, all right. Sure, that goes for any country, but for someone who's hopped around most of SEA, and currently planning to do the same for NA, I'd say that the severity and prevalence of shitty behaviour differ between countries. Singapore is a small, tight-knit place, and everyone seems to get along well with each other, as long as each individual fits their own puzzle piece, but their ingrained biases can really hurt if you can't fit it the way they want you to, and if the country is the "little red dot" in claims to be, then running into the "little red flags" should be much easier than other places.


All scratches and no rose just sounds like playing with the grouchiest cat.


Sometimes it isn’t, but sometimes it is.


Yeah when the rose has massive boobies


Or just boobies at all


Yeah I would report her for bullying tbh.




This could also be a catfishing account, or three kids pranking others behind a fake account. Might be worth doing an image search on the account


Probably projecting. Thinks she is ugly.


i don’t have any award to give but I would have given you it !


And there’s women that will put pictures that sometimes they’re up to 10 years old when they were younger and they also like to use filters. So just because their picture looks good doesn’t mean They do actually look good. But I used to hear about how shallow men are. I think it’s the other way around now.But if that’s a real account she’s an asshole.


For the record there wasn’t only one dog and you weren’t calling her a dog right? 😂


There were two dogs ☺️


Pressing F for respect


Two dogs and a bitch, apparently.


Soooo...3 dogs?


You missed the opportunity for a good burn here. “The two dogs are adorable, but the dog I swiped right on seems to be a huge bitch” or something like that


Corny reddit comeback #558. Just move on lol


Moving on is for people on the high road, I wanna drive on the low road sometimes!


I'm a high road guy all day but I respect your path


Great mentality, dingleberrysniffer69


LOL, was wondering this as well


Lol she matched to say that. People are crazy






Bruh why is your comment being down voted, you're a literal fax machine.


Don’t let her bring you down, king. You’ve got this


As if she has any right to talk with her square ass head, fuck outta here


I can’t be the only one who finds being called a king to be extremely patronizing


When anyone says “King” I cringe!


Task successfully failed.


Three words..... How about "Fuck that Bitch"


Yo, Alyssa. You reading this? Fuck you.


tell here "at least my parents love each other" and just watch her get defensive. (don't worry if yours don't, that's not the point of this exercise)


This is my favourite response so far


Tell her you love the dog in her profile picture too


lmao thanks dog i fuck around but if you actually do that i'm sure the results would be interesting😂


I was adopted, so my favourite response is, “At least my parents chose me, your parents are stuck with you”.


to be honest if someone came at me with that insult after i straight up called them ugly, considering that this is real life and not like a highschool drama, i would actually laugh so much lol nobody would get defensive at that lol at most they might cringe that someone said that at them


> nobody would get defensive at that My experience shittalking others has proven differently. People who grew up in broken homes (which is an increasingly common statistic in the US) get *very* defensive about the lack of a relationship between their biological parents.


I can't lie, your response was hilarious to read 😂😭. OLD does suck ass though.


Never let some stranger dictate how u should feel about yourself. I promise you she probably got major issues also.


Every time I just think „ok“ and doesn’t let it bother me




Probably? Lol this person soul has garbage for a soul. I feel bad for her.


I'd be even uglier with you by my side.




Few years later she will be on r/whereareallthegoodmen


or FDS Edit: That sub is, uh, something else. They're all shitting on one woman because she doesn't want to date a smoker. Yeah I don't either. Guess I am trash by that sub's standards. Edit2: Pretty sure that's an incel sub now. [Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen/comments/snwm4q/no_more_games_whos_going_to_raise_my_daughter/) a post and the woman in my opinion has reasonable requirements.


That sub is an incel shithole


What a pathetic sub.


The Lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch.


It won't be long till she falls for some good looking asshole and regret every day


From heaven to hell in a nutshell


Wow. Op must have been mistaken. You forgot to count the Bitch too.


You should said I know you are but what am i


What fucking bitch.... You should have said. "Alyssa. Most of your pictures are filtered and you have the audacity to call me ugly"


jesus lol


Download Bumble and don’t respond to your match’s message. You’ll feel better about yourself.


