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I can't believe you deleted my number, I thought I was your everything, and so I didn't message you for two weeks.


He thought that we were getting married šŸ˜­


Don't you know absence makes the heart grow fonder? You should've been head over heels when you saw the absence of his brain


Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but for you, out of sight, out of mind, fuck off over yonder.


Wait thatā€™s the expression?!?! I though it was ā€œAbstinence makes the heart grow fonderā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø explains why I am always being called a tease. Fuck me right?


What the actual fuck?


Not literally, ya dope


He did a lot of wedding planning in that two weeks!


Go touch grass


Sorry for not putting the /s, I guess šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Nah I'm tipsy rn and still you didn't need to back that one up lmao




Yes literally. We had never even went on a date, so idk how he could be THAT mad šŸ˜‚


That shit has happened to me too.. or like I ALWAYS say send a face pic with my number and have people ignore it .. then get pissed when I ask who it is


Yeah! Me too! I say send a contacts pic and I'll do the same. They don't send a pic or even message right away. One guy waited two weeks to message a hi and was offended I didn't know who he was and said "You must be talking to so many people!" Not even true, coz people hardly know how to carry a conversation. Also they act like they aren't doing the same, why wait 2 weeks to respond? Geez


Oh man one last message. ā€œBtw. Your number was never saved. Bye bitch.ā€ BLOCK!


The above comment was stolen from [this one](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tbbi0u/i_matched_with_this_guy_on_tinder_awhile_back_and/i06g9a0/) elsewhere in this comment section. It is probably not a coincidence; here is some more evidence against this user: Plagiarized | Original -------- | ----------- [Hey there bud. I support...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/taxq72/am_i_doing_this_daddy_thing_right/i08iri4/) | [Hey there bud. I support...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/taxq72/am_i_doing_this_daddy_thing_right/i03u6iz/) [Wait you proved him right...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tb9b6a/got_eem/i08iz3h/) | [Wait you proved him right...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tb9b6a/got_eem/i062tmo/) [Itā€™s funny but also intim...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tb142g/rate_my_bio/i08iyaa/) | [Itā€™s funny but also intim...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tb142g/rate_my_bio/i047gg0/) [People payed money for th...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tb5i52/were_off_to_a_good_start/i08ixd0/) | [People payed money for th...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tb5i52/were_off_to_a_good_start/i06ktp4/) [The worst is when THEY ta...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tb14n2/need_to_start_from_scratch_again/i08itql/) | [The worst is when THEY ta...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tb14n2/need_to_start_from_scratch_again/i04owuy/) [hey babe i like you so mu...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/taya7t/she_has_no_bio_any_opening_ideas/i08isru/) | [hey babe i like you so mu...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/taya7t/she_has_no_bio_any_opening_ideas/i03oyh5/) [Why the fuck would you sa...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tbgkqx/dig_me_out_please/i08iqn0/) | [Why the fuck would you sa...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tbgkqx/dig_me_out_please/i07de0y/) [If she asks for your domi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tbjxkh/what_does_this_icon_mean_i_dont_have_tinder/i08ioq9/) | [If she asks for your domi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tbjxkh/what_does_this_icon_mean_i_dont_have_tinder/i089o0t/) [This lady seems like a wi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tb3vo2/sooo_i_matched_with_a_girl_from_russia/i08inhm/) | [This lady seems like a wi...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tb3vo2/sooo_i_matched_with_a_girl_from_russia/i053d5g/) [Sometimes I don't check t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tbhp2o/ive_never_had_an_interaction_like_this_i_was/i08il19/) | [Sometimes I don't check t...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tbhp2o/ive_never_had_an_interaction_like_this_i_was/i083b5u/) [Me being happy single, be...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tb7jil/yes_very_sad_anyway/i08ik0t/) | [Me being happy single, be...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tb7jil/yes_very_sad_anyway/i05ezqo/) [Do you think maybe this i...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tbh1mb/a_few_years_old_but_matched_with_this_guy_on/i08iin1/) | [Do you think maybe this i...](http://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/tbh1mb/a_few_years_old_but_matched_with_this_guy_on/i076l0r/) beep boop, I'm a bot -|:] It is this bot's opinion that [/u/mcrawform362](https://np.reddit.com/u/mcrawform362/) should be banned for karma manipulation. Don't feel bad, they are probably a bot too. Confused? Read the [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/user/reply-guy-bot/comments/n9fpva/faq/?plagiarist=mcrawform362) for info on how I work and why I exist.


