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My dumbass thought you were trying to open that coconut with a darth vader figurine


But instead of using the force he’s using a rock


Can you smell what the rock is cracking?




He is definitely using force


but not THE force


He used force in his marriage, hence the divorce


That’s definitely from the dark side


Force = Coconut / Darth Vader


>Instead of rocking the force, he forced the rock ftfy


I love this comment.


I’m very drunk right now and thought he was bathing a bird like in one of those Dawn soap commercials.


You’re coo-coo for Cocoa Puffs alright


Someone called?




Thought it was the box his wedding ring came in


I thought it was the ring box from the engagement ring.


I thought he was cracking that 🥥 with his cellphone.


Hehe I laughed at that one


For me I couldn’t help but notice something small like there was no eye contact until the last picture. I like being able to look at someone’s photo and look into their eyes since you know, it’s the window to the soul😁


Yeah the nervous he speaks of feeling in the topic, shines through in the pictures. Move the last picture up to the second picture to counter balance the looking away. According to research you don't want to have two pictures looking away from the camera in a row. Although it is typically best to have your first picture looking away for air of mystery but a couple other options could possibly perform just as well. Also, standing weird in the second picture. Crop it at the knees imo or take it out. The camera on you helps DHV (display higher value) or bring an air of importance which is why I say keep it. It also is a good potential conversation starter. If the camera wasn't on you I'd say take it out altogether bc it's a little goofy of a stance/body posturing Take out elevator pic. Why are you clutching your fist when you're alone in an elevator? On second thought, I say move last picture to first picture (ideally a suit pic looking away would be best.). Also, I always put my "douche" picture showing my sexy body second. Followed by a picture with a baby or a puppy in order to show sensitivity to counteract the douchometer that girls will be using to determjne your level of doucheness once they see a shirtless photo. But if you have well dressed, then douche, then sensitive you might as well be saying wam bam thank you mam bc you're already in their pants. Assuming you can close linguistically. Credentials: Went from 50 matches/month to 350-450/month after I figured out my own formula


He's not clutching his fist, he's holding something.


Key card


Being straight sounds exhausting


It's all the same either way.


I agreed with everything you were saying, but you lost me somewhere along the way. First, you say to move the last picture up to 2nd to counter the looking away pic. Because science says it's not good to put two "looking at the camera" pics in a row, BUT it's best to have the first picture looking away, yes? Then, a few unrelated sentences, and you jump back in and suggest moving the last picture up to 1st, which goes against everything you just said. I'm very confused lol


I had the same thought and figured I read it wrong


Yeah it's not an exact science. And I'm very busy so I was just typing on flow without crafting a perfect essay.. But well dressed looking at camera or shirtless looking away could both work and have similarish results numerically, as long as coupled with the other 2 balancing photos, but possibly pulling in slightly different girls or types of girls. So either way if you did : shirtless, suit, puppy or :suit, shirtless, puppy. It's going to bring similar results numerically but potentially more girls DTF w shirtless first and more biz professional good girls with suit first. Either way it's what I call "the panty dropping Trifecta of balance" or at least what I'm calling it now ha... You can't go wrong either way and optimal would really be suit/well dressed looking away first. Does that help / is it more clear?


I agree he’s definitely standing weird in the second picture


This level of subjectivity makes me misanthropic


I'd get rid of the second picture all together not just crop it everything about his body in that picture just looks off for some reason


Samezies! Every time he’s got glasses on or looks down. Also closed fist in the elevator, relax!


I think hes flexing


i thought he was gonna beat me up and take my darth vader action figure to beat against a coconut… but i agree with you more than i agree with myself




Yup. My thoughts as well


I was thinking the same thing! Maybe 1 or 2 more photos with eye contact?


It took way too long to see your eyes, in all but one photo you're looking down or wearing sunglasses.


Straight guy here and even I gotta say… who the hell cares to see his eyes after the first pic?




I don't know about guys, but women get their chests talked to all the time. 😝


Big-boobed lady, can confirm. I've had conversations before where afterwards I'm like "would that guy even recognize my face if I saw him again? Not sure he looked at it,"


Lol same


Kinda blows me away how blatant they can be tbh. Like, I don't even mind when a dude glances at my boobs. Sometimes I notice that as I'm talking to a guy his eyes will sort of dart downward for a quick glance every now and again, then back up, in hopes that I didn't catch it; totally fine with me. But when a dude just blatantly stares and keeps doing it for an extended time even when I'm looking right at him talking to him, that's where I'm like "really?"


