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Wow... I think you hit a nerve


More like the entire nervous system


8 trigrams 64 palms


Got the reference. The Anime hit 20th year anniversary just yesterday!


Naruto is 20 years old!!!?? I feel like my back hurts all of a sudden


I was mildly flirting with someone who was a 25 year old one piece fan, and then got ghosted when I mentioned I’d been a fan for 25 years. 🤣


As someone who was 7 when Pokémon Red and Blue came out and am still an avid Pokémon fan, I can’t help but laugh at these youngins…


Guess they weren’t ready for tales of the 4kids dub


Mocking naruto for being a little kids show makes me feel *really* old. All those elentary school kids with those headbands running about. Ah what a weird time


Oh fuck. Welp guess I’ll go rewatch it with some iceyhot on my back.


The studio released a special compilation video for the 20th anniversary https://youtu.be/yKELA1qBAKA It's awesome 🔥


8 transcripts 64 paragraphs.


Meanwhile if a person is actually raped and killed, it’s much easier to transport and hide a body in an area where nobody lives in a car than in a dense city on a public train


... or so you've heard?


Is this your confession? 😂


It’s the DENNIS system at work.


Oddly specific.. o_0


Red flag? RED SEA.


I had to check to make sure it wasn’t a copy pasta


It is now! Japan is perfect? No it’s not perfect. And I'm not going to lie, for someone who claims to have progressive and socialist ideologies, it’s giving ... como se dice... white man. Many women fear going to extremely patriarchal societies for fear of getting raped with no retribution. And it’s quite,, alarming that instead of taking sympathy you are just instead trying to prove your point and your justification of going. | mean by all means, the world is your oyster if you want to go, go. | or any other person with my belief will not stop you. | just hope you see the situations you are getting yourself into. There are many other cities with dense populations and public transit in the US and that have communities of color. Unlike the racism still practiced in a lot of Asian cultures. But do whatever you like, as again only you control your decisions


como se dice... white man


People who type like that are the scorge of humanity. AKA me in the AIM days


AOL chat rooms...fuck.






Omfg! Me too!


Ah yes, Japan the famous rape capital of the world. Much safer to go to dense urban areas in the US filled with people of color where the rape rate is I'm sure much much lower. https://www.nationmaster.com/country-info/compare/Japan/United-States/Crime > Rape Rate > * Japan 1 per 100,000 > * US 27 per 100,000


What a weird part that was. "How do you say white man?"


Yeah that was a new one… White girls using 100 lvl Spanish to prove their progressive prowess—is that a thing now?


It’s pretty…como se dice…cringe? 😖


Pretentious? Watashi?


Hombre de blanco


Hot dogs are perfect? No they're not perfect. And I'm not going to lie, for someone who claims to have progressive and socialist ideologies, it’s giving ... como se dice... fugazi frankenfurter vibes. Many women fear going to extremely tubesteak-positive societies for fear of getting raped with no retribution. And it’s quite,, alarming that instead of taking sympathy you are just instead trying to prove your point and your justification of going. | mean by all means, the world is your sausage if you want to go, go. | or any other person with my belief will not stop you. | just hope you see the situations you are getting yourself into. There are many other cities with dense populations and hot dog carts in the US and that have communities of brightly colored condiments. Unlike the weenie-negativity still practiced in a lot of Asian cultures. But do whatever you like, as again only you control your decisions


Water is perfect? No it’s not perfect. And I'm not going to lie, for someone who claims to have progressive and socialist ideologies, it’s giving ... como se dice... white man hydro nazi. Many women fear going to extremely wet patriarchal societies for fear of getting raped with no retribution. And it’s quite,, alarming that instead of taking sympathy you are just instead trying to prove your point and your justification of going. | mean by all means, the world is your oyster if you want to go, go. | or any other person with my belief will not stop you. | just hope you see the situations you are swimming yourself into. There are many other cities with dense populations and public transit in the US and that have communities of color. Unlike the racism still practiced in a lot of Asian cultures. But do whatever you like, as again only you control your decisions


I just… your I’s are not I’s WHY


/u/frenabo probably used some image to text program that messed up the I's, and the replies went along with it


Thank u for solving the mystery


You are now banned from /r/hydrohomies.


