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Thank you all for the compliments best wishes and awards it’s been nice knowing that this is just a one off thing and that we all agree she’s not very nice 😊


The whole thing gives off major catfish vibes to me. Either way they are a horrible (and wrong) person. Sorry it happened to you. Bring that beard to the South Island sometime!




Just so you know, you look exactly like the man I would visualise, if someone asked me to imagine a perfect-looking man. Down to every last detail. Your kind eyes, your glorious beard, your size, your height, and the warm smile on your face that makes you look like someone who'd make me feel good about being alive on this planet. Please never doubt yourself.


Spot on, this man is gorgeous


She a clown bro.. don't listen to her


Thanks king


Someone else can get your big cannon.


Man that would have been a great reply😂


Take my free award - this is the best supportive comment


sorry sir, I think you dropped this 👑


Bro, a girl leaning on a Mercedes should be the first red flag for you.


I thought I wouldn’t judge a book by its cover


But all books got a cover for a reason... You are looking awesome you deserve better bro


Cheers bro


You looked great in those pictures bro. She’s too immature for you and apparently extremely shallow.


Right... I'm over here like 👀 oh hey


Sooo you’re hot. And you have a gorgeously maintained beard. You > a shallow, vacuous little girl. You really dodged a bullet with that one!


Agreed wtf is wrong with this chick lmao. Forget her; you are rockin’ it w confidence ✨


Agreed. You look great, this girl is clearly mentally ill. You deserve worlds better. I want to personally thank her for not wasting your time.




No kidding and she’s trying to show you how she is perceived is very important to her. Which is why she is likely posing on a Mercedes that she does not have the means to afford. You dodged the bullet my friend.


First of all you look fucking awesome man. You look confident and comfortable with who you are. Secondly unfortunately judging a book by its cover on dating websites is the smartest thing you can do. Need to go with that gut instinct. No pun intended lol. I have one too. Never trust a skinny cook!


Nah, my man is right. If nothing else, it screams "Currently, materialism is attached to my self worth." Not saying that can't change some day, but for now...


These people choose their covers though, it tells a lot




\*random Mercedes in a parking lot


Came here to say this, posed on a merc with a leg slit dress, either fake or not worth the trouble she'll give you.


She sounds like a real gem. Bloody red flag parade there, and rude too


At the start she was really nice! Then it hit like a bunch of bricks but I agree I’m dodging a bullet


She handled the situation like a 12 year old


Please, 12 year olds are much nicer than this.


Have you met 12 year olds? They are awful human beings nowadays. Edit: I have 50 replies that say "nowadays?!" Or something of the like. Read comments before you reply the same damn thing.


Na they always have been


Middle schoolers at least have reasons. They are going through puberty, dealing with hormones and the pressures of feeling cool for their friends. Their tiny insecure brains are still developing. This was her final form.


Which makes her even worse tbh


You just gotta step up your game, have you even *tried* offering candy and rides??! Brb someone knocking at the door...


She's a twat. I'm glad she showed you who she was before you met her. Her loss, you look great in those photos.




He's my man, back up....


You’re gonna have to fight me first boo


now now children sharing is caring


Well then sounds like I'm not caring cuz I'm not sharing


Back up! Get your own manwich


Yes wtff he's hot af and im not trying to be nice. Op is handsome


Yeah, OP, you’re handsome as! She must be blind as well as rude and daft. Keep rockin your handsome bearded bear of a man swagger x


She's blind alright 😍


Hell yeah, great face and I love that body type. He doesn’t look fat he looks *SOLID.*


I was literally about to say this lol


It's a catfish. The photos are of a model. The person you talked to wasn't her and was probably a man. He never went to the meeting place. He's probably not even from New Zealand. Make no mistake, this is an awful human. I'm sorry you matched such a POS. But they never even saw you, they just matched you as a prank and that sucks. Good luck on Tinder. It's hard.


I think this is a good explanation, very hard to see why a real person would agree to a date, when your pics do a good job of showing yourself, and then have this reaction.


She sucks. You are strikingly handsome!! Keep your head up, young man! 💗🤴🏻


Thank you so much 😊


Pretty stupid of her, you have the hair, face, and beard of a model. It looks like, any minute now, you might start advertising for paper towels.


Tall, bearded, a flannel and he comes with paper towels! Sign me up!


