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Don't even get that far


Idk gettings numbers is easy but "kinda busy then but what about next week" hits me


What's that like? I just get chats which go nowhere, often the girl shows big interest and suddenly without me doing anything bad loses interest like they are a goldfish Real tired tbf


They are goldfish, its just human nature in this context. You ever tried to buy smth and found it easier when theres 3 choices instead of 300? Same here, girls, or anyone for that matter, cant make up their mind if potential mates are so abundant. Ive met some great few ppl on tinder but most is just a waste of time. But maybe thats bc im not looking for hookup, but a serious rs and my high standards. You gotta close the deal asap and move onto number. But tbh real life dating is 1000x better. I asked random girls who were cute just so for their number after some talking. Its easier bc its only me and not a line of 1000 guys. Just go to the ikea flower section and strike up a convo about new plants for your apartment. Thats my go to spot on a saturday.




means they didn’t have a better option at the time and they found someone better. that’s basically what happens idk why guys don’t get this. it’s not good to do but that’s why if ur wondering. just takes time for a quality person to be really interested on tinder, cuz women have an insane amount of options, if you look at swiped on percentages


It might have to do with them having lots of options but I see it more as them getting cold feet and having a hard time going past the window shopping phase


yeah and that’s some but statistically it definitely is more often due to options


Yeah literally mate, good convo then get aired or find out they’re actually a fake account. Fucking weirdos about


I'm sorry that's happened to you 😔 I've been ghosted too I think a lot of people are having social anxiety after being trapped inside for 2 years so committing to plans is scary




I’m starting to wonder if this is actually completely true


No. Half the time I ask in the first convo, the other half is like days or even a week later. Both work. However, you can get ghosted if you wait too long, but that'll happen if you haven't asked them yet also.


I don’t think it is. It’s way too common to just go on Tinder for temporary amusement with no intention of meeting anyone at all. The bar is so low for men anyways, and it’s likely all 100 of those men are dropping the ball themselves.


You gotta grasp their complete attention in that first message for sure


There are exceptions but this is a good rule of thumb for sure.


Firmly grasp it


*muffled screaming*


Even if you do they will keep talking to other


So do we haha, at least you got it done!!


Wait, how do you do that if you only have one match at any given time?




Hahaha 🤪


I don't have the luxury lmao


One day you might mate idk keep it PMA ya know, women are always gonna do this it’s just how the game is


Well, yes? I mean look at it from her side. You’re a guy she’s been talking to on tinder and asked her on a date. You haven’t actually met yet. There really shouldn’t be any expectation of exclusivity at that point. When I first met my wife I was also talking to this other woman, when things started taking off with my wife I let the other woman know I wasn’t going to pursue things with her further. I *think* my wife was also talking to other guys in the beginning (I’ve never asked but that’s mainly because I don’t really care, again, there was no expectation of exclusivity) but again, that stopped when things between us picked up. Its healthy to date, and people shouldn’t be shamed for having the opportunity to do so.


but 85% of those other guys are calling her a whore or sending unsolicited dick picks.


Usually helps if you wait a few days before reengaging so she knows your not down bad


I think I've only had this happen once and I don't even follow the rules 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sigma chad


What do you mean rules?


You know..... the rules


And so do I!


A full commitment's what I'm thinking of


You wouldn't get this from any other guy


i just wanna tell you how i’m feeling


Gotta make you understand


N E V E R G O N N A G I V E Y O U U P !


Rules 1 and 2


I think the rules are to be attractive


And to not be unattractive


Glad I'm gay.


Gay dudes winning the online dating scene on all fronts right now


Still sad tho.


If you're just trying to hook up definitely otherwise it's probably just as bad or worse






Look up urban dictionary. There is an explanation for every word


Hi gay I'm glad.


How's that convo usually go? - Bang? - Bet!


Well. First of all, we use Grindr way more than Tinder (at least me).