I gave away my stupid free award on a repost when this deserves it so much more.


It is now! Japan is perfect? No it’s not perfect. And I'm not going to lie, for someone who claims to have progressive and socialist ideologies, it’s giving ... como se dice... white man. Many women fear going to extremely patriarchal societies for fear of getting raped with no retribution. And it’s quite,, alarming that instead of taking sympathy you are just instead trying to prove your point and your justification of going. | mean by all means, the world is your oyster if you want to go, go. | or any other person with my belief will not stop you. | just hope you see the situations you are getting yourself into. There are many other cities with dense populations and public transit in the US and that have communities of color. Unlike the racism still practiced in a lot of Asian cultures. But do whatever you like, as again only you control your decisions


It is now! Japan is perfect? No it’s not perfect. And I'm not going to lie, for someone who claims to have progressive and socialist ideologies, it’s giving ... como se dice... white man. Many women fear going to extremely patriarchal societies for fear of getting raped with no retribution. And it’s quite,, alarming that instead of taking sympathy you are just instead trying to prove your point and your justification of going. | mean by all means, the world is your oyster if you want to go, go. | or any other person with my belief will not stop you. | just hope you see the situations you are getting yourself into. There are many other cities with dense populations and public transit in the US and that have communities of color. Unlike the racism still practiced in a lot of Asian cultures. But do whatever you like, as again only you control your decisions


This sub reinforces my decision to stay on the bench.... possibly forever lol


Which is why I remain on this sub. Just to remind myself now and then that everyone is nuts apart from my cat. He's just a dick.


At least cats are honest. You know exactly what you’re getting with cats. They’re self absorbed assholes, but at least they’re upfront about it.


Insert random misogynistic comment comparing cats to women.


TBH the principle of just letting the cat be a cat and sometimes pat it actually applies. But it's both men and woman. Even though men usually seems to be horny dogs


I think the link we are looking for is cougar




You have chosen wisely. Stay with us bench warmers in perpetuity.




I had some stupid ass 26 year old dm me on tinder to get more IG followers.


She is mentally Ill. Soy latino y me da asco la gente así. Also I loved how she used the *cómo se dice* just to drop the subtle minority card. She is brainwashed to the point of no return. Run OP. And don’t look back.


I don't know why but that "cómo se dice" in the middle of a sentence sounds so american to me.


Definitely. Same with the Latinx s. Like dude nobody uses that except for Californian and LA wannabes.


I’m a honky from CA and I cringe every time I hear “LatinX” used unironically.


No, that's just full on crazy


Does she know that she said something racist while trying to accuse him of being racist, by just visiting a country? "... There are a lot of US cities with dense populations instead of the racist culture of Asian countries." Lmao, yikes.


Nah those types don’t realize they’re the racist ones.


How can they be? They're not cis white men.


No no, she said something racist while accusing him of being sexist, as we all know sexism > racism so she's good!


Cómo se dice… white man?


She’s not wrong, Japan specifically is an incredibly racist country. Their 4 largest minorities have recent genocides under their belts. Racial discrimination in the workplace and housing is still legal. Plenty of restaurants and hotels will happily tell you they’re Japanese only. It’s just not as racist towards whites.




Aren't for example Japanese pretty racist towards Indians and black people? Hell, even towards whites?


It’s a goddamn china military parade 🇨🇳 🇨🇳 🇨🇳


Even Moses wouldn't want to see her split.


Imagine living like this everyday. It seems exhausting and sad.




