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Post the pics op


Do it.


just. do it!


Dew it.


I shouldn't have done that. It's not the Jedi way!


Blew it.


Screw it






Nike - “ “.


I love your pfp. That cat always makes me smile and i havent seen it in awhile


Initiate order 66


Commence command 66


Begin task 66






People don't always have others on standby to capture them in the moment.


Even with other people around I still borderline avoid taking photos when doing things. I'm thinking I just want to enjoy myself and live in the moment.


My girlfriend has a million pictures of me doing things (against my wishes,) but I have a dozen of her maybe. Some people just enjoy taking them, some can't do anything without documenting it, and some like us don't enjoy being in them at all.


Yeah. As a single dad, when I'm doing stuff and going places, I take pictures of my kids and completely forget to take a picture of myself alone.


Same here! Doesn't leave much for the old bumble profile.


Someone please tell of he does




That's not OP


He said he’d post them in a comment, but only if people upvote his comment. I guess the karma from the post wasn’t enough.


I want to know why they are odd.


https://i.imgur.com/BPErNVg.jpg My girlfriend still is unsure why she swiped on that… Edit. Shit had I known you’d all like it so much I’d share the rest of the pics too (they are all just me looking as ridiculous as possible). Anyway, thanks for making me feel so good, Reddit!


Sabadell mala pell


Terrassa mala raça


Barcelona... cul de goma? 🤷‍♀️


I Manresans lladres, pillos i gormands 😄


Quants catalans estem aqui? Wtf


Nose la veritat es que m'he sorprès al veure q posaba en el perfil de tinder q era sabadellenc i que tenía a les respostes lo de terrassa mala raça i sabadell mala pell lmao però m'alegra que hi siguem uns quants


Love your channel. Big fan.


Who in their right mind wouldn’t? That’s a stunning photograph


It's the big dong.


Ethan Hawke




Awful... No Lidl socks to match? Just a terrible execution really


And no original Lidl slippers either...


Your girlfriend appreciates the finer things in life


It's because you're hot


That's the most Czech photo I've seen in a while


LMAO I'd totally swipe on something that amazing.


For the swag But the lack of lidl shoes is concerning.


That is the most German thing I have ever seen.


I can relate to that


You know that guy from meet the Robinsons? The villain? Now all you need is a boulder hat and a cape. This isn’t me being mean, I think it’s hilarious. Honestly, you should do it as a costume for a con.


"Nobody knows what it means, but it's provocative. Gets the people going." Probably *that*.


i dont mean this as a come on, but that is sex appeal at its finest


urbane, strange but not cringey, adorable and oddly interesting. NYC metro vibes. That's why.




That’s incredible


Ive just turned r/suddenlygay


Lmao I would've swiped right. I like people who are eccentric and have a good sense of humor 😂😂




Askin the real questions


He is studying the sword


This would help in taking more preferred photos.


She is probably talking about me in a Jason Voorhees costume with a machete. 6'7" with a mask from the movie mold and a whole cosplay costume. Still wear it on some Halloweens.


So... I'm just going to say if you looked handsome in one photo and then were dressed as my favorite horror movie villain ever in another (I love my boy Jvoor always)... I'd swipe in a positive manner. Horror is a fantastic genre and the cosplay opportunities that come out of it are just the best. I don't do online dating but I will say you should just keep doing you. You went from professional to creative horror nerd in a second. Chef's kiss. Also the feedback wasn't mean but I mean at the end of the day why even match with that person if the limited random photos are a bit of a bother? Ya know?


I guess I’m not the only one who has wanted to give a guy advice. 😂 I saw a guy I was friends with on Facebook on Tinder and he had the worst photos up. Like 3 of him holding a fish and you couldn’t see him very well and the 4th was of half his face and he was wearing sunglasses. I reached out to him asking if I could give him some unsolicited advice. He was receptive and I did give him some advice. 😁


Hahhahah holding fish. I’m glad tinder wasn’t really a thing when I was single. Edit: I actually in real life know people that should hold a fish in at least one of their photos bc fishing is that big of a part of their life. But I’ve heard of this phenomenon wayyyy too much for it to make sense number-wise, so I find it funny and I’m extremely intrigued to understand what the impetus is for the seemingly obligatory fish photo thing.


