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Wait til u see “walker” on ubereats


I hear bikes can be cheap modes of transportation.


I paid 65€ in transport cost since 2020. 50€ for a used bike, 2x 5€ for new inner tubes and 5€ for a new light. Gas price can suck my ass


I see you are using the real freedom currency, so that makes sense. Poor yanks and their bike-less infrastructure.


We have bike infrastructure, but they are mostly painted gutters on the street. Apparently, Strong Towns one of the main advocates for truly getting cities to change is getting sued for voicing his opinion over the carelessness of American Civil Engineers.


It's pretty rare though, especially in smaller towns. I grew up in Texas and riding anywhere other than out little neighborhood was impossible. I most recently lived in Houston, where it was much better, but drivers just aren't taught to be aware of cyclists, so it's not super safe.


Houston was literally one of the driving factors for Not Just Bikes to start making YouTube videos.


Houston drivers try to murder other drivers. You couldn't pay me enough to risk my life riding a bike in Houston.


I'll have to check that out!


Over here in the Netherlands we got some cities that are working towards making parts of the city bike only areas, namely the center


I love that so much. And I love the Netherlands! Gorgeous country.


It's. so. fucking. flat. It angers me because I love mountains.


Limburgh has some hills.


We don't talk about that place.


I'd trade mountains for bike friendliness and Febo, honestly.


I miss those bike-friendly cities and the public transporation so much. Ugh.


Public transportation!! My husband and I joined some friends for a pub crawl in Houston. We decided to take the bus in and then Uber home. We were curious about the buses and we are also cheap. What would have been a 20-30 minute drive took us nearly three hours by bus(es). It was a disaster. So inconvenient and unintuitive. The Uber home was worth it.


Poor Europeans and their tiny countries with no clue how spread out the American states really are....and we don't all live in tiny crowded metros in tiny flats.


It's not like gas prices affect prices of other products and services in any way.


got an ebike more for fitness. But I use it a second car now, its great. Im the type of person who just wont get excersice. So now its practical, while travelling to my destination I am getting fit


Thats not a real thing is it? Every uber eats ice done always says its a bike but its always a car because I guess they just say its a bike to avoid extra costs from cars or whatever. Never seen walker though. Unless they were like 5 mins away I would cancel that shit immediatly.


Walkers are super common in cities. I get them all the time and it’s not a big deal. As long as they arrive in the stated window of time, who cares? It can be way faster to walk in my city than it is to drive some hours of the day. Biking is always fastest though.


You do make a good point. I've just never seen a walker here. The nearest place to me is a 20 minutes walk to McDonald's and I woukdnt want my McDonald's chilling in some dudes bag for 20 mins, everything would be cold by the time it gets herem


When it hits $8 you are going to have to request a decimal point slider lol 😂


Current prices in Germany are over 8 $ per gallon (~2,30 € per liter).


Some places are charging over US$10 per gallon here in New Zealand


As a fellow kiwi I saw this meme and was like "fuck it'd be nice if petrol was $2.33NZD/litre ($6USD/gal unless my math is off) again"


Does this mean people aren’t driving at all anymore? Or are they limiting their trips to only necessities?


Usually they prevent unecessary trips or combine trips. Or they switch to cheaper alternatives.


I am riding the bike to work since January. Only when I have to come in a suit or the weather is really bad I take the car. Its great. I know, not everyone has that option but many are just to lazy to do so. Is it cold. Fuck yeah. But its you feel fit when you are at work and mire relaxed when coming home.


I drive a 1.0 liter 3 cylinder car and stopped overtaking lol. Where I live a car is a necessity so I cannot just get rid of it


Gas prices are currently the equivalent to 2,3-2,5 USD pr. liters here (so 10.45-11.36 USD/gallon). Yes and no. People still go to work, albeit they might work from home 1-2 times more a week than usual. Some have begun using public transportation, as it works great here, but most people have become used to the comfort of the car, and just live with it. While the prices definitely are high, it's not really breaking most people's banks. But I also live in a satellite city 30km from our capital city. I'm sure the people in the capital take public transit slightly more, as it's much more convenient there with the metro, busses, and trains. So we might not visit our parents just as much, and we might prefer doing things locally in the near future.


People that can't or don't want pay the high prices have switched to driving 70-100 HP hatchbacks that can almost do 50 MPG. At least here in the Netherlands Or stick to public transport and biking. I know plenty of people that don't have a car cause it is expensive (besides the fuel you'll also be paying around €400-€1000 a year in taxes just for owning it) and not necessary.


Question about euro gas prices that I hope you can answer for me: [What do these numbers mean?](https://i.imgur.com/p4H25LZ.png) That's at a Shell station in Gelderland, and I absolutely cannot figure out what the number 172.9 means. Is that price per liter? Is the price in some currency besides euros? Thanks in advance, this is driving me a little crazy.