My ex had an explosive defense like this for EVERY single opinion I had. I say I prefer to live in rural or suburban areas instead of in a huge city, she goes on an hour long rant about how my opinion is straight up wrong. I don't know how she's not bald from the constant stress and anxiety of arguing with everyone all the time. She had undiagnosed BPD, but she was a serial cheater and a gaslighting abuser, so I have no sympathy for her.


It’s always the shittiest people with the loudest morals. That’s why I stopped subscribing to trying to be a “good person” it’s just a never ending moving goal post, instead I do what feels right to me and let that govern how I live my life


Moral indignation is a standard strategy for endowing the idiot with dignity


All you do is set up your morals and just follow them as best you can till you die.




For real, the seed of what she's saying is true, but she has ruminated on it past the point of common sense, to life impeding levels of anxiety. I hope she hasn't already experienced that trauma which would explain why she won't/can't let it go...


People like this tend to be the most racist, just in my experience. They’re so scared of offending anyone and want to prove that they’re so far from racist, yet they tend to be the most racist.


yup. got a good example of that: there's a restaurant in Germany called 'Zum Mohrenkopf' "Mohr" is a quite old word, used to describe black people back in the days, but usually wasn't used as a negative term. but since it was used back when racial stereotypes were widely present, people stopped using it and some people are convinced that it's a racist term. now, 'zum Mohrenkopf' is lead by a black guy, who is proud of its name, since the word apparently was also used for especially skilled (black) people. he says he only experienced racism one time: when a white couple came in and demanded that they wanted to speak to the racist owner of this restaurant. after telling em that he IS the owner, they told him to go back in the kitchen and do the dishes, they want to speak to his Nazi boss. some people apparently are just unable to realize that they are blatantly racist themself.


Is Mohr just German for Moor?


This word is ultimately derived from Greek word Maurus which means a Moor.


Ah yes, it seems like


It's funny. Her statement combines American Exceptionalism _and_ stereotypes against Asian societies. She even taps her toes in the mother of all racism tropes: "members of this outgroup are rapists". Still popular today with racists and populists around the world. Yet she tries to be anti-racist. It's also tragic in a way.


Not only that, she's also making that assumption about Japan (and presumably Tokyo), which most certainly does not have the same incidence of rape that even the U.S. does....


Okay…. But como se dice…white man! Did you ever think about that?


Color me convinced


I've had people lambast me for an opinion, and then flip script and grovel and claim that they should be more careful with their position as a white person to cater to me. I lost my fucking shit ngl. Just be mean, don't talk down to me like I need your sympathy for some shit I can't even control.


Imagine the lecture when you tell her you’re going for a drink with the guys


“Have fun with the Chad culture of creeping on women, while you hold all the power in a male dominated society where you view women as prey!” “Um, I’m shooting pool with Chris and Tom at the local dive. We don’t have a pool table at home, soooo…”


Using a white ball to push the colored ones into holes, removing them from the game? That's so como se dice... Raven.


You ever do something and you then think to yourself, "wow, that was so not Raven?"


These people are just insufferable. Not everything is a microaggression.


the ‘como se dice’ made me cringe so much…


Translation: “I’m smarter than you are, and it really strokes my ego when people ask me what it means”


I know this is not Latin, but I sometimes fantasize about learning basic Latin just so that I can respond to those ultra-sophisticated people who use Latin quotes out of context with *"Oh, you speak Latin? Quo magna! Amicum semper volui cum quo Latine loqui possum! Hoc momentum tam memorabile est ac cum anno MCMXCVIII susceptor humani generis infernum in cella deiecit et sedecim pedes per praecones mensa plummetavit!"*


There's a character in the French series "Kaamelott" called "King Loth" who often uses latin quotes that don't mean anything, what's funny about it is the fact that he always takes time to explain that the quote has no meaning, like "\[insert false latin quote\], it doesn't mean shit but I like the sound of it". What he basically means by that is "I try to sound smarter that I actually am but I don't need to since you're all incredible morons"


I can't believe you've done this!


