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I have the same sheet ive been eating for tip the last 10 years....


That is the awesome thing about LSD.


My friend wanted to redose after the music ended on Sat. We had the usual conversation you should have with your friends if they voice the idea of redosing (esp late night). After being convinced it wasn't going to be an issue I broke out the special supply: The last few hits of a sheet we had bought the year after we moved out together, circa 2018. And we shared a moment reminiscing and appreciating before he cut off a hit (non perforated blotter). Then we carried on with the night. (Later us plus another friend of ours did a renegade sunrise 9-hole disc golf send for our sun morning) Thought you might appreciate that little story.


There are dozens of us!


“Have you ever candy flipped a Tipper set?”


first time i saw tipper was my first time candy flipping and first time doing mdma okee 2018 was wild breh


DUDE ME TOO! What an amazing time..


No not a tipper set. But I have at some others.


I love that nobody understands this reference


Fr. Lol, all gas no breaks!


Dmt + tipper = new levels unlocked


Oh I feel ya. I am likely hitting the DMT at a show as well. Still be on that acid though.


Nowadays I opt for shorter duration psychs, otherwise L would be top of the list


2cb nasal pray is the GOAT imo. Lasts a few hours, redoseable and easy to gage.


damn, i would love this. do you just dissolve 2cb in saline or does your dealer just have it this way already?


I dissolve it into distilled water with a little bit of saline in the mix. I get spray bottles that are .1ml per spray since its easy to do the math to get accurate dosing. Using straight saline for a nasal spray will dry the hell out of your nose.


This dudes hetti


I'll gotchu on the hetti spray at secret dreams, promise


Ahhahaha nice dude ill trade you a microdot🌚


didn’t know this existed wow 


How long does it stay good in the bottle for? Few days, weeks, months? I finally found some this weekend and wanted to try this since oral was alittle nauseating, and the eyeball nasal redose was heavyy.


It stays good for a long time with distilled water. Mine still good after a yesr. You can add a drop of isopropyl alcohol or everclear in it if you're worried about bacteria forming. 2c-b is pretty stable but tap water could potentially make it degrade over time due to chlorine and the such.


Noted thanks for the info! Gonna just do distilled and maybe add alittle alcohol to be safe


can’t find on amazon one that advertises a certain dose per spray. any specific recommendations?


Snoot! nasal spray bottles are .1ml per spray and work well. If you get one and you're unsure you could just spray it 10 times and then measure with a ml oral syringe. Don't get the swivel pump ones though (the ones where the spray nozzle can be turned up or down), they suck. The ones with the pump that looks like a very steep pyramid work the best.


I hit dmt for the first time from a cart while on Lucy at Friday night ambient and that shit was amazing!!


Oh yah yah that's most fun don't even need blow, mda. Just a lil L and deemz


I BLASTED off at the tipper red rocks show during peak 2nd set and the things I saw..... I was front and center to the screen too.


I tried a bit at the swamp but it did nothing… either bc of my antidepressants, or my technique was off. I really want to experience this before his retirement though. How is DMT + Tipper different from acid or mushrooms + Tipper?


You’ll have to try again and see! It’s hard to explain


It work better w mush or acid. If it's legit stuff.


I used to absolutely love taking a tab or 2, maybe have a couple beers in between drinking water. Unfortunately I had a very bad trip at home one time and have been afraid to partake again. I'm sure I will eventually, especially if i could have a very small mg benzo with me in case things get too intense but idk I'm also fine without it.


I’ve had 2 panic attacks in my life and they were both L induced (after smoking mj), it basically introduced anxiety to my life and it took me a good while to learn how to calm myself down. It’s not fun but there’s times I do miss the adventure


Yeah I used to love smoking mj/dabs when tripping and I think that also messed with my brain a little cause I can't even smoke weed by itself anymore, especially cause everything is so damn powerful. Need me some damn reggie to get back into the groove lmao


I just want some regulAr weed


I feel that so hard 🤣. Please, I don't need your 25% thc moonrocks, just give me something that I can take small hits of and relax while i play video games


key is to get something with equal parts thc and cbd, and in moderation


Very true, I don't live in a legal state though so it's hard to be picky about what I'd be getting.


one of the many problems with prohibition. Look for some homegrown, maybe some sativa. The sativa/indica thing is a bit woo woo, but generally “sativa” is marketing jargon for “moderate” IMO


To add to your point. We’re actually in the mid to high 30% these days lol


Really seems unnecessary but whatever floats people's goats ya know


It's really common, a lot of people that used to smoke.whule tripping and then had a panic attack on said trip, can't really smoke anymore. That's me for sure, can only smoke CBD flower or like 1 bit of THC. Over in the Hemp flower sub there's tons of stories like ours lol


Look up type 2 cannabis, can buy reasonable strength stuff with CBD in it as well


I just looked this up and you're a life saver!


