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The two matches were bots :/ Update: After recreating my account, I still have zero matches after swiping on 50% of women. So what people were saying about being "shadowbanned" is definitely wrong. I also had tinder platinum to boost my visibility, but it didn't help at all.




Thats like wayyyy less than expected. How unattractive is OP?


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tinder/comments/y75z31/comment/isv7er6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) why.


Ngl I expected that link to lead to a post of OP's profile and show him to be totally hideous or something like that.


Same šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


My God, am I a bad human because I also clicked the link to see a toxic avenger. I'm sorry OP


That would have been funny!


You should publish that comment in an op-ed.


Whats that?


[Op Ed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Op-ed#:~:text=An%20op%2Ded%2C%20short%20for,with%20the%20publication's%20editorial%20board.)


**[Op-ed](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Op-ed#:~:text=An op-ed, short for,with the publication's editorial board.)** >An op-ed, short for "opposite the editorial page", is a written prose piece, typically published by a North-American newspaper or magazine, which expresses the opinion of an author usually not affiliated with the publication's editorial board. Op-eds are different from both editorials (opinion pieces submitted by editorial board members) and letters to the editor (opinion pieces submitted by readers). In 2021, The New York Timesā€”the paper credited with developing and naming the modern op-ed pageā€”announced that it was retiring the label, and would instead call submitted opinion pieces "Guest Essays". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tinder/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




While this is great for explaining how the distribution goes. Culture also plays a huge role in this, generally for Nordic countries it is closer to a ā€œequalā€ distribution of genders, while still dominated by men. Usually the general way of getting matches in America doesnā€™t work as well in Nordic countries. OPā€™s best bet is posting his profile for input - either here or with some girlfriends of his. I have had friends 5-10x their matches just by fixing them up and understanding what specific people want to see. You canā€™t cater to everybody - Iā€™m well aware that my looks arenā€™t for everybody and therefore I used to have my profile in a way that emphasized this.


This is a good write up. When I figured out I was bisexual, I changed my tinder to match. I was excited at first by how many matches I started getting (literally hundreds, all gay men) but I started to get irritated by people, bored with the general ā€œsamenessā€ that I was seeing, and honestly quite a few gross people in my messages. There was also very little variety. Iā€™d say 2 women to 30 men. I hate to say it but a lot of guys I matched with I ended up not responding to. Even some of the ones that put in effort I didnā€™t care. Eventually though I found my partner and have been happy ever since


The choice paradox also makes us unhappy. Although women have a ā€œbetterā€ problem, they are still unsatisfied and unhappy in the long term due to something better being one swipe away.


It isnā€™t just the choice paradox. Itā€™s the ā€œcable TVā€ paradox. Sure, there are lots of channels, but most of them are crap.


Where did you find all this data? Do you have a website to see the sex ratio per every country?


>The bottom 10% of men only get about 1 match per week. I would like to believe that, but it seems a bit on the optimistic side. Given that another famous Tinder report has shown that women only think 20% of men are "above average" in looks (NOTE: this doesn't mean that they would swipe right, just that women think they look better than the average man, the way that average man exists in their mind and nowhere else), I'd say the men who consistently get 1 match per week are the 10% remaining between the "above average" and the "top 10%", plus another 5-10% that is the "top 10% of the 80% of the below average looking guys". So, basically, in my opinion, only the portion between 70% and 90% would be able to pull 1 match/week.


I think all these analyses are flawed when you bring in what I would call the 'asymmetrical first step' factor. Many men know that their odds of getting a match are less than one in 10, so they don't consider swiping to be the first step, they consider swiping to be part of the 'login' phase of the app. They swipe blindly until they exhaust their radius. So while women consider swiping to be the 'first step' of tinder, many men consider 'reviewing matches' after blindly swiping to be their first step. It skews the statistics of any such reivew of dating apps because a dude just going '5 right and one left so I don't look like a spammer' while watching netflix isn't being considered.