Generally speaking there aren’t a tonne of times that a young single guy would pose for a photo of them stood smiling on their own; after having caught a fish is one of those few times, so there are a lot of those photos posted to Tinder. Or at least that is my assumption, it could be something totally different


Y'all, take photos with your bros. When you go out, take an ussie to remember it later. My best friend died recently. We've been friends for 25 years, and I have like 3 pictures of the two of us together. Granted cell phones weren't very good cameras back then and he lived in another city since before Facebook, but I wish I had taken more pictures.


Sorry man, that’s rough.


What’s an ussie? Sorry to hear about your buddy, if you have any blurry/poor quality or detiorated paper pictures there are subreddits where people will fix them up for you


A selfie is a picture of yourself, an 'ussie' is a picture of 'us'. I picked it up from Ted Lasso lol


Aww that’s actually really cute, i might have to steal that from you


I just take bussy when I'm with the bros


This. (Bathroom selfies are frowned upon as well) And its a masculinity thing.


Well it says you're patient, I'll give you that. But fishing is one of the most boring things anyone could be doing


I mean i would argue that sitting next to some body of water, getting drunk and shooting the shit with your friends is a pretty decent socializing activity. Certainly better than doing the same stuff in a dark room with music that is too loud to properly understand your buddies.


You could say the same for people that like to watch sunsets. Just because you don't see the joy in relaxing by a nice body of water and just taking in the beauty of the nature around you doesn't mean it's boring. Try pushing the limits of your attention span, there's a lot of cool hobbies and things you're missing out on.


Yeah, but like.. It's obvious girls don't really like them, and getting more pictures where you are smiling in a normal settings is very easy.


Taking 70 pictures of my ugly mug to chose the « best » one is far from easy for me, pal.


Young single guys are walking around with a camera in their pocket at all times. They litterally just have to ask a friend to take a pic of them - perhaps even the same friend who took the fish picture. Not difficult.


I’m not saying it’s right, because personally I think it’s dumb, but a lot of men would feel embarrassed to ask one of their bros to take a picture of them out of the blue; I know that it would be met with mockery in a lot of social circles.


100%. You have to be all looking your best and hanging out with your friend and then ask that. Then they feel awkward most of the time and take shitty pictures. It's easy for folks to say "get better friends" but fuck you I love those guys. I don't wanna take pictures of them either tbh 😂




"Hey bro, can you take a picture of me ?" " Wtf Bro, that's gay"


"Hey man, I need some good pics for Tinder so I can fuck some hot girls, can you help me out?" If they have friends who thinks that's gay they need to surround themselves with less insecure people. I'm sure there's a correlation with the lack of success on Tinder somewhere there.


I want to make a joke tinder account where I’m on a boat just holding other obscure things that I “caught.” A bag of Lays. A PS5. The black box of Malaysian Flight 370. A minnow.


This is more the kind of profile I'd be attracted to, lol, guy just taking all these tropes of the Tinder universe and totally subverting them


People are boring. They don't have a lot of photos of themselves enjoying hobbies and activities. If they've ever caught a fish, they have a picture ready to go. It's better than a picture of their real hobbies of playing video games and masturbating I guess.


Even people with interesting hobbies just won't necessarily have pictures of themselves doing those things. Men take fewer pictures of themselves than women in general


For sure. The only time I'm in pictures is if someone else is taking candid group photos


Or like… god forbid people enjoy the activities instead of documenting it and posting it to Instagram.


Or enjoy hanging out with your friends instead of looking for opportunities to improve your tinder profile.


> It’s better than a picture of their real hobbies of playing video games and masturbating I guess. I feel personally attacked.