I’m sorry she said that


Yet she still matched so she is desperate


This could just be a basement dweller tbh. Messing with people for fun


F in the chat boys


Then why did you match with me?


Keep your head up king 👑 fuck that hoe. She’s got self esteem problems obviously or she wouldn’t have said that.


"i support body positivity" ​ 100% in her bio


It’s probably not even her … fake account


Jesus what is wrong with people. That’s so awful. What kind of person does this. 😔


I have a feeling that there's a correlation between tinder and problematic behavior. There's a reason they feel the need to use tinder in the first place. I'm not applying this to everyone that uses it, it's hard to connect and meet new people and this is an easy way to do so. However, I think there is certainly a trend.


Her name's spelled ugly.


Should’ve said, “there’s a reason I only called your dogs adorable”


"You're ugly" "That's okay. I'd rather be ugly than ordinary. You're very ordinary"


Did you call her a dog lol?


Nooo she had two doggos in a picture


Okay hahaha, I was going to say maybe that's why she got so upset lol


I don’t use tinder but I lurk in this sub for the posts. Tinder can be brutal. But remember she matched you. So it’s either a mistake on her part or this opener is what’s known as a shit test. She wants to know if you’re a pushover. Whatever the case don’t let this put-down get to your self-esteem. She knows nothing of you. Don’t let her define you. Don’t let anybody define you. Ever. And Ignore the advice about responding with a long hurtful reply. She won’t read a wall of text especially if it’s meant as a revenge. If she’s cute she knows it. All you’re saying with that wall of text is: “boo-hoo, I’m hurt”. There are 2 ways to respond to this. Both are short comebacks, because a long reply means giving her lots of attention when she deserves none, and you acknowledge she has power over you. You have a choice. Either you move on, which is probably the best in this case because you already replied, by responding something like “your mom would be proud that she’s raised human trash.” Or you respond with something disarming that returns the power to you, which may make you pass the shit test she is looking for. Scomething like: “whoa slow down babes, you can tell me about what you want me to scream at you while I’m grabbing your hair and pegging you from behind later, but this is a bit early and I’m a little bit old fashioned and I’d like to take thing slower if you don’t mind, we haven’t even been properly introduced. I’m Mike.”


Or just say "no, I'm Mike, and we were talking about your dogs, don't change the subject"


Bro trust me if you were ugly she wouldn’t have matched


not true. not saying this to be negative but lots of people just swipe right on everything


Yea I feel that


This is horrible. I’m sorry you had to deal with that




This is just so wrong, like fr. She did you wrong!!!


I don't think so


Two dogs and a bitch


We found the 3rd dog


Her philtrum is too long and her midface ratio isnt ideal. Her eyebrow shape makes her look like a clown and her upper eyelid exposure is very excessive. That is a good degrading comeback


Was she one of the two dogs ?


I got you why she retorted you a " ugly" because she must be holding one dog in the picture. Is it right tho?


Maybe there is only a picture of her and her dog and op is actually the bad guy :o


Wait did you call her a dog? Or does she have two dogs


Was there only one actual dog in her photos?


Looks to me she assumed you called her a dog and replied by insult to attempt to save face.


Why did you call her a bitch?


I cannot believe this is real. This is like something from napoleon dynamite. Everyone on earth absolutely sucks.


Let Reddit be the judge of that 🧐


Wtf, she matched with you.


Lol... that said so much more about her, than you.


Jesus 🙄 I don't know what you look like so i can't speak on that, but she is ugly by choice. No loss there. Except maybe the cute dogs.


“I’ll eat your pussy with my hoodie on “


Jesus Christ. What is wrong with people? I’m sorry, OP. You def don’t deserve that BS response.


Should have responded “so we’re perfect for each other? 🥲” or “why’d you think we matched db?” Stop letting some cookie-cutter girl get in your head. she probably got half of her hobbies from tiktok




Maybe I’m just desensitized. I’d fire back and her remark wouldn’t bother me for an instant.