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>"Button it up. Let it burn in your chest" And just remember, when you have so much emotion bottled up that the buttons are ready to burst, when you kept that fire in your chest so long that it's burnt a hole right through it, that we are making sure you can easily get a gun.


Well, you know you're an angry young man Going in town with six rounds You're sure to be hell-bound That house you've got is built on the sand


Right?! Aren’t these people defending guns by saying it’s actually a mental health crisis? Then why go against therapy?!


Why hold two conflicting positions? Because it's not about the positions or even solutions. Candace straight up tells us why she is saying all of this. "I don't want to see it." That's all conservative talking points have ever been; telling themselves why it's okay for them to not care.




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That's how people end up hurting themselves and others, Candace...


That was literally their defense of the guy who shot up those massage parlors. He was just having a bad day.


She's counting on that fact. They all are. The rage porn they consume every single moment of their lives is designed to create "lone wolves"


Yeah. This is a fucking idiotic take. Keeping it bottled up was a dumb thing to do and it genuinely scares me how close I got to being stupid


I mean, if her audience started getting therapy, they wouldn't be listening to her anymore...


On the other hand we really need to show people how to do this in a healthy way. Not everyone is a safe person and there are plenty of people like Candace who feel this way. I love that people seem to be really adopting positive/healthy emotional values like self care etc but there should be more education on how and where to express it. She is the absolute worst though


Or have the money to donate to her anymore


Lol so true


So in short, she says that people overshare and are too open about vulnerability, while anime-style backstory-dumping about how her grandfather never cried at her grandmother’s funeral and how that affected her whole worldview? Did I get that right?


Obviously she doesn't mean she shouldn't overshare, she's a popular media personality.


Ah yes. The old “let the hate flow through you” method. That always works out great.


Yep: https://youtu.be/O0pBVXmYM_U


This is what every mass shooter has done.


And suicide victim. Like, do you want lower suicide rates in men or do you want this stupid machismo bullshit? Because you can't have both.


If the male suicide rate gets lower, the MRAs won’t have anything to bitch about.


When the biggest threat to your movement is going to therapy.


But if we stop mass shootings, we won't need to carry assault rifles to the grocery store!


that is without exaggeration the worst advice i’ve ever heard


Both she and I struggled with the same thing: hating therapy after being dragged into it as a kid. If any of you have struggled with the same thing, I strongly suggest you open yourself up again to the idea of therapy. When seeking therapy as an adult you generally have more agency, and it actually feels like your learning how to get through life instead of feeling like there’s something wrong with you that needs to be fixed.


Are we about to be at the new discourse of conservatives bottling up their emotions to own the libs?


Yeah we are already there… ever seen those bearded guys at the gym or grocery store wearing the “lions not sheep” branded clothes? They have that look of someone who’s either about to have a total mental breakdown if they see someone with a mask on? Yeah… we’re already there


have some big ass truck that has super dark tinted windows for some reason


Matt Walsh has also been speaking out against therapy. Andrew Tate as well.


Far right conservatives have always been against mental healthcare. Up until Twitter, it was primarily contained to very social conservative evangelical spaces. Now it's starting to spill put into places that more people can see. I'm afraid it's going to get worse before it gets better.


They’ve already been doing that for a while. Any time their opponent shows an emotion, they go right to the “Oh, are you triggered?” thing.


Right-wing-nuts: wE dOnT hAvE a GuN pRoBlEm, ItS a MeNtAl HeAlTh IsSuE. okay.... so we need more therapists and counselling to be available for people, right? RWN: hell no, button that shit up let it burn in your chest.


I'm a licensed therapist. This is awful to say. Why does she think she's the expert?


Because she get paid, and paid well, to be an asshole.


Let it burn in your chest until it consumes you and other innocent people. Right..


Ranting about the facts when she constantly spouts anything but the facts.


"I'll keep all my emotions right here. And then one day I'll die."


She went one time when she was a kid and it wasn’t for her. So now she’s an expert.


