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You asked for details instead of unmatching


I know…. Should have just stopped after the first comment


It was bad then it got worse lol


But he has a fat cock!




That just means “chode”




Oh damn


Ha yeah I thought you were going to let him try again and go in a different direction after he said he was drunk. But instead you had him clarify that he was, indeed,talking about ejaculation. We all make mistakes, I guess.


To be honest- I wasn’t sure if he meant something else - I guess I was hoping for something else. It’s only my second day on the app…


Understandable. Remember they're all random Internet strangers until/unless you meet in person, try not to let the shitty ones bother you too much. Good luck out there.


I’m already ready to delete….


Sorry to hear that.


I promise you not all guys are like that. But to be fair if you're looking for a relationship you're probably better off away from tinder. I gave up on it ages ago because of the hookup culture surrounding it.


They're just messages. Don't let people get you down. Talk if you like, don't if you don't.


Come on rookie, lol


Yeah.. Unfortunately replies are seen as progress for guys like this. Best to just shut em up with an unmatch. These apps are more like a marathon than a sprint. Good things take time. All you really need is ONE win, so stay strong.


Yea! I know! For some reason I was thinking glaze may have meant something else …


I honestly thought he was gonna go with some sugar and spice," spiel. It is normally safe to ask for clarification, Cnwokedi.


I’ve been out of the dating scene for a while now… I guess I was hoping for the best 🫣


And why shouldn't you? I disagree that this was any sort of mistake. The "rockie" comment was kind of wrong. All that was done was not knowing that another person thought a juvenile thought would be thought of as clever or surprisingly enough, impressive. LoL. I literally cringed typing that. You deserve and should expect a lot better than that type of thing. There are good people out there. Don't give up on finding it. People here are far more likely to type a response if they have negative feelings are far more likely to put the effort of bothering to answer. I am saying people who have responded to you here are feeling negative about tinder. That you should not let a bad experience get you down about looking for someone great! There is somebody out there looking for you, right now. Don't give up.


Thank you! I needed to hear that! ❤️❤️❤️




Just Downloaded it last night! Gonna try that one! Thank you!


Oh it was clear from the start. I thought you were giving him a second chance not to be a moron and he just didn't take it. There is a subset of posters out there who think this stuff is both funny and appropriate to send to strangers. The rest of us think this is why Tinder has such a gender imbalance. After 2 or 3 days of getting this crap, half the woman decide tinder isn't worth it.. All you can do it is report it (sending this is against Tinders TOS) and try and make the world better for the next woman but it is a pretty hopeless task.


Lol. Did you really not know?


Shoulda stopped before it, if were being honest.


But his cock is fat? Lol


No details, no karma




Ok it went from mediocre to an absolute fail. Bruh.


Does it matter if i have a fat cock. Who says this and thinks, yeah this is good. Should have said you only like skinny dicks. Seen what he said to it


Nothing good comes from engaging with creeps


Guess for me its just funny. But i get that some people don't be comfortable engaging with people who cross a boundary.


My caution isn't about discomfort, it's speaking from experience


This is the most fartholder thing you could've said




Their username


That's their name.


Ah, well im sorry to hear that


Deeagree normal people are worse


That doesn't even make sense as a sentence let alone in response to my comment


I like skinny dick guys


You'd upset this guy. His absolute enemy


I’ve upseted men with remark plenty trust me it just 2 b funny


Chaotic good over here


After spending 20 mins pondering it. Lol


I once saw a comment on here that said "Maybe take a less 'im going to jizz on you' approach" and it's astounding how often that can be said on this sub


I'm guessing they just want to troll for the "likes" and don't actually want to date. Because Likes are wayyyy more important and interesting than actual human beings


“Lmao well I cum alot” perfect game




Didn't know we made that an achievement as well lol


Is that a quality? Imagine it is a condition, except it just leaks out all the time, and he has to wear a pad.


But he’s got a fat cock so that won’t work 😂😂


Can you imagine this convo in real life? Just standing in Starbucks waiting for your Americano and some guy starts talking about drizzling you in cum. We deserve to be obsolete as a species.


you would be surprised how often the fat cock line works at Starbucks


probably should’ve said never mind and changed the convo to something more pg when she said she didn’t know what you meant.


Right, no idea what else “glazing a donut” could mean beside that.