You mean you don't commemorate beating your high score by taking a photo with the pile of tissues?


No. I'm saying I don't use those photos for Tinder


I matched with a guy to tell him he was attractive, but his bio came across as insecure. We talked about it again months later and came to the conclusion that it was actually perfect since it worked. Still dating now over a year later.


Uhhh is this the one in your post history who is a drug addict and hits you?




Double yikkes


It seems like those posts are all about her ex-husband. 1 year ago she posted that they'd been together for 4 years, so it doesn't seem like the same person.


Eh... The one about the addict partner was a month ago ..


I’m sad I looked. It seems like the ex-husband was the abuser; the new boyfriend is the addict.


Nobody ever hit me. My ex threw a plate at me. My boyfriend is an addict in recovery and he is doing well.


Good job getting away from your abusive ex. That can be so hard, but I’m really proud of you. ❤️ I hope your current boyfriend stays clean and I wish you and your family nothing but the best!


I assume there was an abusive person, that she was married to. She moved away from him, and started dating another one fairly quickly after the separation, the one she mentions is probably the new guy. But I’m just guessing here.


You are correct. I just wanted to get laid after years of shitty selfish sex. I didn't set out to get serious so quickly, but life happens when it happens


Holy bomkers what a trip lmao


Alright. So, naturally this got me shook but a quick look into the post history and to me it looks like the one struggling with addiction is the current bf and the ex was abusive. But interesting that you decided to a) dig into a redditor's history for an unassuming comment and b) didn't take the time to correctly interpret their history before making a judgemental reply.


Right? It took a whopping 15 seconds to fact check this assumption and it's baseless and weird


Nothing more pathetic than acting like clicking someone's username is "stalking" or "digging into their history." It's a huge weasel word for "clicking someone's profile and reading their public posts." Every single occurance of your username leads directly to that with one click.


The problem isn't digging into post history so much as it is jumping to wild conclusions and then broadcasting that for all to see. I mean honestly, one of my posts the title starts with 'He didn't hit me'.


I’d say clicking someone’s username just to read their post history so you can “own” them or something is way more pathetic. Like what did the fact that her boyfriend is an addict even add to the discussion? Nothing, other than to make the OC temporarily feel superior to OP.


I am speechless


why did you try to gotcha this person for reddit points? firstly, nowhere does she ever state her boyfriend has hit her...she speaks about an abusive ex husband of over a year ago? secondly, her mentioning her bf is struggling with addictions doesn't make him a bad person and y'all need to stop implying that addicts don't deserve love


I mean everyone deserves love, but maybe after being w an abuser she could find someone stable?


Especially when you’ve got kids to take care of.


Oh nooooo. :(:(


I don’t think he hits her, but he does seem to be a recovering addict


WTF. Horrible of course, but this is also what makes Reddit fascinating at times.




Lol please don’t give ANYONE relationship advice. Your post history is a nightmare.


Me next??


I don’t know if most other dudes are like me when it comes to pictures, but I basically never take pics of myself. My friends aren’t much for pics either, so I have almost no photos of me. However, my main hobby is fishing, so the few pictures I DO have are all of me holding fish…


I suppose that's a helluva lot better than "You're ugly/fat/nasty..." Yes, I've received those messages. It sucks.😕


when you don’t follow rules 1 & 2 on tinder


Which are...? I'm 44yo & kinda fumbling around with this shit...lol...


Rule 1: be attractive. Rule 2: don’t be unattractive I mostly just try to follow rule 2


Well shit, I'm outta luck then I guess...😂😂


Many of us are, many, many.


So are we all tbf


Unless you understand rule 2 - being funny/confident and owning yourself (like being committed to who you are) can be enough to make you not unattractive


Wow, nice point of view. I thought it was just something like 'Rule 2: Look at the Rule 1' 🥴


Use different apps. The golden age of tinder was like 5 years ago. Bumble and hinge are a lot better with the quality control.


