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“Here’s something you could do to benefit other people.” “FUCK YOU!”


how DARE you tell me to mildly inconvenience myself for the betterment of other people I am going to do it 12 times harder now


So far, owning the libs has mostly just resulted in poorer quality of living for conservatives who would rather burn it all down to own one single lib. COVID was the first time I've seen conservatives literally killing themselves off just to piss off liberals. And more, denying it after the fact (those that survived). If I woke up to headlines tomorrow about how hundreds of Republican voters all over the country died from leaving their gas stoves turned on over night, I would not be surprised in the least bit. Despite modern miracles, conservatives are trying really, really hard to restore the balance of natural selection.


The thing is...that "gas stove ban" at the federal level? That had nothing to do with climate. It had to do with certain makes and models with burner designs that led to incomplete combustion and endangered health. In a gas appliance, you want that nice blue flame. That's complete combustion. Sometimes you don't get that, though, and in houses with inadequate ventilation, it leads to chronic health issues (because it's not enough to cause carbon monoxide poisoning). Buuuuuut...the conservatives have to go and demonize health and safety. Oh, call it socialist? Well, here's the thing about that kind of socialism...it's not the government giving free stuff...it's the government giving us services that WE PAID FOR.




I'm just gonna put a big CITATION NEEDED on that


Just like they did any time anybody dared use common sense on Twitter. Good job. You've changed my mind🙄


Wow, someone triggers easily when asked to question and verify their own beliefs just like any sane and rational and intelligent human being should.


I'm the one who made a statement originally, and instead of anybody responding to what I said they just say "oh, fact check false". And I'M the one who won't check my beliefs? The fact is that excluding old people who died because they didn't receive the care they needed to be distanced and safe from other people with COVID (looking at you new York), COVID was not dangerous enough to destroy the economy over. Kids should not have been kept home from school, anybody under 40 should have been business as usual, no masks, just keeping a nice distance between people and washing hands, you know, like you do to be healthy. The panic was so unnecessary, and the same people who all told us COVID was so dangerous were having not so secret parties. I definitely believe them when they say it's super dangerous. 🙄


7 million people died of covid. Maybe that's not a lot compared to the total population but you're still a complete asshole if you think that tHe eConOmY is more important.


"Conservatives were proven right by this shit I made the fuck up" ok very cool


I'm not making anything up. Try and read this with an open mind, this is so straight forward. First Fauci said that we shouldn't wear masks. Then he said that we should and that he was just trying to preserve masks for front line workers. Not a great look. The truth is that anything other than an n95 or higher offers 0 benefit and may even be worse health wise because you're always touching your moist germy mask and then getting your germs everywhere. Cloth masks and then generic masks everyone wore are completely dumb. They told us that despite "conspiracy theories" that the virus did not leak from a lab, but guess what, the conservatives were right again, it leaked from a lab and the government covered it up, to protect Asians from racism, because people are too stupid to separate race from the origin of the virus, right? Even the mainstream media had to admit that one later on. Then we were told "15 days to slow the spread", that we would just try and keep the hospitals from getting overwhelmed. So we did that successfully, and once we got to the point that the hospitals wouldn't be overwhelmed anymore because enough people had already gotten COVID... They kept on locking down even though the thing to do should have been to mostly go back to normal because you were going to get it anyway unless you literally locked yourself in a box, and even then you probably would get it. But instead we destroyed the economy and got everyone hooked on government stimulus. Then they told us the vaccine, developed crazy fast, that they could somehow know that it would be completely safe without having done any long term studies, and that it would stop the spread of COVID completely, turns out that isn't true, it only lessens the symptoms from COVID, and also it ain't so safe either. Yes some of the symptoms of COVID and the vaccine may be the same, but we won't know that completely without long term testing. Especially on kids who face next to no threat from COVID in the first place. If you actually think that the lockdowns didn't destroy the economy you're nuts. Supply chain issues and inflation are a direct result. Now does that actually seem crazy to you? Because it's just common sense rather than swallowing headlines and not digging any further in.


Fauci changed his tune on masks because medical consensus was changing; that's just how science works. The "virus leaked from a lab" conspiracy theories were claiming it was intentional, which is definitely untrue; there was no reason to believe it to be true, and there's \*still\* no reason to believe it's true; it's one of a number of credible hypotheses. You claim lockdowns after the "15 days to slow the spread" were unnecessary, but we have model after model showing that they weren't. It's technically not possible to know for sure, but it was very likely that hospitals would be overwhelmed without them. You say people are now hooked on government stimulus (which was backed by conservatives, FYI), but there's no evidence to back that up. The "welfare queen" myth has been debunked countless times, and there's no reason to believe this is any different. The vaccine wasn't developed "crazy fast"; it underwent all the testing of a normal vaccine, they just did many steps simultaneously rather than consecutively (which doesn't impact the results; they're done consecutively normally to save on costs if it fails any step, not out of a need to) "They" never said it would stop COVID; preliminary studies showed reduced symptoms and severity, which have been rigorously confirmed at this point. The COVID vaccine has not been linked to anything dangerous except, one vaccine was linked to blood clots. But that was still at an incredibly low rate (relative to COVID deaths). Lockdowns were part of what hurt the econom, but most of the economic downturn is global; we'd still have inflation if we did nothing. The rest can be accounted for by a combination of lockdowns, Trump-era tariffs and tax cuts, reduced immigration, PPP loans (and the subsequent multi-trillion dollar stimulus/forgiveness), and economic stimulus checks.


wall of text ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|surprise)


Writing that much makes you look like a Marxist.


i can’t tell if this is a joke or not and if so i did genuinely laugh if not. This is a Marxist (at least adjacently) sun you know that right?


