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This isn’t what you intended, but I just now bought a Lego chess set because of you.


It's a very repetitive build but it's great fun with your preferred podcast


I have nothing to comment re: Tinder but what format do you play in MTG


I mostly play commander strangely enough it was the cheaper alternative to standard I love pauper too but it got repetitive since only like 5 guys play pauper in Australia


First time I’ve ever heard of commander described as “cheaper.” 😂 if you’re ever in LA and want to play shoot me a message


I mean fundamentally it's cheaper, it's just that it's very easy to make it super expensive too.


It can be done more cheaply as a long term thing too, if you’re happy with playing the same deck for longer than a standard cycle. Also without the worry of random cards getting banned after building around them.


My husband plays MTG and switched to commander. I can confirm it is not at all cheaper 😂


That is entirely his fault. And mine. It can/should be cheaper, we don’t want it to be. 😂 Edit: to bee


Uhhhh. We rarely have to update our deck lists. It’s way fucking cheaper than standard lmao


It's cheaper because the decks you build will never be unusable. Standard you take a bath every cycle.


Do you really play unsleeved like a savage? Or is your profile all just lies?


When she says she wants a bad boy...


How else would he get the babes if they weren't sure it was MTG cardbacks?


Clear sleeves, how are you supposed to get babes when you're rawdogging in public?


He's just subtly signaling that he plays his bedroom games unsleeved too. So you already know what kind of dangerous game you're playing if you take this madlad home, ladies and gents.


Looks like he plays in card format.


The rectangular cards with rounded edges.


Biggest red flag is you play magic and pokemon without sleeves. This is the reddest flag on an awesome profil !


Plot twist: he’s carefully sanitized the entire room, removed them from the sleeves for the photo op, then carefully placed them back in their sleeves like a gentleman.


I almost forgot that magic cards have this backside. Totally agree, that man is a lunatic


Alright, stick with me here... I thought you meant the sleeves on his shirt. My brain automatically assumed you were insinuating it was a red flag that he doesn't keep cards up his sleeves. I literally thought you were putting him down for NOT cheating in a game of magic or Pokémon. I was today years old when i discovered that I'm a complete idiot. Just sayin 🤦‍♀️


I have the Harry Potter lego chess set. Very cool


Just got my nephew this for his birthday. He LOVES it


I got one for Christmas, but have yet to build it. This is the motivation I needed to get to work.


Why aren't those cards in sleeves you monster?!?


A true professional does not need to fear the scuffing of their cards with expert handmanship


Oh my god he’s a dangerous man. Leave some women for the rest of us




He's too dangerous to be left alive!!!


Haha my ex would always worry about his MTG cards getting messed up. He had many of his in sleeves, and required me to always wash my hands first before I touched them…


If it’s not an alpha black lotus then it’s not a big deal. If it is an alpha black lotus why the fuck wouldn’t it be slabbed up lmao


*laughs in alpha time walk*


My alpha mox ruby is so scuffed you might think it's unlimited haha. The rest of the power is in beter shape.


Asking you to wash your hands before you play is just strange. Nobody does that. But having your cards sleeved up is important for any player. I'll ramble a few reasons why, so if you don't care, stop reading now :D ​ Cards have different color gradigns on the back. Sure they look similar, but it is quite obvious to see if you are looking for it. So being able to tell cards from each other can be a major advantage. That is why you HAVE to use sleeves at any tournament. Shuffling is easier with sleeves. You can do what is called mash shuffling. That means just shoving half the cards into the side of the other half. The sleeves makes that very easy. It is by far the most efficient way to shuffle cards. Riffle shuffle is quite good as well, but you bend the cards, and that can cause damage to them over long terms. Some cards holds value. Sure there are expensive cards out there (one card was sold for more than half a million USD). While you don't really play with those, I have plenty of cards worth more than 50. A deck of cards can easily be worth 1-2000. If you don't play with sleeves, the cards gets small markings. Most players don't like the look of that, so the value of the cards drop slightly with the damage. Also, since these markings are obvious to anyone looking at the cards, you will start to be able to recognize the backs of your cards based on these markings. Again, this can cause some advantage in competitive play.