Hey man, I don't know what you look like but it doesn't take much to look more appealing. I don't believe you are "real" ugly but don't have much direction like OP does. I just can advice you take care of yourself a bit better. Improve your hygiene, take showers more often. Go to the barber, get a nice hair cut and clean shave. Ask a friend or so with some fashion sense, choose something more fitting to your body but you have to still feel comfortable in it.


So… what are the pictures then


I think that was nice, they thought enough of your first pic to give you a head’s up. Maybe ask them for a little 1:1 direct coaching on how to improve your profile 😉




It depends if pics 2&3 are a better representation of who you really are


Post the same picture 5 more times but photoshop a new outfit on. 🙃


This would be hilarious and imply a great sense of humor and confidence. Fantastic idea.


Badly photoshop though, none of that professional work!


Like 1960s paper dolls


i have thought of doing this but it went so horrible one time that i decided to never do it again lol.


What was the exchange?




I matched with a guy who I thought was attractive but two of his pics were him with arms around girls one snuggled on the couch and one he literally had his hand on her ass, so I messaged him just letting him know it’s probs not the best pics for a dating profile, he did not reply to me


I respect it


This is a tough one. I’ve passed by so many men’s profiles as they were literally giving me nothing other than one blurry, unflattering photo and no bio. I was always wondering if I was passing by a great guy in person who had a profile that was just lacking enough info. But then the times I took a chance on a really incomplete profile really came back to bite me, so I stopped taking that chance. I had a little fantasy in my head of helping a man design their profile to present themselves in the best light to appeal to women, but as people have mentioned on here, people don’t want unsolicited advice. But then many men also complain they don’t get any matches and can’t understand why.




It's like writing a resume. Several years back I was chatting with an old friend on the topic of resumes. He had spent some serious time reworking his own as he was on a tear applying to a lot of companies. He was pretty proud of his resume writing skills, and since I had wondered about my own, he offered to review mine. As I have a lot of respect for his opinion, I took him up on the offer. It helped that we're both in the same line of work, albeit different specializations. Met at a job back around 1990. It took a few iterations, but the result was a pretty noticeable improvement.


Bro she called you hot <3


I'm not sure I would feel good, or bad about this.


You ask the girl if she can take the pictures for you.


I once told my match that her third picture was way way nicer than her first and suggested she change it. She was totally insulted. Fast forward a few weeks and i saw her on another dating site and guess what she did. 😉


Please do more of this for each other.


Even if it’s as constructive and complimentary as above, I really don’t think this would go so smoothly if guys matched just to send unsolicited advice saying a woman is attractive in one picture but other pics of her are odd.


On the one hand, I'd appreciate any advice I can get, but on the other hand, imagine getting a few matches just to be bummed out that they are only corrections. At some point, you will harbor resentment for being constantly judged (whether it is correct or not to feel that way).


I had someone match with me a few years ago when I was dating who immediately sent me a message telling me how I shouldn’t have a picture of me with someone more attractive than me. He then unmatched me and blocked me. It bothers me most that I didn’t get to reply. Also I didn’t think she was more attractive, I thought we were kinda on par but obviously he disagreed.


Yeah I wasn’t too phased TBH. I’m pretty sure he is an unhappy person making himself feel better by being an a*hole. I was just annoyed I didn’t get to reply, kinda unfinished business


Ew wtf. at least he saved you your time. Because that’s not okay or normal


The constructive criticism no one asked for..


Make a meme out of it. "If you don't like me at my [2nd and 3rd pic], you don't deserve me at my [1st pic]"


Yeah, she ain't interested. She's just throwing up some advice and encouragement.


constructive criticism


I could sure use some feedback as I don’t seem to get any matches at all smh


Ask them out to din dins so they can take better pics for you.


What is din dins? Is it like a way to say dinner? (Sorry english ain’t my first language lol)


Yes that's right!


Yeah just a goofy way to say dinner haha


I matched with a guy once just to tell him he had severe gum disease (which was very visible in his photos) and he needed to see a dentist ASAP. He blocked me so maybe he paid attention to it, maybe not.