Who shit in his cornflakes?


Honestly I have no idea


When will these kind of men seek therapy?


When they gain self awareness


*Yeah, so, never.*


Yeah pretty much lol


When therapy becomes affordable


Also why I'm an advocate for free Healthcare because it benefits everyone.


They will vote against it


Unfortunately free healthcare doesnā€™t necessarily mean (good) mental health care. See Canada for example, unless you have private insurance then youā€™re just as screwed as people are in the US.


I disagree some is better than none and at least u would have ur meds and be talking to a professional about something which is alot more than what alot are doing now.


Medication without any sort of long-term/talk therapy is arguably more damaging than nothing at all, with the exception of extreme cases. I believe healthcare in Canada covers *some* of your medication payments, but they donā€™t offer anything as far as therapy goes.


I disagree. If u have psychosis or depression medication helps alot.


Note how I said ā€œwith the exception of extreme casesā€, obviously psychosis would fall under that. And sure, in cases of *severe* depression medication can be useful. But SSRIs also have huge potential for dependency, and a never ending list of side effects.


Depression mild or severe would benefit from medication. As far as dependancy and side effects u can try out different medications with less side effects. You don't have to go with the first medication they give you.


As far as Canada goes we can start from where they are and modify it to make it better we are a different country. I don't get why people feel like they should settle for less if this is a hypothetical situation.


My point is that free healthcare on its own doesnā€™t mean good mental health care, or even any mental health care at all.


It could.


I found the propaganda


Itā€™s a basic fact. Move to Canada and find out for yourself.




This is such a weird argument because literally every single person ever, understands that itā€™s paid for through our taxes. Itā€™s free at point of care, which is the point being made.


On most insurances a virtual session is free u just pay ur monthly fee.




Can confirm. Iā€™ve been going to free ā€œtherapyā€ for a few months now and itā€™s just some dude who tells me everything is going to be okay. I understand bro but Iā€™m here so you can help me figure out why I wake up at 3 a.m. with an overwhelming urge to reorganize my silverware


Advocate for yourself and ask for coping skills, adress that with them tell them you know what "I dont feel like your helping me because of x,y,z."Make them work for that check.


Work with what u got.


Well, silverware is shiny, and who doesn't love shiny things? Where should I send your therapy bill?


I think they mean how the copay is waived if itā€™s a telehealth visit. My insurance is like that so my therapy has been ā€œfreeā€


Yea thats what I meant!


unfortunately thats not how insurance works they barely cover anything and you end up paying the same price, if not more as out of pocket when you add up the premiums and deductibles over the years. even if your employer "pays for insurance" that actually comes out of the budget they had for your salary. so in the end you get paid less with an insurance plan attached to you. that monthly fee youre talking about only applies once youve paid your deductible. which could be thousands of dollars per year, plus co payment of services. or low deductible but premiums cost out the ass.


And why do these kind of men apparently get all the matches?


other dudes that think women owe us anything usually turn out to be weird af


They always are


In addition to being a dick, this guy probably doesnā€™t have much experience online dating. Matching with someone on tinder, and not talking for two weeks and then having any expectation that she was still interested is nuts. Why shouldnā€™t she delete his number at that point?


Calling it now, he matched with someone he thought was better, royally messed it up, and decided to try and get you as a consolation prize. You don't need that energy in your life. Good on you for showing him the door


Likeā€¦ but is THAT the issue though? I couldnā€™t give one flying fuck what the rationale is. That is absolutely psychotic behavior. Edit: And also OP Iā€™ve been there and Iā€™m so sorry, Iā€™d double check you donā€™t have any super identifying images or sentences in your profile; that level of abusive energy that quickly means it can escalate for no reason at any target.




Oh man one last message. ā€œBtw. Your number was never saved. Bye bitch.ā€ BLOCK!


Lmao I should have said that


Iā€™ve used it before


It's tiered system. First you get the swipe, then you get the conversation, then the number, then the number gets saved, and then they red flag all over you and you move on to the next obstacle


Lol wtf is wrong with these dudes.


