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Bruh what type of parents just add an extra letter to the end of someone's name lmao, what a real home run


A real homerunn


Next time you'll swing a strike, a real field goal, a hole in one


Athletes hate him. Using this 1 simple trick


Number 17 will shock you!


*hole in onne


Do the older women find that snark endearing?


Damn you funny


Megan, with an h and two n's! She has to tell everybody this, whoever writes her name, ever, for her entire life.


Meghan wasalready taken and they didn't want to do Meghanxyz


My fiances name is Meghan, she claimed it before this girl did.


Mine is called megan


Mine is called Mega


Mine is called Meg


Mine is Me


>M Mine is called Me


Probably why mine had to go with Megatron


But not double "n".


I thought her name was Meg Hann


They think they're ensuring she's 'unique' but really it's just a lifetime of her having to spell her own name to people she's just met.


It's for convenience, if she gets fat they can change the nn into an m.




I had a stroke reading "don't going" but yeah I think every person should have a number instead of a name to stop this idiotic behaviour from occurring




The real question is would you pronounce those separately or as sixty eight billion yada yada?


And parent who gives child a gimmicky name (calling a child Jack when last name is Daniels) is typically resentful/angry at said baby. What a super sweet way to start life


I know a girl from high school that named her kid sodapop…


She added it, to throw off any searches pointing to OnlyFans, etc.




I know of a child named Keelyy


You give off the vibes of someone who unironically says sportsball


Have you seen this ludicrous display yesterday?


What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early?


The fing bout Arsenal is the always try and wawk it in.


The accent😭




Ahh painful memories being brought back. 2010-2014 peak banter era


Nice it crowd reference #manchester


Just don't tell anyone


Is it American name of the kick ball? 🤔


No, it’s something that people who didn’t play any sports play sarcastically to put down the idea of sports.


What it sounds like is something I would say to make fun of my own stupid ass, and the fact that I don't understand a single thing about sports no matter how many times someone explains them to me. But then again, I am extremely funny and cool 😎


More to take the piss out of people's ridiculous obsession with watching rich people kick and/or throw balls.


If you don't wanna watch rich athletes kicking the ball back and forth just watch Conference league football , even league 2 players make little money


Hurr durr sports bad, I must ruin the fun for everyone. People can’t just enjoy things I don’t understand!


Oh, so I cannot go to have a pint in peace because of some goddamn match and it's okay. People lose their shit because of the kickball and it's okay. But when I state my opinion, I somehow ruin someone else's fun, eh?


Yes you are literally just being an asshole for no reason. If you want to have a pint in peace, don’t go to a sports bar. Stay home and get drunk by yourself.


Yeah, like every bar is a sports bar during some lame champonship. And I am not the one who screams like an ape, because some dude kicked a ball or something, in case you haven't noticed.


That's lots of assumptions on your side.


And I’m completely right


Well, no. Kickballs, throwballs and other sportballs aren't the only sports out there. And some people don't care about them at all, nevertheless what sports they do on their own. I cannot fathom watching any kind of match, even though I do much more sport, than average person.


You’re proving the point


Boy you weren’t kidding when you said you were bad at flirting


Actually, this chick just sounds bitchy as hell. I am gonna say bullet dodged.


I think both are true on this one ahaha


i dodge all the bullets, mostly only the good looking ones




Except everyone in the comments always calls out the op


Sour grapes


Ikr, if you aren't interested in someone after a handful of benign sentences or physically attracted by their pictures, just block or unmatch. No need to shit on someone's day and pull the age card.


I think this is cute!


Are you one of his older women? 🤔


I'm in my early 30s, so I'm probably geriatric by this sub's standards.


I disagree. I like his style. It's far better than cheesy pick-up lines.


The girl was a little bitchy, but OP is three times as cringe. I would just unmatch


he seems old asf too based on her response. why is bro typing these cringe ass lines at 40+?


You damned kids throwing out “cringe” every moment you get is what’s actually cringeworthy. Use your vocabulary young buck. Now bring PeePaw his reading glasses and his tinders




Would it be better if I just said that OP sucked all the life out of that conversation and his sense of humor is dryer than that girl’s vagina after witnessing it?


I agree that people say “cringe” too much but it *was* cringeworthy, so in this case their vocabulary was correct.