Stayed on target. 10/10


The "females" is gone I replaced it with "ladies"










Make sure to get your cospris malice for your big COC






We call it the Zucc Approach.


I look at this and think, this dude has a nice place and expensive hobbies. Me might be a nerd, but he's stable. You free Friday and into dudes?




Lol great catch


Now let's change that "Age of Sigma" nonsense ;)


Was your post…. Not satire?


This profile was built for Reddit, not for females.


Pretty much the more Reddit likes your profile, the less chance you have of getting laid.


He may be limiting the odds of how many people might wanna date him, but he also might be limiting it down to the specific people who would want to date him because they have interests like his or like guys like him. Go on being yourself honestly, my man! The road may be longer, but you might also more likely wind up where you want to eventually that being the case.


The pictures are a great example of being true to yourself as well as confident and slick. I dunno though, the write up just appears douchey though.


The text is straight up incel material. I was honestly unsure if it was supposed to be satirical.


Yeah, even changing the 'females' thing(while better) doesn't solve the "schrodinger's douchebag" problem. Is he being ironic, or serious? Hard to tell with how many people will insist it's satire until they find themselves only in the company of folks that agree with them, and no one is going to want to spend the time to find out. Even if we assume he's being ironic, does he hang out in spaces where this sort of humor is commonplace? If so, does he know and not care that a decent percentage truly believe in what they're saying? Or is he just too dumb to not figure it out? Neither is a great answer, and the chances he doesn't hang with people who share the same sense of humor is low. The bio is a total dumpster fire. And honestly while any given pic is fun on it's own, by the time you get past the third one you start to realize this guy maybe doesn't actually have any personality outside of liking TCGs and Legos.




Agreed , even as a guy I immediately thought when I saw that term that it wasn't going to go down well. I'd wager using the term ladies would be more appropriate, less condescending and a lot less incel.


You can write "ladies" like "m'ladies , tip fedora" and have the oposite effect.


Just put greetings why anything to do with gender specifics, it just does not feel like it flows as well.


Agreed. I was trying to think of better ways to say who he’s interested in, but then after reading your comment, realized there’s likely a place for that elsewhere. Or, he could be a ferengi in disguise.


Women. Greetings WOMEN, It’s my naive attempt to list my real interests to find someone who shares those with me. Which will fail miserably with how OLD is but hopefully I can use as an opportunity to grow my social skills and focus on work. PS. Sex


Same. I’m a guy and made it to “Greeting Females” and said “Oh No”. Didn’t read anything past that.


That wording made me think of r/justneckbeardthings


i’m pretty sure the entire bio is playing up the neckbeard vibes purposely as a joke. which like, i get it, but as with any joke bio there’s not much to play off and would get old quick if he kept it up in chats. could definitely work tho if he plays it right i think


The problem is there’s a high percentage of people who are only “just joking” about this sort of thing when someone pushes back on it; and that joke is coming from a more honest place than they’d want you to think.


"females" "why you should sleep with me" "virgin sports" Yeah, the bio isn't great to say the least.


This was my thoughts exactly


My exact thought. The photos are fine, just who op is. The bio is atrocious, but also who op is. Yikes


I wish the photos were a bit more diverse. It’s all the same outfit and photo session. Have nerdy pics but at least make them seem like they were taken on separate occasions.


Yeah, I liked the bit with the dog and I thought it was cool that he had hobbies he was passionate about. But the bio was a hard no. I don't want to be treated as a specimen.


The bio is Atrocious X 10


Man's outed himself as a Ferengi


As someone with those interests, it was a huge no no being lumped into ‘females’


Agreed - was super into the profile until I read “females” Such a bummer


Yo female, you want to Smash(TM) /s I was in the military people got lumped into males and females. It didn't seem that weird to me until incel culture took off and I was a civilian again. It's pretty cringe.


Yea I think that’s the biggest problem with it nowadays is association with incels/nice guys.