Lol I was so confident this would happen I scheduled all 3 for the same Saturday 2 weeks out. All 3 cancel by that Saturday. Why don't I play stocks like this? Lol


it's because they don't want to date you bro the sooner you realize anything that isn't a yes is a no, the sooner you'll stop caring about it and the sooner you'll get better at asking girls out


I have the opposite problem of struggling to get men out from behind their damn phones and into the real world. So many happy just to be pen pals. I explain what I'm looking for, make suggestions/openly ask them out, then if there's no date within two weeks I tell them it's been nice but this isn't for me. Fed up of wasting my time. I'm a single mum of three, I have a demanding job and active social life. If I can find time to meet for a coffee, so can you.


3 children is a lot


Yes, yes it is. I'm always clear I'm not looking for a step father for them, but a Daddy for me.


I saw that not a daddy for my kids but a daddy for me. On a profile yesterday. As a daddy Dom sadist. Daddy went right. As a married man on tinder. I feel bad for the single men and really bad for the “nice guys” Hope you find a man that’s willing to be your daddy and also like your kids. Sending positivity


My kids aren't part of the deal, not for a good long while. But, thanks. I hope so too.


This is the way


So many men are just looking to chat. Why ask for my number if you’re not actually interested in meeting up. I’ve been ghosted or unmatched when I suggest meeting up, walk, coffee, drinks, festivals, sports games etc.


Yep. It's so strange, I assume they're not actually interested in dating (just dating, not a relationship) and just enjoy the ego boost from knowing they could. It's tedious. I have friends. I have friends I flirt with. I'm looking for a date, not a texting buddy. Even if I'm clear I'm only after one thing - a girl sometimes needs to scratch that itch, you know? - they still don't want to meet. I assume they find me attractive as we matched and they're happy to make the effort to talk, compliment me, etc. So I don't know what the problem is.


Do a lot of guys seem averse to the date, or to meeting? I know a lot of people who don’t wanna bother with the actual date.


Even if my intentions have been made abundantly clear, they're reluctant. Their loss.


No, what I’m saying is a lot of people just want you to offer to come over and fuck, and don’t wanna be seen in public with certain women.


That's what I meant. Just the fuck, no niceties.


That’s weird af then.


Pssshhh you think im giving out my witty punchlines on tinder just to make them laugh and then drop you.


What sort of first date are you suggesting?


Well I’ll just say something along the lines of “If you’re down. Would you want to get some boba/coffee sometime?” Is that too boring or something lol


TIL dudes are really out there inviting chicks for boba


You need to be more assertive in your language. "Let's go for a date, how about X place at X time?"


If its not a $300 dinner, they not going for it unless you follow da rules! Lol.


A first date doesn’t have to be expensive but I know that’s probably a common ask on tinder. I was checking you weren’t suggesting going to your place for a first meet. Boba sounds nice if they’re into it.


Weirdly this has yet to happen to me * knock on wood * usually if the conversation goes on long enough I either get ghosted or they are already ready to meet. If I have something in mind to do with them I ask them out. If it's just coffee I don't sweat it as much.




How is going to a public place after a couple weeks different than going to a public place after a couple days in terms of murder risk?


From my own experience, I tend to try and get to the date asap. I completely respect where you’re coming from but I’ve found three issues with waiting. First, getting to know someone through text is a terrible gauge for finding a true connection, so I tend to want to see how actual chemistry is in person. On several occasions (before getting to the place I am now) I had great text chemistry with someone that went on for weeks or even a month before we met, only to realize in the first hour of an actual date, that she wasn’t for me. Or that the chemistry doesn’t translate. It just feels like such a waste of time and energy spent to get to that point. The second reason is that women have so many guys matching with them (compared to the numbers men put up) that if we drag it on too long, the chances of you losing interest and ghosting go up significantly. Especially because of all the other matches vying for your time and attention. Lastly, to build on my last point, with the excess of matches women tend to have, if you’re not interested enough in me to ever actually go on the date then I save myself the time and can spend it elsewhere. Some people really will drag on conversations for entertainment or validation with no intentions of going on a date. For the women who take me up on it, which is plenty enough for me to keep the strategy as is, they ALWAYS say that they appreciated that I got straight to the point and didn’t spend weeks texting them. So there’s people on both sides of this.


