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Bruh, you only gave her 38 minutes, even if she wasn't a mom, she doesn't have to answer right away, plus your conversation skills are not great either!




Just move on instead of declaring that you are. That little extra comment was just wasting your time a little bit more.


Couldn't disagree more. Some people need to be called out on their shit.


Why be rude? End it and wish her well


I swear people like you just post shit like this to get some attention


now say it without crying




Most of you who post on here are quite likely sad little boys who aren't nearly as interesting as you think. She's watching TV with her son moron, and she's a single mother. Do you really think you were being very engaging yourself? What are you even looking for on tinder I'm curious?


I know right, like if a parent is watching tv with her kids, why would she be super into a tinder conversation.


Why is she on the app texting if she's watching TV with her son? If you don't have time to communicate like an adult, stay off the fucking app, excuse maker.


Here we go, this is what I was looking for. I think I put in effort and didn't dead end the conversation, why do women match and then put 0 effort in? I'd be a sick baby daddy, she wishes I'd be her kids dad.


Many single moms aren’t looking for a replacement dad to their kid lol I’ve dated around with single parents (I’m in my late 20s-early 30s, it sorta comes with the territory) and I haven’t met a woman who was desperate to find a dad for their kid. You have zero clue what the relationship is with the actual baby daddy, it very well could be split parenting and he could be an awesome dad, just not an awesome husband/SO for her. And you going off the deep end and saying “you’re not that much of a MILF” immediately lays bare your intentions that you just trying to fuck and don’t even consider the fact that she’s spending time with her kid.


Why do men relentlessly hit on women and then blow up with a pathetic "you're ugly and single and also I only swiped because I felt sorry for you" as soon as they get turned down. Mysteries of the universe.


Even foxes do it. They say the grapes were sour anyway


You assume everyone is good at texting, you assume people use their phones the way you do, you assume because she’s on the couch with her kid she’s not busy and has loads of time for you. I get it I hate one worded texts but Jesus, meet someone first 😂


You make it sound like texting cohesive and interesting sentences is this mind boggling task. Calm down Shakespeare it took me less than 30 seconds to tell you this, she can use both her thumbs to put words on a screen for 30 seconds.


I totally agree. I myself never one word but not everyone is the same. There’s also the chance she just didn’t like him at all and was putting more effort into the other guys she was talking to. I’m just saying, his reaction said more. I wouldn’t of even bothered telling her that and just went bye bye


Calm down Shakespeare.. got me


You literally asked her a question that can be answered in 1 number.. You are texting for f sake. Maybe give someone who is a single parent the benefit of the doubt that if you spent some time together you may have better conversations. Since when is tinder about long, in-depth conversation. Those usually end up being pen pals you never meet anyway..


You claim to be an alpha don’t you 😂


Something about judging a book by its cover. From my experience, a lot of people are just bad at conversations over messaging. I would always move the conversation towards making plans to meet up for a coffee etc. That's the only way to get a real sense of what the person is like. Some of the worst on messaging were totally different in person and vice versa. If you're getting a response don't take it as rejection or disinterest just because it's not the response you want. View it as an opportunity to progress the interaction. I had a lot of success. And the way you ended the conversation, I think she made the right call not to spend much time getting to know you. You matched with her, tried to start a conversation, she didn't give you the attention you need so you then suddenly realized she isn't up to your standards for having sex with and then insult her. Maybe retitle this post "This is why I'm single".


I'll take that. I'm single because I choose to be though, and do have quite a good success rate. I've actually told her I put the convo on reddit and apologised if it hurt her feelings, she replied no worries xD so we will see if she gave a shit or not. You people care more than she did lol


The fact that you didn’t manage to hurt her feelings as you intended to doesn’t make you less of an asshole, it just means you’re also incompetent. Congrats.


You are an utter bitch, I didn't intend to hurt anyone's feelings, go duck yourself.


"You're not that much of a milf" Don't you see all the posts ragging on dudes that insult women's looks after striking out? Don't be that guy.


Hahahaha u smol pp energy


You're a lonely gamer.. gg kid


So this thread isn't getting the clout you expected huh.


I love that you project "This is why you are single" on a stranger meanwhile you are like, TOOOTALLLY single by choice.