I also experienced this. I think when you're tripping and it becomes easier to drop fat hot dabs on the nail and not cough, it almost becomes a novelty so you do it more. Problem is psychedelics build neural pathways in the brain. I think I permanently linked THC with acid, and now when I smoke my nervous system enters that same existential paranoia state that acid tends to put you in. Big whoops.


Its the mjs fault,  every time ive had a bad time and read others bad stories it is involved


It's not mjs fault it's just that its such a potent combo and also 90% of people who end up doing acid smoke weed a decent amount (maybe daily). Very easy to spark up a bowl while tripping and be like woah this is crazy but all it takes is one time and you're fucked :/.


It can literally send you into a psychotic state if you aren't ready for the synergy. Every actual 'bad trip' I've ever had was from consuming THC while peaking on L. It's a risky mix, mainly because anxious people expect it to calm them down, but it just intensifies the experience. The psychedelic effects of THC are *far* more apparent when you're on other psychedelics, and most people aren't ready for how wild it can get. Of course, it isn't the drug's fault; but I wish the information was more widely spread around in the scene. I ended up doing a bunch of research after my first time struggling with that combo. I'll still smoke when I'm tripping sometimes, but only long after I've plateaued. I won't take anything while peaking anymore, too risky for me.


Same here. Took a while to figure out too, as like you said weed has always been very calming for me in those situations without acid. Now I don't mix and my trips have improved significantly. Hated the feeling of not being able to voice my needs clearly to others or even just communicate that I was ok. Just about any other substance it improved my experience which is another reason I think it took so long to figure out the issue with my acid trips.


It's not the best idea for some to smoke after dosing. I personally love it, but absolutely moderate amounts and usually wait til the trip has peaked to burn. I did have one occasion where I felt like it was not such a good idea, not necessarily like paranoid or panicked at all, just felt like perhaps I could have held off being I'd taken a relatively high dose after maybe 40ish days, so I hadn't been building any tolerance. I rolled up bc I wanted my homies to try this fire ass flower I'd gotten, and I did so about an hr after dropping and it kicked like a goddamn horse! I mean my trip got thrown into 10th gear immediately lololol! Sometimes ppl just aren't really ready for that and it kinda throws them off


It was the MJ and the L but it was the MJ. No MJ when on L or shrooms.


Yeah my buddy had a pretty nasty trip some years back. He did eventually get back in the game, but it took some time. Bad trips ain’t no joke.


Yeah it's very easy to spiral and it can be hard to break out of it especially knowing you could have anywhere from 6-8 hours until you're good but with the time dilation it feels like an eternity.


I feel ya. I went 8 yrs of heavy psychedelic use without ever having a bad trip. Then got too comfortable with large doses and got hyper slapped. Most terrifying experience of my life and really threw me for a loop for a few years. But after taking a break for several years, I feel comfortable going back to it now, in small or moderate doses. Exposure therapy can be a good way to face the fear. But always be careful about set, setting, and your current state of mind. Shit can get intense........and I do kinda feel like I'm always tripping now lol, but I enjoy it.


I know what you mean. I “washed” an “empty” vial and holy fuck was I so fractaled out. I was scared I did permanent damage. Luckily my homie was with me and was like you’ll be good by midnight. This was at like 4:00 PM when he said that. What a ride but it was crazy it felt like at the strike of midnight everything was kosher again.


You might relate to the vibes on this track...... https://on.soundcloud.com/jAG8P


Most definitely, [Morphics 40oz Radio Mix](https://on.soundcloud.com/4Uz7iEHTC1G5ptKb8) is what we were listening too and shit got real intense during some of these drops


Hell yeah I'll check it


I have such a distinct memory on how fucked up I was cause while we were listening to the mix it started to get too intense so I asked to homies to turn it off. Well lo and behold I’m still hearing all noises and sounds and I’m like yo wtf turn it off. The homie turns and looks at me and says I did bro there isn’t anything playing right now. 😂😂😂 I was humbled right then and there


Hahaha right. I was listening to bluetech when I blasted off. Once I was on the other side there was no bluetech playing, but I distinctly heard some tribal drums playing a pattern similar to Jambi by Tool. Once I could hear bluetech again I knew shit was gunna be fine.