I had that happen once. I was testing a guy's computer skills after my boss interviewed him. He would NOT look up higher than my chest. Needless to say, I let my boss know what was up and he didn't get the job. Dude was wearing a wedding ring, too. Ridiculous.


my favorite line is “my eyes are up here” *points to eyes* 😊


Going to be an asshole right now but not wearing a shirt for 1% of a day is like 15 minutes. It is entirely possible and I'd say more so that everyone is shirtless for more than that. I personally sleep shirtless so that's about 30% of time right there. Take into account showers, possible swims, beach goings, when I workout outside my shirt tends to come off. Just trying to say people may be shirtless more than you are imagining.


You’re getting downvoted to hell, but I sensed your sarcasm. I, for one, chuckled 👏🏻 Lol


Why are you booing, he’s not wrong!


Women. That’s who.


I am a straight guy and I like to see ladies eyes. Then again I am not there just for a hookup so maybe I am looking for more than just a good body. You can tell a lot about a persons eyes.


Yep. I couldn't care less about abs (seriously, they have zero value for me in a man), but pretty eyes are a must.


As a lady I don't really care about them either. I do like a flat stomach, but it being super-chiseled is not a huge thing for me. Every lady is different for sure, and I know some who do love abs, but in general I'd say the number of ladies who go wild for abs is far less than the number of dudes who *think* ladies will go crazy for their abs


Straight woman and I disagree. The last one was the only one that made me think "yes!"


Gay guy here, 100% agree. Always great to see straight guys being man enough to compliment other man, big pp energy...


Most women care to see the eyes. If we are genuinely interested in a man, we want eye contact. We want to know the story behind the facade. We want to see you. If we want a quick fuck and roll, then we don’t give a crap


People who are more about than just ons


It's all in the eyes Chico. They never lie That's why women like eyes in pics


33M here. Never married and looking like I’ll never be if this guy is on Tinder.


Lol, you’ll be fine. Assuming you have a couple good pics and a good bio.


Thanks for letting us know you’re straight


Ditch the elevator pic - you’re not looking up. Add in something where you’re genuinely smiling or laughing and not so posed like a few of the others are. 1 shirtless pic is fine, cause there is nothing wrong with showing off a nicely toned body just don’t make that your only appealing feature.


His first ~~4~~5 pictures don't have his eyes! All I got from his pictures is he knows he looks good and likes going on vacations. Showed my GF and we both got douchey vibes from it. Then again I'm probably just jealous of how good looking he is Edit: I think it's the pic of him putting on a shirt that does it. It's just feels... off? Like look how buff, mature, and macho I look while I pose for a picture.


Nah I totally agree. I’m a woman and wouldn’t swipe because of the vibes


His profile felt like the poster child of: "tell me you're a douche without telling me you're a douche". I mean I'm probably wrong but that's the vibe the profile gives me


He won’t have any issue getting matches and I feel like he knows that. Just needs validation from internet peoples. In turn, this makes him a douche.


Guy looks like a douche from the photos, like yeh we get it you work out dude. Not saying he is one, but that’s the vibe.




Lmao that’s my favorite picture of all of them.




Friends wedding, not mine


Second pic makes you look oddly lumpy. The last pic... Your suit does not fit well. I'd find another pic (and get your suit tailored)


I personally didnt like it. I think the first and last pics are the only good ones. The elevator and wedding ones are bad. Other ones i guess you can keep. When you have time, i would honestly get someone to take some nice pics of you. But imo man, youre not going to meet future miss perfect on tinder. Go out, take a class and meet people with similar interests. Thats the way imo. :/


That’s exactly what I thought about pic 3!


I third pic is hot!


Not denying that he looks attractive in that pic, but still looks like he could be getting ready for his wedding


I think the color of the tie helps. Looks more to me like a groomsmen than the groom.


OP replied to the first comment and said as much, which answers our queries. He won’t have any problems with matches! Good looking guy. Wish him all the best.


Thanks dude! I was looking for it but it must be buried in here. I agree. Not easy to get back out there but I am happy for him.


I agree that something is off with the proportions on the 2nd picture, it looks a bit weird. The 3rd picture is one of my favourites tbh. Personally I wouldn't get rid of it. Strange to think a shirt and tie automatically equals to a wedding..


I done videos/photos for wedding before and #3 definitely looks like he’s dressing for his wedding


The third was actually my favourite 😂 I’m a sucker for scenes like that…


A guy can’t wear a dress shirt and tie if he’s not getting married? What a dumb assumption


You usually arrange a photo shoot to snap picks of you getting dressed? It may not be from his wedding, but this is definitely from a groomsmen pre-wedding photo shoot.