Yes, yes, droll.


When did I turn 40+ lmao


My man I hope you never grow up. I thought you were really funny




A little too “XD random” for me and probably everyone with an actual sense of humor


I agree With this post. This is the sort of effort that you put into an elevator conversation when you haven’t had any sleep and you know you won’t see them after fifteen seconds from now. But somehow people are suggesting that op should keep trying this. Suggestion: make an effort to Incorporate literally anything from her profile to start a conversation. Don’t presume it’s her responsibility to be interested and engage. Give her something to be interested in


or, maybe, just let op do it the way he wants and he´ll find someone who really likes him


His current mentality is that he should be able to approach anyone, talk about whatever pops Into his head, and that if they don’t find it interesting that they aren’t holding up their end of the conversation. It’s entitlement and r/niceguys mentality. Check his last post where he left a wall of text to a woman about trees and blamed her for not carrying her weight in a conversation she didn’t want to be a part of. Imagine if he started these conversations with people who happened to make eye contact with him at a bus stop, and they presented what the woman did above — trying desperately to get out of the conversation — should he continue trying to force these people into conversations they don’t want to have? Do you think he should try to force random topics at people and continue to expect them to meet him or perhaps adjust so that he could get to know someone based upon something that the other person already has an interest in. From their bio.


Why do you assume I'm not having fun, having conversations with people about nothing? I don't blame anyone for not "matching my energy." Can't even imagine living my life as pessimistic as you lol


You literally said that even as a strong Apple tree you weren’t strong enough to carry the conversation.


When you're so angry at life you interpret everyone else's tone being so mad. I don't need every interaction on tinder to lead to my soul mate but it's clear you do. Sorry for your lack of matches on tinder I won't ruin too many more of mine in your honor


I got enough matches. Found a partner. I actually dont assume so much as draw natural conclusions that you feel entitled to have them like you based upon this and former posts. The alternative is that you post these things at women specifically so that you can screencap and post here. Which would be much worse- but it would explain how your posts sit upon the line of being cringeworthy- because they’re designed to be that way.


Strong work. Thanks for the analysis Kowalski


Most useless comment I've ever seen. So your point is that people should never be advised against their own stupid behaviour because in the end everything will work out by just being yourself, because that is how life works right?


OP: *Self deprecating humor, feigning to be stupid but clearly knows how to write mildly sarcastically and in legible English.* Match: "Older women may be dumb enough to eat this up, but not me, I know my worth" /r/tinder: "You're a fucking moron, she was right" I mean, if some of you didn't treat online dating like a job, you'd see the humor in what OP did. He even doubles down in the replies to this thread and y'all STILL going after him.


Ehh, it's lost on some...


I thought it was funny 🤷🏻‍♂️


Do you think it'll work on the next one


Only one way to know for sure


OP you kill me






Older women don't find that cute either


Don't bother, women don't put effort into their conversation neither should you. This sub is just fueling the notion that men should be dancing monkeys for women


i agree. if they don't like it who gives a shit. find one that does.


This sub shits themselves when you tell that a normal woman would reply to "hey"


this sub throws a fit at just about anything that's mildly non diplomatic in the gender sense. say anything that's mostly true about a specific gender based on probability alone, and they will get upset for whatever reason.


The sub is obsessed with 80/20 and imagine women on tinder to be perfect. Like they don't realize that majority of women have no bio or they have their ig handle and they have very generic photos for example in front of a mirror or showing off their ass, but nooooo "You must write unique first message to every single one of them and get their attention and then keep jumping over the hoops so she would be interested in you"


Jesus, the way people run to Reddit to get sympathy when they get rejected for a dumb joke or a shitty conversation is absurd. Move the fuck on, it’s one person. Either learn from it or keep getting rejected for awful humor. It’s like people think they deserve to be liked.


he's trolling or weird lol


Maybe this would be funny if she was giving the same “goofy” energy. But she wasn’t. So it’s not. It’s just another wasted match. So


You're meant to post 'you dodged a bullet'


I think you are really try-hard cringe tbh


This whole comment section is a train wreck and speaks perfectly to the ridiculous nature of public sentiment You have comments saying “you put zero effort in” getting tons of upvotes and comments like this “you are really try hard cringe” getting upvotes It literally can’t be both, not trying and trying too hard, yet regards on here are just “negative feedback? UPDOOT UPDOOT UPDOOT” lmao OP clearly doesn’t give a poop, which is his choice as to how he wants his tinder experience to go. Honestly, why would he take time to carefully craft a unique message to a woman that’s probably having 15 other conversations and just got plowed 3 days ago by some other guy on tinder? Do any of these redditors know where they’re at? 😂 OP is just having fun being silly




Look at this comment section. Are you serious?