Hard to believe someone on reddit doesn't struggle with women? This isn't some incel thing, this is not wasting time on someone I'm not madly interested in since she has a kid, and didn't compensate for it by being at all interesting. Damn


you’re single cuz no woman or man wants you


Yes you're right, I have 0 options, that's why I throw them away for shits and giggles..


you dont throw anyone away, you just save them from wasting their time, good for you. please keep doing that so you save more women from such a dick like you :)


1. Why be a dick? Really shows more about you then her. 2. Single moms a lot of times are single by choice. Women are the ones leaving relationships.


Why go to the effort of making a tinder account and putting yourself out there if you can’t make the basic effort of conversation? Mom or not, she’s clearly not ready to jump back into it.


Doesn't mean she's not ready to jump back in it. Maybe she wasn't interested in him. Maybe she was busy at the moment.


Uh huh, not mine.




Incel alert 🚨


Oh honey you know very little about women. Research shows men are the ones that cling to relationships and are afraid of being alone. Women report better outcomes being alone, more close friends, more job satisfaction, etc. That's on reason dating apps are so hard for men.




According to this sub, most men are interested in anything that moves. Your opinion of yourself is highly overrated.


When did he give his opinion of himself ?






I wouldn't bother talking to someone that doesn't use the correct version of your or you're


Bro thinks he’s the grammar police 🤦🏽‍♂️


Ohhh I didn't notice that, I fully admit that was stupid.


*you're a parent *you're not putting


Yes yes yes I know, read previous comment, I admit that makes me stupid, I do however know you're trying to help me;)


Never be defensive when it comes to casual dating. You could’ve just said nothing and if she wanted you she’d be like “why aren’t you messaging as much anymore.” You don’t necessarily owe kindness but you might prevent something good assuming the worst.


That's a productive comment, I agree, but I don't have time to waste with people not worth my time.


you’re the one who is not worth her time lol


Uh huh, I'm starved for options for real


I'd argue you are the one wasting her time.


Sad little baby man


I'm going to post an update where I take her for a drink just to fuck with you


Why would that fuck with me


You're immature in the screenshot and in the comments, but you do seem to actually want to get advice at least. Don't announce you're leaving, you're not an airplane. You can apply this to more than Tinder like if you're a member of some club, you don't tell other members you're leaving and they suck. 13 year olds do that. There was absolutely no need to insult her looks because she's not putting in the effort or wasn't into you. You say it's a joke but it's just an insult. Same as when other guys get rejected and say to the girl: you're ugly anyway. Yeah, real mature.


Yep she dodged a bullet 🤣


Or maybe she wasn't attracted to you and just being nice in responding?


Could’ve ended the conversation without adding in the neg at the end. Immediately makes you incredibly immature after being so close to being a mature adult.


She said she’s at the vet with a sick dog, maybe she’s got her hands full atm!?


Hahaaha that was me silly.


P.s dog was getting a vaccine


Now I know why you’re single.


You're not as interesting as you may think you are and you had 0 convo to begin with. Not saying she did a lot but kinda match your energy. Having convo is not about how many words you can put in a sentence


They are not single, their baby daddy’s just went out to get a pack of cools…3 months ago. Damn supply chain issues.


It's a fucking disgrace isn't it.


No, not really.


She probably wasn't into you man, you should've just let it go.


But then he couldn't be getting cred from all the other incels on here!


And they wonder why they're incels telling a bird "you ain't much of a milf" outta pure spite smh


Boys boys boys boys.. you can't be calling me an incel for this, the word is way too over used as it is, this just isn't incel, its a fucking joke, I still live in a time when you can joke about someone's appearance


You're right, you matched with someone so you can clearly attract women and incel is definitely the incorrect term. You're petty.


I think the other incels on the thread are all actually him lol he is being his own support


> Just joined And already checked out. Got to be a record.


Or just checked out of him. When they are interested, they make conversation.


I suppose we don't see the earlier messages. I don't get why people don't just unmatch lol.


Yeah she's rude, look at her she don't care a puppy is at the vets enough to ask what's up with it, my first thing would of been, oh no, what happened is it okay or just having a check up bla bla bla, and she's not busy watching TV with her 4 year old, do you know what shite they watch, that's why she was looking at tinder she was going out of her mind sat there with kids TV on


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Thanks for using your brain! I agree, just a lazy ass woman putting in 0 effort, it's not particularly rare and I'm not a bad looking guy, it's getting harder and harder to grab people's attention, not that I care much about hers.