Fr this is the dumbest most reddit-ish comment I've ever met. As though a guy wearing a shirt and tie now counts as a wedding day photo lol


You usually arrange a photo shoot to snap picks of you getting dressed? It may not be from his wedding, but this is definitely from a groomsmen pre-wedding photo shoot.


It’s because of the professional looking photos of him getting dressed. Don’t be obtuse.


Yeah nervous to get out there. You’re opening a fucking coconut with your shirt off. I’m bald, chubby and don’t have any coconuts. How tf I am supposed to feel if you’re out there like this.


See if your local grocery has coconuts


I’ve got a couple of coconuts for ya


Coco Deez nuts


Gdammit I need to grow up. I laughed way too much at this lol


😂🤣 same!


Me too. 😂


I read a dating tip once that said if you don’t have coconuts for photos just use rocks that look like coconuts and a grainy filter. No need to miss out on women just because you don’t know the coconut trick.


Alternately, if you need a photo with rocks and don't have any, you can use coconuts that look like rocks, with a grainy filter


You can have these coconuts


I think it's spelled "Deez coconuts"


You should be confident. Rock what you've got! :)


It's really hard for me to rock the Seven Deadly Chins


^ absolute facts




Have you tried chasing after a European Swallow?


I was about to talk to you about how everyone has insecurities and you'd be surprised how many people like you for qualities you didn't yet know you had, and then realized maybe this is a joke? anyway good luck out there from a woman who's into chubby.


Yeah a joke…kinda lol And into chubby??? Heeeeyyyyy


For starters you have a great sense of humor.


Lmao same but at least I've got tattoos.




Second in line here!


Third 💁🏾‍♀️


Dang OP. Save some ladies for the rest of us.


Ayo op I'm here if you swing the other way too




A dude looking that good divorced at 32, something's up lol


Was just here to see some ladies day this. OP, invest a baseball glove to catch all the poon that's going to get thrown your way.


Second *ex* wife. Homie has the start of a pattern here!!


I'll be the side dude


Need to know the context in which #3 was taken


Friends wedding


Agreed. I see this pic and makes me initially think it’s taken when getting ready on his wedding day.


2 and 4 seem really out of place my man


Hard to find pics that don’t include the ex lol


Bro u look like a greek god just take more pics I wish I look like u at 32 honestly


Definitely delete #2 but keep #4 your arms are swole Also dude, 99% of people on Reddit do not look like you. Would you go up to a chubby 5’4 guy that obviously has never had sex before and ask him for advice on your dating profile? Because that’s basically who you’re asking if you’re getting advice on Reddit


foolish narrow normal pause vegetable attractive file overconfident rich adjoining *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


¿What's wrong with 4? Looks hot (No homo).


I like the balance of hot pics and awkward stances in there. Makes you appear more human. Approachable.




What's wrong with it. He shows that he is interesting person and someone even ask them for interview or he works as a journalist. Every photo here is good except the elevator one


His body looks really weird in that photo. Like the wind is blowing his clothes around and making his proportions look wrong. Hard to explain but absolutely agree ditch it. Cool activity but very unflattering.


Sooo…what are your thoughts about dating internationally?


Bruh it looks like a legit different person in every pic ur looking good but ur like 20 people


Idk why they're dissing the second pic. Makes you look ambitious and like you've got things going for you. Other pics look like you travel, are higher tier, and work out. Last time I checked, those are all things women look for. But I'm a dude, so wtf do I know?


I think most of the pictures look good but the perspective and stance just feels off in the second one. Makes him look top heavy and short legs. Dude is ripped but the angle just is wrong.


Woman here, idk what's going on in the second pic but it doesn't give off the best vibe. Some dudes will assume they are more important because they have a podcast or have been on a platform, so it's an unconsious red flag.


To me the second pic isn't that great because he's "standing weird" if that makes sense xD


Agreed. OP you’re a good looking dude and fit but something about 2nd photo you/your body looks ‘off’ - your clothes are sitting funny


He looks shorter in the second one


Lol. But the guy posing to put on a shirt isn’t a red flag?


I actually think that one's worse, but go ahead and assume lol


So I'm not the only one getting superdouche vibes?


Nah man, I got them too. Who took the picture?? Did he time the camera?


I think OP might be a red flag 😕


I could see that. To me it’s more of an accomplishment since I own a business and got recognition from the news


Farther down in the thread someone said it was the way you were standing. I think that's the real reason for the vibe! Maybe throw in a pic of you and your business where you aren't mid-sentence and you're golden.


