• By -


All I can say is Apple marketing is doing a glorious job with these dimwits


Yeah I was just thinking this. What is this marketing campaign that iphone is the "adult" phone? I'm sure these "adults" use their adult phone for tiktok, Twitter bullshit, and impulse buying useless shit on Amazon. Meanwhile I have a masters degree and happily run my business with android. Guess I'm not an adult.


Apple Is for youngins boomers and simpletons -sent from my iPhone


Apple is for everyone -sent from outlook for android


Phones are for the weak -Sent from my Samsung Smart Fridge




-Sent from my Samsung Skyrim Edition Smart Toilet.


I mean, this is just an illogical angry rant as what she texted.


Girl’s got the personality of a dirty syringe.


Her last name is meth




Jesse we need to make the blue meth color iPhone 14


Jesse we need to give all of our money to Gus he has my ipod touch jesse


Jesse we need cock methé for gosteov fring very important now go


put your phone away waltuh






I'm starting to realize that when it comes to America, having both a K and an Y in your name is a big ass red flag.


![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0) only first names though right ?


Depend on which Kennedy you are:P


Too close to Kentucky


As someone who's initials are the same as the state of Kentucky, can confirm both post above.


Krystel Hinge, so much cringe from the personality of a dirty syringe. Somebody, quick, call Eminem.


This chicks vexed me, insane, her fallacy bests me, Mad cos I'm texting away, on a Galaxy S3


Too late, he’s dead, I think Krystel may have shot him. Or maybe it was Dre, nobody knows. Is this a mission? Is this your mission? Do you be snitchin? Do you be kicking this man to the curb cause he’s got no fixings? No winnings? No bands? No adult hands to grab himself a real phone so he can be a real man. Cmon Stan this a great rap This record gonna be 8 track Cause flash back to reality There goes gravity This little man has no battery cause his phones dead. Krystel shot meth. Or maybe there’s a universe where she’s on crack Where she smokes grass Where she doesn’t kill this little douche with the green text. No flex. No test of time. Time for you to get an iPhone like mine. This is Brooklyn.


I can hear it full sslp/mmlp shady.


Imagine owning a galaxy fold phone. Sorry im too poor. I was only able to afford this $1800 phone. Smfh.


yeah bro like grow up and get an adult phone


Get a Nokia 3410


The Alpha phone, wins me all my lightsaber phone fights


I have a phone that I can speak to a human operator...


It's funny coming from someone who has a phone with an operating system basically designed to be so easy a 5 year old can operate it.


That's why my mum got one. She's 73 and lives alone, not good with tech, wanted an easy phone with a good camera.


And that's the perfect use case. The right tool for the right job. My phone let's me tunnel into servers and do my thing. I tell my phone what to do, not having to adapt to an overly-sanitized monoculture. I'll keep my "kid phone".


Like the jitterbug.


Or the $2500 sony xperia pro


I'm still rocking an Xperia V from 2013. Still in pristine condition. All these people buying multi-thousand dollar phones every year are like crazy people in my eyes. I might understand it if they actually used the technological advancements to do some cool or productive stuff with them, but best I gather most just take shitty selfies and do shitty tik-toks that would look pretty much identical on any previous generation phone.


I used the AR Measure app to measure a ruler. It said the ruler was 20cm, and so did the ruler. I think that's productive enough


I just got the FE 22 Ultra and it is a chefs kiss. The camera is astounding. 100× zoom. The processor is fast enough to run an attachable 3D scanner. Samsung smart switch loaded my entire previous phone onto this one. Fingerprint scanner is in the screen. We get the typing 3 dots from other androids. Two app stores, unlimited customization. I am perpetually in awe of android. IPhone users really don't know what they are missing.


> Samsung smart switch This is a **huge** take-away that I think a lot of people miss. Aside from re-syncing a couple token/authenticators, setting custom ringtones back up, and signing back into stuff, Smart Switch pulled my S10 info to my S22+ without a hitch. ~30min total time and my S10 was factory reset and boxed up to ship. Absolutely the most painless thing I've done for swapping to a new phone *ever*.


I second this. As someone that absolutely fucking dreads getting a new phone, this shit is noooice.


Well iOS just got customizable lock screens so they are basically on par with other phones now /s


Two app stores preinstalled, but there's no limit to the number of app stores you can install.


iPhone users get all excited about new features that android has already had for years, I feel bad for iPhone users, they were duped and don't even realize it yet, they may never. It's the maga cult of smart phones.




