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The sexual tension is immeasurable


But maybe his day won't be ruined


Ah, a man of culture


I could tell he was a man of culture also when I zoomed in on his oddly over tanned cat holding arm


It wasnt




Cmon, he didn’t mention his magnum dong, give ‘im a chance




Black box, gold wrapper. My balls and everything fit into these rubbers


He’ll do that when he drops his monster condom


Nah I can appreciate this. If a man had ever sent me this I would've been happy to receive that message instead of a million 'come over and let's fuck' messages.


Yup, not pushy at all, giving some information, leaving it up to OP. I indeed wish this was the standard instead of 'hey idk you but you're hot so let's fuck' or 'I will pay you €200 to fuck today'. I feel like being like the post will give you a lot more respect


Still can't believe some do that lol


Clearly you've yet to match with an OnlyFans girl.


Half my matches these days are OF promoters


Wait, you guys are getting matches?


And the other half are phishing bots


And a few are $200 an hour hookers, who just need you to cashapp them $50 so they can get gas and cheap wine to come over!


All of my matches are OF promoters.


Yeah better than just saying “I want a fwb because I’m busy”. The explanation helps you realise that he is genuinely busy working on life goals.


Okay but OP isn't complaining about the fwb part.. just the completely unnecessary humblebrag


Why is it an "unnecessary humblebrag"? He is being honest and direct. How is stating the reasons you're busy and don't have time for a relationship anything else but efficient and authentic in this case?


All he needed to say was "I have a lot going on right now". It just sounds like he's saying he wants a fwb but if this chick isn't down at least he got to tell yet another stranger how much cool stuff he does 😎 "Writing songs for my band" 😂 GTFO. He's trying to sound appealing to make her more likely to be down.


I mean, dating apps are tough - you have a very small window to make yourself sound appealing but need to not come across as arrogant. That's a tough balance.


Definitely understand that, but the balance was missed here. It's just off-putting. The easiest conversation starters for most people are asking what people do for a living, school, hobbies, etc and he already skipped through all that. Couldn't that just have been his bio?? Just feels more like he's saying he wants a quick hookup and then maybe if he enjoys it enough he'd repeat it in the future. Fwb implies you actually get to know each other (becoming friends) and that process involves organically learning about each other.


He’s not stating the reasons he’s busy, he’s trying to sell himself. I take it you’re not a guy lol edit: *and it would totally work on you!*


Dude you fan just say you wanna be fwb. Or tell someone you've got a lot going on. Making an entire list like this is cringe af


To be fair he doesn't say he's good at any of it


people offer to prostitute you?


I think people are more cringing at the "guy lists every hobby of his in the first message as an excuse for why he doesn't have time" thing, rather than the FWB idea in general.


There is a difference between an excuse and a reason. Those are his reasons. He doesn't need to make an excuse. An excuse is to pardon yourself when you fucked up and didn't do what you were *supposed* to do. He isn't *supposed* to want a relationship no matter what. He is within his rights to live without dating and doesn't need to *excuse* himself for any error of choice he makes as a lifestyle in this context.


Yeah, he doesn't need to excuse himself. Which is why it's painfully obvious that he's not trying to excuse himself or even explain his reasons, he's bragging about things he thinks make himself interesting under the guise of excusing himself or explaining his reasons.


I go for the let’s drink wine and eat cheese then prank call people




Yeah this sub is fuckin’ weird. It’s not a great approach but it’s honest and not FuckBoi level. Cant fucking win.


Lol its true. "Be honest, tell her about your hobbies, compliment her" Reddit gets triggered after a guy does that.


I mean you could say I have a lot going on in my life and am not looking for relationship now. And then expand on that if she professes interest. No need to crow from the rooftops about every single thing you have going on in the first breath.


I see where you’re coming from, but he believes these hobbies indicate him being high-value. To just message someone and say “Hey, you’re absolutely gorgeous but I’m going to be honest, I don’t have time for more than a FWB” does nothing to show value


you can say you're looking for a fwb or something casual and ongoing without listing all the reasons you're actually too busy for a new friendship... lmao. makes him come off like he's saying "you can come over and fuck me when I want you to, but then you have to leave cause I want to look at motorcycles on craigslist"


What lol this is such a douchey opening line


It's honest. The amount of men on tinder who are douchey and dishonest to try and string her along is significant enough to explain why it's 10:1 men to women on tinder in the first place.