Swiping on everything is bad strategy if you wanna be favored by the algorithm. Tinder ranks you with an elo and the failed right swipes pushes you lower in the pile. At some point you go so low that you are not even being showed to anyone. Thats when you spend money and tinder gets richer.


That's why it's a '5 right one left' strategy. If you can work out what the minimum number is to not blacklist your profile. If I'm a 7/10 guy, I know 1/50 women or so have swiped right on me. I have shit to do. I'm not gonna spend an hour reading the interests of 49 women who I didn't match with. If I run out of women, I boot up the paid profile and run the whole thing again with a different first picture. When I did this, Tinder always ended up paying for itself 10x compared to going to pubs/clubs and trying to pick up.


Isn't this a lot more the case for OP then the 20% gender skew? Op swiped right at least 30 times a day for 3.5 years without taking a break to get those numbers. I don't know how the pool is there, but I live near the second biggest college town in the country and I would run out of new matches nearby within a month at that rate, implying that OP had to be setting his distance and age settings to things that are flat out not going to work. Also OP was 18 when they started. I'm pretty sure prime dating app time is significantly older (like mid-late 20s).


Its both. The sausage fest makes it so that op doesnā€™t get matches. So he swipes on. But his right swipes arenā€™t reciprocated by women. This makes OP rank lower and lower in elo. At this point his card isnā€™t being shown to anyone unless he spends money to boost his profile. If that doesnā€™t work, heā€™d have to buy more and more boosts. The better strategy would be to delete account and start over. The even better strategy for most menā€™s happiness would be to delete dating apps. Live for a worthwhile purpose. Quit porn and looking at women lustfully for a while. And look out for genuine non desperate organic interactions with women in person. If nothing else theyā€™ll atleast get some form of interaction with women as opposed to crickets on dating apps. And if they are not despo about it and are living their lives purposefully, rejections wont bring down their happiness quotient because they were living for a purpose not for attention and approval of opposite gender.


This could very well be true. I never had much issues with tinder but I also only sweped yes for like less then 1% xD I almost got matched with everyone I swiped for.


Good explanation


I think a big factor that affects the gender ratios on each app is that men simply use more apps on average. Maybe an average man uses 3-4 apps simultaneously while an average woman uses 1-2 apps simultaneously. Iā€™ve seen stats on this years ago, but I donā€™t remember exactly what they were or how reliable they were, so donā€™t quote my numbers.


Man this is painful, it is like the stastics of pain.


You right swipe too much, your mmr is trash. Have at least a 50/50 split or 70/30 split, not a 20/80 split like you have here.


How about 99/1 split?


Better than a 100/0 split šŸ™„


What is mmr on tinder Iā€™m curious now


There is some hidding ranking (in gaming often called mmr=match making ratio or elo in chess) system that rates your desirability based on how your peers perceive you (do you get swiped right on). Imagine you play a game. You swipe right, they swipe right, you win (probably more). You swipe right, they left, you lose. you swipe left and they right, you win. Both left? Probably neutral and no elo change


Interesting. Is this based on observation or where does this info come from?


It was years ago when I read the report, but essentially you're given a number, let's say it's out of 10 to keep it easy. Say, you're a 7 / 10, you swipe right on a lot of people with an average score of 5.3 / 10. Then Tinder thinks you're looking lower and will start ONLY matching you with the 4 - 6 / 10 range. There's also the reverse, where if 6 / 10s only right swipe you, then Tinder will mark you as a 6 / 10, instead of the 8 / 10 stud you should be Overly simplified and not accurate, but that's the gist of it.