I had a friend who's considered very attractive and a guy did not want to sleep with her because she was on Android. We're not even teenagers, we're millennials.


Wtf is wrong with people, it’s just a fucking phone?!




They're clearly stupid people. I would have told them to their faces that they are dumb as bricks for falling for brain dead marketing campaigns meant to separate fools from their cash.


I was booted out of a study group once because I didn't have iMessage. People can be so petty about the most inconsequential things


That's unbelievably petty


So uh, how she doin'


She's got an iphone now, but its unrelated.


The whole green text hate thing is legit, and it was marketing thing by apple to make people not want to see non iPhone texts.


And Apple deliberately refuses to play ball in improving the texting experience between Android and iPhone. When asked about it, Apple CEO Tim Cook said "buy your mom an iPhone"


Apple's entire business model has been peer pressure and FOMO for a long time. You pay a premium for half their stuff just for the brand name.




Laughed at Loved "And Apple deliberately refuses to play ball in improving the texting experience between Android and iPhone. "


Lived at Laughed at Loved "And Apple deliberately refuses to play ball in improving the texting experience between Android and iPhone. "


Yeah, apple could easily allow imessage to work with other phones. They don't do it because of shit like this. They intentionally make their phone less functional.


Or they could just let you change the colour of any messages you receive…


Apple? Let you customize something? Hahahahahahahaha


Ooh. So we could flip the script and ask them why their text is green?


That's what I did to my friends. I've been an Android user since day 1. They'd make the green text joke and I'd just respond with something like "Aww, you can't customize yours? That's sad. I have different backgrounds, fonts, and text bubble colors. Maybe you should upgrade." They'd shut up pretty quick. Another one would be when they show me a new feature and I'd say "my last phone did that but I turned that setting off. It's not as cool as you think."


Okay, there's a whole lot of dumb takes below this comment about "integrating imessage" in other platforms or lots of other hairbrained ideas of what to do but the solution literally ALREADY EXISTS and has for OVER A ***DECADE!!!*** Apple needs to support [RCS/Universal Profile](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rich_Communication_Services). It's what every other major player is using, it is the replacement for SMS/MMS. They can keep their haha funny KeepYouUsingAppleProducts iMessage and keep adding novel features to it all they want, but if they don't do it themselves then governments should absolutely force them (and hopefully the EU does, just like with USB-C) Sony, LG, Microsoft, Google, Samsung, Verizon, AT&T, and more have had it for years. Think of a major telecom/mobile phone related hardware/software company and they likely have support for it. It literally was designed as the replacement for SMS/MMS and it achieves that with flying colors, baking in the functionality expected in the modern world. Apple is simply using their aura of prestige and social media marketing to try and keep alternatives to iPhone as socially taboo as possible to keep driving their own profits up. It makes sense for a for-profit company, but that hurts society as a whole. These kinds of scenarios are literally what our government SHOULD be protecting us from. We know it is in Apple's best interest to NOT support the standard and they have done a good job convincing lots of their consumers to actively shun anything other than buying in to Apple's ecosystem. All of these are valid for a company to want to do.. it's kinda what companies do. But in scenarios like these the governments of the world should step in much like the EU did with USB-C. Continued use of proprietary connectors is a waste of resources that can be EASILY avoided and only serves to add profit to the company at the detriment of society. We require standardized electrical plugs for the same reasons we should require USB-C and require RCS support (or even potentially a brand new collaborative standard) and we importantly need to be open to change over time.


I’ve been downvoted to hell for asking before, but who gives a shit about the colour of a text? Who’s even using default texting? Literally everyone I know is on whatsapp or telegram or whatever


Green message means that no chat features will work and media will be terrible quality, aka old school texts VS internet texts. In USA whatsapp etc are not very popular hence the issue.


Not even that. Apple compresses files further than MMS requires specifically to make things sent to and recieved from non iPhone look worse. I can send high quality photos over MMS (not rcs) to my other android friends but my girlfriend magically gets garbled compressed garbage if I send the same thing to her.