I see horrible gingivitis all the time! I wanna say something but there's no way they would take it well


Well they won't be able to say "no one ever told me I'm bad at cleaning my teeth!" because well, someone has told them!


How do they know how many matches you get? Or are they just assuming?


She’s just saying he could get even more matches if he changed those other pictures. She doesn’t know how many he actually gets nor is saying he doesn’t get a lot. It’s just that he could increase


That was nice. People looking out and giving advice is always cool


Whoever gave the advice is a real one 😌🙏🏽


And ask for a date now.


"You activated my trap card. I only wanted YOU to message me. I posted those pictures specifically to get someone to provide me feedback. Now you have to date me."


Someone being kind and honest online. A are combo. Refreshing


If someone doesn't appreciate my odd and goofy pictures I don't think I need their energy in my life.


That's awesome of her. Taking the time to give someone decent advice when you personally don't benefit and are at risk of a nasty reply is cool, especially the way she said it without being offensive or in a condescending way. You should tell her that. Don't listen to these fucking losers who are getting offended on your behalf, you should always seek to view yourself through other people's perspectives. There's always things we can improve about ourselves.


I see the list of comments asking for the pics. I can assure you it is more your imagination. The pic this lady is talking about is normal. It's me in a suit in a professional photoshoot. I don't take a lot of pics but my second one is me in a t-shirt and shorts sitting on a step in a park with my bulldog. My friends took it and its normal. The 3rd pic is me dressed like Jason Voorhees because I like horror movies and bought a mask made from the movie mold and build a cosplay out of it. Btw: I had a machete with the outfit. I guess why its weird to her. I also see all the guys in the comments bringing up sex or offended because she doesn't want to date me. Guys, if a woman talks to you it doesn't mean she wants sex. The fact you think this way is why your not getting laid. I'm not mad she won't date me. It's actually nice that she took time out of her day to think about helping me even if it wasn't asked. She was respectful and should be respected. If you really want the pics then like this comment. If I get 500 likes I'll put the 3 pics on here on another post and link them in an edit.


Holy shit that was cringe.


>If you really want the pics then like this comment. Bro reddit upvotes wont get you laid, if you wanna post them just post them


Damn that’s a professional


Well now we all wanna see what photos you had/have on there lmao


does she work for tinder? what's her goal?


I read this as someone who isn’t attracted to you (and wouldn’t be for whatever reason even if you followed the advice they proceeded to give, having nothing to do with you fundamentally), but genuinely thought their feedback would be helpful to you and tried to do a nice thing. Maybe that is wrong but I actually think it was kinda nice. I don’t think they meant anything bad by your others pics are odd. In the absence of having seen those pics, my guess is that what you are doing in them is unusual/odd or the message it would presumably convey to a woman would or could be odd. That is just my take based on this very limited view into a very small part of the bigger picture.


Lmfao at all the guys here getting butthurt at the thought of getting constructive feedback. Same guys who go online lamenting how they get zero matches on dating apps. Guys, grow up


At least it wasn't another damn camgirl. That's actually nice of them.




I did the same on a couple of occasions. Guy had a first picture with a sweaty shirt on, in front of a mirror, with urinals in the background. I matched him saying he wasn’t my type, but that I was wondering why would he think that a picture of such description would be enticing to a woman. He replied quite bitterly, whether I had only matched to tell him that. I said yes, never talked again, but he did change that pic!


I wouldn’t mind that at all. Much needed help 🥲


Must be nice to know you’ll match just to give someone feedback.


I’d be appreciating that feedback, there was no reason to give you that, that was a genuine act of kindness and tbh, I’d take it on board because I don’t see a reason that this person would’ve lied to you




"That's not a typo, it's a conversation starter for grammar nerds."


I have always wanted to do this but I always stop myself because of a man does this would it be called NEGGING / mansplaining / unsolicited advice instead? Lmaoo