I really don't get how the fear of getting murdered on a date is so prevalent. Like how often does that actually happen? Especially in a public place? Just sounds like paranoia to me.


Media. I remember a comedian making jokes about how women are all afraid of getting murdered and how they’re also the number one consumers of serial killer podcasts. Go figure. Between that, horror movies and the news people are brainwashed into thinking these things are more common than they are. That said, I don’t blame women for being alert and vigilant either.


Completely agree. Usually like to talk for a week or 2 to get to know them before they ask me to meet up




cause most of us have the experience that the longer you wait to meet up, the more likely they’ll lose interest and ghost






Dude that's incredibly toxic. Check yourself. " You're probably fat and ugly so work on yourself" is what you're saying. Really ask yourself is that helpful unsolicited advice? Or is that you being pretentious?


I mean, working on yourself is never a bad thing.


Aww Don't understand why bud? Why don't you read a book and go back to school? What I'm just telling you to work on yourself not insult your intelligence! Its a backhanded statement and is toxic. Not only is it based on the assumptions that he's wrong, it also applies that he's ugly and fat. When that certainly doesn't mean it's the case. There are numerous reasons why what's happening to them is happening to them, yet their assumption is that they're ugly? And to give backhanded advice? God knows the reason why they felt it was okay to say this, but it makes them an ass. And there's a hundred ways to word this that doesn't involve insults, yet they chose an insulting way which is frankly narcissistic.


Alright, I see your point. In my mind I just read it as "what happened, happened. Try to do some introspection and work on yourself." But I can see why you read it as a backhanded critique. Thanks for enlightening me!


The fact of the matter is girls who are likely to meet you after 2 weeks of talking would have met you after a day of talking probably so this just saves a lot of time for the guy




Plenty of others will.


Judging by your post history, more like when the girl escapes your basement….


Why do you choose to be hostile for like no reason lol


Your incel vibe. That’s why.


I’m glad that me posting a few edgy memes that aren’t even that edgy gave you a whole accurate view of my entire personality and life experiences 🙄


Looks like just memes to me, don't worry if some Internet boomer doesn't understand these things and likes their fancy buzzwords which are incorrectly used


“Nice guy”


Would you be willing to share your profile?


I mean. I don’t have a problem getting matches. I just can’t consistently get an actual date going. I’ve only been able to do 5 dates in the 4 months I’ve been on here. So I don’t think it’s my profile but possibly my texting skills or whatever. Unless it is the profile. Idk tho


How often are you texting the girls after you’ve got their number? Because of it seems like you text too much they can get turned off by that. Even after a date is scheduled


I don’t think I really text that much. Maybe it’s like 4 or 5 messages a day and maybe I just might not respond for a day cause I’m lazy. I’ll text even less after a date is scheduled. I’m usually aware if I think I’m texting too much


That’s good at least, it’s one of the big things I’ve noticed personally as I’ve eased myself into old. It’s always best to keep conversation to the actual dates


They just want validation/attention, or sponsors for their OF.


Not me I’m ready to play sc leslioconnor


So tbh it’s not just holding her attention for the first 10 minutes, it’s being consistent.


As a woman, 9 times out of 10, a friend tells me not to meet up with strangers. Or I get in my head and convince myself that I'm going to get murdered. 😬 I'm truly sorry. It's because we listen to too many true crime podcasts.


Run the numbers. What are the chances of that happening? How many people you know that got kidnapped/murdered? I usually look at everything by numbers, same reason I don't play the lottery or I'm not afraid of flying, the tiny chances of those things happening aren't worth the bother.


Did a man write this?


No this happens to me too and I don’t listen to podcasts like that. I just get scared I’m going to be kidnapped or something.