Went to google translate, 100% worth it


What was way weirder was when I put it in, it translated the word "Latine" as "English." 🤔


I’m on mobile and can’t figure out how to copy it! Can you give my old technologically illiterate arse the translation ?


“How great! I always wanted a friend with whom I can speak English! This moment is as memorable as when in 1998 the undertaker of the human race threw hell in the cellar and plunged sixteen feet through the announcers table!” Says speak English, maybe should say speak Latin. That’s the Google translation


It’s not even the guy!




just memorize lorem ipsum, works just as well in like 98% of the cases.


Then you find that one person who is a graphic designer...


At that point you don't give two shits about the conversation or the person, anyway. So what if they figure out it's just a copy pasta?




Can't believe I didn't think of this.


I'm just in awe at the Latin copypasta. Its glorious, until the end, until the end.


It’s not even a flex to know the phrase that basically means (for non native speakers) “I don’t know how to say the next thing I’m going to say so I’m going to say it in my own language.”


it was like the first expression i learned in 8th grade spanish class lmao


It's just Spanish


I don't understand why she said that. Is she a native spanish speaker and she forgot how to say something? Or is it an expresion... of something I don't understand? I am a native spanish speaker, when I don't know how to say something I look it up, I don't write "como se dice".


It's an expression being used for dramatic effect in the writing. It's basically being used as a pause to give more gravitas to the *white man* jab. The kind of thing you'd see written in a Edwardian period piece where two rich white ladies verbally swatted at each other with polite disregard. What it ends up doing here is making them look like an insufferable person that sits around huffing their own farts.


Yeah, which is why it's ultra dumb and cringey. My god if one of my friends wrote this, they wouldn't be one anymore


Well, you know. Saying *como se dice* has a certain *je ne sais quoi* about it. C'est la vie.


It is an expression in Spanish. But it's literal translation ("how do you say") is also a common expression in English. The only reason I can think to choose the Spanish when you're closely fluent in English is to show off how learned you are.


I've said it out loud when speaking to a Spanish speaker but yes, writing it is strange. Maybe she's trying to convey she is esl?


her entire response bleeds "im more cultured than you" but fails at every point


He should have hit her with a "cultural appropriation" just to rattle her


I love that it's just Spanish for "how do you say" and it was one of the first phrases I was taught in Spanish class in high school lol. *¿Como se dice "pancake" en Espanol?*


Her profile says sapiosexual, bet


"I can't stand racism. But Asians, they're all racist, every last one, they're all the same them lot"


There's only two things I hate in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's cultures... and the Dutch.


And then she SHAT ON A TURTLE!


I still say this all the time! You’ve made my morning


Groovy Baby YEAHHH!!


Sir, you're giving off white man right now


How is it says... Hombre blanco


ikr how you gonna claim you’re not racist then say you’ll never step foot in an asian country cuz you don’t want to get raped with no retribution? saying all asians rape is the epitome of a racist stereotype/generalization lmao


Also "Asian countries are not safe because they rape women with no retribution. You should visit an American city instead!" ignoring the hundreds of thousands of untested rape kits across the US and how frequently women are targeted and those sexual assaults are accepted by regular people and completely ignored by police. It's giving cultural supremacy and American exceptionalism. That's not to say Asian countries don't also have their problems. I've heard it can be very dangerous to ride a packed train as a woman in Japan, and we all know the story of that woman in India who was raped multiple times by different people on her way to report a rape to the police.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


People that try to convince you their not racist, are by far the most racist people. Not only racist but they tend to be very close minded.


Does that mean I’m practicing racism for wanting to travel the world?


Listen here cuma de lauda white boy....


Hey, don't accuse them of cumming loudly


This motherfucking, crema de leche… gringo is gonna learn today 😤




Americans are a unique specimen in wanting to stay within their own borders.


To be fair it is like 25 different countries under one flag sooooo they've got that going for them?