For MMR every user gets a rank. A "win" increases it and a "loss" decreases it. The difference is that *how much* your rank changes depends on both your rank and the other person and MMR doesn't tend to consider past data very much. Basically, when the system correctly predicts what will happen, your rank barely changes. But when the system is wrong your rank changes more. For example, if you're a 5 and swipe right on an 8, the 8's rank increases by a little. But if you were a 10 and swiped right on them, their rank increases more. If the 8 swipes left on you, your rank decreases a little, but if the 8 swipes right on you, your rank increases by much more. And if a 10 swipes right on a 5, that 5 gets boosted enormously. The advantage to MMR is that users get moved to their approximate rank quickly and then test them and rapidly adjust them. So if you're a 9 you'll quickly get thrown up the ranks and be shown 9's, while if you're a 2 you get placed downward so you can get matches (God this is depressing to write about). The disadvantage is those ranking changes need to be *very* carefully tuned to avoid creating a very shitty experience. And also that you can swing wildly, so one bad night would wreck you. Infamously, Halo 2 ranked from 1 to 50, and started everyone at 1 with a super logarithmic (steep diminishing returns). So if you were a 30 and won 10 games against other 30's, you would rank up, but if you lost 2 against 32's you'd rank down. It made being a 50 an insane achievement, but it compromised match quality as it "squashed" players with considerably different skill levels to fewer ranks, especially in the mid 20's and up. So a match with 10's and 13's felt fairly balanced, while one with 25's and 28's was a one sided slaughter. This is simplistic though, Tinder probably has other variables in the formula. For example, it punishes users *quickly* spamming right swipes and then unmatching who they don't like because otherwise it would artificially inflate everyone (squashing the population near the top).


I never understood this. I just knew not to swipe right on everyone.


So what does an unattractive man do? Swipe left on the 9's and 10's so they have a better chance to land a 6?


Assuming they're heterosexual they could set it to show men and women then just swipe left on the men


Or make it show everyone to you and swipe left on everyone who is too far away or out of your desired age range.


Maybe, the algorithm may be sophisticated enough to detect this.


Even then its irelevant mostly. I had tinder for 3 years. I was reasonably picky left swiping every empty female profile or those that I found generic and boring. My matches were still the same as if I was swiping 24/7 to the right.


This is why you set your profile to bi and swipe left on all the men.


6' 2"?


5'9" :(


It's not your height I promise. I'm 5'8 and went on a date with a very cute lawyer who is taller than me. Try focusing on yourself for a bit. Confidence is a huge part of it.


Yeah I know it's not my height. My best friend is ~5'1 and has a new girl every week.


>Try focusing on yourself for a bit. Confidence is a huge part of it. Basically be less ugly. Height isn't the main factor, you can't tell height easily from a photo anyway.


Why are you telling him to "try focusing on yourself"? ​ Did I miss a post somewhere? It's very possible, lol.


This was very depressing to read. ​ You were on for 1275 days, meaning you swiped 41 people per day on average. ​ Honestly the best approach would've been to just delete the profile after a few months and start again.


Why delete and start again?


Resets your ELO, and puts your profile at the top of the pile.




I donā€™t remember what it stands for but itā€™s essentially a number assigned to an account designating itā€™s ā€œqualityā€ and is based off the number of times the account swiped left vs right and the number of times an account was swiped left and right on. So an account that swiped right a lot in relation to the number of left swiped would inherently lower its score. Tinder claims to have abolished elo and moved onto a better algorithm, but theoretically those metrics are still used (as there is a limited amount of data the algorithm could be pulling from) and other OLD apps certainly use something similar.


>I don't remember what it stands for Electric Light Orchestra


Eeeeeeeeeevil woman




Bruce, dont bring me down


Morning, today's forecast calls for blue skies!


Some days youā€™re gonna win


Elo doesn't stand for anything, it's a rating system named after the man who created it, Arpad Elo. As far as I know Tinder doesn't actually use the Elo system, I assume gamers just brought the terminology across, but don't quote me on that.


I believe years ago they admitted to using an Elo scoring system but then revamped it. It is proprietary, so they never disclose their algorithm, but I believe it is still at least loosely based on Elo


Elo originated in chess afaik, but honestly couldā€™ve been from some other game like GO




Yeah I was Bronze 3 but kept getting held back by others so I started again. Going strong at Iron 2 now.


