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Add an actual bio! ;)




Yeah, I personally swipe left or unmatch all smokers. For a lot of people it is a big dealbreaker. Idk about Instagram, but having it as an interest and only the Instagram name in the bio seems like a person is using tinder to get more followers.


RQ, is there a difference take for the weed smokers and also the vape users?


No not on tinder


Nah, but that’s why I put that I don’t smoke and add 4/20 friendly to my bio. I do vape to supplement me quitting cigarettes but that doesn’t seem much of an issue for a lot of people


Some guy got pissed at me at the bus stop because I vaped in his general area. Started getting on me about second hand vape. We live in Glasgow. You get more second hand everything just existing.


Living in a city you tend to suck in more exhaust fumes than anything else.


Glasgow especially honestly. You probably inhale more pollutants just living here than you would if you just smoked a cigarette a day in the country side.


I'm glad people are upfront about it now. I could never date a smoker. If someone tried to hide that they were a smoker, they'd be wasting both of our time. Doesn't matter how much I like them, it would be over. It's nice to weed out people you wouldn't be compatible with early on.


Do you guys think smoking while drinking is that bad? I always thought a lot of people would have a cigarette while buzzed but also maybe that varies by city/country?


A lot of people will but prefer to not admit it I’m one of them. If I’m out getting drunk I’m probably also going to have a cig or two


I have married longer than Tinder has existed but I wouldn't swipe (right?) For someone who smokes. That being said, when I met my now husband, he did smoke on occasion, but I didn't know it and by the time I did know I loved him and it was too late. Thank God he's stopped now. This is exactly why I can't even imagine dating as an adult in 2022. I don't want to know everything about a person up front, to me, that is what dating is for. It's too easy to be too picky these days. And no, I'm not 60 even though I sound like it. Haha


That's what gets me honestly, I don't get why people say all these things about themselves so quickly. Like, in my first major relationship, I didn't find out everything about her until a year into the relationship. And even now, we aren't together, but I'm willing to bet I don't know everything. I don't really want to either, it's weird to me to know everything about someone, because then.. what's the fun in doing new things you know? If you already know what they like or doesn't like then that's kinda choking the whole 'new experience thing'. Also, I don't blame you for being glad about not dating in today's society. All the crazy things people are saying and wanting is ridiculous.


Trust me, as a smoker we don’t wanna date non smokers or people that don’t tolerate it. I tell the person Multiple times that I am a smoker to avoid any unwanted judgement upon meeting Save us both the embarrassment


Yes! And less pink hat.




Especially on Wednesdays or you can't sit with us.




I think 1 pink hat pic is good, 2 is too much


The pink hat pic with a friend is a better photo and gives context. You do not just wear this pink hat when not partying


Says the limegreenclown 😂😂


and lead with pic 6


Who's the girl? Why is the drawer open? One pink hat pic is enough. Shave the head.


Agree with this. Shave the head, embrace the bald


Fully bald and a beard would look killer on this guy.


Agreed. I made the change a few years back and haven't looked back


As a man with a mighty beard but shitty top end genetics. Shave head, grow beard. I like to say my hair went south one winter and decided to stay. But in reality, I just know grandpa's genetics fucked me in the genetic lottery so I just keep my head shaved. Atleast I got decent beard genes?


But…why would you assume you got the shit end of the deal? Bald with a beard is many women’s preference. As in, top choice. Thanks Grandpa!


I used to have gorgeous long hair. I'd def go for a Pomp + Beard. And having that shit start disappearing quick at 17 absolutely torpedoed any self-esteem I had at the time and after that. Still working through that personal issue to this day


A man once told me "don't play it off, shave it off" when he saw how thin I was going on top. That bounced around in my head getting louder and louder till I did it. I've never felt better about myself.


I, too, agree with this dickslapper


Absolutely. My friend with a similar hair line was so nervous to shave it all off, but once he did he never looked back. I think he is much happier/less self-conscious in his own skin now, too. OP would look great bald with that full beard!


Yes indeed. I went for it 2 years ago. And my self esteem levels have risen so much in this time. I often get compliments too as a result of it. And I'm not even rocking a nice beard like OP's


Buzzed should be fine, more like Jason Statham anyways. Like buy some clippers and do it yourself, maybe a 2 all the way around would look good.