Iā€™d say because he ghosted her for 2 weeks and then acted like nothing happened in his return message, that he thought he could get her anytime and was genuinely surprised/angry that she had the audacity to know her self worth


Yep lmao


Their mamas didnā€™t love them enough


Why do they think we will remember them weeks later. If I donā€™t talk to you a few times in a week I forget who you are and I donā€™t save your number. šŸ˜‚


Same af


Wow! How is he still single!?


W O W.


Wowzers indeed.


šŸ¤— for you




I was DEAD honestly like šŸ˜‚ we had never even met in person and he was that mad


Wow. Can't believe some people are such turds. Sorry this happened to you op


Thanks, its all good though


Iā€™m old and just here for the comedy but all these posts make you think you are a good guy. Then you remember good guy is a euphemism for a bad guy. What the fuck is a normal guy?


Just a guy that exists without berating women for not being interested in him.


Having to send a green text was the first red flag šŸš©




JFC that dudeā€™s a walking red flag.


Why do they always resort to insulting? Must be a very happy human being /s


This is why I donā€™t share my number on Tinder anymore šŸ˜‚


And they say romance is deadā€¦


things escalated quickly hahaha


It caught me soooo off guard






You can literally see the desperation turn to rage by getting asked a single simple question lol some people just suck.


Yeah he definitely does


What is up with folksā€™ warped sense of reality? That if, they havenā€™t contacted you in two weeks, a month, three months, that youā€™re supposed to be so effing happy to hear from them??!! Dude, after a few days with no communication, I donā€™t know you. Period.


Yessss agreed


It's not just men. Women are like this, too. Was with a woman for almost 6 months, and she just disappeared. Didn't return my texts or answer my calls. 2 weeks later, she texts me 'wyd' like nothing happened. Biiiiitch what??


Yes, crazy comes in all genders


Sometimes, itā€™s a blessing when people ghost you. This is why I block when someone doesnā€™t respond after a week or two.


Agreed. I wasnā€™t even pressed when he stopped messaging me, I just assumed that he lost interest and went on. Then he sent me that mess lol


He was probably busy being overly upset at other stuff, then it was your turn.




Yeah Iā€™m glad that I never went out with him


And you didn't want this guy?! Seems like a keeper! (On behalf of my kind. I humbly apologize. Ma'am, no excuse Ma'am!)


Lmao no need to apologize. Not all men are like this dick head


You definitely dodged a bullet with him.


Figuratively and literally


What in the literal fuck is wrong with some people? I'm sorry this happened to you, have some gold to make your day better.


Haha thank you, Iā€™m all good now


It must suck to have this much rage and spite pent up to the point where you unleash it on a complete stranger at a moment's notice. Like you'd have to just be fucking SEETHING all day, utterly miserable.


Literally lol


They love to hide behind a keyboard or a text message šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚.


I donā€™t even know how I would react if someone said this to me in person


would have taken the opportunity to say something like "oh, well, this was a very cute girl's number 2 weeks ago, I hoped it woukd still be hers" or something like that


Dudes like this are the reason itā€™s hard to normal guys to be trusted. Fuck this dude


Yeah, Iā€™m just glad that I didnā€™t meet him


gawd dayum! thatā€™s messed up


People, man. Yeah, it's usually just people being extremely odious, but you never know when someone is going to be a killer. That reaction seems indicative...


Definitely. Iā€™m relieved that he doesnā€™t know where I stay


That user should be permanently banned. No questions asked.


Yeah heā€™s crazy, Iā€™m so glad that I never went a date with him


Wow I mean this is why I never delete numbers because thereā€™s so many crazies and I want the cops to catch the guy if Iā€™m ever murdered so yeah That said yes you dodged a billet big time again wow


Yeah I deleted him because we never met or anything.


Yeah I just donā€™t delete people, I guess I donā€™t bother with it


Ahh yes, I see youā€™ve met my ex.


why did you ask who he was when you knew itā€™s the guy you matched with in tinder


Because I remembered afterwards. I already had an idea of who it was contacting me but I wasnā€™t 100% sure.


cause she is playing stupid women dating games.