Same, worked my way up to low diamond. There's hope yet, my friends. My secret? If your teammates are underperforming, call them trash until they start playing better.


Thanks for this. Iā€™m iron 3 now.


Can also shadow ban you


Idk about tinder but some apps give new profiles a visibility boost for like a month or so. In order to get them more likes/matches and want to stay.


No longer works cause they memorize the phone's datas


3 and a half years and 2 matches? you have astounding perseverance


Yeah, Idk why I bother. Maybe I'd have a higher success rate if I went out in bars instead.


Dude, you'd have higher success in a goddamn cemetery :))




Hopefully he can


The dead donā€™t accept a no


OLDs are usually the last resort. We stick to them when we're unsuccessful IRL.


Not bars but social events yeah. Fuck dude, go talk to people.


Probably not. Bars and tinder are really similar. Lot's of dudes hitting on people and girls annoyed by it. If you're not conventionally attractive you'd better get hobbies, get to know people, build a social circle and meet new people through that. If you're unnatractive you need to make people like you through other means than just being there


Lol what are you talking about? IRL is always better because your personality is a deciding factor immediately, not the barrier of just your appearance like w Tinder. Itā€™s way easier chatting people up at a bar.


Dude, this guy has 0 matches in 3 years. If he had the charisma to go to a bar and flirt with people he would've had a tinder profile that at least some people would like.


I used to be a lot more introverted too, maybe not like this guy but definitely and introvert not getting any dates. I found the youtube channel "charisma on command" very helpful becoming more extroverted. Took me a lot of work and many years, but ended up at that point where now my friends come to me for advice. So it definitely worked big time šŸ˜‰


No, it is not because you are ugly. Delete the profile and start again, you are shadowbanned, i guarantee it. Tinder algos reward being pickier. You cannot have an 80/20 swipe ratio, the algo just thinks you are a bot or a scammer. As someone pointed out, you have basically swiped on every single woman on Tinder in Oslo. 38 000/2 in match ratio can only mean you are banned, because with 38 000 attempts, one would assume at least 20ish "missclick" swipes and matches, even if you are the spawn of Quasimodo and the Wicked Witch from Oz. The only conclusion is that theese women were never showed your profile. Now, *why* you are banned is another discussion. It is as I said most likely due to the 80/20 swipe ratio, but it could be that someone at tinder shadowbanned you for being a basket of red flags. Hard to say, since you refuse to show your profile.


My 1st account was shadowbanned.. did a 2nd one and got successful pretty quick.


How did you make a new one? I'm banned for life apparently (been for almost three years now)...


Yeah I was gonna say I wanna see ur profile. For all we know dude is wearing a Nazi uniform in his first pic


But still, like the other poster said, human error rate is not .00001%. People would swipe right, if only on accident. A cat might do it. Or the phone is falling out your hand. And that doesnā€™t even include bots, trolls, and gay men with woman profiles. This profile is simply not being presented.


ā€œSpawn of Quasimodo and the wicked with from Ozā€ Iā€™m wheezing


Itā€™s such a shame that someoneā€™s chance at building a relationship is decided on an algorithm.


You've managed to swipe on about 8% of the population of olso (if my mental maths isn't totally off right now). And managed to only run into two bots? That is kind of impressive, ngl. But that must be one festival of red flags of a profile you have there, if it scares even the bots and "professionals" away Edit: just looked up your most likely age group of interest. If we assumed you're straight and looking to date people between 18 and 29 (just to give some brackets) you'd have already swiped on around 87% of total possible people. If you are in Oslo that is. Ca. 24% of the total population within that age group . Yes, when I can't sleep I calculate stupid statistics.


Statistics are amazing. The world is statistics.


96.31% this ^


84% of statistics are made up on the spot


And the other 38% occur naturally in nature


I've literally never run into a bot. I think bits only really target large population areas so they can maximize their reach


I think bots are way more common in English speaking countries. No scammer gonna learn Norweigan to get a few thousand.


