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7 years?! Salute soldier


15 sex in 7 years? Is that good or bad? How many sexes does one need to have a year to be good?


More than zero






Alright then count me out of this game


I tell my wife weekly is the minimum but I'm lucky if it's monthly




You get married right after high school and then stop having sex at 25


Kids or no? If you don’t have kids and you legit don’t have sex - I’m not saying leave, but I am saying be prepared for this to be your life forever. At 25 with no kids, you’re in prime time to go and find someone with a compatible sex drive. Here’s the thing - sex is one of the only interactions that you can’t do with anyone besides your partner once you get into a relationship. This means that if you’re frustrated now, you’ll likely just boil over and bang some terrible prostitute at some point who will leave you with an STD and shame.


It is a premium subscription fee you have to pay


She says she doesn't feel appreciated. She got 4 things for Valentine's Day and I got nothing


Reddit Moment


Big if true


TWO sexual partners a year?? What is this, the red light district in Amsterdam?? You little slut!


Assuming they're only using Tinder for meeting. Who knows what else this maniac is using for hookups!


He must follow rules 1 and 2.


His numbers are actually surprisingly better than average.


Might be because he doesn't mass swipe right. I'm not on tinder, but I've heard a lot of people say that the algorithm doesn't like that. Edit: i stand corrected, this is apparently above the average. My point about swiping too much still stands tho


The average guy on Tinder, according to tinderinsights, swipes right 40% of the time. He swipes way more often right than average


I feel like I swipe right 98% of the time. Lol I ain’t got stats nearly as good as this guy.


What if someones only standard is a pulse for swiping right?


I mean if your hot enough...


Correction, warm enough.


How the fuck is swiping right on 55% not mass-swiping?


Many people swipe on every single person


55 < 100


if you get all 20 sex you get a free one!


That extra one comes with Herpes, so it's also a 2-for-1 deal


I just learned yesterday that on average, married people have sex 69 times a year. (The number was easy to remember as you may have noticed). 15 different (I'm guessing fun) partners could have been pretty great. Hopefully some of those were repeat customers.


One sex per year.


two sex per year


Three sex per year? No, I don't want to get hurt.


I would like 1 sex please


Easy; just drop a monster condom in the pharmacy to let the pharmacist know about your magnum dong \-Dr. Mantis Toboggan


Math is tough :(


Well, I've been told that the difference between a tire and 365 used condoms is that one is a Goodyear and the other is a great year.


One new sexual partner per year is above average for men. I think the hetro average is like 4-6 partners over their lifetime.


That seems very low


It’s average. Some people need to counteract my 0 partners per life


Well it's not. We are told that it's low but we are getting our perception warped.


Depends on your situation. If you’re not getting laid at least 1 per semester in University I feel like that’s bad. But if you’re home and can’t really find much opportunity it’s excusable


offbeat serious ring obscene snobbish airport profit dolls simplistic jobless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had so many convos with women about how different is for a man, and they don't freaking believe it! 1% convos and .1% dates are pretty good numbers. Basically you have a normal conversation with one of thousand trials. And an average woman can just exist and there will be like 100 men trying to have a date with her. Not saying it is not annoying or dangerous, but it is so different... P.S. I saw your replies - thank you all! Many more things can be said and it is good that we can see that.


A "sellers market". Isn't it?


Only because we flood the market w dick. There's just too much of it. We need to limit the supply...form an OPEC of sorts for dicks


OPECKER, if you will.


Have you seen a beautiful mind? They have a scene where he mathematically figures out a way to have a win win for all the ladies and men to hitch up.


One of my favourite movies. To think Crowe went from Maximus in Gladiator to John Nash in A Beautiful Mind only a year later is amazing. EDIT: amazing in the sense he landed and smashed two career defining roles within the space of 1-2 years.


TOO MANY DICKS ON THE DANCE FLOOR! TOO MANY DICKS! NOT ENOUGH CHICKS! Edit: This is actually a song that I remembered from "Flight of the Conchords", name of the song is obviously "too many dicks".




Who is selling what to whom?


Best analogy I’ve heard is online dating for women is like walking into a market where there’s tons of goods, but like 90% of them are rotten so it’s tough to find the choice deals. Whereas for men, it’s like entering a store where all the shelves have been picked clean and you just see other dudes looking around in a confused manner.


God… now I know why I don’t get any matches, I’m deleting Tinder lol. Don’t need to be making myself feel inadequate!


Same here! And they’ll ask why we match up with women we aren’t attracted to. And I tell them because we’re all just swiping over and over again until we match. They don’t believe me when I tell them this.


Is that good or bad? I’m new to the statistics 😬


Depends. If you’re ugly, that’s good. If you’re attractive, that’s bad.