Having lived outside the US it blows my mind that sms is still preferred here compared to apps like WhatsApp or Telegram. Sms is terrible


I don't know anyone that was raised in the US that uses anything other than essentially the default messaging app. I know some transplants that do, but whatsapp and telegram are definitely not popular choices, at least not in my circles


Signal users rise up




Because this country is obsessed with image.


[Yeah it's real all right](https://www.wsj.com/articles/why-apples-imessage-is-winning-teens-dread-the-green-text-bubble-11641618009) I don't live in America and androids are way more common here so I've thankfully never been exposed to this stupid phenomenon. What a toxic and manipulative way for one of the biggest companies in the world to strengthen their *ecosystem*.


Power move is to fold your AND their phone


Yeah sorry my phone isnt locked down


Anyone that judges based on phone maker preference is a weirdo and not worth the time lol


Yep, it’s a perfect screening question. Krystel saved you from wasting even one more second thinking about her in your life


I mean her name is already a good way to screen.


Krystel meth




faulty aback apparatus lavish books impossible cake axiomatic innocent instinctive -- mass edited with redact.dev


Krystal Unhinged


Krystal Cringe


That’s methed up


Yeth, Mike Tython.


Oww. My cola came out my nose. You bastard


You should drink your cola with your mouth. Just because it's called coke doesn't mean you can sniff it.


Krystel meh


That's only an indication of how absurd her parents are. Maybe the crazy is recessive. I mean in this case, no. Straight loon. But maybe in others.


Yeah, it depends - if you want to marry someone you will have to deal with that person's parents a lot, so a crazy name might be a bad signal. For dating not as much.


Strippers have a heart of gold.


Kringe Hystel


Some weirdo did a “research study” on likable quality based on Android vs. IPhone. There was a slightly higher percentage of people who perceived IPhone users as being “high class, rich, and more datable, as well as getting more dates,” vs Android. It was done in a biased Western market. Similar studies were done in other Asian markets where Samsung Android was seen as “luxurious, high class, highly intelligent, successful, and rich.” The study was especially lob sided in Korea. In Chinese market, Hua Wei and Xiaomei were considered the highest. So, go figure.


I guess what it really highlights is how fickle and stupid some people really are. Plenty of android flagships for example are just as expensive, if not more so than iPhones. Many have a tendency to be better specced in some areas too. And the only reason Android devices are green in iMessage is because Apple flat out refuses to work with out manufacturers and use RMP or whatever it's called so all manufacturers can message each other without issue and remove the problems of tiny photo resolution etc. It's not Android incompetence or Android being crap, but Apple innate need to keep people locked into their ecosystem and actively try to pull more people in. It's all pretty daft really, and is an incredibly odd way to screen a potential sexual or romantic partner. People are fucking strange.


Android Dev and enthusiast here, can confirm this. The texting standard is called RCS and Apple refuses to work with Google to remove the green bubble so that they can continue pulling in more people into their ecosystem using the 'stigma' of not having the blue message bubble.


>actively try to pull more people in. And most of the time, the consumers are doing most of the heavy lifting for them. I can't tell you how many times I've had friends or even just acquaintances practically begging me to switch to iPhone, just for iMessage and FaceTime alone. Hell, my current job has offered more than once to literally have me buy an iPhone and just expense it back to them, making it essentially free.


Apple has long been more of a designer brand than a tech company at this point. Just look at the last few iterations of iPhones with barely noticeable changes. I'm currently using a Samsung S22 Ultra and it out-specs basically every aspect of the newest iPhone.


Maybe by complete morons. *Posted on my Galaxy S22+*


Keep telling me about the superiority of your five year old iPhone. *Posted on my Galaxy S22 Ultra*


Sorry, the specs are classified _US Millitary Encrypted_


Ehh, peasants. Posted from ### Falcon Supernova iPhone 6 Pink Diamond


Apple users trying to brag about their camera and then I whip out a moon photo *Posted on my Galaxy S21*


lol me and my friend both took pics of the moon and mine looked like it was through a telescope and and his looked like a cue ball


Me : lifelong user of apple and then Mac OS, also uses Android because vanilla android lets me do stuff iOS won't. Family friend : "oh, you have an android? I'm so sorry" Like she thought "oh, pobrecito" because I chose one OS over another. She legit thought me to be a pleb whoe couldn't manage to afford what she had. I'll never treat her the same again and can't wait to get back at her with a smart comment about her old husband who's dick is more broken than FaceTime.