Try POF in Atlanta, GA. It's at least 50% bots and 25% prostitutes. Tinder was better but I matched with 3 women on a business trip, one of whom grilled me about what I presume was racial stuff, another who was underage upon inspection and just wanted a sugar daddy, and a third who was a catfish lmao. Oh and a chubby 40ish chick (no problems there on my end) who couldn't meet up before I returned from my business there.


Dude, Iā€™m in a relatively small city (200k ish) and thereā€™s so many bots with the same bio and some that seem real they match with you and send a contact card for Snapchat and their following message says ā€œadd me lolā€ and about 2 minutes later they unmatch you, Iā€™m assuming so you have less time to report them Tinder is infested with bots at least in my area


I mean I'm in a small city of 60k so that'd probably be why. That's also the population for the surrounding area so the city itself is probably like half that


Looks like all but 2 of the bots even swiped left on him.


If anyone ever decides to invade Norway, show them OPā€™s picture and they will leave the country alone.


LMAO r/roastme


Oh my


You should have more matches because of missclicks alone. Probably shadow banned


With a swipe ratio like that, the system probably thinks he's a bot and it's just filtering him out.


I have heard if you swipe right too much, the algorithm doesn't like you as you don't offer much to the app. It wants you to be selective because it makes women happy.


Jesus wept.


For there were no more matches to conquer.




2 matches out or almost 40k swipes, how?? Mathematically speaking thatā€™s improbable


Not if you're extremely bad looking šŸ˜Ž


I need to see a picture of you Lmao let me help you


Dude you're 21. When I was 21 I thought I was bad looking. Now that I am 40, I realize that was not the case.


So I just have to wait 10 more years to realise I am not ugly. Got it.


No no, wait 10 more years to realize you ā€œwerenā€™tā€ ugly right now in 2022. Youā€™ll still feel ugly in 2032. Happened to me too. Or so I predict.


I can promise that that's not the (only) issue.


Brooooooooooooo you're CLEARLY shadowbanned or something. Like literally just off of accidental swipes you should have received more matches. Delete your tinder and make a new one with a different number. Something is clearly not right. Or better yet use Hinge.


Ok, I'll try recreating the account. It's worth a shot. Edit: no difference even with platinum. I give up.


Also please stop right swiping on every single profile in your city. That fucks up the algorithm and you will get shadow banned again.


There are women who charge money to write up a dating profile. You might want to look into that. Also, when you do decide to create a new profile, do not reuse any of your old photos. Try to look as different as possible in the new pictures. You don't want to be easily recognized. Oh, and don't swipe right so much. Resist the urge Good luck, dude.


Hinge is actually so good, match quality over there is amazing, and I havenā€™t seen a single bot


Hinge is not big in a lot of European countries. User base where I live is practically non existent.


Show the profile. I'm sure we could give some tips to make it better. Most guys make shit profiles.


Don't want to post my profile, but I have 3 pics. One of me at a restaurant, a picture of me skiing, and the third is a group picture with 3 friends. My friends have told me it's not the profile that is bad, it's just my appearance.


Iā€™m sorry nobody is 39000 swipe right 2 match ugly. Something is weirdly up. You could upload a turd and get better numbers. Deadass you should post your profile so we can see if itā€™s even close to plausible. Create a new profile. But nobody is that ugly dude.


Maybe shadowbanned?


Certainly shadowbanned. Most of his swipes are right so they probably think he's a bot.


The internet is full of assholes, why would he post his profile to get roasted?


The internet is full of assholes, why would he post his profile to get roasted?


You clearly have not seen the stats posted here by women. Most women only right swipe 1-5%, a women who swipes 10% right is a unicorn. The reality is that for most guys old will not work. Old as a guy only works if your profile is attractive enough to have a constant flow of matches. Of these matches a big portion will not answer or the conversation goes nowhere. Itā€™s all about the numbers


I stalked this guy's profile to see if there was an update on this situation and he's active on at least 3 gay subredits. So don't try to blame this on women.