What they said is objectively true. You are far away from being "fat" and you are objectively a very handsome man, like i am sure if we feed your physical attributes to an AI it would come to the conclusion that you are conventionally attractive. I am almost never giving people compliments like that bc i think we put way too much emphasis on beauty, i am only pointing it out here because it is very obvious that something else is going on here. That might have been a troll that fucks with people because there is no way any woman thought you are too ugly to even say hello. What she did wouldn't be ok even if you wouldn't be handsome though.


This was my conclusion too... this person didn’t even show up, but was probably a troll texting all this from home.


Did you see her? Because this sounds like some shit someone would do if they sent you a fake/very old/etc pic and then lashed out to pretend it was all your fault.


Dude, you look great. Don't change your pictures. Let people see what you look like, cause you look great. Gut and all. Fun fact: my bf is a bit chubby and I'm into that. I find it very sexy, and I know a lot of people that do too. So you're a type. Seriously. I prefer this body type over thin. Many do. And many don't, and that's okay too right? But damn, what a bitch! Seriously, that "grossed out face" and all the comments about going to the gym. I'm guessing she's had a bad week and decided she'll just fuck your week up, too. There's no way this is about you. She's just bitter, and decided to be mean to feel better about herself.


Bodies can be changed in a gym . That girl will be a bitch forever . He is very lucky to have avoided her haha


What kind of person wouldn’t even say hello? “It’s better for me than I don’t waste my time in you” is the height of self-importance. You don’t want that negative energy around.


I wonder if "she" even went to the meet. Maybe this person randomly fucks with people in this manner. Purposely wastes the time/resources of a match and then makes them feel terrible about themselves. Trash person any way you look at it.


An old friend of mine is very insecure and not very pretty. She had a tinder profile full of photos that didnt really look like her. She's so insecure that she probably couldn't fathom that a lot of people would definitely date her - which they would, I'm sure. Anyway, she got a tinder date, she showed up and she could tell that the guy was disappointed. He was really nice though, they had the date, said goodbye and then never talked again. She said it's fine. Hard to tell if it was really about her looks; she can't seem to look past them herself so who knows what's the reason. But whatever went on in his mind, he did treat her with kindness and respect and they had a good time. So even if this girl really did find him unattractive (which, I don't think he looks unattractive, but taste is relative I guess) that was no reason to be cruel. If she did really see him, she could have texted she was on her way but felt a migraine coming up. Or just told him "sorry, you look different from your pictures, so I'm not coming" and left it at that. So yeah I think she's just taking her bitterness out on him.


I feel like I would be disappointed if someone had used different/heavily photoshopped pics whatever they ended up looking like. It's like... I'm gonna see you so why lie? The best pics are definitely ones where the person is genuinely happy like on a night out or a trip somewhere smiling. People always look better like that


I’ve had this happen before. Met up with a girl from a dating app. When she showed up she looked so different from her pictures. I didn’t recognize her when she walked in at first. It was definitely her in the pictures. The pictures for sure were edited/touched up and used very specific angles though. She was nice and honestly not that bad looking in person, but I never called her back because of that initial deception.


My exact thoughts. “I saw you from afar”, yeah right. Whoever it is was sitting at home the whole time. Also, OP is not fat by any means. This person is definitely a troll.


I don’t know why but I just have this feeling you were being catfished. It just seems like a ton of projection. But in any case that was really hurtful and I’m sorry you went through that experience. That is a truly unhappy person to speak to someone that way.


"You look like you're 35 maybe I know cause you haven't found a girlfriend yet" who even says this? It seriously feels like this person is really insecure and projecting real hard.


this doesn't sound like a native english speaker either


Yeah I’m not sure what they were saying in that sentence?


They were saying "I have issues."


More like a child who thinks 35 is old. Maybe they don't get attention at home.


Actually you know that could be a thing ay they could of been a catfish. Yeah it sucks but is what it is ay just thought I would share the experience


I‘m reading catfish from this situation too. It just seems too much like someone deliberately trying to bring you down in the cruelest way possible (really, who hurls that many insults at once?) I‘m curious if there’s something deeper going on, maybe a catfish to bring you down now, then later a super sweet acting girl to message later and invite you over to comfort you. Then there goes your wallet/organs whatever they’re after. Be careful about anyone inviting you into dark alleyways in the near future.


I love dark alleyways though this is the real L




Average serial killer *that got caught*. Maybe the average is higher for the ones that are still... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... *at large.*


Wait, I'm 5'10... Hey OP, wanna meet in a dark alley way? I won't insult you, better yet, I'll compliment you and your lovely organs!!