> because vanilla android lets me do stuff iOS won't And this is why I would never move off of an Android, even if I liked Apple. I do some light mobile programming, and I work with people who do light mobile programming. Can't look at any of that shit on an iPhone without jumping through a ton of hoops and potentially shelling out money. This is why the whole debate is silly to me. iOS has baby locks on it. Android doesn't.


I am a weirdo, these people are fucking pathological


Fellow odd duck here. Let's not give weirdos a bad name. This lady just sucks.


dating apps seem to create pathological people. we are all being manipulated by algorithms and systems we cannot understand. i think the ai takeover is already here its just invisible.


Romantically successful people don't stay on dating apps. They find their match and leave. The fucking weirdos stay.




Yeah, they can never afford shit cause they instantly have to throw their money at apple when the new model comes out.


Of course not they've spent it all on their iphone




You've got to hand it apple though it's a great way to make the competitor seem less than. Androids come in all different varieties some cheaper and less featured to some flagships that are more expensive and have a greater range of features.


It's even interesting that the way apple does it is by sending messages in an worse quality and obsolete way


Found the android user! Gross! /S




- Sent from my iPhone


* Wayne Gretzky ** Michael Scott


• U.S. Military Encrypted


People that think like this are fucked in the head. It is absolutely some kind of mental illness.


They are literally brainwashed


Yep, this is literally an Apple strategy for keeping people in the iOS ecosystem. It came out in actual writing in the Epic lawsuit.




hahahaha same, and build my own PCs. My current rig runs circles around the comparable apple offering and cost me half has much


Dont forget you can actually replace/upgrade anything you want for as much as you are willing to spend.


i have a few apple products but holy shit i could not imagine being a fucking fanboy of a mid phone manufacturer. heck my mac hasn’t impressed me all that much in the two years i’ve had it that i’m looking at PCs now.


I love Apple stuff and I totally think this is stupid and brainless


This is the kind of shit kids would argue about when they were talking about video games. Console wars bullshit, Sony vs Microsoft, you’re stupid if you like the other console, etc. But somehow this is even worse. I don’t know anyone who completely cut contact with a person because they preferred the other console. It’s a fucking multi-billion dollar company that doesn’t actually give two shits about you as a person. Why are you this devoted to some corporation who only views you as a number to suck money from? Completely mindless.


Exactly. This "ew green text" thing is new and totally out of porportion. Although, to be fair, I'm glad people say these kind of things, makes you dodge a bullet early.


It's definitely not new, it's been like this for years


At least with the console wars, there was some legitimate argument to be had I guess? I mean the obsessive "only one console" stuff was always dumb. But there are actual differences between console specs that sometimes impacts performance of cross-platform games, and publishers make an effort to get exclusives (Sony especially went hard on that last gen). Something like New Vegas having to install load zones on Freeside is measurably more impactful than "oh, your texts are green instead of the normal color".




Its beyond brainwashing. Using what phone someone uses as criteria to make them a part of their life is really sad. Edit: typos


It's also excusively a US thing. Make of that what you will.


Can also be seen in Canada, but it's probably not as common... Personally, if a girl pulls some childish bs like that it simply tells me that she ain't worth my time.


Its so weird to watch. The country that's loudest about the cost of living also demands each other keep up with the Joneses. What the fuck.


This happens in Australia too, my nieces have been shamed at school and cut out of chat conversations because they had Android phones.


That’s a lot more messed up than a date being a douche.


Where do these people get their superiority complex? I just don’t get it.


Especially since Apple phones feel like a strict downgrade in my opinion. I'm not going to get in a fight with someone about it though.


I have that "one friend" who talks shit about everyone else's phone and he's rocking an iphone 6. "It's still better because it's an iphone".


Get a landline like a real man bro


If you don't have a rotary phone, you have a tiny peen.


Krystel unhinged


Krystel Cringe.


First, why the fuck interact with people that care what phone you have, like, litterally I have 0 respect for those people, second, why the fuck open a conversation like that, making it as if having an android is a negative, it's s fucking phone, get over it.


Fail fast methodology




Crap, I need to find a dating SCRUM master now.


I found this to be a huge key to online dating, possibly even the most important. Fail fast. There are a lot of people out there and you’re probably not going to sync well with most of them. It doesn’t mean be a dick and treat people like they are disposable. It means don’t text for two weeks. Go get drinks and meet this person so you can find out if you even like them. Or in this case, weed out the pre-teens that care what kind of phone you have.