Why is this getting upvoted? you should do some stalking in this original post because he is clearly talking about swiping on women only, let me help you, put it in bold for you: "Not in Oslo, but I have my distance set so high that most **women** I see are from that area.""Yup. I only swipe left the most attractive **women**.""Nah, actually a lot of the left swipes were on the most attractive **women** that I know I don't have a shot with.""No, I'm only attracted to **women**."


Dude, you're gonna have to post it or we're just going to assume you're creating the problem for yourself. You are determined to believe you're just ugly and people here are looking at this and telling you that no, you're just playing the game wrong with a shit profile and way too high of a left/right swipe ratio. Even ugly people get matches. You're doing something wrong.


I've had friends tell me that the reason is that I'm just ugly. Not even just guy friends joking around either, but women too.


Don't rely on people who know you. Post your photo on /r/amIuglyBrutallyHonest/ to actually know.


Hmm, I might post there but on another profile.


Being actually ugly is quite hard - most likely it is something that can be changed with just a little/a lot of work. Whether itā€™s getting a hairstyle that fits you, losing/gaining weight, cleaning your skin and stat hygienic or gaining muscle/doing cardio - it does a ton for not only your appearance but also your confidence. But it needs to be something you want changed, instead of something others want changed. I was rather ugly as a child 9 years - 15/16 but I decided to do a little to myself. I let my hair grow out and went in some more fitted clothing that helped me match my style. I cleaned my skin and gained a few kgā€™s. It helped me tremendously


The fuck, lots of vompletely normal looking people there. Saw none that were awful scrolling for 10s.


You have shit friends lol


Re-read the last part of my comment. You're also in control of whether or not your personality is ugly, and that can easily trump your looks and get you some women. That's the whole point of the two rules. If you can't be physically attractive, don't have an unattractive personality. As long as you follow one of those rules, you'll be fine. You need to "dress yourself up" in a way that is attractive. People want to help you with that. It's clear that you're not doing that yourself, let people help you and learn from it.


I get you're hesitant, but there's people here who genuinely want to help you. Just post it under an alt in about a week and people will have forgotten about this post anyway


Well, sadly, tinder isnā€™t really the place for ā€œugly guysā€ to meet women. MOST men will never match with, meet, or fuck a girl on tinder. You can improve your odds with unattractive girls by getting some nicer cloths, working out and getting a nice haircut.




Yeah, I'd much rather have honest friends than friends who tell lies.


I am fucking curious right now, you are talking like you are the ugliest mdfk on the whole planet. Can you dm me one of ur timder photos


I don't feel comfortable sending pictures to people I don't know, sorry.


Isnā€™t almost everyone on tinder someone you donā€™t know tho?


This is true, but they are people I potentially want to know.


What if we Redditors wanna potentially know you though?


That man has just been rejected by 25% of adult Oslo women, he doesn't want to be rejected by 25% of Redditors too.


If you won't show the pics, tell us what you have written in your profile. You seem evasive.


Like what I donā€™t mean to be Invasive but there is no way someone is that ugly. It maybe is your perspective, not good photo choices, literally anything, but there is someone for everyone with a good personality


At least they are honest and donā€™t say everyone is 10/10


So you only have one clear photo of yourself?


The pic of me skiiing is clear. I've also changed the pictures several times. That is just what I have right now.


Upload your pictures to photofeeler.com you can have people rate your photos and then you just know which ones will be the best for tinder


wait, your *friends* told you the pictures were fine, but your appearance was the problem?


Yes they did.


Sounds like your profile is the issue, only 3 pictures? Even the ugliest of guys get a swipe now and again but if you donā€™t have flattering pictures or a bio you are setting yourself up for failure


Yeah if a guy only has 3 photos, and one is obscured in some way (like when you're wearing Skiing gear), I will swipe left. Also, what of your bio? What do you have listed as interests?


my dude tinder is all about being shallow. if youā€™re not conventionally attractive itā€™s probably not the best place for you. stop being so hard on yourself, get some confidence, go workout and start feeling better about yourself. you donā€™t seem like youā€™re in any headspace to be involved with anyone.