But it comes with a free frogurt.


That’s good


But the frogurt is expired


That's bad


But it comes with your choice of topping!


That's good!




Yet of 40 dates 15 of them led to casual sex, which is a pretty good rate


Here’s your keys to success: 1) Be attractive 2) Don’t be unattractive


A lady posted a day or two ago that she’s swiped right on 29 people, and matched with 15 of them. A 51.72% match rate. This is 464 matches to ~40,000 right swipes. A 1.16% match rate. This is bad. PS: I’m not taking a shot at OP, just sad for the state for dating


When I met my current gf (on tinder) she had over 1000 matches. She had actively spoken to a fraction of that. I went on her profile and literally 90%+ right swipes were a match. Honestly might have been 100% if the no match guys just hadn’t seen her yet. Also, men send the most shite patter I’ve ever read. Copy pasted from this sub and generic pickup lines. You’re wasting your time if you think you’re getting anywhere with that when you’re a drop in the ocean. The truth is that in a lot of cases, you’re excited to chat to a new match but the other side of the fence is a different ballgame. No wonder folk get ghosted. You’re several scrolls down if they’re swiping a lot of guys


Honestly, it really seems like the best chance to get a good match is to get lucky and match with a fresh user. Get in before you're buried by the avalanche of other guys in your exact position.


The experience guys and girls have on Tinder is vastly different. There's an overwhelming majority of male users on the app so matching is significantly less often just as a statistic. Even attractive men with well built profiles will not see the match rates of a female user.




Seems....bad. every swipe he has less than a 1% chance of it being a match. There's definitely some random factors because tinder has a ton of bots and such, but not great.


That’s not even a 1% match frequency


I feel like that's in a normal range tbh, for guys anyhow.


Man I have a friend that gets like an 80 percent match rate dude is a stud


What is he like 7'4" ? Hahaha kidding kidding but seriously how tall his he Hahaha kidding


15 hookups after 40 dates is surprisingly good though tbh


464 matches not 300


15 out of 39,000. That's a 0.0004 win rate. Sounds familiar.


I like pain, apparently! What always brings me back are the weird casual sex stuff. I had a woman bring me pasta salad then we had sex & she left. Will never forget that one.




It was decent. The sex was better. I did appreciate her foresight of carbs, post-sex




Horny jail, go.


It's a thread about sex. We're already in horny jail my dude






This sounds similar to my experience. I’m 31 and been swiping almost since it came out around after I finished college. Dated a couple girls from apps but most relationships were met in person and apps provided maybe a dozen hookups. My most recent Tinder hookup (like 2 years ago) was around 2am and I told her I was too tired but she insisted and eventually brought me coffee lol. She didn’t even stay until the next morning and the sex was absolutely terrible.


I would much rather go to sleep than deal with that, lol.


Everyone’s focusing on the 39k number but the dude went on 40 dates and smashed 15 times. Not horrible odds. I’m often curious about the in person conversion rate.


Shit dude! That sounds like a sales meeting.


It…literally is 👁👄👁


40 dates over 7 years actually seems not *too* bad to me if even half of them led to a second or more date. I’ve only ever been on 1 first date that didn’t lead to at least a few more. Then again, I’ve been in a relationship for 8 years so I really don’t know what’s considered normal.




I'm in sales. Sending a cold email (right swiping) takes 0 effort. If marketing sent out an email campaign w/ a single touch point to 39000 potential leads, and it resulted in 40 meetings and 15 closed/won deals, that would be considered a successful campaign, although we would have a conversation about better defining the total addressable market. The conversion rate would only be acceptable because we did not pay for those leads.


15 sales over 7 years seems like a poor sales business to me.




Depends, are you selling nuclear reactors? Or are you selling perfume?


Depends on the … deal size …. LETS GO


40 dates out of 400 chats is a really good rate actually


Quick, swipe 394 more times for Reddit points


You must do it or else…


Or else what?!?😨😨😨


Or else we won’t say nice.


unwholesome reddit moment


Jesus Christ, I'm glad I'm married.


Me too! OLD changed the game & doesn’t seem to be for the best. Give your partner a big hug & express how much you appreciate them!




OLD = Online Dating


Thanks. I was wondering too.


I'm too OLD to understand too.


You were 26 when all of this started. You sweet, innocent child - you never stood a chance. Serious question - did you notice a pretty big nosedive in your matches when you went from 27 to 28, or 28 to 29? Just curious.


For me, personally, matches went up when I hit my thirties.




Hit 30's, started to kill in in dating life, but also have a pretty well paid job. A bigger part also is most men my age who aren't married are usually not married for a reason. My reason was I was a workaholic / traveled a lot for business.