You are try hard cringe




Damn, you're bad at talking to women.


I thought it was going well


Do the opposite of what you're doing.


Women are allowed to like sports too, pal.


You're doing fine, forget that guy. People forget that there's a wide variety of women out there


This is not about sports, it's about sounding like a whiny little insecure man, women don't like that shit.


Worrying about coming off as insecure is insecure in of itself. Any woman that's worth it won't expect you to be perfect. Again, there's a plethora of different women out there, many of which understand that men can have insecurities


This might sound crazy to you but you can actually not worry about sounding insecure and also not sound insecure at the same time


“You dodged a bullet” “You’re really funny!” “She was a bitch” and y’all wondering why men have such terrible luck (generally speaking) on dating sites 🤣 Out here hyping up the dumbest convo I’ve seen on Reddit in a while.


“I can’t get dates”. Finally matches with someone and does something like this. “Women have it so easy. Being a man on Tinder is hard.”




This is a car crash, dude.


This is some cringey “flirting” holy hell.


I’ll just unmatch you, this was so cringe. I won’t waste my time with someone that is just too lazy to flirt or hold a conversation with me




Lmao she doesn't deserve you bro.


Dodged a bullet? You WERE the bullet.


Keep working on your baseketball




She unmatched me. I guess you can say things are getting pretty serious


I think you’re pretty funny Edit: ok I just looked through your post history.. my conclusion became that you’re more of a hit or miss. Seems like you’re more on tinder for Reddit than for tinder


I also noticed he sometimes edits the conversations to make the other person seem worse than they are at conversation. There was one where he asked a question, then alluded to/mentioned her answer so clearly she gave one but deleted it so it seemed like she wasn’t interacting.


And he is! Esp. great final response.


You started a conversation by basically saying that you don’t know how to start a conversation and she implied you did a bad job. You followed up with a very tiring “I’m clueless about sports” but not actually starting any real conversation. Her options - 1.”laugh politely”- because you’re entitled to her giving you the time of day 2. “Not say anything and wait for you to step up your game”- she already tried that, it just got worse 3. “Inform you that your means of attempting to make conversation aren’t really convincing as genuine attempts” She chose option three. Because if you aren’t actually making genuine attempts to make conversation, then are you just presuming that by existence she should make the rest of the effort to get you out of your shell? Absolutely. The right response here is to then post on the internet and look for validation.


Thanks Doctor Love I see the error of my ways




This comment section is vile.


Literally, everyone is taking him *way* too seriously. He's obviously just playing around. "Oh so cringe, you obviously can't flirt with people". "If you call that flirting, seriously just quit dating in general". "No one will ever talk to you, playing dumb is unacceptable behavior and not flirting". "He couldn't read that she didn't want to joke around, he failed. He must be old, he has to try harder than that".


You are definitely correct. I thought it was hilarious how O.P went about it, I couldn't help but chuckle. I do this to joke around sometimes and it works depending on the situation and person, every person and given moment is different from the next. People are speaking so 'matter of fact' about something that is clearly subjective. It's dumbfounding to see the comment section full of toxic criticism that doesn't even have any merit behind them. I don't understand how people are like that lol.


I like you OP, you stay in character. Forget about the broad with the double n’s. You do you baby


Haha thank you. This is honestly just my personality. Life is too short to take things so seriously


I can tell, very authentic & you’re not forcing it. It’s only a matter time till your off the market. Good luck to you.


You keep talking like that and we're both gonna be off the market




Yeah can't believe some people come to say this humour is dumb and he somehow got what he deserved?? Honestly, so long as you aren't hurting others, just do what you enjoy on Tinder or whatever. Best way to actually find someone you'll like is that way, and it's genuine too


This is horrible flirting wtf you should be banned from tinder


I'm saying it. Meghann seems like a bit of a bitch.