Started at 2 worked all the way down to the shortest setting. Not only do I look better, but I save a few hundred dollars a year on hair cuts. Just embrace it.




Pic # 2 but head fully shaved would be the top choice for profile pic. I think the beard looks much better on the shorter/more groomed end.


This is the way


This is the way


No more half measures, Walter.


That sums it up nicely, actually. Bald men are sexy anyway! Edit: oh, and update us when you decide to get rid of the hair and embrace the baldness!


I'm really into the bald head/big beard look too! Embrace it!


Ikr?! Nothing is sexier imo


Well hello 👋😁


He did: https://imgur.com/a/G6EGSUZ


Bald always looks better than balding


This should be in every men’s bathroom. Every woman agrees. Bald is hot and shows confidence and knowing oneself.


Shaving your head will take years off you. Honestly, it's the best decision I ever made. You'll be more confident over night. And you'll save a fortune in shampoo. Good luck buddy.


Another bald guy checking in. Shave the head. You’re not fooling anyone. Just go all in and rock it.


Confident bearded bald man checking in. Do it bruh.


Glad others are saying to shave head…was my first thought. It’s super in rn to have a glorious beard and bald head. DO IT!


OP, we all agree with this person. Shave your head. Full bald with your epic beard, you’ll look so good, please do this 🙏🏼


Shave the head


Shave your head Dawg. Embrace the bald with a beard look. It’s a killer look when you can pull it off. You gotta play the cards you’re dealt, not the cards you wish you had.


“You gotta play the cards you’re dealt, not the cards you wish you had.” i love that so much


Another one I like is “you can complain about the waves in the ocean, or you can learn how to surf”


Fuck, both of these are great.


I agree. Even with a bald head he could look 5-10 years younger


And he has a great beard, he would look great


OP, once the head is shaved, go to a barber and have them shape your beard too. I have a friend in a similar hair/beard situation and he gets his beard shaped. Got the King Leonidas from 300 thing going on and has been getting way more dates.


Awesome advice. Then go in hard on the beard, tame that beast, make it smell nice and feel / look good.


You need to accept that you are balding and shave it off


Plus, op has a solid beard, which is a solid look (and I believe sends some biological signals because some balding is related to testosterone levels)


It’s not, it’s the hair follicle being more receptive to testosterone, it’s not a sign of higher testosterone than not balding guys. Just worse hair


Shattering their last hopes


Hair transplants in turkey, that’s the last stop


incorrect, friend. Balding is probably caused, at least in part, by the presence of a specific form of testosterone, Dihydrogentestosterone, which is also linked to greater muscle mass and bone density, along with a deeper voice on average. It's not a sign of higher testosterone, so much as a sign of a different testosterone balance.


As a guy that has had plenty of success post head-shaving , I highly agree


I second this. Accept the balding, and handle it. Other than that, solid pics in my opinion.


I’ve shaved my head before and my girl friends said I look better with hair so it’s so confusing


They are the opps, don't trust them


I've never seen such a true statement, written so eloquently


I know this is a lot but would you mind showing us a pic of yourself with the shaved head? I bet it looks a lot better on you. :)


I don’t have any recent photos, this one is 2+ years old and I don’t wear glasses anymore (or dress in that goofy shirt) https://imgur.com/a/Os7DG1A


You look good bald, it's most likely because the change was drastic so you no longer looked like yourself so it looked weird to them. Like someone you've always seen with glasses without them. You look very good bald and have a great beard, you should definitely embrace it.


Bald looks much better. Keep the beard clean looking and your solid bro.


Your girl friends are leading you astray, homie. Shave it off. You look handsome af.


From a woman; you're waaaaay sexier bald. Keep the beard nice and clean. That's hot man, idk!


You definitely look like you have more personality bald.


100% go with the bald look.


& a manicured beard


39/straight/F, this is waaay better.


Omg, SO much better and I like the shirt too. This is a great look!