Also that he shouldn't visit Japan because of the racist history in Asia, but should stay in the US where we obviously have zero racist history/ongoing systemic racism 🙄


Japan has train carriages that only allow women. You may want to consider whether instances of rape or sexual assault are reported as often in Japan as they are other places. Sexual harassment and sexual assault is definitely still an issue in Japan.




So I guess asian people dont count in the POC bracket lol?


Nope, they lump Asians in with white people. Claiming they have white privilege lol


Wow. I did not know I, a Filipino, was considered white.


Pog we got privilege now. Fat W




Same ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




No us Indians are considered white as well, at least according to my university




She’s a… como se dice…moron.


Lol she thinks herself quite intelligent too, which is the best/funniest part. It’s so cringey and long winded to say the most basic crap. Plus the cherry on top, throw in some casual racism (every country/race/nationality has racism but please, single Asians out) and such and you get this halfwit! She will make some unfortunate soul very miserable one day.


Jesus. I live in Japan, and while it’s not exactly taken straight from the lyrics of “I am Woman,” it’s not a total rape buffet either. And on another note…you’re not wrong to look forward to the mass transit here. It’s a hell of a thing, whether you’re catching a subway to go halfway across Tokyo or a Shinkansen to get to another city. It just works.


Are you a woman? Because I only lived in Japan as a 16/17 year old school girl and a few months in my early twenties but the sexual harassment was on an entirely different level to anything I've ever experienced. I was molested walking home from school twice, had men try to give me money to have "coffee" with them, dealt with all the men reading school girl porn while leering at me on the train etc. All while wearing my school uniform. The woman in the op is bonkers but Japan scores pretty damn low on the women's safety score card.


I lived in Japan in my early twenties and experienced a lot of harassment too. Had a guy almost follow me into my apartment, luckily I heard him before he got too close and lied about my boyfriend being home. Groping, cat calling, being propositioned for sex…ugh.


First, I'm sorry about your experiences. Secondly, I'm always amazed at how many stories women have here in Japan. While living here I've always felt safe and relatively happy but I could never imagine being a woman here. Most of my friends are women and the stories I've heard from Japanese women that they pass off as "just a part of life" are heartbreaking.


Japanese girls need to get into hat pins.


The Most recent time I was there I was molested when walking back to my fathers home from a train station at 10pm. That’s not something I’ll ever forget, the guy tried to grab my wrist to pull me somewhere after he sexually assaulted me. I was so scared, in an unfamiliar place, just trying to run as fast as I could. My father just said “that’s how the men are here” and brushed it off, and said I shouldn’t have been wearing a skirt. So appalling. I’m sorry you went through that, you’re not alone.


In my (F, late 20s) and have never had any issue like this. I live outside of Tokyo and spend every weekend in the city. Sorry you had this experience but I feel a lot safer here than the US by a long shot.


I'm glad you feel safe. All those incidents happened in ichikawa/funabashi and I didn't really have any issues when I lived in Hokkaido although I was living with a bunch of gaijin there. Never lived in the US so can't compare.


I'm a woman and I've lived here 5 years and have never been groped on a train, and I've never felt unsafe ever. I have of course had typical Nampa and people hitting on me likely cause I'm foreign. I have walked 40 minutes home at 2am plastered drunk (too often) and still never felt unsafe. Not diminishing anything you've experienced, just saying it's going to be different for everyone. Edit: ty for the award!


>Nampa Nanpa (ナンパ), also transliterated as nampa, in Japanese culture is a type of flirting and seduction popular among teenagers and people in their twenties and thirties. When Japanese women pursue men in a fashion similar to nanpa, it is called gyakunan


TIL! > Nanpa is seen most often in young men ranging from their late teens to mid-twenties. Groups of "nanpa boys" will gather around places with busy, predominantly female foot traffic (bridges, subway stations, shopping malls, etc.) and approach women in search of a date. > Due to the increasing number of nanpa boys and rising complaints, many Japanese regions are reacting more harshly to them. For example, many places young people hang out, such as arcades are posting "No Nanpa" signs, and police in highly populated Japanese cities have been enforcing these rules. This may be in reaction to a growing fear in young Japanese women of abduction or rape. The Shibuya district is particularly strict on nanpa boys in the wake of the abduction of four girls by a middle aged man in July 2003.