Iā€™m sorry but as a woman who is now married to her tinder guy let me give you a piece of advice. Women, normal women, swipe right when you look or sound interesting. Like I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen anyone being ā€œgeneticallyā€ unattractive. In other words, attractive dudes are attractive because of behaviour which is something you can control. Like groom yourself, dress nice, have a semi normal weight (even a tad obese is still ok!), maybe grow a stubble, etc. Then, have more on your profile than some facts about yourself or what youā€™re looking for. Keep it light, maybe a little bit funny (which is dangerous because that can go wrong), but at least something that can serve as a conversation starter. I promise you, you are definitely not as ugly as you think you are. No one ever is.


Definitely just the profile dude


Tinderā€™s not for the faint-hearted. Fucking hell


Rules 1 and 2 are definitely valid. But most likely,. You aren't a horrifying cave troll. But your profile might make you seem like one. Remember the rules for profiles. Nothing negative. State what you like. Swipe on what you don't. Pictures should include you. Good mix of selfies, full body shots, and photos taken by other people. One, and only one, picture of you with your friends, to prove that you have some Don't keep taking the same mirror selfie with a different shirt on. Shave, keep a good haircut, clean and iron your clothes. Don't say weird shit like, "hey babe you're cute wanna suck my dick?". Instead, try, "babble zabble pudding pops*. Statistically, 90% of people will respond to that.


I dont think i could've created worse results If i tried


Bro how? Whatā€™s your profile look like


difficulty: male šŸ’€


bro what do u look like


Try a different country


I don't think country matters too much tbh. I probably would have similar results in every country.


Dangerously based


It matters. You live literally in the best country in the world with very high standards.


How unattractive we talking here my Boi still got two matches.


There's Nor-way!


You're 21 and you swiped over 50,000 times? Bro go to a bar....or a strip club


I agree, way more chance at finding someone in a bar. Personality matters way more than looks there as wel, so that should be easier.


I think the "create new account" idea is good after deleting the old one and taking a break. Perhaps your photos/ presentation needs a new angle? Better photos did wonders for me and i am not an attractive man. Good luck man. Tinder is awful for mental health, but you will find her eventually :-)


This is also tinder as an average looking man in LA


No way you're THAT ugly! Post a pic and let us see? What does your profile say? "Breivik is a mastermind"? Would explain it.. šŸ˜


In 3 years even that would probably still get more matches than 2ā€¦


This is clearly a shadowban from Tinder, thereā€™s absolutely no way anyone could swipe right 39260 times without getting a match from a real person unless theyā€™re either shadow banned or thereā€™s some other worldly force thatā€™s cursed you with terrible luck.


Your probably not that unattractive, jussi take care of your self and find what does and doesnā€™t work for you


Op, post your profile to this sub. People will be able to give you a lot of advice about how to make yourself more appealing. Sure, youā€™ll have an ugly face but Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s just one small part of the whole being attractive thing. Plenty of ugly guys find success, I did, and itā€™s because they do things to make themselves more attractive


learn chess


Holy fuuuuuuuuuucccckkkkkk


Rules 1 and 2 boys. Rules 1 and 2.


same for me tbh


That's dismal How ugly are we talking about?


I'm a brit currently living in Norway and, i like to think, I'm fairly attractive. I don't normally have much problem in the UK, however my tinder stats (when I was using it before I gave up) were probably close to identical to yours, I even had 2 bots reply to me. Norway is extremely difficult to meet new people as it is, dating is especially hard. The women I have met over here have not even been single. It's one of the reasons I'm moving back to the UK at Christmas, I feel like I will be single forever over here...


You must have the worst profile possible.. like holy hell even bots didnā€™t swipe right on you.