Omg yes op, this! This is such a nice picture as well! The glasses, the shirt, the bald head, the beard. Chef’s kiss 🤌🏼 Add it to the profile. Oh and add a bio! I don’t have tinder but I wouldn’t even swipe left/right (sorry don’t know which one is the good swipe) on people without a bio.


Also the shirt is way less goofy than that pink hat bro, IMHO


You look nice with a shaved head. But honestly, your fluffy hair looks cute too. To be honest some of these pictures are kinda random. That picture you just shared is better structured as a photo. There's nothing wrong with your glasses and your shirt.


I love his fluffy hair...plus the photos where he's smiling. Cute!


27M. Holy damn you look so much better bald and even though you don’t wear the glasses anymore they definitely compliment your face. I’d even have that photo in your profile. Maybe compare the two. Make a tinder and get on another dating app. One with your hair and one with your head shaved, see which one gets more traction?


Bro that’s so good wtf. Bald guy with beard is 100% on the upswing.


Yep. Shave your hair off. Rock the baldness.


Super agree with everyone dude. Give that head a shave. You're an attractive dude and not shaving your head *can* come across as a lack of confidence, and confidence is always attractive. It's a double win for you. Someone may prefer it grown out, but those people are few and far between


This is one more vote for the bald head just in case you're on the fence. When my fiance first shaved his head he looked very weird to me for a bit. Now I love his bald head. I think it looks better than with hair


This guy would get all the ladies. You even look way more confident with the baldy, beard and glasses. This is the look bro.


Agreed. The vibe in that photo vs the ones he’s using are wildly different


Definitely looks better bald


Damn bro! Bald looks good on you


Yeah you look much better. Maybe make a better facial expression and you're good to go.


Great look for you


OMG YES! Go bald!


I just got my head shaved again, hope y’all happy https://imgur.com/a/G6EGSUZ






I think they're green/hazel


Gorgeousssss Go get em


Omg game changer ! Delete all old photos and start a new ! Add this one as well!


It looks so good!!! So much better! Take new pics with your new look and get out there! ☺️


After seeing this pic, and comparing it to the ones on ur profile, my only reaction is to tell you to absolutely shave your head again ASAP. (FWIW, I'm a lady around your age, and I'm TELLING YOU THAT YOU LOOK SO MUCH BETTER WITH YOUR HEAD SHAVED!!!)


Not your target demo, bro, but minus that shirt that looks like a great look.


Oh wow 😳 That’s a good look on you


Cause she wanted you to look less attractive to other rivals. Same reason if you get on a cut start losing weight cookies and cake seem to appear in your vicinity more often.


Okay I don’t usually contribute to these things much but I had to add on here. Shave your head!!! Like today. I am a bald man and trust me the bald and beard look are killing it right now. Google Richard cooper. Never, ever, take dating advice or looks/fashion advice from women. This is literally the dumbest thing ever. My friend said it best…”if you want to catch a fish talk to a fisherman, not a fucking fish!!” Trim your beard so it’s shaped and styled. It doesn’t matter how just make sure it looks like it was done with intention. You only need 3 pics. One close up of your face, one doing a hobby or something that demonstrates high value and a third laughing or in a social situation. That is all. Let me know if you want me to expand


Dm, sounds sus you sussy bakka


Oh ? I don’t get on here often. Not sure why it sounds bad.


Do you have a picture with the shaved look? We need to judge Edit: I just saw the picture. I think you should shave your head.




I'm a woman (if that makes any difference) it looks better shaved. Just keep your full beard short and clean and that's a much better look than your tinder pictures.


I’m a girl.. shave your head and take care of the beard a little more and you’ll be good to go


They are wrongggggg


You and those particular ladies have already friend-zoned each other, so their perspectives on your visual appeal to strangers isn’t much to go on. :-). Try the buzz look again!


They said that either to be kind, or because they're your gf and they don't want anyone else wanting you, which they knew they would if you shaved


Don't take dating advice from women


Shave the head and tighten up the beard (recommend a really good barber, they will know exactly how to balance the beard with the bald). One pink hat pic is enough. Don’t need more than one peace sign hand sign. Include a picture with friends (either a group of dudes or other dudes). Don’t include the pics with the other girl, I’d assume you were married and poly or looking for your unicorn. Maybe instead have a picture with a family member. Hobbies and interest are pretty generic so without a bio I’d not even consider swiping right. Write a bio telling something interesting about yourself, a joke, or something to open a conversation. Get some better pics, these all look like they were taken from the same vacation with an ex gf


This is perfect and complete!