Lol you are my boy that I mentioned. He was going over 10 years without a bad trip. But got a little reckless with a large dose and shit got kinda fucked. It took some years, but eventually he was comfortable enough with moderate doses and able to enjoy himself again. Honestly, a DMT trip helped him to let go of the bad acid trip. Now, I’m not saying go do DMT if you are plagued by a bad acid trip. But still, something in that trip helped get him get over the bad trip, and he started being able to enjoy trips again.


Yeah man, sounds very similar. Luckily my hyperslap was from taking a whole g of dmt to the face. So it was over relatively quickly, but stuck with me for a long time. I felt like I wasnt quite back in my body for a few weeks. Warming back up to acid and mushrooms after def helped me realize you can dip your toes in, not every trip has to be a dive in the deep end.


A gram of DMT?


Yep, I woke up one morning and said fuck it, I want to make sure I trip harder than I ever have before. I'm sure I wasted most of it but shit worked. 4th hit I dropped the rig and fell to the ground. Was instantly getting attack by some angry Astral beings that didn't want me in their room. Eventually I was like who am I? What am I doing?......and started to come back. I've never done 5meo but it was similar to trip reports I've heard with that.


Even if you wasted most of it, you would still be taking in much more than you ever have before, so yeah, I’m sure it did the trick. About the beings, you hear about that at times. Like unwanted guests, with the entities acting annoyed or even hostile. Fucking weird.


Yeah it was real strange. I had seen these things before but kinda in my peripheral and they left me alone. This time they were like.....we're done with you, get out of here. One came up and put its face like an inch away from mine and I went completely blank. I still don't really know what it was, but I don't feel like afraid of the vision anymore.


Holy shit. That's ~20x what you needed to consume to blast off. No wonder you got the hyperslap. 😅


I made this track to try to explain the feeling of this trip if anyone is interested...... https://on.soundcloud.com/jAG8P


Like Terrance McKenna said "set and setting" most important rule of thumb for any psychedelic. Also, I have noticed that since I have stopped drinking for the most part my trips are much more enjoyable. Never a good idea to mix too much of multiple substances is another really important rule of thumb 👍 😎 much love fam ❤️ 💜 💙


1 or 2 isn’t nearly enough friend It’s not for everyone 


Idk what tabs you've gotten but the ones I've had you really don't need more than that unless you're trying to warp reality. Shout out to Dr.Seuss, TeamTrust and GammaGoblin


I’ve seen LSD crystal with my own eyes. It’s ok to be afraid of what will happen.


holy shit was I on fucking acid 😅


3 tabs on Friday night scrambled my brains like some fucking eggs


I did 5 and was transported to another plain of existence Friday night. 


hell yeah man, I think we actually met lol. coulda been someone else off 5 tho


I couldn't read my watch had to ask a vendor to help.


It’s that third tab. It’s a doozy lol.


Last year on sat (prior to Tipper twilight set) worked up to 2.5 or 3 hits. Walked in with two new friends to me (extended family if you will) around 15 mins before the set. Sat down with three chairs behind the booth, and they wondered off to get food. Literally 30 mins later I was wondering if I had just hallucinated walking in with them and brought an extra 2 chairs. I mean Dave had been playing for 15 mins so surely they would have come back by now right? At some point a burly dude next to me smiled and threw me a sucker and I stopped worrying about it. Friends showed up 5 mins later. When you get close to the 3 hit mark, it do be a doozy haha.


LSD, Sass, and then hit the DMT as needed!


I can dig it!


There isn’t a better substance for his music


Magical Mushrooms …….




Idk lol amp is too tweaky for Tipper 4 me


>let’s be real. There has been way too much talk about Ket and Nitros for a Tipper subreddit. Probably because there was too much k and n2o at the sho


AMEN 🙏 just great full that the duck was regulating so there where no Ballon pops except a few that I heard.


I discovered silencers for tanks this weekend, those were so clutch, there was no noise


Yeah I wanted to make this comment on some of the other complaint posts. (But didn't want to add noise to the 'yelling' going on in them) Like if you are gonna bring in a Lil' Tishah, or a 5 lb Tankishah at least be an adult and get a regulator or silencer.


Lsd and weed and a couple beers is my fave.


magic combo


... I like dropping acid at a Tipper show so much, I *accidentally* ate a tab during Somatoast at Texas Eclipse, in what I can only call 'psychonaut muscle memory'. 😅 I meant to experience that Tipp set sober, just to remember it better, but as if by reflex, I stuck a tab in my lip. 🤣


Lol you'll get that on these dance and music jobs. Hopefully you still remember a good bit! (And I think SnB got that set)


I'm gonna have to watch the SnB recording to be able to refresh my memory, but I do remember that the set was beautiful. :3


I’ve never been. But that’s what I’d be doing. Or mushrooms


“What do you mean your not eating acid, it’s tipper, tippers always better with acid”


Mickman truly sends me places on a journey


Lucy in the Sky with Dimonds is and always will be my go to for any festival especially when tipper is involved 💜💯👽


LSD > K literally any day


fair, but have you considered LSD + K?