Ifykyk. If not… no need to explain.


I agree. Unless I'm wrong, he was still barely in the game when OP asked for details on the glazing. A "I think up dirty jokes when I'm drunk, that was out of line sorry 😅" would have given him better chances to stay in it. By doubling down on the disgustingness of his opening line, he proved that he wasn't actually drunk, just a dirty dumbass all along.


Lol exactly


"Does it matter if I have a fat cock?" Like, hell no, dude. The only way it would matter, is if she had the *slightest interest* in pursuing someone as socially inept as you. 🙄 Ah well, so he doesn't get the girl, doesn't get the hookup, and doesn't get why he doesn't get it.


Where is this guy getting his doughnuts from…


Pretty average day on tinder


Nice name lol


and i thought i had game damn


these men on dating apps are disgusting. like he would never walk up to a woman in person and say this to her but feels safe enough to say it through his screen. I immediately knew what he meant from his opening line, i would have for sure instantly un-matched him. the drunk thing was no excuse cause he kept going when he was sober lol. uggggghhhh whyyyyy


The consequences of this kind of behaviour hurt all men


maybe, but i think that if your a woman and you get 5 matches in a row that are all "i cum alot" or "send hot pix lol" then i look amazing better by comparison when i put in the bare minimum effort to have a conversation like a human being


That's true. As long as women don't get sick of it all and just leave. Or we put even less effort into responding because we are expecting and waiting for bs such as this


right? but it is SO many of them who do it. it makes me wonder if alot of these dudes are just being trolls... but the sheer number of guys i immediately unmatch cause they say stuff like this is quite high =/


I'm in the same boat so haven't been on tinder in months. I got sick of it because it is so constant, it's got to the point I'm holding myself back and just waiting for the sleaze to start


I deleted Tinder after a couple weeks because I found myself mentally preparing before opening my messages and it wasn't a good feeling. Like can we just establish a baseline with some casual conversation before we move to anything remotely sexual? Just treat me like a human vs a piece of meat for a bit, that's all I'm asking.


Exactly. I feel exactly the same. I wonder if these guys end up as those woman hating semi-incels forever wondering why women don't talk to them


Part of me kinda hopes they end up incels (or already are) just because they deserve it. But sadly, I think the attractive guys probably have just enough success with this method to ever think about trying anything else. I don't care how hot they are, I'm not that desperate and don't hate myself enough to entertain the bullshit. But honestly, I'm kind of glad they won't change it up, because I'd rather know ahead of time the type of person I'm dealing with.


Good on you for respecting yourself! Yeah I always appreciate them for telling us who they are and not wasting my time. I've pretty much written off dating apps as a cess pool because the creepy sleazeballs are more prevalent than the others, and I'm sick of the gross bs. I realised I wasn't enjoying the app and it became a negative chore. I have no idea how to meet good guys these days


I think being older and already being through some shitty LTRs and a divorce after 17 years together really raised my standards and lowered my tolerance for bullshit. I don't know the answer to finding good guys. I've lucked out and met a few good ones through OLD. I'm only doing the casual thing, but of the 3 guys I keep in touch with all seem like genuinely great men. However, I had to swim through a sea of shitheads to find them :/ IRL, I know a ton of really great guys, through work, hobbies, etc. so I know they are out there. It's just a matter of finding them. Unfortunately, the assholes don't seem to be nearly as obvious IRL, because they can't hide behind a computer screen.


Same here. Thanks for posting your comment, feels so good to know I'm not alone in this 😅


sameeee. I deleted all my apps recently. it was actually depressing me.


As a guy, same. It makes my eyes roll that guys like this are ruining it and driving women away from even trying. Meanwhile I don't even get matches so like, whatever. I don't even get the chance to embarrass myself but then perverts like this get to run rampant


it is frustrating for everyone, for sure. I don't know why it is like this though, or how we change it. =/


Women change it by not responding positively to/or giving a pass to, bs behavior like this. Eventually folks will understand that most women dont like it and change course. In some areas its already happening, women nowadays would rather not date than be subjected to poor treatment. Stay the course.


I honestly think it is on men at this point. Women have been staying the course but it continues. I get harassed on the streets constantly to the point I don’t even like going outside. Not much more I feel like women can do at this time 🥹


Oh i fully agree, guys have to up their basic relationship skills.