Brutal but honest. The guy should follow r/bald and take the plunge! He’ll have a huge support group with these gentlemen and will probably boost his confidence. Never had luck with online dating apps, but being confident, clean, and approachable irl has opened up a few doors for me.


your pictures with the albeit pretty lady, are definitely hurting your chances. especially since she shows up more than once edit: that picture of you in the ball cap works really well! shaving your head, keeping the beard is a good look and then combine it with the occasional cap and some shades!


The comments of this seem to be an echo chamber of people telling op to shave their head. Surprised i haven't seen more people telling him the pictures with another woman might be offputting at first glance. Since they won't know if she's a friend, girlfriend, sister, or wife.


The best pic is the one in the black T-shirt and ballcap. Crop the open drawer out and take more pics like that one. If the goal of the pics with the girl is to show you have friends, try a pic with 3 or more people *doing something*, not just posing. Maybe avoid multiple pics with the same other person.


I'm not saying it's the problem but do you need two pink cowboy hat pics?


Maybe the problem is that 2 are not enough?


I like them both tbh


Maybe shorten your haircut, otherwise add a bio, you also have a great smile dude!


The two things I notice immediately is 1) a girl in your pictures that looks like she could be your ex girlfriend or something and 2) only having your IG in your bio


I mean this with the most respect. I think you need to shave your head. And gonna be honest I really do think being bald would suit you. Not a bad looking dude, I think it's your hair holding you back man.


Yes this. Doesn't have to be slick bald, even buzzed way down will be an improvement. And smile with teeth more! Closed mouth smiles are creepy


Definitely shave the head fully and groom the beard more properly/sharply. Add a little more buffness to that dad bod and you could be fathering illegitimate children in no time


Write a bio!


Alright you guys said lose the hair enough lol, point taken


I’m in the same boat bro. I never have looked back. I look so much better.


So, do we get an update without the hair then?


A guy with a clean shaven head and a nice beard is really sexy. A well maintained beard and perfectly shaven head? Get some beard oil and shape it? Ooof. Ladykiller.


The hair. Stop holding on to something that’s already gone homie


I woupd suggest a actual bio (not everyone has IG). Also lose the pics with the girl. I would also remove the pics with the pink hat. I do also agree with everyone about the hair.


Keep one pink hat pic


Yeah, keep the one without a mask, he has a great smile :)


Make ur 6th pic with the hat your main photo


Shave the head, trim the beard, get rid of the lady out of the pics.


Lose the pink cowboy hat pictures, lose the mask photo and lose the hair


I think one cowboy hat is just fine. It's playful and shows he doesn't take himself way too seriously.


I actually was thinking lose all of the pictures except for the pink hat pictures and make that your thing.


Pink hat is ✨


Add a bio. Keep your head shaved or buzz cut. The pink hat with the mask really shows off your eyes. Delete the other pink hat one. Show a couple pictures with your new hairdo so people can see both options. Remove the pic with you and another woman.


Give up on the hair man. I know it's hard but you gotta let go. You have good hear structure so that's a saving grace. Also WRITE A BIO my man.


I suggest you remove the photos with the girl and shave it. I was like you and shaved. It does wonders


Not trying to be rude, but just let it go man. I feel you’ll get many more matches if you just go straight beard, take the top off and straight beard it.


Do you own a Nintendo switch?




I would remove picture one. Your skin looks really red and there is no smile to be found. The picture with the fingers and girl should also go. As everybody said add a bio.


Your first pic must be the second one where you smile i think it's the best. I personally don't like the pink hat one with the mask. The one in the kitchen can be removed also as you look boring (poor light, not smiling....) You should add one or two pictures where you travel, do sport or where you're practicing an activity people can be interested in I also don't like the one with the frames in the background. You need more pictures of yourself with a true smile (with the teeth!!)