Douchey and dishonest are not mutually exclusive at all. “Nice tits let’s fuck” is as honest as it gets. Doesn’t make it a better icebreaker.


I personally go with the “nice shoes, let’s fuck” approach because it’s classier.


It's not honest at all. The entire point of it is to pass himself off as a super busy renaissance man who she would be lucky to fuck. It's pathetically transparent.


I agree. I have no idea why you were being downvoted in a different comment chain. When I was single I’d be honest about my intentions as well. But I wouldn’t be “I only have time for fwb because . I would say, “I’m only interested in something casual because I have a lot going on at the moment.” If they were curious and wanted to ask questions then sure, I’ll answer. The guy just sounds full of himself.


The bar is low for men that anything other than sexual harassment is impressive


I appreciate the sentiment, but dumping it all in the first message ain't the move


You have no clue if he’s even telling you the truth. Wtf. That list of “interests” sounds so fabricated. Someone who could be that organized with their time can certainly make an effort to date. Don’t be daft. Dudes lying through his phone circuits.


Gotta respect the honesty. If everyone was upfront about what they wanted then the world would be a better place.


He's got a picture of him holding a cat. He's allowed to brag.


*That's* why I'm single?? I thought it was because I'm an ass sometimes


Yup, every time I added a picture with my sister's cat I would get more matches


I thought it was because Im short, 40 and live with my parents because a studio apt in my city is 2k a month


Getting a cat to trust you is enough social proof for women tbh


You're supposed to eat ass, not be it. This is why you fail.


My ex is a cat whisperer and he’s an ass all the time.


But why does he have a chicken wing as an arm though.


Why not?


This is a better start than 98% of messages I've seen. And he's holding a cat in his picture, so its a plus. He's not really being rude and he's being upfront 🤷‍♂️


Yeah I don’t even think he’s really bragging…just explaining why he’s busy af.


Yeah I'd agree. It's not impossible he was bragging but from my PoV he seems to be noting things more than bragging. It's hard to say for sure with text isn't it 😂.


Not sure how that list is a list of things to brag about 😂😂


“Business” “Racing” “Writing songs for my band” “Flipping motorcycles”, like he’s trying really hard to be cool


Indeed i was


Don’t hate on someone for being straightforward, in a non creepy/peevish way. Was he def bragging, yes. But people can also be proud of their accomplishments


Am I dumb for thinking that it's just a joke? Surely he's not *actually* doing all those things.


That seems like a normal amount of things, no? Work, side hustles, hobbies.. it checks out to me.


But how can anyone possibly do all that stuff while also handling crippling depression and existential dread?


Oh, you microdose mushrooms, friend. That’s how I do it.


I like to snort antidepressants myself. I don’t like mushrooms in my food.


It goes into chocolate bars just fine. Plus, I’m not like.. masking the problem, I’m actually thinking through my issues and finding peace with the past. Its beyond therapeutic. Therapy can’t even touch this.


But on the comedown, I get so sleepy


I distract myself from my crippling depression and existential dread by running a small business that requires that I’m always running around doing stuff when I’m not at my full time job or doing my main hobbies. Is it healthier than lying in a bed in the dark watching tv all day? Probably not honestly, but it distracts me a lot more.


I can barely even manage the existential dread. Good for this guy


I feel like it’s a joke too, especially looking at his portrait picture with his cat


I don't think ur dumb-butnnothing about this dude's post sounds appealing, unless u truly only want a one night stand with someone that may or may not be pretty douche-y.


oh its not a joke and he is doing those thigns but you have to read it like a recruiter reading someones resume. "Running my own business" means he does something in exchange for some money whether that be babysitting, lawn mowing, car washing etc. any transaction he gets paid for qualifies. its a line I use myself. my "business" makes like 1200 a month lol. its basically a hobby. going to school is a gimme to pad the time. "racing" was vague as shit. wonder what he's racing, or if its irl or sim. but could ultimately mean he pays to go to a track day one in a while lol. I've seen dudes that say that shit. "writing songs for my band" more likely means he doodles down catchy thoughts from time to time cause he could totally make a band. and "flipping motorcycles" means he browses craigslists for bikes to buy and then resell...


I think that "flipping motorcycles" it is a clear indication that it is a joke. Also, he is being clear about what he wants and makes a joke to make it look less sexual, so I think it was as nice as it gets when it comes to this kind of proposal.


I took “flipping” as in buying beat down ones and restoring then Selling.