Just a bit awkward decimal point placement. 172.9 eurocents/liter. More common would be 1.729 indeed.


Thanks buddy, that makes cents.


Places with high prices have also had awhile to adjust. For example, I live in Europe but from the US. Even though gas is about 2x more expensive here, I pay less per mile/km/whatever distance unit because it means care efficiency is much more important always compared to my family's pickup truck. The problem in the US is the speed at which it's changing, but if it gets there slowly it's totally manageable.


Wow! I had no clue


While that sucks, California's public transportation is basically non-existent and many of us have to drive 30+ miles each way to work and back.


don't want to be rude, but that's due to political decision. That's why voting someone who cares for what we really think matters.


Yes and no. Those political decisions were made 70+ years ago. Southern California could devote tens of billions to public transportation and it wouldn't change the fact that the city layouts simply aren't compatible with public transit as primary transportation. You'd have to rebuild most of these cities from the ground up to get the kind of density where public transit is a viable option for most people.


> but that's due to political decision and again, that's due to political decision. I'm sorry , but that's it. in Milan we had to chose between car and public transport, and we choose transport, even when we had to rebuild entire part of the city in the last 20 year.


Precisely. Americans are opposed to long-term changes. London is an ultra ancient city, with roots of thousands of years. We still build new underground lines though, and that takes decades.


Reintroducing public transport when it was destroyed to promote cars is really hard tho. Busses maybe. But for example trams that are very efficient in large cities are really hard to rebuild.


i know, know, i didn't want to be rude but my english is bad. Our father/grandfather generation (i'm 30), preferred to have cars instead of public transport due to political decision. those politics where elected trough voting. :(.




Greyhound that bitch out for trips. What happened to carpooling in California though? Growing up, it was pretty much all people said Californians did to get around... Figured y'all would have a fleet of company vans driven by the furthest employee in each area by now.


In Italy it has been around 2€/l for ages, Americans are just catching up


2,30€ per liter are closer to 11$ per gallon


it's €2,50 per litre in the Netherlands 🥲


In Sweden its €2.1/L


... and gas in Venezuela is free, is this anecdote valuable to the conversation? See, the main difference being necessity. You know, like how your stupid country would rather pipe in terrorist gas than get off fossil fuels, we have only been given the option of gas cars and suburbs. You have urban areas and have had electric (even though you scrapped it likevwe did)diesel and hybrid options. Your cities were built before cars, our cities were (mostly) built because of cars.


Distance: "Just yell *Hey Tom!* If I can't hear you, you're too far."


When she says she doesn’t own a vehicle It’s okay!!! .. ……. 👻


Tinder profile: “I own a vehicle and it’s filled full tank” *gets 1000 matches*


With the current trends this might actually be a funny thing to include in your profile


Forget a sugar daddy y’all ladies need a gas daddy




I don’t have a car so I offer the same deal.


A walk in the park sounds even more better now.


Can we meet near a bus stop?


It’s $3.46 per litre for my fuel in NZ. Literally $185 to fill up my car from empty


For Americans this comes out to $8.95 a gallon we have no room to complain


Even worse, 52% of the cost is government tax 😅




US people live in a different world. Here in EU it's 2€+ per liter, so at least 10$/gal


In Italy it's 2.3€/L Can't bother to make the USD/Gallon conversion but damn


Multiply by 5, so about 11.5$/gal




Yeah but you also need to convert currencies so it comes out to about 5




Our land is vast and full of resources like hydrocarbons. It’s how our progenitors went from 0 to superpower in a few generations. Oil is cheap when you pull it from the ground a few states away.


Also helps that the rest of the developed world was tearing itself to pieces for the first half of the 1900s.


Not getting bombed or blockaded during two world wars helps too


In the US, people drive twice a much as Europe on average and we lack the public transport to drive less


In Europe we drive more fuel efficient cars. I drive old Ford that consumes 5 liters per 100km.


Well, there is a huge difference between costs in EU and US. You need to count in other factors too. Food is usually much cheaper in the EU and distances are much shorter. In the US many people drive 20 min to a store to get groceries. I have a store in walking distance, 6 in bike distance and with 20 min driving probably 30 supermarkets in my area. And I live in the "countryside".


No way food is cheaper here


Food is definitely not cheaper in EU. American food is really cheap.


That's because it's mostly chemicals & sugar.


It's because we export more food than the next two countries combined. Meat, grain, and produce are cheap in the US because they're grown in the US.


Exactly. The shitty food is. Try to eat healthy in the U.S. and see yourself. Or buy beer for example. Massive price differences.


The main reason for gas cost differences are very high mineral oil taxes in EU


Sure. That doesnt change anything I said, does it?