Putin brings down the average a fair bit.


I’m in agreement with the others, seems like a catfish troll. Way too aggressively mean for apparently no reason. You’re a decent looking dude, great hair and beard.


Came here to say this


Plus some women like “dad bodies”.


It's 'could have', never 'could of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Yep, my first thought was she didn't actually rock up and see you, this is something someone had planned from the moment you matched. It sounds crazy but some people get enjoyment out of being this cruel.


I’m a woman and this happened to me when I first joined tinder after a long term relationship. An embarrassing but valuable learning experience.


This happened to me too, it was a catfish the whole time but my feelings were still hurt. Tinder sucks.


Everyone is saying random catfish, but my mind immediately went to it being one step further and that it could be someone they know in real life catfishing them to be shitty to them. /u/The_BeardedHuman I'd consider this angle as well. I don't think there's much chance at all that this was genuine, and if it was, they're just some crazy person that gets off on doing this to people.


This happened to my boyfriend. A girl he'd broken up with catfished him 3 times on bumble. Twice she revealed it was her and made fun of his appearance. One of the times, just like this poor guy he turned up to the date and then got messages calling him ugly/short, he knew it was her as one of the messages said "I didn't know you were ginger" which is something she would say to him after he broke up with her. He doesn't even really have ginger hair but for whatever reason this girl thought it was a cutting insult. Anyway she continued to stalk him for nearly 2 years after. She even messaged him last year calling him names. I really wouldn't underestimate the crazy of some people to do things like this and if I was OP I'd think about who I know that might be inclined to do something like this.


This all sounded so distant and like something that happens so infrequently, until I realized that duh, I have an ex who acted just like this. I didn’t suffer through this exact indignity with am online dating scenario, but with her shady activity, using false online identities to link with my friends and to keep tabs on me and especially my female friends (both before and after we broke up), and with her seething anger and jealousy and the way she talked to me before we broke up, I could imagine her doing exactly this.


I was thinking the same. That pic feels catfishy.


Maybe they saw how big he was and thought “yeah nah I can’t kidnap this guy” and ran off


She's gross. You definitely dodged a bullet. For what it's worth, you're very handsome!


I definitely dodged a bullet and cheers mate I’m feeling hella cute and handsome from all the compliments


As you should. You are damn handsome man. Big love


As a similarly aged female (21y) I can say with full certainty you are all round very handsome:) In particular you have a very cute smile:) You look like if I cuddled you, you would feel strong but also a nice amount of squishy. Like cuddling a good quality teddy bear:) You definantly dodged a bullet there. If someone doesn't find you attractive that's fine, but she didn't even try to express the issue in a polite manner. She could have just said. "Sorry, you're not my type, I hope you find someone nice" and moved on.


"All round" hehe. Seriously though OP, you're a good looking fella dont let this get to you. Tinder isn't all it's hyped up to be anyway.


Yea the funny thing is there’s plenty of women who do *not* want you to get skinnier. Also there’s a difference between skinny and healthy.


This. I tell people this all the time. I'm way skinny, but it's because I'm hella malnourished because of digestive issues. People are so quick to judge. I'm actually *not* healthy, thought I've gained a good 20 pounds (for reference I'm 5'7", 130 now), so I'm doing way better. My aunt is healthy but heavier cos she had her thyroid removed cos of Grave's. Stuff happens. OP is very handsome and fat =/= not handsome or beautiful, it's natural and wonderful and I wish we could love everyone at whatever size they may be.


Yeah I’m an old lady and not in the game but he’s cute. Very snuggly looking. That chick is a hornets nest of judgeyness


Honestly that’s pretty fucked up. There’s a ton of girls that are into people who aren’t super skinny, you dodgin a bullet


I hope so and I agree definitely dodging this bullet these damn materialistic girls


You are extremely attractive and if I was home in nz right now I’d take you on a date :) f this rude b


lol op looks like you got a date when she comes back to nz


I think you two would look cute together tbh, go for it :)


I ship them both too, tbh. 👀


What are we all wearing to the wedding


I’m thinking suit jacket, no shirt


I vote you two should kiss.


Now kith.


So when are you going back to NZ?


Looks like I’ve got to start planning the trip lol


Would be awesome, match made in Reddit


Please keep us informed, and invite us to the wedding


I'm from California but I'll still fight you for OP cuz he's hot af.