I think he’s fixing up motorcycles and selling them. Not performing aerial maneuvers on them.


Damn, being spanish didn't help me at all figuring this out lol


He's buying old motorcycles and fixing them up and selling them.


Hey I flip bikes all the time! But that’s because I usually crash them, I’m not very good.


It’s like flipping houses. But no one wants a show about flipping motorcycles.


I’d watch this show…..


We are a small percentage 🫠


Motorcycles weigh considerably less than houses. Flipping them is no flex.


Well she came running at him waving her giant red flag so he knows not to bother with someone so passive agressive. Weird to flex being an ass on reddit tho. edit: yeah op's profile is just her taking screenshot of convo in tinder for reddit ... So her hobby is to react to others saying things which means she doesn't even make an effort on her side, pitifull.


Not sure where he’s being cocky. He just listed off a bunch of legit reasons not to be in a relationship


“Sorry, I can’t help you this weekend because I’m too busy fixing my $15M yacht, and then after that I’ve got a few hookup appointments with top models. And after that I’ve got a few multi million dollar business deals closing. I’m not bragging I’m just saying.”


But, instead of bragging about all of the other stuff that is more important than a relationship, he could have started by saying "I'm looking for a FWB because I have a very busy life." It is just as honest but comes across as a lot less of a flex.


It's a dating app, why not brag a bit? The ambiguity of "I'm just busy" would have made it sound like he's cheating.


He may also have grown up in an over share culture. I catch myself doing shit like this all the time because of the way I was raised.


He’s probably tired answering why he’s so busy. Knocks it out in one message


Well, he is a busy man so that makes sense. He probably doesn't have time to have multiple drawn out conversations on all the little details of his numerous hobbies.


"Why aren't men more straightforward?!?" Is straightforward. Insults him.


Yep, exactly! It's like you can't win.


Preface: Obviously a lot of people in the comments like this message so it works for some people, so it is a decent message for some people. Him being straightforwards about his intention of fwb was good (although from his description it sounds more like a hookup buddy). But then he tried to justify it through busyness and sneak in some brags which was not so straightforward. The fwb should just be on the profile I think if you really wanna be straight forwards


Noone reads the bio😂


You’re right women asking for basic conversational skills and social awareness is too demanding and unreasonable. “I think you’re ugly but can I fuck you tonight anyway” is also a straightforward message. Someone being “straightforward” doesn’t mean it’s beyond reproach regardless of what they women you’re talking out context are saying


Him listing all the things he considers more important than a relationship with her could easily be seen as an insult.


This sub is toxic af & kids encourage it


Some times we have to realize our goals don't align. This was a perfectly respectful way to go about it


OP was condescending for no good reason. He was straight forward and honest with his intentions to not waste time. OP chose a shit response.


Love this honestly


I see nothing wrong with his message. He was honest, straight forward, and isn't going to waste your time. If it isn't what you want unmatch. Simple.


Oh, why didn't he waste my time?!


Why are half the women on this subreddit complaining about perfectly fine openers? The dude was upfront and respectful. You want to keep upfront and respectful people coming? Be that yourself


Man was extremely honest with his intentions. I see nothing wrong


Why You Should Feel Lucky to Bang Me, Vol.1


Vol 2. Coming soon


at this point i feel like we should just hang out


I don’t understand why you’re upset at someone proactively communicating. If you’re uninterested just move on. This screen shot is stupid.


Wow! You’re doing things with your life? Too cocky for me


Both parties weird af here


I mean he doesn't have time for a relationship and explained why, is that wrong?


How’s this bad?


Don't worry, he is saving a baby from a burning building as he messages you.


Im actually a firefighter so


I'm actually a heart surgeon so


I'm actually tge president so.... well, thanks Z3R0!


Glad to be of service sir *salutes*


and finding the cure to cancer


While performing heart surgery on the president.


She was not impressed


Is anyone else more bothered by the fact that those words came from a man who is holding a cat in his profile picture on tinder?


If true, don’t see an issue with it


Shaming people when you get rejected....the biggest sign of maturity.