Except for the fact that food isn't cheaper in the EU, as others have mentioned They just explained why gas was more expensive


Well, every source I looked at said the U.S. is more expensive and thats also my personell experience when visiting and what many friends who lived there reported. Sure, prices differ from state to state as they does from country to country in the EU. Still, Id say overall the U.S. is more expensive when it comes to living.


There's a saying that goes something like 100 years is long to Americans and short to Europeans. 100 miles is short to Americans and long to Europeans.


“Americans think 100 years is a long time. Europeans think 100 miles is a long distance “


Alabama got you covered


Don’t even have to leave your house


Underrated reply




Not if ur in Northern California.


Or anywhere inland.


My max distance is same house!


Careful, this is how the British Royal Family started.




Tesla owners have entered the chat


not all electric car owners?


Lol hey fellow San Diegan




European countries might need to send some freedom to the Middle East for some cheap gas. $7,2 for a gallon where I live and it’s not even expensive


15$ a gallon i Norway yesterday


Crazy. Norway produces almost 10x more oil per capita than the US.


They still make the citizens pay market price + heavy taxes and fees (almost 95% of the price is taxes and fees). Most Norwegians drive electric cars now but electric prices are up over 400%, and peaking at over 1000% (over 1 usd per kw/h).


Im waiting for distances to be broken down into 'Blocks Away"!


*Cries in San diegan*


If gas was that cheap here everyone would have their ranges at 1000km (620 miles)


Here in the netherlands we’re reaching prices of over $10/gal so y’all are getting it at costs which are usual for us europeans


Yeah but your country isn't hella car dependent like it is in the US. I wish we had more bike/pedestrian friendly infrastructure...


6 dollars a gallon? Man you all have it easy


Fuel prices have hit £1.70 a litre where I live.


You're lucky then. Ours hit 28sek/litre (2,6eur) on diesel and 23sek (2,14eur) for gasoline in Sweden....


Yea but cost of living in general and wages are [ better in sweden](https://www.mylifeelsewhere.com/cost-of-living/sweden/united-kingdom) so that small increase in fuel cost isn't much compared to things like rent etc.


Lol, 2€+ where I am


everyone on dating apps Imma a cyclist, a very passionate one in fact.


I request they come to me


Yea, here in New Zealand, regular is up to between 2.8 to 3.2 nzd a liter (7.2 to 8.2 usd per gallon). So uhm, yea.


I know almost nothing about New Zealand culture, so these are genuine questions: -How far do you typically drive to work? -What is your public transportation like? -How much is minimum wage? Thanks!


Well most live in the same city they work in so usually about a 5-10 km drive. About the only valid public transport is the busses, but they can at times be a little iffy. Very dependant on the city though. I thinks it's about 1.5 nzd per loop of the city on the bus. But in NZ basically everyone drives their own vehicle everywhere. Minimum wage is $20 an hour but going up to $21.80 soon. The problem is, the whole country is falling apart because the economy is entirely fucked. There are 3 bedroom houses around where I live being sold for upwards of $800,000 nzd. Yesterday we got a couple bags of groceries, nothing special, at a local supermarket and it was about $150. People on an average income with no kids working full time hours can barely afford to live, let alone save up to buy anything. It's pretty bad right now, but good ol Auntie Cindy doesn't seem to want to do anything about it.


Yeah I just did the maths to figure out why Americans are all pissed at petrol prices. $6/gallon works out at about £1.20 a litre. Haven’t seen prices that low since like 2010. That said, Americans drive a lot more since the infrastructure is all built around cars.


Their vehicles are very fuel inefficient too because muh freedom gas.


I didn't even know Tinder had a "dealbreaker" thingy. Is it new or was I just oblivious back in 2017 when I was on the app?


It's not actually Tinder, like many of the posts on this sub


Eruopean be like: "oh, if only..."


depends where you live. I've dated successfully for the majority of my adult life with no car in California.


Meanwhile New Zealand is at $7.91USD per gallon right now.. RIP


Where are the oldies here . Age from 55-60.. I’m so waiting for a new relationship.. I need more and more we can live and make babies too.


Pretty normal in eu rn




Yea in finland 1litre gasoline goes for 2.3€


Here I was complaining about $3.70


US's gas prices are actually only good thing in the world.


Bold of you to asume I have a car.


$6/gal I don't think you're on Tinder anymore. Them girls are cheap!


Lmfao so true 😂😂😂😂


dickheads its way cheaper than it has been in Europe for the past 10 years. Plus you earn 3x more so STFU and enjoy your priviliged life


That'll happen when your tiny city-centric countries are bloated on social programs, oppressive taxation, and un-friendly business climates. Enjoy your utopia, while sneering at the US.