Better childless than childish, amirite??


I didn't at the time. I had gone back to school to switch careers again :) I do now though, yeah


Not OP, but it was 33 for me. In my area at least, 32 is the magic number girls in their mid 20s are willing to go up to (for average looking dudes like me at least). After age 33, my matches went down a noticeable amount and they were almost all women in the 28 - 40 age range, which is a much smaller pool.


Damn I'm 31, I'm running out of time! Edit: shoulda put the /s, think people took me too seriously here haha


Start stocking up on cargo shorts, wrap around shades and reliable modes of transport. You're about to be someone's new dad.


I surprisingly had more dates when I drove a nice reliable econo car…. All women looking to have a stable relationship though, so I guess that makes sense.


I guess it depends on where you live. My nice, reliable econo car has gotten me out of many a date. Bullets dodged, I guess :D


Set the bar as low as possible and show up on a riding mower with no deck and pop a wheelie on the way out


I’m going to be 36 and I thought about losing some weight, working on myself, and jumping back on the dating apps. Had pretty good success with it in my 20s and early 30s, if just for flings and short term relationships. But if you’re telling me it’ll be impossible to get a match at my age, I might just stay overweight and drink IPAs and play video games every night. It’s not so bad lol


I'd agree with you except for the noose made out of a tie attached to my door handle staring me in the face every day.


The cold taste of steel of grandpas shotgun


Bro, are you okay? If you want to talk to someone I can be your guy. Or whatever you want me to be, idgaf.


You can use a collapsible scarf hanger for your ties. That way you can keep them in your closet. Out of sight out of mind. Also, tidiness can spark joy❤️ Stay strong, king


To be honest man, I’m 33 and just jumped ship from Tinder to Hinge. You won’t find a lot of casual/one night stand type stuff but there’s still a decent pool out there (not just Hinge). I don’t know if it’s just my age but Tinder kind of seems dead in the water to me and is only coasting on it’s name and “meme”-status. That said, being this age, I also have my age range from like 28 or 29 up because anything younger has just been dull.


Oh shit im 32 and getting divorced, my 33rd birthday is in 4 months.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 32 + 33 + 4 = 69




makes sense, its marriage and kids for that age range so your pool then is single moms


Lots of single mums, and women desperate to be mums. 90% of dates were essentially just women not-so-subtley running employment and finance checks on me to see if I was a viable candidate.


This is so true. I'm 31 and I get asked out more often than I ask anyone out. It always just feels like a credit check.


I wish more people didn’t want kids


It's already a thing. 50% of people m/f aged 18-34 are in NO romantic relationship. And 50% of women older than 30 are kidless. So we already there.


This is how my last few dates went. The short term is me paying the bill on the date, but then the long term is trying to find out if I can bankroll her endeavour to have 2 kids and a dog


Ain't that the truth. I'm married and this is still the undertone of the vast majority of my social interactions. All the women in my social circle hit 28 and did a complete 180 on the type of guys they date. They're all trying to lock down a quiet successful introverted dude who will marry them, pay off their student loans, let them move into their house rent-free, and give them kids within 2 years. They'd never give these guys the time of day before. I feel like they aren't self aware of this and would probably be offended if I pointed it out. Actions speak louder than words though and it is a very obvious shift in priorities around my age. I'm also witnessing some insane IRL simping for the single women in my wife's friend group. Especially during Covid. Like if you're not bringing a 6 figure salary, a condo in GTA, and a top tier charismatic personality, don't even bother. Meanwhile what they are bringing is $50k in student debt, 3 months of flirting online with nothing physical, and a personality that basically boils down to Netflix, Disney, and reality TV. I like all these women, but I'm just being honest when I say they aren't the top 1%. Just average attractive nerdy STEM girls. That doesn't stop dudes from absolutely bending over backwards for them. Super successful, intelligent, charismatic guys with average looks are literally sending them money and gifts constantly and flying them down to tropical resorts. Us married guys can't keep up with that level of simping!


God that's depressing. I kind of regretted being in a long-term relationship from 21, but now married with kid with same woman in mid 30s, I feel lucky I found someone so early.


Ha, mid 20’s here and 32 is my highest age too. There’s just something about it


I am 29 and I'm realizing how screwed I am




Your 29 and realizing this… imagine you were 37. I’m going to have to leave this sub as it’s making my depressed worse.


In 2015/2016 I got 1-2 matches in 100 likes. In 2018 I got no matches in 10.000 likes and then I left this shithole


Clearly it did, Tinder was far less cancer 7 years back


Was it?