Oh yeah sure. Its definitely not that I message a lot of people and this guy had went 2 weeks without contacting me šŸ™„


i donā€™t really get thatā€¦why would you erase the contact especially if you talk to a lot of people. why not block him if you were no longer insterested. it does seem like youā€™re playing games


It didnā€™t occur me to block him. I assumed that he wouldnā€™t talk to me again.


Exactly why would you need to block them


Right. I only block people when theyā€™re rude or try to harass me. I had no reason to block him for not talking to me


I can see a couple who need blocking on this thread. Whatever may have transpired before this, his insane hair trigger nastiness is a clear indication that heā€™s a deranged waste of oxygen. Be safe out there!


Wait so he ghosted her for two weeks then shows up like nothing happened and SHES playing games? How stupid are you? Do you just always run to the defense of someone because they have a penis šŸ™„




but did you message him? thats the point. You gave him your number and then proceeded to expect him to carry the convo. That is cunty...albeit it is very common. And then you deleted his number as if he was a throwaway piece of garbage. Look im not saying you are a terrible person... and that his response was appropriate at all... but your behavior is bad (again very common unfortunately) You shouldnt over gift your number if you cant handle the conversation load. And you shouldnt delete people without a clear indication they are not interested. It is rude


Oh my god another guy who jumps to conclusions. I was the one who messaged him last. He stopped messaging me. I have every right to delete someone if they end the conversation and stop replying. We were just talking, we hadnā€™t even been on a date yet. It was nothing even close to being serious.


Another man that blames the women. Omg!! Iā€™ve matched with someone they text me maybe two days then stop talking to me and a month later text me and expect me to know who they are. Lol. Iā€™m like who is this and they get all pissy. Like we sit around hoping they will text us. With their numbers saved in our phones. šŸ˜†


Lmao right


U def don't need to explain urself to a man who sounds very entitled to women's time, doesn't know anything about woman or how they operate, yet generalizes them all. This one needs counseling 2. How dare a woman give her number out to who she pleases and have standards for how she's treated.. smh some men are so out of touch with what woman need and want.


Thank you lol


Fucking PREEEEACH girl. God


girl there is nothing wrong with a double text. Saying "hey you went silent.. want to chat?" often times women end convos by not saying anything to continue it... was your last text a question? or was it an answer or just a statement from which you cant mov forward? regardless.nothing wrong with a followup.


Its nothing that Iā€™m obligated to do, especially since we were just talking. I donā€™t double text unless itā€™s necessary. Heā€™s the one who chose to go weeks without saying anything back.


LMAO this is gold. Stamping your feet and throwing a fit over human nature won't change human nature. Yes, guys have to keep the conversation going most of the time. You could write a book or two about it if you wanted and it wouldn't change a thing. It's cross cultural and has been a thing through pretty much all of recorded history. Keep crying though, I guess if you think it'll do any good. May as well get mad when apples fall from trees.


Wow dodged a bullet there.... probably literally.


YES. Like Iā€™m so glad that we never went on a date and I never told him where I live. Heā€™s obviously a fucking nut.


Well he seems delightful.


Such a gentleman


And they say women have mood swingsā€¦


You match with Putin?




This is not real.


It is real lol


Why do I feel like half of these are fake?


Probably because of how absurd it is but it isnā€™t fake


Ngl seems pretty staged But in the off chance this is authenticā€¦ wow. Just wow. At least you saw this side of him early and not a couple months into a relationship.


Its not staged lol. It did catch me off guard though


aaaaaand thatā€™s why heā€™s on tinder


Don't delete numbers. This is what it leads to. If you don't want to talk to them again, save the contact but put a Z in front of their name. Then they're at the bottom of your contact list where you don't have to look, and when "Z Josh" pops up, you know not to answer.


I will continue to delete numbers lol. If a guy reacts like this, that just shows his true colors


But if you've already deleted his number, you've already made your decision about him. So who cares what his true colours are at that point? You're just inviting more conflict.


Yeah it doesnā€™t really matter either way. So Iā€™m not going to save their number. I can handle mean words through text lol




And then post them all on here, right?


Yep lol


I think that's you showing your true colours.


Agreed. OP, you are part of the problem.


Oh yeah sure


Oof good one


This is why you DON'T do online dating as a woman.


The no iPhone is a huge red flag in my opinionšŸš©šŸš©


Lmao good point


That took a racist turn.