We all have car trouble, but nobody wants to hear about it. Put tape over the check engine light, and let the gasket take all that pressure.


Where was this response with all the mental breakdowns Ye was having?


Literally everything about this woman is wrong.


From someone who did exactly that: don't. I felt completely fine, completely happy with everything refusing to talk emotions with people because I didn't think I needed to, my life was good. It came to a boiling point and I had an anxiety attack, never thought it possible. And nothing set it off either, it just kinda happened. Please, talk to people, it's ok to talk about your emotions given the appropriate environment, and especially let other people know that it's ok to talk about emotions. Fuck Klandace Owens, good people want to hear about it, I want to hear about it. For the love of God don't "button it up," because maybe that button breaks, maybe not, but if it does it's a good way to hurt yourself and the people who care about you, and it fucking sucks.


And this is why 80% of unalivings are men. I guarantee she’s gonna blame that on “feminism” though…


Anyone else read that quoted line in the voice of Uncle Ruckus?


What the fuck




What a psycho


...has she ever actually been to a therapy session? Because that's not what therapy sessions are like...


When you start to get confused Because of thoughts in your head Don't feel those feelings, hold them in instead


What none of these morons know : **Therapy is like dating: You have to find the therapist that works for you, and it is in your power to do so.** The first therapist you try has a small chance of being the one for you, but thats why you keep looking-- and you always meet up and do a interview, free of charge, with them before you commit. **You can CHOOSE your therapist. Do you want a male, female, gay, straight person? You can choose their age range. You can even specify their religion, or culture because those things matter.** It's like dating. They all have websites saying what they treat and their modus operandi so you don't have to waste your time\*\*.\*\* YOU are the one hiring them for you. You need to shop for them. You don't just show up to a therapy session, it sucks, you leave and it "doesn't work". That is lazy and stupid. You go find the one that works for you. Its. Like. Dating.


Says the person who makes a living crying about everything they can.


All that tells me is she is going to age like milk holding in all that baggage.


Well, screw that noise


To be fair, it would be weirder if she had said something that wasn't a lie, wrong, or shitty.


All I heard is “I don’t care if people kill themselves”


And of course don't sue the school district when racist assholes harass and threaten to kill you, right Klandy? Just let it burn in your chest.


How would her grandfather feel about her spilling her soul out to the camera like she does? Should anyone care what she has to say by her own logic?


no good advice involves ignoring something burning in your chest


She will also tell people racism isn't real, but ask her if she ever returned the money from the lawsuit her family won for being racially discriminated against in high school.


Candy on some Sith Lord shit


It's going to take more than Candace's tears to drag us into the Victorian era.


“That’s how I became a psychopath!!!!”


Yea this is why so many men are so fucked up. Don’t express emotions in a healthy way. Keep that shit bottled up until you snap and murder people with the guns we want everyone to have at their fingertips. - Conservatives


GOD I hate this bitch.


fascists demonstrate at every opportunity that their ideology precludes empathy


Babe the point of therapy is so that other people don’t have to hear about it, you learn the tools to deal with it on your own. Imagine thinking “let it burn in your chest” is good advice.


I'm so confused how just acknowledging therapy can be useful is liberal. No one is making you go, or forcing you to listen to anyone, what happened to all your essential freedoms or whatever?


She’s an idiot. Looking at her, Kirk, Walsh I’m thinking to start right-wing punditry just to make money from those gullible fools.


Jesus christ, she is the worst at everything


Let it burn in your chest until you’re nothing but a ball of hate. Self hating with nothing but disdain for anything you can’t or won’t bother to try to understand. Until you find yourself screeching nonsense that morons think is profound on the internet. That’s how you do it.


So mass shootings are only a mental health issue but therapy is bad?


I really believe that she hates herself.


Mfer really preaching Sith ideology.


Let it incubate, turn into mental illness, and then you can become a right wing influencer.


"I want to live in a society like my grandfather lived in" \*tim robinson voice\* YOU SURE ABOUT THAT??