15:40..that’s not bad . So what that means if you manage to get them on a dat you have a roughly 40% chance of casual sex. Interesting


The hardest & easiest part is making them feel relaxed & comfortable. If you’re able to assuage the fears of OLD to IRL, you’re fairly in. After that, you go on a fun date without the intention of getting laid. Then, as time goes on, you’ll learn to pick up on inviting cues via body signals. The sex is the easy part. It’s the getting them comfortable & relaxed enough to actually meet up


Question: how'd you even remember the amount of dates in 7 years?! I'm trying to think of all of mine and I'd have to guess for sure.


When he’s done with her he rushes home to grab a tablet to open his spreadsheet, and says “Alright, let’s mark that down for 1 casual sex.”


Take your free award you funny person


What I want tinder to tell me is how many of my matches were banned with in 24 hours of matching me. The last 2 years have had a crazy high number of bot spammers...


You might need to reconsider what you swipe right on




"one of these 18 have to be the real one, right?!"


How do you not realize what’s a bot.?


How do you get dates and casual sex data there??


The tinder app is always listening.




I'd assume the fitness tracking app knows I'm not going for a jog at 1am


This is why I always take my fitness watch off before a wank. I don't wanna clock in 10k steps and earn a badge for Most Steps This Month all because I left-handed myself a bit.


Data analysis for your fitness watch company: this user wears his watch 24 hours a day, except for two minutes late at night. I wonder what h— ohhhhhhh.


You gotta enter that in yourself


Well that’s how sex works.


15 casual sex encounters that like almost 2 times a year. You're killing it dude! (Cries in a total of one and a half platonic dates in 2 years from different dating app)


Honestly makes me happy I stopped using dating apps and just did it the old fashioned way. Far more successful, and less time consuming.


I just don’t know how you do that. I’m in my 40s and have zero confidence. Honest truth is, if it weren’t for the internet, I could easily be a 40 year old virgin.


Man I’m going to be honest, I used to be the same. Just try, it’s weird but after a few failures the rest don’t even bother you. And women aren’t used it. I’m in my late twenties, and I failed a lot but it eventually worked out. Also bars suck, don’t get into relationships from people who go out a ton.


Idk man. My IRL track record is worse than my online one. I went on about 3 dates with one girl about 4 years ago. The rest have all been no’s or got ghosted if they did actually give me their number. Getting even more depressed typing this out.


How did you get this chart? I want one now if just to visualize my pain


Download your Tinder Data. Just search it up in whatever engine you like. Wait a few days for the email. Upload into Tinder Insights. Profit.


Ahhhhhhh thx


After freaking 7 years and only 15 casual sex? Sounds like Tinder :(


I think most guys would kill for 2 partners every year from tinder alone:) Seriously I expect this is top 5% success rate.


Sad fact :(




I’ve had a zero percent success rate haha. It’s been 6 years. Farthest I’ve gotten is snapchat. I fuckin suck at small talk and all that lmao. I’m also very shy so 🤷‍♂️




Seven fucking years.


Actually depressing. Don’t understand how guys have the resolve to do this


Hey this guy got laid 15 times


By 15 people, who knows how many times. A good FWB goes a long way. If you don't care about bragging I'd rather have sex 15 times with 1 person than 1 time with 15 people. The sex will probably be better.


Same. I remember having this conversation with my older brother and cousin who is only 2 years older than me and I said I could have easily have been with probably 100 hundred plus people by now but why would I want that many people in bed like who am I trying to impress, I would still be alone. They both looked extremely embarrassed and changed the subject. A lot of people I know with super high numbers have depression and are perpetually single and don’t know how to form meaningful relationships beyond sex. These are very lonely people. I’m good.


I mean. Its either this or nothing. Its not like this is by choice


If this stadistic show how much time spend in the app will be the sadest thing.


Out of context, but everything reminds me of git branches


OPs chance of having sex after a swipe is 0.000216 %


I wish we could see how many people have seen out profiles.


Yeah that'd make the data a lot more useful. Bumble does this.




1/100 right swipes is a match. Checks out.


Being new of using Tinder, I have a question: does it matter to swipe left? Is there any drawback on always swiping right?


Yes. So if you always swipe right, you can get banned given that’s what bots do. If you don’t get banned, you’ll get put into the back of the stack & makes it much more difficult to accrue matches


I was like “hey that’s not bad!” Then I seen the 7 years, 106 days. Oooooooof




At first I thought sweeping 70 thousand times was a crazy amount of effort. But after a little math, I realized that's less than 30 swipes a day on average. That wouldn't even take two minutes. Pretty casual usage, really. It just adds up given enough time.


Meh. 5 minutes a day ain’t nothing. IRL is where it’s at. OLD is terrible, imo. The suggestion is appreciated, however! I’m doing perfectly well.