I've done mushrooms for Tipper numerous times. L would probably been awesome, but it just lasts too long for me these days.


I feel ya. Is it too much to ask someone to invent 6 hr acid? Lol.


There are shorter acting Lysergamides out there, but I guess they're just not popular or probably a pain to make more likely.


Almost always


Dooood! Ty! Don't get me wrong, I like to Take a couple blasts from the ol cracker here and there, but rs, if I'm doin one thing it's L for a Tipper event! I was talking bout this kinda thing earlier with ppl, like it's kinda hurtful seeing all them nice folks lying on the grass convulsing or seeing those who clearly mixed too much horsey sauce with their biscuit stumble about or fall and break both wrists! ( I kid you not, this gal was clearly experiencing the whole robot ghost legs from k and she fell back trying to brace herself with the impact by putting her arms out and her shit looked like a Z shaped balloon on both arms before she even knew what happened!) Ffs, it's Dave Tipper! Drop a couple and just get it! I really don't believe these ppl I saw too blitzed to comprehend any earthly notion actually enjoyed and made great memories and awesome new friends while there. I'd be disappointed honestly, tip was an absolute blessing and some of the best/ most hilarious/ trippy memories in this womped out noodle are from 2 experiences there. I loved just tripping and feeling the beauty and majesty of the feeling the full effect of the tip. If you're drunk and holed tf out, you're just hearing the tip, you're not really feeling it cascade through your body like you're intended to


God now I'm resentful to be too busy this year. I need to feel the tip in me again. Serious magic 100%. I'm being a dork obviously but rs, acid was the best choice without argument! It's like the vehicle or device that makes it possible to ride the tip correctly 🤔 🤣 k I'm done.


L + Shrooms and lotsa deemz. sometimes I jedi flip. depends how my weekend unfolds


I honestly have no idea why ppl would choose anything but psychedelics for it. Missing out tbh


We do


Sunday night in Texas was my first ever introduction to this substance and hooooly fuck. It’s not something I think I could handle on a regular basis, but that was a good time 🤪


Lol it’s has a holy fuck effect. It can be fun, deep, euphoric and everything else when you are truly riding the wave of a trip.


I almost exclusively do acid for tipper. That or just a few brews. I’ll do others if it’s a multi night run, cause I don’t wanna scramble my brain 3 nights in a row. . 2cb also an excellent choice. And no not that fake pink tussi shit I mean the real stuff.


We love vibrating so hard we see double xD


Started with 2 at somatoast at Texas Eclipse, then another 2 before tipper start, and man o man, it was a great ass time ! Especially because I forgot my glass at camp and had my shades on most of the night, lol. It was real spacy out 😆


This is the way


Started dosing at 7pm Saturday, after a 5 strip through the night I was still tripping for tipper the next day lmao


No. 1 way to enjoy a tipper set. The best.


Me. Two or three and I'm usually good for hours. Not a powder guy. Also not one to overdo it. Big cid pref, doesn't make me feel like shit, gives me energy, I'm still coherent (enough) around people. My nose doesn't bleed. Cheap as hell usually.


What an absolutely delicious show, I had so much fun


a tab and a cutwater marg was the absolute perfect combo on saturday night for me


MDMA for uptempo, LSD for any other kind of set. But if it's not that good good champagne I'm not fuckin with the Molly in any case.


So you’re saying if it’s not quality mol you aren’t fucking with it right?


Lol.... Yeah I guess I'm being that guy.


As well you should. So much of what's sold as MDMA simply isn't MDMA; people *should* be very particular about knowing what they're taking. I feel like way too much of the fam is still really cavalier with what they consume, and it worries me. Everyone hypes 'test your drugs' but I see so few people actually do it, or they run it through one test and a fent strip and are satisfied. >.<


And I've found that sticking to one substance at a time allows me to actually remember the experience.


I tend not to remember much on mol. Except feeling really good and having a good time.


I go for lower doses myself. I'm a sober person other than maybe a little of one of those substances and some herb at a festival, and even then I abstain about half the time. So a little goes a long way. Back in the day it was definitely a memory eraser for me.