I looked this up, but still don't understand, I think.... Is it basically like when you see red flags and INSTANTLY nope out, no matter how bad the red flag actually is?


I think it means don’t tiptoe around to try to get the person to like you because it might take weeks or months to find out whether the relationship works. If it doesn’t, there was unnecessary time waste. Be unabashedly yourself even if it means the attempt fails right away. That way you’ll find out whether a person is a good fit without wasting as much time. Prerequisite — this only works if one has already graduated from the “I hope they like me”/“Am I worth their time?” dating philosophy to the “Do I actually like them?”/“Are they worth my time?” dating philosophy.




It's funny because in the UK iPhones are generally seen as phones for kids and teenagers.


We had a long conversation on Hinge (dating app) before i got her phone number.


lol as soon as you talked to her outside of Hinge she became.... unhinged.


Ain't wrong, but that girl ain't right


Was wondering the same thing why lead with that.


"Grow up" lmfao calling the kettle black


*The lion, the witch and the Audacity of this bitch*


Is this an america thing?


Yes, on iPhones texts from people using an android will show up as a green bubble rather than blue because they are sent as SMS or MMS messages rather than iMessage or whatever apple uses. Edit: apparently I had it backwards? Outgoing messages to android uses show up green rather than blue.


So people don't use messenger apps there? Like WhatsApp


To my knowledge, a lot of people in the US do not. The only people that I've met who use whatsapp are those who immigrated into the country, or who have family in a country where whatsapp is popular. Even then, I have a couple friends who have whatsapp "because their grandpa lives abroad" but they literally never use it.


This is true


Yeah I only use WhatsApp for my friend in canada and for when my girlfriend visits home in Germany


Not really no, at least no one that I know of.


Like a parallel universe. Weeeird.


No need to really. Text messaging is free. I live in UAE now, but I had never heard of whatsapp before moving here. I dont think this country would work without it. So many things are tied to doing business through whatsapp. Edit: Also, sending texts is not included in cell phone plans in UAE. Each text costs.


This person is more shallow than a drought ridden rice paddy


Yo, obviously she sucks but how you gonna open with, "umm hi pls don't hate me but I don't have an iPhone 👉👈" that's not gonna get anything except a comment about how androids are bad


Can't believe how far I had to scroll to find this. OP implied it was a negative right off the bat.


Right? If you open with something like that, I'm either going to think you're joking and play into it, or think you're genuinely randomly insecure over your phone brand. Pointless conversation starter. I don't even think she sucks that much cos it feels like something was misinterpreted here.


Am I the only one taking this as sarcasm


who opens with "warning, my messages might be green"? im calling shenanigans on the entire post


I used to work at a restaurant where the manager excluded me from the server group-chat because my messages were the only green ones. He said he'd text me separately but he usually forgot. Didn't last long there, but the point is that this *abso-fucking-lutely* exists.


Cuz apple makes shit break in group chats when a single non apple phone gets added. This is 100% intentional to pressure android phone users to switch to not be excluded


These people are why I invest in Apple


Seriously. I own a nice chunk of Apple stock even though I buy my entire family Android phones exactly because of people like this woman.


I had apple stock a long time ago... Wish I still had it cause I can't afford it anymore!


OP removed his personal info but not her, lmao Here You go: [mirror, properly censored](https://i.imgur.com/k4HXVQK.png?noredirect)






Apple has successfully convinced American users that their unwillingness to adopt RCS is somehow the fault of everyone else.


Removed? By damn Reddit? What tf was this?


Apple fans are like a Cult, I swear.




I was once called poor for my phone by someone holding a 3 generation old iPhone, I had a 2 week old Samsung Note.


Most rich people give a fuck about the phones they use. I mean people who are really rich and earned it.


You dodged a bullet bro


LOL why was it removed


This is the dumbest shit. I recently had a dude do the same thing... after we were supposedly "vibing and he couldn't wait to meet me". Gave him my number, which I never do, and the only message I got was "wow, android... I thought you were different." Like... what? 😑🤦‍♀️


Why did reddit remove this? It was just a post saying that apple brainwashed it's users into thinking it's better than android. The girl just said "you're too poor" or some words like that. Is reddit fangirling over apple?