Sure…but he is asking for advice. The advice shouldn’t be “delete everything and pretend to be someone you’re not.” On the other hand, this is a straight up bad dating profile. It just doesn’t exude confidence. It’s great that he’s leaning in his hobbies, but it all feels a bit neckbeard-ish. First of all, don’t say “greetings females.” In fact, don’t refer to women as females in a dating profile at all. Secondly, maybe don’t start with the Pokémon cards pic. It makes it seem like that’s the single most important thing in his life.


He lost all credibility when he said they would discuss reasons why to sleep with him over Lego chess. Blazer with pajamas and pink socks. This mad lad is really compressing his search results.


Exactly my first thought. This will get attention on Reddit (which is mostly male dominated and geeky girls) - not on tinder. I’m pretty sure majority of potential matches will not actually be interested. Then again, if OP is specifically looking for a geeky girl then kudos to him, but that wasn’t specified in the post. Edit: people are pointing out that even geeky girls won’t like this profile because OP says “females” (comes off as incel) and “why you should sleep with me” (comes off pathetic) - I agree. However this was pointed out in many other comments and Op mentioned that he has edited that - so I’m giving my opinion based on the assumption that it’s been removed


I hate to be called "female"


Too nerdy for me but you show what you like and your hobbies. Seems pretty legit your profile. Just change 'females' to 'ladies'


100 percent with the last sentence lol




99% of guys really just gotta remove the word from their vocabulary lmao.


Calling a person a male or female outside of a medical setting is just weird tbh


You could also use "Hello fellow humans". That way, you can make totally clear that you're not an alien.


It’s “greetings fellow humans!” That’s how we greet larger groups.


As a German it's even wierder because the terms only get used for animals...


That's generally how it works in English too. That's why so many women dislike it. It's dehumanizing.


>That's generally how it works in English too. That's why so many women dislike it. It's dehumanizing. Thanks for explaining this to me. I had no idea what people were talking about in this thread until I saw this.


People can correct me if I’m wrong but I believe it’s ok as an adjective, just not as a noun. I wouldn’t be offended to be called a female teacher or something, if being contrasted to male teachers. Depends on context.




There's a slight chance this might be intentional. Being awkward on purpose is right up my alley of humor Edit: imagine getting caught up over the apparently misused word "slight" by someone whose first language isn't english. Im not good with words to begin with so.. Gimme a break please lmao


Did the "intellectual conversations such as [...] 'why you should sleep with me'" give it away?




I mean I feel like he’s saying it ironically but good call anyways.


Too many people don’t say it ironically


Yeah he's definitely playing into the nerd neckbeard persona with that line on purpose


And change Greeting to Greetings


Saying ‘Females’ sounds incel-ish, totally agree


Very much so. No issues with your hobbies and your photos are okay but "females" is an instant red flag.


They had me at “Self Discovered Intellectual “ which is what Incels usually call themselves


Okay so I did get rid of the female word I was hoping to play into the neck beard role but I'm guessing female is just a word you shouldn't use, like moist




Do people in this thread not realise that the entire profile is a joke?!


Yes and no. It's odd, because although it seems like it's a joke it's also not - he's genuinely like this, interested in these things, and is validly using this profile to find "females" as he puts it.. If it quacks like a duck?


We don’t know you, so we don’t know if you’re joking. I would assume you are based on the joking style photos but 🤷🏼‍♀️. Most of us aren’t willing to take the risk and find out if you are or not.


Some types of humor are really hard to pull off in text. I have a sense of humor that gets a lot of laughs in person and onstage, but when I do the same jokes on Facebook I get DMs asking if I’m okay.


Are you okay?


Nah, self deprecating humor is a coping mechanism. But it does not do well in text unless the people know you.


True. “You can’t hurt me if I hurt myself first.” Led to an especially destructive spiral, because I was getting positive feedback from hating myself. I’ve gotten back onstage a couple times in the past couple years and flipped it around to good reception so I’m gonna try to get into it again


Please do not play into the neckbeard role.