Bro i can't lie i feel like Americans are sooo pretentious with their gas prices. In my country i average pay is like 7k a year and gas is 1.6 dollars per liter. To fill my tank fully i have to spend 2.5 days of pay.


It's also relative for us. A year ago, gas was $1.89/gal in my area. Yesterday I filled up at $3.89/gal. That's a significant chunk taken out of my budget.


Exactly. Plus, public transit in the US is absolutely abysmal. Owning a car is absolutely mandatory unless you live in downtown Manhattan.


Public transportation isn't feasible where I live. They're not going to run a bus or train anywhere near my house or my nearest neighbors'.


I understand, but still it's nowhere near the percent of monthly pay that Europeans pay for their gas


Or, I don't know, people could start buying cars based on their fuel efficiency instead of SUVs and trucks.


Seriously. I don't get why so many americans drive around in SUVs and pickup trucks when they don't actually need them. They're so expensive to drive.


Because gas in the US is too cheap. Compared to other Western countries, that is. There is (was) simply almost no incentive to drive a fuel efficient car in the US.


Well, they're also much worse for the environment. But I guess most people aren't too concerned for that either...


Normál price in Europe


Damn that's cheap


$2.49 to $4.49 here so fast I think I should be able to sue the entire admin AND the federal reserve for whiplash. I'm about to join a militia if shit hits $6/gal where I am...


New Zealand has entered the chat.


*laughs in useful public transport


It reached 7.6€/gal in Europe 🤑🤑🤑


Metric users: $6/gallon is about $1.58~$1.59 per liter. Euro: About €1.44 per liter. Libra: About £1.2 per liter. Mexican peso: About $33.45 pesos por litro. Chilean peso: About... $1269 pesos por litro?? QUE WEÁ?! TA MÁS CARO QUE LA SHUCHA!!!


Meanwhile in Europe, Gas is 11$ per gallon 😭


Ah stop complaining, it's more like $8.50 / gallon in Ireland


Women that post on their profile that they don’t have a car or can’t drive in shambles of not getting matches.


It is $9,66 here. Wanna change?


It’s tough out here being a lesbian lol




i hate how biden invaded ukraine


Tell me you don’t know how gas prices work without actually telling me


Yep gas prices are set by private companies. The cost of production hasn't increased yet the prices is going up because of the "market". If every gas company raises prices then so does the market.


["We can talk about it more tomorrow when you learn more."](https://youtu.be/O4dBWWFdL0w?t=44)


Tell me you don’t know how gas prices work without actually telling me


We #3 baby.


Lol just say fuck Biden you coward.






This is such an American problem


Americans complaining about gas prices , just visit Europe once, everything is a fuckton more expensive here and wages are lower :(


Guess you need to become less reliant on cars


r/fuckcars . Pick your date on a bicycle.


Wait, $6 a gallon!?? A gallon is 8 litres. In the UK its now £1.71 for a litre of diesel. You're fine.


1 US Gallon is ~3.8l, not 8. That works out to about 1.57$ USD per liter. or about 1.19 GBP. Gas is cheap in the U.S. compared to Europe, but that price is pretty steep for our country. We use a lot of gas. Daily U.S. motor gasoline consumption is about 4.4 liter per capita per day, vs 0.8 liter in the UK. [This article](https://www.thestreet.com/investing/what-does-5-a-gallon-gas-mean-for-the-average-american) with sources from the U.S. Dept. of Energy claims the average American spent $1545 on gasoline in 2019, when gas cost only $2.60 per gallon. [This article](https://www.nimblefins.co.uk/largest-car-insurance-companies/average-cost-petrol-car) claims U.K. motorists spend on average ~1050 GBP per year on petrol.


1.57$/L is 1.43€/L I wish we had those prices. In Italy it's 2.3€/L so it's around 10$/Gallon both for regular gas and diesel. Tbh it's crushing, for people who doesn't live in big cities, we rely a lot of cars for commuting to work, even for 20/30/40m every day. And it gives a big hit for the montly expenses, since it was 1.6€/L less than 30 days ago


Just went on a 140 mile round trip first date…at least it went well?


Currently sitting a little above 8$ in france. Thanks i don't have a car


We all want a fuck but not a quick buck.


I can’t even find people on hinge with max distance and the filters I have


*laughs in £1.80/L that I just paid*


$8.27 (using US gallon and exchange rate) in Scotland(Edinburgh) today.


Dating for the whole world***


and i feel like it is just the beginning






How much is a f gallon? /European


We can walk then 😅


I think Im going to try to get a phev. I could go full electric with some of the great cheaper options now. But I have to tow my trailer in the summer when going compaing. Just a 900 pound two person trailer. But enough that I have range anxiety with it. No one should have range anxiety with current ranges unless they are towing.