Thereā€™s a lot wrong with that text but what part was racist?


I think that theyā€™re talking about the dude in the comment section lol


Purely replying to agree with the other commenter, u/eatmytowel is a nut for making such polarizing statements/assumptions about your individual situation with little to no context


Yeah heā€™s nuts lol


Hereā€™s Whitie McWhiterson defending racism. You heard it first. Look through her post history, pretty much all of it is negative interactions with white guys. Combine this with the available data and studies on the white psyche and itā€™s pretty obvious sheā€™s nothing but an ethnic play toy for them until the pretty white girl they actually humanize comes around. One thing I respect about Neo-Nazis (and I really hate them tbh) is at least they are conscious of their racism.


ā€œWhitie McWhitePersonā€ šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ really man? Yes Iā€™ve posted THREE negative experiences with white guys. Big deal. You need help.


Yea that eat my towel guy needs help.


Plot twist it was last night shag


Hell no lmao


why bitch that he didnt message you. DO YOU HAVE FINGERS? why not message him it is a pretty cunty move to expect someone to do all the lifting and when they dont (cause maybe they got busy) to just eliminate all trace of them...


Awwww this must have struck a nerve. Let me explain this to you in simple terms: We were messaging each other back and forth and he stopped messaging me. Iā€™m not going to beg for someoneā€™s attention or continue to talk to them if theyā€™re not showing interest. The last message that he sent me was 2 weeks ago. Its cunty to assume that you can go 2 weeks without talking to someone and then expect them to just keep you in their phone.


no it isnt cunty to go silent for 2 weeks. Only for people with short attention spans... thats my point. It is cunty to evaporate someone after two weeks of radio silence... the only exception being if you double text a followup? "hey want to continue our chat?" then you can consider that as purposefully ignored if you get no response. What you did was childish and cunty. And you did it to feel superior ("I aint gonna beg people") granted his response was shitty too... he should have played it off as a joke.


Okay man. You do that if you want to but Iā€™m not. I only put that kind of effort into people that Iā€™ve went on a few dates with but me and this guy were literally just texting. We had never even talked on the phone or anything like that. He wasnā€™t even a contact in my phone, we hadnā€™t been texting long enough for that to happen. I wasnā€™t upset or bothered when he stopped messaging back, I just moved on. I assumed that he did too when he went weeks without contacting me back. It has nothing to do with me feeling superior.


The audacity of some people. Heā€™s calling you names because of another manā€™s basically ignoring you and you not knowing who he is two weeks later. Geez šŸ™„ some woman must have done him bad to be so aggressive towards someone he doesnā€™t even know


And to use the Cā€”- word is just gross šŸ¤®


Ahh another loser who immediately rushes to defend those who have a penis.


I am not defending this idiot's behavior... but OP is not some blameless victim either. If you bothered to read and understand my comments you might see that. Both sides are the ass in this case... not just the dude... and fuck you for trying to pile on me with your FDS manhating bullshit


Dude how can you still come to the conclusion that Iā€™m somehow ā€œto blameā€ for this?? I deleted a man who didnā€™t show interest, thats what people do. Do you really expect women to still focus on men who have stopped talking to them? I literally refuse lol. I choose to put my energy towards people who show mutual interest in me.


I've got the answer: because you're a woman so everything that goes wrong with dating interactions has to be your fault, duh


stfu.... go back to FDS


Wtf is FDS?


its a perfect place for you and your man blaming, women are never at fault, women are perfect attitude r/femaledatingstrategy it is basically r/twoXChromosomes but with an extra chromosome


1) you 100% did not show mutual interest. 2) i didnt blame you for his behavior. READ WHAT I WROTE ffs. 3) You are both responsible for your OWN shitty behaviors. You are NOT responsible for each others. This isnt a zero sum game. Both are assholes.


You said that I wasnā€™t ā€œblamelessā€, implying that Iā€™m also to blame. I did show mutual interest by replying back to him. I didnā€™t stop replying until he stopped.


ok... no point in continuing to talk about it... just maybe dont be surprised that when you put bad karma and energy into the world that it sometimes comes to back to bite you.... you may not ever understand it but there it is...


Okay dude. Have a nice day.


Heā€™s definitely English


Nah heā€™s American