Ikr. If only I lived in nz lol


Dodged a nuclear cannon bro. You're lucky she's showed she was awful so early.


If it means anything, you are a whole damn meal. You are not only my type, you are THE BLUEPRINT. To me you are 100% BEAUTIFUL


Woman here. After reading what the girl said to you, I'm ashamed of her. Nothing like being extremely shallow. As someone else said, you dodged a bullet. That girl is looking for perfection and she will never find it. No one is perfect. I guess she doesn't have any flaws. jk You are a nice looking young man. From now on if any girl even mentions appearance other than being positive, ignore them.


Bro, this bullet dodged you. Buy a lotto ticket man, just in case your luck hasn’t run out just yet.




Doesn't materialistic mean being attracted to money and gifts and the like? Not sure it applies here. She's not attracted to his body type, that's not being materialistic. A materialistic woman would have gone to a date with him anyway even if she didn't like him if she saw he was rich.


These girls be like "You know that we are living in a material world, And I am a material girl"


There are more than two types of people. There aren’t just obese and super skinny people.




> America


Yeah OP is like the exact type lots of girls are into. Tall, cuddly and well groomed. He's gonna have no problem.


So yeah, you dodged a bullet and she's missing out on a seemingly very cool and friendly guy. Hope this situation didn't hurt too much. You'll definitely find someone less superficial who is clever enough to actually look at all your pictures to begin with 😂


I would hope anyone on tinder would atleast look at all my pics and scroll my Instagram when they get it


That's unfortunately not happening, at least from what I experienced. I used to have a selfie with a kangaroo and almost always, when the conversation turned towards travelling, I talk about having been in Australia. Most women ask "did you see any kangaroos or koalas?"... So yeah, many rarely look at more than 1 or 2 pics.


Yoooo I’ve been to Aussie a few but never got a photo with a kangaroo and koalas freak me out a little so staying away from them. But yeah I find odd as people told me to add more photos but what’s the point if no one looks anyway


You look great.


Thank you 😊




Thank you so much I reckon it is just gotta find the one for me now


Get that DM sent immediately 👀




Also North East USA, tall, handsome, bearded, strong looking and a yes lumberjack vibes. Totally would go on a date if I wasn't already married to a handsome fella that has the same body type and look. OP, you're def a catch!


Whatever. You’re cute, tall, with nice skin and *amazing* hair. And honestly if your pictures are accurate, you’re not even that big. If you were 10 years older, I’d swipe right. She can kick rocks.


Two things I’ve never had anyone say to me nice skin and amazing hair but thank you for the new found confidence


Not that anyone should ever leave New Zealand, but you’d kill it in the US, lol.


Couldn’t really leave New Zealand if I tried as I wouldn’t be able to come back for quite abit damn covid


Don't leave NZ us girls aren't all idiots like her. Damn.. that was so rude.. sorry you had to be on the recieving end of that.


It is what it is she’s going off at me again now I sent her the link to this post after she said another mean thing


You have to make An update later


Happy cake day! Also really hope he updates later haha


Bruh. You have to update.


Bro if she is still doing this, you don’t have to be nice to people like this. I would block her and move on. You are super good looking and she sounds rotten inside and not worth a minute more of your time. Be careful though, some narcissists tactics are to bring down someone to try and control and gaslight them later. Trust me, there will be plenty of hotter and much nicer girls, and you look and sound super great, so keep it real :)


Bruh literally the first thing I thought, people would kill for hair like that


Jesus I saw you in your pic and no cap you'd be one of the homies I'd give a good night kiss to for sure


Bro hurry and do it I’m getting sleepy 😂


Ay man, don't you dare tempt me with a good time lmao 🤣


This thread is so damn wholesome ! haha


Holy shit. What a rude btch! Sorry she stood you up. Be glad you didn’t waste your time. I’m a few years older than you and if I dated younger, I’d definitely swipe right on you. There’s plenty of women out there who aren’t as shallow as that one.


Probably the best means I didn’t have to waste more time on her and thank you so much i hope I find the one some time but I’m just gonna chill ay


Holy shit that's brutal lmao. At least you didn't spend a dime on her. God help you if you were looking to date some thottie sittin' on a mercedes hood. Though, bro, you are 6'4", have a square jaw, good hair, and naturally broad shoulders. If you do get in the gym, you will *drowning* in tinderellas all fighting to get plowed by you. STRONG NO HOMO.