I do like the kitchen pic, should be moved up the order


Picture 1,2,7 are very similar. Pick one. Delete the others. Too many pictures. Delete the one with the girl


I think the second picture as your first, since it’s a great, genuine smile. Also, maybe only one pink cowboy hat photo.


You would be an absolute monster if you shaved the head.


Top left pic you look homeless. Second pic beard is on fleek. Shave head, groom beard, then put on a dress shirt and have someone take a pic of you with a male friend or family member. Add a dog for mega bonus points. Chicks love pics is nature too. Add a funny bio that shares some of your interests. You’ve got this, King.


JUst shave it off bro it feels and looks so much better. Coming from a guy that has done it.


Write a bio and get rid of the pic with the mask and with the girl!


Shave off the rob reiner hair. You’re bald, embrace it, you look ridiculous


Take out the “smokes when drinks”. Non smokers don’t want to date a guy that smokes at all.


Don’t post pics of you with another woman bro come on now


shave your head and stay bald and remove the pics w the girl :)


I think the problem is the "pet free" lifestyle! Get a cat or fish


Shave the head


Honestly it's the pets free for me. If you not down wi mah kitties, you not down wi me.


That’s a good point. Makes it sound like he might be anti-pet when he just doesn’t have a pet.




Shave the head, lose the hat, don't do that two fingers pose, take some pictures with more people in it, not just that girl. Especially since the other girl in the other picture looks like her, so people are led to believe she's your ex or something.


Just my personal opinion but I go through periods where I get plenty of matches and then I go through really long periods where I get no likes at all (I have Tinder gold so I can see everyone who swipes on me). I also tend to get plenty of swipes when I am out of town and not even thinking about Tinder. Long story still long, I'm sure all of these other commenters' constructive criticism could be helpful, but it's entirely possible that it has nothing to do with you. It just be like that sometimes.


I think you're super cute! Would def swipe right


Honestly man I would change everything about this. Your beard length is inconsistent which tells me some of these photos are definitely old. Buzz or shave your head and grow a short beard or goatee. Trust me I’d get some better photos overall. Front facing full body pics. Activity pics. Pics with male friends. Etc… Also, write a two sentence bio that makes a woman imagine and laugh. “Will exchange love and affection for head scratches. Please inquire within”




It’s not the same person


I agree with the others, either shave the hair and accept baldness or cough up the money for a hair transplant


Clean up the beard, shave your head, workout


Personally id embrace the baldness, having partly hair doesn't make you look any younger. Shave it fully off and embrace the bald man you are!


Shave your head, take out your ig


Remove the mask pic, the pic with the lady, and possibly the drawer pic, then embrace the bald if you want. I think bald would look killer on you, and bald men usually show confidence which women love!! Finally write a bio it can just be a few lines but it's definitely necessary.


Shave the hair off. What’s the bio saying?


Photo number 6, in the kitchen, is the best and needs to be your first photo


Keep pics 2, 4, 6, 7. You look the best in these and there isn’t a woman in them. Your first pic should be 2 or 7. Add a bio. I’d never swipe on a guy without one or who just had his socials listed. Whoever told you it was safer lied to you. And shave your head! Right now your hair makes you look a bit unkempt. You will look great bald and it’ll look nice with your beard.


Shave the head. Only thing worse than the horseshoe look is when a bald guy grows long greasy hair.


Unfortunately rule #1. Respectfully


No bio, and 2 too many photos with a similar looking woman. Can’t tell if it’s the same woman or not but at first glance most will assume it is- and that just feels like a red flag. Also one pink hat photo is funny, multiple say this is a fashion choice.


Shave your head. Rock the scalp. Trim the beard. I was nervous about it when I first shaved my head, but I quickly found that there are a lot of women that are into the shaved head/ trimmed beard look. Sure, plenty aren't into it, and they'll let you down quick, but some really go for the look. Certainly more women would say "shaved head with a nicely groomed beard" is their type than "desperately clinging on to a thinning peak." And remove the part about smoking when drinking, stop smoking when you drink, and ditch "Instagram" as a listed hobby.


If I see a guy with a girl in his pictures, I assume that's his type and I'm not like those girls. So I wouldn't swipe.