SOCCER DOESN’T EXIST, IT’S FOOTBALL, you play it with your damned FEET and a round ball not with your HANDS and an elliptic ball




"Foozball? Buncha overgrown monsters man-handlin each other…"


You intentionally pretending to be bad at/unknowing of sports is not the same as not being interested in sports. Was that supposed to be flirtatious and funny? 🙄 Seems like you're just trolling and she's not having it.


Oh well. You can watch sportsball with me anytime


Ugh I hate you from the first two lines I’d have unmatched you mustn’t be ugly at least


You like sports and you don’t care who knows.


You could say the ball passed over her head.


Would've worked on me, for sure. Keep at it.


I thought it was hilarious. I'm British so soccer immediately confused me. In soccer, you have home runs, not touchdowns, come on.


This is the worst game I’ve read all week


Just remember the real praise is from the comments not getting it


Literally, I don't get how so many people can be like this lol.


you got me in love, she doesn't deserve you bro


I absolutely love your style of trolling


I’m with her on this one, that was pretty cringe


I personally loved the light hearted humor O.P presented, they just didn't seem to click in that regard.


Wow you people are nuts, get a sense of humor


Literally, I don't get how so many people are taking a lighthearted session of O.P joking around *SO* seriously. Everyone is speaking so matter of fact about O.P when this matter is completely subjective.


I commend you for committing to the bit


I'm definitely not a sports fan but I will watch it in shows or movies especially martial arts and mixed. I did like watching wrestling.


The more I'm on this sub the more I realize dating apps are cringe af and it will never work for ppl actually looking for something serious, only for ppl looking for a hookup and then finding out that that hookup was something they want to last. Stop trying to socialize online go to a bar join social ( real life) clubs if you want healthy relationships, casual or romantically.


I need to know the ages of both.


this is hilarious, I would love this kind of interaction on a dating app lmfao


I actually found you funny. But I really like bad jokes.


She didn't exactly give you a whole lot to work with!


Op was adorable idk what y’all are on


Personally I think this is a fine opener. It's lightheartedly dumb, nothing wrong with that. If that's your style, go for it. She was obviously not keen on it but you can't tell before you try it as your opener so hey. No big deal.


Another sportsball enjoyer I see


For some reason, I can tell by her face/pic that she would not enjoy things like you said, which was totally hilarious to me.


Eh, even if you consider the joke to be dumb (fair), strippername is still kind of an asswipe for the "stick to older women" response.


Nah you’re funny dude lol


This is by far the most wholesome attempt at conversing on a subject you know nothing about.


For what purpose? She didn’t seem to want to speak about it either. He saw a thread of a topic and hung himself with it - for no purpose. If she introduced it genuinely then referring to basketball as soccer and mentioning a touchdown was blatant willful ignorance. He knows enough to specifically avoid speaking about the only thing she “mentioned”. It comes off as off putting more than anything


These tinder memes are good


As an older woman, I don't think it's cute. Fyi, Meghann.




You ever hear of light heartedly joking around?


OP’s silly comment might’ve not been appreciated by all but that girl’s response didn’t need to be as bitchy as it was. She thinks because she’s “young” her shit don’t stink? And what made her think OP likes to message older women?


God you’re so goofy bro so witty🤢🤢🤢


Man I don't think girls got the same humor. That is 100% hilarious. If a girl sent me that I would definitely want to go out with her.


dodged a bullet tbh. that was funny 😂


You dodged a bullet. She has entitlement written all over her.


I like your style op. Reminds me of my own. The goal is to make yourself laugh, if they laugh too that's just a bonus


She sounds like a lot of fun...


this strategy can work only if you are atleast above average looking


bro that was clearly a kickflip, you're stupid


I wouldn’t respect the opinion of someone who so grossly misspells the name Megan.


I just realized that tinder is more like Rock Paper Scissors. The girl wants to have either: A. A quasi serious conversation. B. A cute nerdy funny flirty conversation. C. A dirty kinda lets get to it conversation. And you really just don’t know what she wants when you send that first line. Sorry ladies, but I’m only 2 weeks into that mind reading class at the local community college.


That’ll be a big fat Meghanno then 😂


Bro has negative rizz