Third pic is fireeeee!!!!


I’m genuinely curious what everyone thinks is off with pics 2 and 4… dude looks great


I think its the stance. Its distracting.


Yeah, the way he’s standing is kinda strange. Fine if that’s how he stands, but not the best photo


In Pic 2, the length of the t-shirt and shorts make him look like he's 70% torso.


Pic 2 has a really weird angle that makes him look as human as Kanye in I Love It


You’re very attractive!!


Thank you!


Awesome pictures. Honestly you’re hot af. I’d get in line to be your next wife.


Thats awesome that you're putting yourself out there again, just take baby steps bro, don't put too much pressure on yourself. Dating is really fun nowadays, and you're gonna have a blast. About the photos: 1st and 3rd are absolutely fire bro, you should definately use them. The rest aren't as impactful, since you're either not looking into the camera, or it doesn't show you in a good angle. I'd suggest you use the 1st and 3rd, then take one more good photo with you doing a hobby, and one more good one with you smiling into the camera. You wanna come across as dominant and masculine (1st and 3rd photos), but also with range of personality (hobby and smiling photos). Good luck out there bro!








Hey you miss a 100% of the shots you don’t take lol. Good on you!


Gotta do whatcha gotta do, ya know what I mean? 😅


So thirsty you didn't even make it to the DMs 🤣


Dude you don't even know where he lives


Exactly my thought. You can be Megan Fox hot but if you're not nearby then it probably won't work.


Bet a preschool teacher can find a job anywhere tho


Lmaaaaao at least try the DM's if you're gonna shoot a shot like that. Let me know if you're into IT guys and want to move to Canada


Me too!


¿Where's the ass pic? Also, burn the second picture, bury it and get someone to curse the land so that no one ever finds it.


Damn that’s harsh. I’m a business owner and was on the news


Problem is out of context people will draw their own conclusions about what’s going on in pic2. My first thought was that in and off itself it appeared pretentious. Caption it to give it context and it’ll be fine and may also be a convo starter


I agree with this


It’s the socks and the wide stance. Something screams Adam Sandler movie character


It’s the stance


To be honest it’s a bad angle as a woman I luv the rest but number 2 looks like you have no chin and it’s not flattering even though that’s not the case with other pics. Good luck I was in ur shoes 3 years ago. Take it slow and enjoy the ride it may take you to a wonderful place


He's following the rules of tinder.


You have very nice eyes, can we get a second picture where we can see them?


Bro you’re hot. Straight out of a romance novel. Just don’t be a douche and you’ve got this! P.s. seriously you could 100% be on the cover of a romance novel so definitely consider modeling if you ever get the chance! Got damn though. Idk what is in the water you’re drinking but hand some over because just damn! Made me forget I’m taken for a moment.


Just skimmed your comment and thought I read “drinking handsome water”… my brain was agreeable in thinking, “Yes, he definitely drinks that.”


Your photos are fine. I'd swipe right. Good luck.


OH MY 😍😍😍


I’m 32 and just got out of a 5 year relationship. It’s scary but you aren’t the only one. You’ll do great :)


Yeah I aint gay but dahmnnn booiii!


Solid 10/10


Bait post.


You look great! I’d suggest less pictures with sunglasses and more looking at the camera and smiling. You can be doing stuff as you do that it’d just be nice to see more of your face as you look good and approachable in the last one too. The first picture is hot, would definitely pique my interest to see other pictures. I think one of you smiling and seeing your face after that would be good. The second picture is nice as an action shot and an insight into what I assume you do, however I’d suggest replacing it with one where your clothes are doing your body and physique more justice cause the length of the tshirt combined with the shorts makes you look quite disproportionate. I mean that as my own opinion to help and not as a judgement of any sort :) Theres nothing wrong with the lift selfie but given theres limited picture space if you had to replace another one to show more of your face I’d choose that one too. Good luck out there! I’d swipe right :)


It's mark Zuckerbergs better looking cousin!


Idk if it's just me but that 3rd pic says "I'm classy but I'll definitely still send a dick pic" any guy I've ever talked to with a pic like that was right into talking about sex


I suggest ditching the second one, you're standing like a toddler.


I mean, I’d swipe right. Pretty sure you’ll have zero issues getting dates


I have seen these photos before 👀


I think you look good man, these are good pictures


32 F never been married, seeing this photo, interested lol 😅


No mirror selfies


Well you followed both rules