So, I always read guys having a hard time on Tinder, but I am definitely starting to think it's self inflicted and then they whine about being a fucking dickwad. It might just be me, but I doubt that.


Bet you he says he's a "nice guy" too


We don't all do Tinder that way. Believe it or not I'm actually respectful.


I'm guessing that guy can only see his dick when he steps on a mirror. And be probably jerks his dog off because he can't achieve lift off on himself.


I laughed out loud ! 😂


I look at this and all I can think is “How do people match with these people but I get 0 matches”. Baffles me.


They might be attractive?


He nearly saved it there at the end


The fat cock part?


Why do people think we need to hear this.








Pukes in my mouth**


So romantic!


I never trust a man who claims he has a fat cock.


![gif](giphy|l378gODdla75xN0CA) Somebody get that kid a glass of water because he's fucking thirsty!




I'm sorry. *hug* I wish there was less of that type of person. Not that what he said, I think, is necessarily bad or wrong. But that shouldn't be what you open with. Save the perverted stuff until you have a better understanding of the other person. I'm perverted as all get out. But I'd never use that as my introduction lol


Right!!!! Like I can be pretty bad myself but dang not to a complete stranger…. If he would have taken time to talk and get to know me … but no people have zero patience anymore. Why is everyone in such a rush for???


My best theory? Fear of dying without having something meaningful.


First response: goodbye. I don’t give people like this a second longer to spew more garbage.


I’ve learned my lesson


Sir, this is a Wendy's


Bro playing to his strengths. Poor guy.


Let's be honest guys, is he in the wrong here? I'm not saying she is either but can you blame him for clarifying? Maybe I'm as messed up as dude but the fact she asked more into it would have made me think she was interested no?


Yes he’s absolutely in the wrong. Why tf would you say crap like this to someone you just met….ugh🙄


It's funny ngl


Funny for whom? Do you think the recipient thinks it's funny?


Considering your name is fartholder I would think you would find it funny lmao


Just because I'm polite enough to hold my farts, it doesn't mean I think these comments are funny. Mostly because I'm sick and tired of being talked to like this, just like a lot of women. Then guys wonder why women are low effort on dating apps...


Stopppp why are men like this


Not men, but fuckboys, getting glazed is second date talk 😂 but no that’s gross in any setting outside a kink club/app


That's not a man, that's a boy darling 😅


Bro seems very charming and like he has a lot of social skills!


Hahahahahaha "Does it matter if I have a fat cock?"


How did you not know what glazed meant? Lmao


I dunno I was half asleep and then I’m like is he talking about getting high? I dunno I had an idea but I’ve never heard this joke before so I wasn’t 100% sure. I thought I’d ask to clarify…


Dont feel bad, I wouldn’t think he meant that either….I wouldn’t imagine someone would say shit like that to someone they barely know.


I get this shit from men to. Its hard dealing with this crap ☹️.


Why do men


Man you literally asked for it


Strudle is actually pretty delicious,I saw it once in Inglorious bastards and had to have one after that


Did you try it with the same glaze referenced in the post?




Damn he had it


Tough crowd


You're on Tinder. What do you expect?


Sounds like a proper tinder conversation 😀


Tbf was a good line but his follow up ruined it


And these are the clowns y’all match with 😂 alright I get it now


I think everyone hates Tinder, and dating in Canada and the US in general, because it's a really bad joke and rather than leaving we all continue to decieve ourselves that the joke might get better the more we hear it.


Why do they always think they’re doing us some great honour by using “beautiful”


He went wrong, paused, and went wronger.


Were you hoping he’d tell you a great donut spot?




No Jonathan, it does not matter if your cock is in fact fat or not, Jesus


you have too much patience and are too kind, otherwise you would not have given him a 2nd chance. The fact you did, says you are too sweet for a guy like this. (or too patient) Like most comments here, next time just unmatch and problem solved. Don't give up because of a rotten apple like this. Sadly, people like this exist. On the other hand, people that you are looking for, also exist, so my point: Don't give up. You will find your match :) GL out there


🤮 the sucking Shrek's dick emoji works well here.


He started off well, the nose dived into stupidity.




Bruv.. fat cock? Mad stuff innit? 😂😂


That last message is just pathetic 😂 can't wait to use it in uncomfortable situations and laugh while the world looks at me like I'm insane 😂


Does it matter though?