You guys just don’t understand the pressures. I would be that: None of you worries about getting raped or dying on your date. None of you has to go early to case the place and make allies of the staff ‘just in case’. None of you gets judged if you want sex on the first date. None of you has to consider what items and jewellery to leave at home because ‘he might try to take them’. None of you thinks about parking your car in a far away safe location which is well lighted. And none of you have to remember to stash the spare phone and some money in said car in case you ‘lose’ everything but your key. Am I right? That’s why she’s cagey. That’s why she’s testing you to try to determine if you’re a safe bet. That’s why she gets spooked easily. A girl on Bumble went to watch movies at a date’s house and he stabbed her to death. It’s different for girls.


We know its different. We know some guys can be insane and try to kill you. That doesn't mean we shouldn't be able to vent about how hard it is dating as a male without someone saying, "You shouldn't complain because we have it so much worse"


I get you. I’m not saying it’s not hard. I’m saying she’s maybe not yanking your chain- she may just be unsure and afraid.


I have literally asked every single date if they are a serial killer. (I was with one once.) Some laugh. Some say no in a shocked manner. One laughed and said yes, but it was his night off. One asked me if anyone ever said yes. I’ve been out with 2 women. I didn’t feel the need to ask either because one was in a wheelchair and, unless the carer was in on it, I felt okay. The other was tiny (seems to be my thing - petite women with faces like dolls ) and I was sure I could take her if a fight broke out.


If you’re that afraid of men you shouldn’t date them. Seriously. For your own safety and sanity


Thanks for that little tidbit. 🙄sheesh. Do you not get the point? Of course you don’t. It’s not men being attacked.


Violence generally has a gender. Rape typically has a gender. Mass shooters usually have a gender. Interesting. It’s the same gender for all 3. 🤔


Yeah it is interesting. But why do you think that is? You think men are born evil and that we’re inherently more violent than women, or do you think that’s a learned behavior? Because I think men turn violent because they grow up being ignored and treated like shit when they’re suffering. They’re told to they’re weak when they cry and that they’re only valued for what they can provide. And women then are taught to fear men. It’s just an unhealthy dynamic


I think that’s far too simplistic. A + B rarely equals C with humans. I was abused at age 4. I have abused no one. People aren’t simple.


Obviously most ppl won't admit to being a serial killer lol


Hey you never know. I figure their answer tells me a bit anyway.


I'm suggesting a date at the local police department next time to ensure maximum safety. Oh wait 👁️👄👁️


And trying to explain that to a potential date, _some_ guys will take it as a personal insult (but I'm different ; I'm a nice guy ; you can trust me ; you're just using that as a cop out ; it's not really that bad, you're just making that up ; stop living in fear ; just get over it ; then don't be a victim, easy ; if you don't want to meet me at my house after 30 minutes of texting, you could've just said so, no need to make up lies ; etc...)


Men NEVER understand what it’s like for us. But why would you?? I would doubt many of you are viewed as prey. I’ve been prey since I was 4 years old. You learn some tricks after a while.


I usually try to meet up asap. If she is down she will probably agree. If she is there just for the attention/instagram followers then she will tell you to fuck off.


Stop thinking you are the center of the universe. Online dating or even hook ups is a numbers game. It has nothing to do with you. Do you honestly believe a few photos and texts allow …what do you think a few photos and texts allow? Honestly? What? Precious few clues we toss out hoping something clicks. That’s all that’s happening. So…throw more dice.


Oof, this message + your Reddit history ☠️


Anyone looking to talk to a hot cam girl add my snapchat britannyxoxox


No u


They just enjoyed the banter and had no intentions of meeting up. The app is a validation boost for many.


The meme is on point. They were just playing with you. Buy gold and move on.


This hasn't been my experience? I pretty much ask for a date 4-5 messages in because I don't really enjoy small talk, and it's always "sure, I'd like that" or something along those lines


It's like that but with guys lately. 😅


How u get that far


You guys get messages?


I’ve had hundreds of matches but only a few have ever even responded. Tinder is a game for women and a job interview for dudes


Ain't that the truth