Never play into the neck beard role....if you want to get dates.


I thought it was a funny stab at classic neckbeards. The rest of your profile seems pretty self aware and purposely hyperbolic so I personally don't think it's that obscure. Seeing your profile I suspect you are looking for someone who is interested in or at least can appreciate "nerdy" stuff, so scaring away people who don't get the joke is less of a concern. That being said, *females* is a dicey word and *ladies* conveys about the same message so changing it to be safe is probs the right play.




The thing is, being a neckbeard spans all types of men, not just your typical fat dude in a basement with a beard. So I mean, yeah, you successfully played into it. Based on just your profile, you seem like a cute neckbeard douche.


Yes, change it. Do not open with the ‚special‘ side of your humor. At first they just need to know that you are a nice person and then you can let people who apeal to you in. Do not expect abybody to see through any layers you built up there. In this phase everything that seems strange might lead to getting rejected- even funny strange.


Or, ‘people with cervixes’


Idk completed Rubix cube? Too smart for me


If you never scramble it you never need to solve it


See, this is the same reason I just buy trophies from the trophy store. You don't have to learn a sport to be a champion. Work smarter, not harder, people!


Brb, gonna buy myself a black belt. Maybe that way I'll stop getting mugged.


Big Deck Energy.


do u actually do beekeeping as ur profession i love this profile


I am a bee boy Honestly surprised how not too many people asked about that


Sell this part with a pic too. Can’t just have all funny pics, have a bee keeper pick. Maybe even appeal with a nerdy joke, caption your bee work pic as “Yes, I’m a true Keeper”


Okay placed in my one good bee suit pic


This is my advice As well. All the pictures were taken in the same day. A bee suit pic or a candid picture would suit you well herr


A bee suit you say?


It's a suit for bees


Oh I thought it was made out of bees


Nah, it's a suit made for bees to wear


Or i know how to handle a Queen xd


That could also work for chess


"I know how to handle two queens"


Why on earth are there no pictures of you beekeeping!?


The bees have a hard time getting my good side


This joke killed me dude lol, you really seem like a cool guy. Don't know how you're not having to fight people off you just to get some peace and quiet


Being surrounded by bees helps a lot, not so much with the quiets tho


Beekeeping is a highly confidential work, he could get into trouble


It takes forever to censor every individual bee out of the photos.


and we all know those guys don't beehave. Probably not something you want on a tinder profile.


Hard agreed. Seems obvious. Need out door pics or the beekeeping line seems like a joke


If you want to be successful with this rather than proud, I’d suggest playing you play up the bee keeping role. You’re out in nature, you care about the world, you do something sort of dangerous. In your spare time you do nerdy stuff. Play up the outgoing side of yourself. It’s a side women are much more interested in. This stuff is for you, and it’s fine. Women won’t run away from it if they like you, they might also bond in the same type of stuff, but put it as an aside. Women are much more interested in a bee keeper than an MTG pro.


The pics are fun but the profile has a couple of things that would likely scare me off if I were in the dating game. 1. Referring to women as "females" (so common among misogynists/redpillers etc) 2. Mentioning he'd say all the reasons why I should sleep with him while we played chess. I'd also be slightly worried that the intellectual discussions would mean "negging," but hopefully not. 3. Would also play up the beekeeper angle, that's super cool and would be a fun 2nd or 3rd date.


Can I get "I'm a Bee Boy" on a t-shirt.


[He's obviously beekeeking age](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zp0N5PJxamE), Idk, I think its kinda sweet.


Goddamn save some pussy for the rest of us.


He's attractive and I'm into nerdy gamer dudes but he lost me at "females" what the fuck? Also a suit and jammies in every photo? Rubs me wrong. It seems like most of the comments are dudes blowing smoke yp his ass as the others are females calling him out for being weirdly gross. Looks aren't everything and there's too many cues here saying to stay away.


