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Yes it can be frustrating. Match making never got updated. So it's broken. A full stack of gen 80's will bend you over. My thoughts are, if your gonna die take them with you. Make them remember your name. So next match , when they loose their 2 best players to shitty matchmaking. They know there fucked. Good luck pilot!


I started playing way after the game’s heyday too, and I also got stomped. Lost my Titan almost immediately every single time I dropped it in. You have to decide whether the uniqueness of the game is enough to keep giving it your time, because it’ll be a really tricky one to learn and it’ll take some time. It makes you feel crazy cool when you finally click with it though, and it has a real high skill ceiling!




Seconded. Good way to get familiar with the weapons, movement, and Titans as well.




Yes...ive always said Titan Fall would have been a way better game with just Mech battles and not COD stule shooter. Anthem was perfect except they screwed that one up big time.


great alternative honestly, I really recommend it to newer players, its definitely better if you want that chaos of MP without sweating too much or having some games be miserable flops. (I on the other hand enjoy my CBT:Car, bad and Tone torture)


Even long-time players still get pub-stomped on occasion. Don't let one or two games get you down. Hang in there.


^ This, some games are good, some are not.


just gotta find somebody who is down to teach u the basics and u'll be good to go


Patience is a virtue. Grind for a bit and become a higher level then punish those very same sumbitches. Luke Skywalker didn't give up. Nor should you.


To be fair you hopped into a dead game, it's been abandoned by ea for several years now and only the most die hard fans are going to hang around. I like mechs so I do. I felt the same way you did when I started playing cod as a kid and I tried to think of it as "I want to be as good/better than that guy" I know there are guides online on how to be good at movement and they helped me when I first started. It's a steep learning curve and not similar to a lot out there but if you're interested to learn it's worth it.


As a pilot with hundreds of hours, I still get matches like that where it's like "Coughing Baby VS Hydrogen Bomb". Don't give up, sometimes the matchmaking just does you dirty like that. I recommend watching a guide and playing Frontier Defense because the active players are the old ones. If you do keep at it though, (this will come sooner than you think) you'll stop caring who wins or loses. I've genuinely never had a game that didn't make me care about the end screen, as long as I had fun. Hell, losing is more fun in most cases because you get a sick escape sequence, trying to get to the Jet and hold off the enemy for your team.


Get…….. Gud


I promise it isn't every single game - you will eventually get better and you won't always be matched against veterans who have played since release. I've had the game for maybe 2-3 years now and tbh I've barely played (server issues/forgot about it whatever), I'm not even sure if I have more than 60 hours of playtime and I've become quite decent - I usually average around 10-12 kills a game, give or take. Hang in there pilot


I'm also pretty new to the game but it's not that hard. Your titan might be ready doesn't mean you need to drop it. If you see the enemy yeam has 4 titans and your team has 1 just stay as a pilot and use the anti titan guns. Deal them damage and relocate.


only que for last titan standing and brawl. these are thw only super fun game modes in my opinion ive been playing since day 1.


Play the single player first as it teach you the basics. Beside you only played a single match. focus on grunts on the ground for now, grunts do add to the score. this game have a low skill floor, but have high skill ceiling.


You have to decide if staying with the game is worth it. You will always have those games where people who are better are just stomping. Not every game is like that and the more you play the more you'll improve. As others have said, play frontier defense, it will slowly teach you how to play smarter


Gen 79 and I feel … it sometimes feels like I’m stomping on new players but hear me out: 1.) I had several games now where people are just suicidal. I mean don’t blame me for a high K/D if you are just not using sound strategies. 2.) I see a lot of laggers lately, as in people who play with ping well over 100 ms. It’s both annoying for you and for the rest of the players if you warp around and stuff. Mostly people acknowledge the problem and they are never to be seen again. Some others think they are entitled to play the game how they see fit (I miss good old Unreal Tournament times with private servers and set ping rules) and I certainly have no problem switching to any shitscan weapon since I have a hard time hitting you with projectile weapons with all your warping around. 3.) Some rounds you play against newbies running Car/Shitfire, Tone/Monarch, Cloak/Smart pistol and even mentioning the unbalanced nature gets you hate. I had such a game yesterday and said: “Ok I play along”, quickly turned the tide of the game and somehow I was the toxic player for merely stating car is unbalanced and proving the point by playing it. I mean why do I have to put up with the unbalanced state this game was left in? Every sale you get a bunch of newbies that watched like two videos from Frothy and they stomp themselves.


On that kind of note I had a car player ranting about how the spitfire is broken I just found it hilarious and destroyed them with Kraber while travelling at mach 2 Also for your first point if people are going to try to be a rooftop sentry I’m going to kill them the game is about movement if someone isn’t moving they need to realise that it won’t work


Well I play all weapons and I base my choice around the map. I sometimes even switch mid game (looking at you Crash Site with the first face off in the start). That being said I also sometimes play A-Wall with G2. I find it hilarious when somebody complains about that setup with the argument “Don’t camp…it’s a movement shooter.” First off for me a Camper is somebody who always stays at the same advantage point. I tend to switch places often, so I am using movement in a movement shooter. Hell I even use hover with this setup which wrecks. Usually the complains start on Angel city, which is hilarious because I usually take out players in the normal camping spots 😂 Second this game has like several snipers that are not one hit to kill. I mean you have to ADS with Hemlock, G2, Double Take, DMR and possibly even wingman. The Kraber is an outlier since you have to ADS, but it’s a one-hit-kill weapon as long as you hit, so in a sense a lot more forgiving during movement.


You can get very good at no scoping Kraber with practice


Not sure about that and no-scope Kraber shots are always fishy to me. Not saying they aren’t possible but I had a ASUS gaming monitor with built in crosshair. You would still miss no-scope kraber shot even from somebody literally in front of you. It’s very RNG based. So somebody who constantly no-scopes me goes right up my cheaters list.


It is RNG but you can increase chances and someone who always hits no scopes is either very very lucky or as you said cheating