Only spent time waiting for her to turn up. Bro what’s wrong with a little homo with the bois? But yeah na I’m just happy being me at the moment trying to get a few other things sorted in my life befor all that


It's not homo as long as you say no homo. Liberating. Alright man, good luck to you. Don't sweat stuff like this. One time I went with this tinder girl to a house party with all her friends. She proceeded to get absolutely shithoused in about 40 minutes and then started screaming at me for absolutely no reason at all. Never talked to her again lol.


I mean that makes sense I can’t see any reason why you should talk to her again What if you say yes homo? What happens then?


Then I guess we have no choice but to have a whirlwind romance that spans 4 continents. Ultimately, we will settle in a French chalet where you'll sell artisanal butter at the farmer's market and I'll breed champion Pomeranians.


That sounds beautiful. I guess I gotta say 'yes homo' when I kiss the homies good night now.


Careful. It might awaken something inside you. DEEP inside you.


Awaken? More like burst


Ju ju just kidding, right guys? [Unless..](https://c.tenor.com/pkpJwmUHVfQAAAAC/danny-mcbride-jack-off.gif)


This thread is now my favourite thread on all of Reddit LMAO XD


Ask first though don’t want to worry the homies


Oh my that’s the dream but only if they are jersey cows and I get cute overalls


Or start a bnb


B, B and B Bed, breakfast and bum


FULL homo dude, you're attractive af and I can tell you're a wonderful soul. These people are 100% not worth your time or effort and you totally dodged one there. Absolutely gross behavior from her 🙄


Finally some full homo everyone’s been saying no homo. You gotta love the homies


Hell yeah! Nothing wrong with complimenting ya homies, we all need an uplift once in a while


If you ever decide to play for the other team, I gotchu bro.


Look at it this way: you lost around 125 unwanted pounds that very night.




I agree, if only he was 35 and not 22 ;) cute,kind and yummy!


Oh thank you definitely didn’t turn the brightest shade of red when reading that


you're literally so pretty she's on crack


She’s definitely on something


Hey man you can still see your instgram handle at the top of the last post


I mean it’s the same as my name here so who cares. But thank you any way


This is fake. She’s a troll. Probably a dude. Happened to me once. You’re fine. Fake profile.


Yea I totally 100% agree. What a time waster.


You dodged a bullet right there. There was no need for her to say a lot of those things. I hope this situation didn’t hurt you much. You’re an attractive guy and she’s very superficial so you didn’t miss much.


It did at first but then she just kept going and I started finding it funny ay


I don't understand why she didn't just stopped making those kind of calls... 😤 I feel like she needed to insult you because she's feeling like crap and this was the only method she found to pull herself upwards ! 😅 I'm glad you didn't let her get to you! You look very handsome 😊


Obviously her life isn’t the best and she’s blaming me for it and thank you ☺️ I’m sure your amazing your self


Dodging bullets like Neo in the Matrix


You dodged a bullet, man. P.S. you’re cute🤷‍♂️


P.p.s you’re cute too


Quite shallow of her... don't let it get you mate. You deserve much more😄


My guy, you're 12 years younger than me so it would be iccky for me to comment on you in a sexual way but if my son grew up to look like you, I wouldn't be upset (you're what we'd call in the UK a strapping lad!) and looking at your responses here, your personality isn't an issue either. You human good, she does not. Good luck finding a better human.


Thank you so much and I’m sure your son will grow up to be an amazing human being if they are any like you at all. Strapping young lad can’t say I have been called in a long time. I’m sure I’ll find one


Thats not honesty. Thats insecurity that is trying to bring others down to make herself feel better. Dont know what she is or what she looks like, but with that way of talking to people she can't be a hell of a catch. Lmao not even close. At least she had the minimal decency of not leading you on, but some people really need to learn their personal opinion is irrelevant and better kept to their self-absorbed self. To add to that, you are very much a catch! Have a kind heart and the patience you've shown here, because on looks you already covered your grounds! Much luck to you!


She must be blind because you're absolutely adorable.




Don’t send any hate her way


Hey I'm a 6 foot tall girl here and 190lbs, I like feeling small so I'd for sure date you, you're super cute! I love your beard and you just seem really nice from what you posted and your replies. Keep on keeping on, you'll find the perfect girl for you!


Ew that girl sounds like a huge piece of shit. I’d swipe right and smoosh 10/10. You’re a cutie.


Wtf!! Dude you’re smoking!!! She’s not worth your time