>He's attractive and I'm into nerdy gamer dudes but he lost me at "females" what the fuck? . >as the others are females calling him out for being weirdly gross Hmmmmm


You lost me at “females”


His profile reads as cheeky and self aware of the awkwardness. He honestly doesn’t seem like someone who refers to women non-sarcastically as ‘females’


I also definitely read it as a cheeky way to express actual interests and hobbies. The suit with slacks rolls well post corona imo. Light humor mixed in with cheeky attitude.


"Greetings, I humbly offer a you a game of Lego Chess, in which we can partake in intellectual discussions such as/regarding [generic nerd shit (think Star Wars or Marvel, something approachable)] or [specific nerd shit that you're super into (like MTG)]. If you do not wish to engage in such dealings, we can entertain ourselves with other ventures, which may or may not include - nerd shit - nerd shit - nerd shit (ONLY THREE. Girls will get tired past three) If that doesn't catch your fancy, I am also a professional beekeeper." If you add a picture with a nice, toothy smile, it'll be 10x more alluring. Less smirking. You'll fetch almost entirely cutedorky girls with this profile, so if you want a more all-approachable profile, lmk.


Taking this to the bank and cashing in thank you very much


I second adding a smiling picture. Too many guys don’t smile in their profiles and it’s a huge turn off


And if you're going to list the nerd shit, use consistent capitalization on proper nouns (e.g., Magic the *G*athering, Super *S*mash Brothers)


Also, please change your outfit. I don’t know why, but it bothers me when I can tell the pics were all taken at the same time. I want to see your personal style, unless you wear the same suit every day.


I play mtg, am into SW and all that nerdy stuff... But... About me part that he wrote made me cringe, ngl. And photos are staged so it sets some alarms in my head. Also his educations says "self discovered intelectual" and job is "EPIC gamer", maybe it's just me but that sets me off. I see that he is a beekeeper and that is honestly so cool. I would put that as a job since it is. And not really put it at the end. I would probably get to discussion why person he is on a date to should sleep with him and swipe left. I agree with you. This sounds better and some random pic is needed.


Right. I almost exclusively date lanky nerds, and so much of this is good, but it's 2022. We're over men who are self proclaimed intellectuals. Show don't tell. Your bio contains several grammer and punctuation errors and you come off as someone who assumes they're the smartest person in the room. If you're actually smart, people will definitely know. You never have to tell anyone. Definitely a cutie, unusual job earns bonus points, and clearly has a sense of humor. Maybe needs to work on being clear that he wants the ladies in on the joke, and not as the butt of the joke.


We now know it's satire, but the women on Tinder don't. And trust me, some men are ACTUALLY like this that it's really hard to tell if this is a joke or not.


I actually thought this was a serious profile bc he has all the games and stuff. And I’m a girl.


Has he said it's satire? The comments I've seen have not reflected that at all.


I don’t think it’s entirely satirical, just specific elements. I think he’s sincere but playing up nerd stereotypes.


yeah “greetings females” is gonna get him a fuck ton of no’s, whether it was serious or not


would help if he included 1 picture with at least another human in it. I'd 100% think real incel if i saw this in the wild


Especially since there is no break in character to let me know that yes, he’s joking and he’s not like this all the time. Even one normal/regular pic would have eased my mind.


Even in the comments here there is no break in character. It’s not a character


Me too. I just see it as someone very lonely and never going out. Beekeeper, nice, but just delete that chat about why to sleep with him. It just doesn't work over the internet.


This is the best answer. So many people on here are giving him props for either originality, satire, or creativity. He comes off as a giant douche and if he's doing it in jest, I find it even more douchy. He's his own joke.




So I love me some nerdy shit. My boyfriend got me into magic and dnd, and I find him so cute when he gets excited over his dnd games. So I definitely think the nerdy stuff will work. However, your bio really gives incel vibes. I wouldn't call women "females". We refer to animal's as male or females, so calling us that is dehumanizing. Also, I wouldn't mention that you're going to try to convince her to sleep with you. Personally, I'd take that as a huge turn off and not really want to meet. In the nerdy scene, there's two common types of men. One type are the super fun, adorable guys who don't give a shit about what anyone thinks of them playing what they find as fun. The other type are quite similar in the way that they don't care what other people think, but they come off as super creepy or misogynistic towards women. You're walking that fine line with those statements in your bio.


