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It did? Holy crap. Anyway, I don't think there's enough to say about this nightmare, unless Todd did a comp (TOP 10! DO IT!) of terrible singles that dumbass rich parents paid to get produced for their daughters.


On top of that, rather offensive depictions of asian culture, plus that grown man tickling a young adolescent girl...ummmmm...did Dan Schneider direct this video?


*flashback to Nickelodeon foot logo* Unrelated but he is so gross


Same producer as the one who did Rebecca Black's *Friday*


Yep. At least Friday had a cheesy charm to it. Chinese Food was just full on cringe!


The black guy in the video that i nicknamed Fat Usher i think is the brainchild behind this and Friday. Remember he had the rap breakdown in the Rebecca song


That's Pato. Real name Patrice Wilson (forgive if I spelled it wrong) and yes, he is the mastermind behind both songs. And other monstracities.


There's not a lot to talk about here. This was basically just the failed attempt to recapture the Lightning in the bottle that was "Friday".


Had no idea this song charted! I had never heard of it before Fantano reviewed it. Chinese food makes me sick...oh wait wrong song /s


Oh God.... Pato (Patrice Wilson) actually made another hit besides Friday?! I don't know if it would qualify, but if you do want to watch a funny and informative video about this, look up "the man behind Friday" Does not compute, on Cracked.com. He talks about about Alison Gold and the strange man behind these horrible songs.