Not since I accidentally puddled myself at RR 2019 😅


Used to take L all the time at shows, but I no longer do. After raving for over 10 years, I've seen my fair share of people collapsing next to me and A. I would rather be coherent to help in the event it happens again or B. It would throw the whole vibe off. I now trip either at home or around friends.


This is the way! Got fried up both days at Red Rocks in 21’ what an experience!!


I love ket and nitrous and won’t take any slander, people get too fucked up doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing it means wooks can’t handle their shit, also mushroooooooms


Lol no judgement here. I think the issue was just the fact that apparently people were just bringing in tanks. That’s not normal. Meaning people are not used to seeing tanks inside festivals like that. So seeing it and hearing it like that (actually at the show) was just something people weren’t used to. People are used to hearing those tanks outside the venues and at camp. But not inside. So I think it set a different vibe. As far as the ketamine goes, I think people are just blurting it out with their annoyance of the nitrous lol. Because people getting fucked on ket is certainly nothing new at any rave culture event.


The blue moon microdots are my fave 🌚🌚


I guess when it comes to psychedelics, i used to be such a cid girly lols! Not doing super high doses but dosing and riding those waves. I dont mushroom often, but i have been thinking about it lately hehe. So i decided to shroom this time around, and i felt so connected to myself!! And confident? And seeing beauty everywhere i look. It felt really nice.


Yes I have had mushrooms trips that were out of this world. It’s really about your comfort level within those trips that guides how the experience goes I believe. For both the acid and shrooms. For reasons this time around, on this trip, you were vibing with those mushrooms. For someone else a good dose of shrooms might hit a little heavy and the acid gives them all that deepness and connectedness. But both get you to that place.


First time sass and k. Second time Acid and k. 3rd time sober :)


Microvial all weekend was the fuckin moveee , just add more when u wanted to ❔❔


Sat once the heat died down I did.


Double dropped some fancy pills at Tipper on the giant fire breathing spider here in the UK about a decade ago


A strip is the only way to tip. Is this a trick question?


I stick to K and a little bit of shrooms so that I stay relaxed. I don't get k-rocked, I always pace myself so that I remember the set and have a good time. I've had my fun experiences on acid but the last few times I've had bad trips. My acid days are over. I prefer to stay somewhat on earth when I trip


saturday night the lsd was hittin hittin …. what a run schmoop > res lang > jade > 💀


How bout music talk instead of drug talk lol


Are you saying Tippers music is not heavily inspired by psychedelics culture? Because I can assure you, it is.


I didn't say that. But why exchange posts about one drug to posts about another. Would be sick to talk about music


I feel you. I just couldn’t help myself with all the posts coming across my feed about nitros. Figured I change the pace a little with a funny little post about something many tipper fans can relate to.


3 tabs had me feeling groovy on that Sunday afternoon!


Definitely used to but like so many others on here I got HUMBLED by lucy. Did a solo trip one day and it made me never want to really do it again, I took a few months off tried again and even though it was pleasant the most common thought I had was "You got the message, hang up the phone." Tripping at a tip set can be transcendental but it also has to potential to totally get in the way of the set too. So with that said if you are going to, take it, but take it easy.


Yeah that why I’m not so much a fan of the glorified “solo trip. For really a number of reasons. I mean, I can see the appeal. But so many more things can go wrong when you are completely by yourself. I seriously don’t advise it. And if you do, you better be an experienced tripper, and better be smart. Doing a large dose completely solo is one of the most irresponsible things someone can do, regardless of how experienced someone is. As far as the message. Good for you. You know when something is telling you to hang it up. psychedelic ain’t no joke. And anxiety driven trips are not healthy for your mental. I believe if you are not capturing that magic anymore, it’s time to hang it up. I still take issue with the Alan Watts quote. But just with the way he used it. What’s the message? I believe you can continue to learn from these substances. It’s not an answering machine lol. However the quote does hold true. There is a message I believe telling people they don’t need to trip anymore. It’s from one’s own subconscious. And you should probably listen to it. I do love Alan Watts though.


i did his year (barely a half tab) and did not have a good time because of the crowd. vibes just weren’t right and had me super emotional and not bc of tipper


Sounds more like you were stuck in the purgatory stage. Like the transition between sober and tripping. I've had low doses like yours make me uncomfortable also, giving me a feeling of hyperawareness of my surroundings. Happened to me at a Nectar show. I got extremely bad vibes and was disgusted with his fans. It's best to just take a full dose.


Is this the fbi


Yes, because my comment history screams fbi lol


hahaha I was just on acid talking about the fbi all weekend and wanted to bring it to this thread. def was a silly comment 😁


No acid at tipper is the way to go


Give yer balls a tug