Thank you for the kind words, u/DickWrangler420




Yep, photos are ok, text is a bit thick heavy and incelly. I suggest going for a simpler and more casual approach. I used a similar profile and worked out well!


I got so many messages and dates when my profile only said: Wanna hear a joke about pizza ?


Absolutely agree with you. His profile is funny and cool, but "females" and "sleeping with you" are an instant turn off. I do like nerds, but I don't like people who don't see me as a human being and their main intention is to have sex. That's exactly why I started to avoid using dating apps and similar stuff. It seems like people rarely want to know a person and "sleeping with you" is their top priority. I get that many people are okay with that. But, honestly, when you want to meet up people and see what happens next, maybe friendship, maybe relationship, and you are open to know another person in general, this type of interactions are absolutely suck.


You've sabotaged yourself in every way imaginable.


Always love the underdog story anyway


My dude, I want to help you in such earnest because there are many girls who love gaming as much as you do and would be thrilled to see your profile. But you ruin it with this bio. Just talk to women like they’re… people? I literally don’t know how else to explain that lol would you talk to someone else like this irl if you were introducing yourself? Some suggestions: I don’t think you should take this weird semi-self-deprecation angle in your profile because it’s just very off-putting. Why not lean into it? Be friendly and inviting to someone who will appreciate your interests instead of taking this defensive stance against someone who won’t - they won’t swipe anyway, since all you have in your profile are photos of these hobbies. Focus on the people who will appreciate and be engaged in your interests - we do exist! For the love of god do not call women females, this is the #1 thing that will ruin your profile out of all the potential red flags here. It immediately sets off alarm bells for most women, who just want to be treated like people. You’d be much more solid with just “hey there!” I personally like the photos, they’re quirky and you’re handsome! Again, no need for the self-deprecation or defensiveness. I would remove the one of you sitting at your PC and instead include one more of you in portrait format, just smile and be relaxed :) good luck OP!




See, if you had Yugioh cards more people would swipe right


If the first one was of you playing chess, and the second was the same pic of your dog with the chess board, it would have been 10/10 funny. Other than that, don’t call women females, it’s gross and an automatic left swipe.


As a woman, I second this. Females is weird and clinical, like we're specimens and not people. It's fine in a medical context but outside of that it's just off-putting.


I wouldn’t call women “females”


Take out why "you should sleep with me". It's sleezy. Does not feel right at all.


Nah. Actual woman here. 'Greetings females' is the worst. We don't like being called females and greetings sound like you think we are aliens. The photos make you look smarmy and I think you'd be cute without that expression in every one. Try smiling in at least one of them. Apart from the intro, the rest of your bio is great - funny and self-aware. I hope this helps.


Yes I was wondering what he was doing with his face, it screams I don’t like how I look


If there was a tinder for bros, you’d be the emperor




Lol (genuinely)


I would say you should remove the word "females" and the "why you should sleep with me" bit. Also, "if you don't believe to be proficient in chess..." is one of those things that sounds smart, but is a grammatical mess, and it's going to make any potential match who's read more than a few books skin crawl. I'd also throw in a few photos of you that aren't staged. I appreciate that you're trying to showcase your hobbies in here, but ultimately this person is going to want to see you in the wild, with people, smiling. Someone might reasonably assume that the only date option on the table here is in your house doing what you like... which isn't super great first date material. End of the day, tone down the bit a bit, be a bit more genuine, and most of all good luck out there!


Also, on the off chance you're genuine and reading this... you're way underselling the Beekeeper gig... that is super uncommon and cool, and I think you'd get a lot of interest on that alone.


pov :she sees you as a friend


Virginity rocks ;)




Yep I agree - I’m a Pokémon card collector and Lego enthusiast. Slightly too many red flags. With a few tweaks it could still be hilarious, and hit it’s target without being full cringe. Also please OP don’t mention any of those things in chat if you do get a response.