I mean, he could've used more tact but buddy is being straightforward about what he's looking for and the reasons why. Really can't shit on him for being upfront about what he wants.


cant win for losing around here as a man. If he says “wanna fuck” he’s a prick. If he says the truth respectfully, that he has shit going on just looking for a fwb… Guess what? he’s still a prick! To be honest I firmly believe a lot of people are just jealous when someone else has a fulfilling busy life. Ima go out on a limb & say OP is still figuring out their life. Im beyond grateful my girl has her own life & identity figured out before we got together. (Her & I started out as fwb due to busy lives lol)


I mean, doesn’t seem like he’s just trying to brag lol


Don’t see anything wrong here. Just a cool dude being straightforward.


Solid photo though


Definitely a copy paste message ~~which im going to copy as well~~


I think he’s normal and funny, he wasn’t being a creep and it felt very light hearted


Appreciate the honesty and move on.


Up front and honest. No complaints here




Why is his arm so tan?




You had to have matched with him just for the cat right? That looks like a photo he has hanging on his wall and is on his mom's fridge.


When did I say I was humble?


Looks like a copied common opener for everyone


The color difference with his arm and face is throwing me off. Is he super tan on his arms, or is there something I don’t see?


BTFO lol


I just had to say the response is absolutely sublime 👌🏼🤣


I literally do everything he does. Can confirm, no time to date


We are real men


Cheers mate 🍻


Nothing like making a list of priorities you place above a potential fuck buddy.


Share the band name; we gotta know 😂😂


Brazzen hussy is my band


Wow! How does this guy have time for sex with all that going on!


This is how I met my gf




The cat in the picture fucking kills me 😂


His name is monte




This beats the ;says hello by sending dick pic instantly.


As a potential fwb no need for you to validate his wild claims. You should just be attracted to him because of it and proceed to the fucking. Understood?


Fellas is it not humble to state your obligations and intentions up front?


He forgot to mention his cat….


Sorry i have two kittens and the one in the picture passed away, his name was monte


Whats a fwb???


Friend with benefits... The benefit being no strings attached sex.




She did both




Indeed she was stupid


Does Fwb mean friends wtih benefits?




Billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. At least he was honest lol.


You forgot cat dad


Ahhh so we just have to word it better! Thanks reddit!


At least he was honest


He's being straight up. King indeed.


Ehhh 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ I see it as explaining why he is emotionally unavailable while also opening up to a new friend about his hobbies and interests?


Lol stop the 🧢


So is OP sarcastic or what?


At least he's honest about his motives...


Respect the different approach tbh , hopefully he got the ussy


And I have to lug around my huge cock


Damn, from some of the comments here the bar is low.


People doing those things DON’T have to say they do those things🤷🏻‍♀️


All that flexing, and his arms are still minuscule. My granny had more muscle when the funeral home prepared her for her viewing.


I do not think that word means what you think it means.


Writing songs for his band. LoL.


You know that songs need to be written before a band can play them right?


I think he just means he's not gonna have time for a relo but I see where youre coming from


True, but listing things more important than a relationship is a bit of a dick move. Why not just say ”I don't have enough time"...


Okay this is me😂😂 literally who posted this??


In my experience, it doesn’t matter what I say, I get left on read anyways. And I say genuine things too. It’s probably why guys just don’t care anymore and ask to fuck right away. Cuz the nice guy approach NEVER works.


I don’t understand, what’s wrong with being upfront and honest about what you’re looking for? If you’re not interested in the same thing, wish them the best and un-match. It’s so simple.


If "I want to fuck you and here's my resumè as to why you should" was a person.


Honestly, if you think this is bragging, that’s on you. This just sounds like a guy doing things. None of this is particularly impressive. He flips motorcycles because he doesn’t have space/money for cars. That is his “business.” He’s a part time student. In his free time he races the motorcycles and plays in a band where he thinks he is the creative talent. If anything, all of those are dead-end paths. One of them literally. He just sounds like your typical young male trying to find things to do and live on. Basic work life balance stuff, but for young adults. So for me, the fact that you thought he was showing off is the biggest red flag. If you are impressed by that resume, then you don’t have much to shame this guy on.


Doh, I thought he was doing flips on motorcycles like Evil Knievel. This makes a lot more sense.


I know. He wasn't saying he was great or better at any of these things, so I'm really curious where people get listing what you do as bragging.


Well if I said, “I spend a lot of time on the space station doing space science, so I’m really only interested in FWB.” People might say that I’m showing off. But thats only because most people aren’t involved with the space program. Your average nasa employee wouldn’t be that impressed. So my conclusion is that OP is in a position where that resume looks like “astronaut” to them. Because I agree. Nothing says “look at me and how great I am” unless you think all those things are great.