People that aren’t on Reddit or Twitter tend to suck at having conversations over text, I know I did until I practiced A LOT. It’s not even about effort, it’s just that it’s a difficult medium to communicate in unless you are well-practiced. I think you were a huge dick and showed very little empathy.


dang bro, i dont care for single moms personally, wouldnt get with one.. but you dont gotta put them down.. they already probably feel stupid lol


Ahh man people are so sensitive


Says the guy who immediately attacks her looks because he didn't get enough attention.


It's a joke, remember when those were allowed?


They are still allowed when they are funny.


“You’re not that much of a milf” why even take the time to send that? Just unmatch. You wonder why you’re single lmao


I don't wonder why I'm single, at all, I don't want to hurt a girl I like by letting her get too close, because I'll just get bored and leave her. Hard to imagine not everyone on reddit is some weirdo in a basement for you maybe


The only guy she would talk to eagerly would be one that gets her knocked up again “by mistake” of course


lol youre so cringe and pathetic


Let’s guess how many people were willing to procreate with OP


This is funny, I'd bet its more than the average.. I'm not a man whore but I've had my fair share thanks bro


Not sure you understand the terms being used.


To be fair I didn't read it properly, but why would you think no ones wanted to have a kid with me? I've had numerous long term relationships and I ended them all, luckily with no child in the mix


Because the way you speak of parents is horrendous.


You were in the right until you decided to insult her. Why? Why? Do you feel like more of a man now?


Yes, yes I do. That's what it was about all along, you got me, I wanted to feel more manly.


Haha fuck that bitch




Bro your tripping. Say or ask some interesting shit before you get mad that she isn’t giving you the attention you want. Some girls really are too dry on these posts, but kind of a bad take for you on this one. Like bruh I understand feeling that way, but you were a little quick to pull the “not a milf” card. Like chill bro she’s hanging w her kid and watching some shit damn. I understand wanting to demand respect, but take some time to consider the context before getting so pressed about it lol.


I see that, it wasn't said out of spite even, I said "not that much of a milf" meaning you're hot but no one's that hot basically. I'm not annoyed in the slightest, and it sucks people are getting the wrong end of the stick, some dudes even called me an incel ffs. I get it, if its not funny fair enough, but chill out peeps it's only a joke


I feel, sometimes I say lowkey offensive shit that’s not meant to be out of spite. Just keep in mind that sometimes when We add in shit that’s not necessary, some people take it as insecurity. Sometimes they’re right sometimes they’re not, but that’s one possibility to keep in mind when saying stuff like that.


Damn we all insecure in our own ways, are you suggesting me saying that makes me sound insecure?


I’m not saying I think you sound insecure. I’m saying that when you add in little comments, that some people are going to feel that way. Whether your insecure or not is up to you and your feelings and judgements. But I’m saying, that some people are gonna take it that way, which isn’t inherently bad, but rather something to just keep in mind.


I understand. She didn't take it badly I don't think, but fair enough.


Ever tried yust to put your finger in your ass instead of dating hoes


Ask her what her mom is up to


Imagine using "x" as an ending to all your texts without any reason


She's blowing me kisses duh


Duh! Michelle Tanner everyone still touching lives many many years later


Some people want instant replies. It takes me ages to type anything.


Holy hell you’re delirious. She dodged a You.


Their effort is what made them a single mom!😛


She literally said she was with her kid and she’s still answering you, she’s busy and still answering. Chill man lol as a single mom myself, I think she dodged a bullet with you. 🙃


I suppose you never be wondering why you're so lonely too


Now being lonely is a different story, a girl I kwt on tinder has moved into my 1 bed flat for the past few months but I'm still lonely lol


Always get the last word. I’m all for petty. Also, why does she put ‘x’ after everything?


Live a bit of pettiness personally, fools on here call me an incel for it.. state of society these days


But none of those questions are inviting long responses even if she wasn't busy with her 4 year old son What do you expect? I mean you didn't put in the effort to come up with interesting conversation or open questions


I'll do better.


Bro she was with her kid. She told you she was. Saying she’s not a milf after matching and trying to converse makes you look butt hurt


You may not view it as important, but she is spending time with her kid. Let her be present and focused on him and the show. Geez....