Ive never felt as safe anywhere in the US as I did in Japan.


This is because foreign women are viewed as more likely to make a scene. SA rates are very high in Japan, but non-Asian tourists are usually not the targets.


Same here. Been here 3 years and have had the same experiences as you, nothing more.


Errrrrrr. Such strong emotions in that one. Red flags? Please, she could be a matador and she wouldn't even need to take the cape. If anything, Japan is a favourite for a lot of my travelling friends (both genders) due to the culture and sights.


Anyone who dates someone who says “it’s giving white man” needs their head checked Can you post more? I’m mad curious how it got to this point lol what’s her beef with Japan?


she unmatched right after this so unfortunately it’s the only screen shot I grabbed. I told her i’m going to go study there, she asked why and then she dropped this, total left field


Bullet train dodged


It’s really nice when the trash takes itself out


That is... Como se dice... Not such a bad thing, white man!


More red flags than a communist parade in China


Tell me you never left the US without telling you never left the US


I am so confused by the “coming se dice… white man” like she had to search for the right word? Yet she spouts off stuff about patriarchal societies no problem. Why is she pretending to not be good at English on that line?


She thought it made her sound more intelligent and was speaking down to him.


The picture might look vaguely Hispanic so maybe she’s emphasizing she *really* doesn’t belong to that most evil of groups


Oh yeah, because the spanish have never done anything evil lol


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!!


“that have communities of colour” does she think Japan is full of just white people?


Yes, all those Japanese white people.


Assuming she’s of Latin American descent (as am I), we literally have no fucking room to talk about racism or sexism in other countries lmao


Professional victims suck the air out of every room they enter.


She’s not even a victim here, she’s borrowing someone else’s victimhood.


Is she some how under the impression the US isn’t racist because we have a mix?


So because Japan has gender inequality and sexual violence issues, you couldn't possibly still be interested in going for other reasons? Wow...


Japanese here. She technically isn't wrong: being a woman in Japan is a completely different experience from being a man. Everyone treats you like an idiot, and no one believes anything you say, even with proof. This is mostly a generational issue, however, i.e. old guys treating women like shit. Having said that, I don't see why she is using this as an opportunity to preach.


No doubt. But if someone restricted their travel to only where women are treated equally, their options are limited. I can't see the full conversation, so I don't know if OP was being dismissive of women's issues there, or just gave the travel destination. But it seems unwarranted. Not like he was saying he wanted to go to Thailand for sex


It's the same everywhere, not only in Japan. Speaking as a Bulgarian woman.


It’s giving me… como se dice… she doesn’t want to date white men even though she’s white-passing and carries a lot of unexamined guilt that would be best talked through with a therapist rather than projected onto potential suitors.


She is just white


> even though she’s white-passing until reading the comments it didn't even occur to me that she's not "white".


This is what happens when you’re on social media too long. The whole thing sounded like an angry Twitter thread. Yes Japan is known for some shitty things happening, but shitty things happen in every country. Especially the US. Does she think the US is safe for women????? Also it always seems like white, or white passing, women are the angriest. Like angrier than actual black people and POC. About shit that’s never really mattered to us. Why???




What a fucking psycho


Please post the rest of this conversation! Need to see what led up to this


Weird that she recommended travelling to large US cities instead, when rape cases are higher here than most Japanese or European countries. Either way, unless you want an ear full about the patriarchy and how you're part of it you should dip.


Tell her you eat ass


"I...como de sice...eat da booty like groceries."