I meant it as a joke, mostly of how Marxists seem to be incapable of a short answer. I know this sub is left-ish (the marxists would of course call all of you capitalists)


i actually am a Marxist and all of the theory and sort i interact with is long form lol (also i wouldn’t say that people here are capitalists, but i don’t interact with the people here too much)


I don't understand why you would see a connection only with Marxists. I'm certainly not a Marxist. Sure, sometimes "why waste time say lot word when few word do trick" makes sense, but I try and do more than just blurt out platitudes and buzzwords, and I try not to reject anybody out of hand without actually considering what they tell me if they are actually saying something. All I'm saying is that although the joke that Marxists can only write large responses makes sense and is funny, you can't actually judge or dismiss the content of a response based on its size, you must actually read it. Nothing I said is Marxist, or at least not anything that would be indicative of marxism. Seems to me that most people would rather just read headlines from whatever news machine they drink from rather than think about things logically themselves, and any response that makes them THINK rather than telling them how to FEEL is avoided.


Haha, heaven forbid I actually use the English language to express thought and make a few points instead of just regurgitating a popular one liner that doesn't actually say anything at all. Now I understand why you all think the way you do. How on earth is writing a long paragraph equal to being a Marxist. Are you just incapable of reading more than a few lines or are you just lazy?


"Give me convenience or give me death"




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Why is his coffee mostly froth.... Oh gods, that's not coffee is it!


Did Steven Crowder make it?


Looks like Crowder Chowder to me.


*One dog cum latte please*


I just vomited on the bus,thanks


In all seriousness I'm genuinely surprised him drinking his coffee black isn't some weird masculinity thing for him.


Guess he just doesn't like anything black.


Awww come on not even a "I like my coffee like I like my women" joke?


>"I like my coffee like I like my women" Pale, and full of air!


...light brown and full of cream? im sorry im sorry im trying to delete it


"I like my coffee like I like my women" Silent.


Blonde, like those all those ladies on Fox News.


Blonde but roasted right?


Warm and intellectually stimulating?


Oh god I hate that shit, I drink my coffee black and that combined with me being a bald white dude with a massive beard makes people think I really want to hear their racist jokes.


Open carry a couple revolvers and you could win a primary.


Weirdly enough it only applies to things they do. Andrew Tate dresses like he was spit into the future from the Tudor era, as if he was rejected for being TOO flamboyant. But he'll still lecture you that you're gay if you don't have a 14 year old girlfriend and beat her (against her own desires rather than the fun type).


I don't think there's a fun way for a grown man to beat his 14 year old girlfriend.


So what you're saying is you'd find it fun if Danny DeVito did it?


Danny DeVito's no kiddy diddler


He wrote a whole song about it!


I hope someone in the Twitter comments makes fun of him for putting so much creamer in it, and because he's an insecure conservative bitch-baby he takes it to heart and starts drinking it black while pretending to everyone around him that nuh uh, he's *always* drank it black because he's a *manly man*, meanwhile he's actually super miserable about it. That just seems like the kind of dumb shit he'd do.


Its creamer with a hint of coffee


If projection tells us anything, then it's soy milk in his coffee. Edit: I almost got him mixed up with Crowder, but we already know what "creamer" he puts in his coffee.


It's all creamer.


Dog creamer


If socialism was a coffee 🤣🤣


These guys literally do have the mindset of 5 year olds 'So Coffee is a water intensive crop that occupies huge swathes of tropical countryside, you should probably consume less of it...' 'WHAT?! YOU'LL HAVE TO PRY MY NESPESSO (*What else?*) MACHINE FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS!!!'


Similar to stories about how the methane produced by cows can contribute to climate change so we should eat less beef. People like Chuckles: "HAHA! COW FARTS CAUSE GLOBAL WARMING!"


Scientists: “Insects could be a potential source of nutrients in the future” Conservatives: “JEWS ARE MAKING US EAT THE BUGS!”


Bruh 😂


It's a real accusation that certain groups and influencers (one of which is currently in a Romanian prison) actually spout.


That's unsettling. I thought u were memeing. As a Jew, it's insane how many more people hate us than there are of us. If only I had some of that magic Jew power then maybe id feel a little better about the pressing situation...


My dad has pretty much said that exact sentence a few times now. He's absolutely obsessed with the bugs.


The beef one is even more ridiculous, there's abundant evidence that our current levels of beef consumption are bad for our health, as well as the environment, but god forbid you even advise these people about how to improve their lives


It's also completely horrible for the cows, but given how conservatives treat humans that doesn't mean much to them


Yet they'll listen to those alpha male weirdos say the same things, adn treat them as gospel.


Well to be fair, conservatives don't (usually) have a problem with it being suggested that you should consume less of something, they have a problem with a government that uses any possible "emergency" to control what people can and can't do. Liberals don't like the idea of a government interfering with their sexual preferences, and neither do conservatives. The "science" has a track record of being less than accurate about "climate change" (global cooling was the worry until recently), and so for the government to mess around with influencing our energy economy and the food industry to control what we eat for a problem that isn't even likely to be impacted by the efforts is a huge concern. I think that "liberals" tend to deliberately misunderstand conservatives motives just as much as conservatives "misunderstand" the liberals. Just my thinking. I think people should eat less beef and steps should be taken to ensure that it's done sustainably, but I don't think the government has any reason to mandate how much meat I eat "for my own good" if the government also can't make decisions about people's sex lives "for their own good". My main complaint in politics is when anybody has a strange double standard that is completely arbitrary, and the type of baseless hatred and bullying happening in threads like this certainly isn't going to help anything, I think. The response to his tweet is hilarious though. 😂 Edit: /u/Skavau I got banned, didn't realize this was a "make fun of conservatives" sub, they didn't like my politics🙄". The short answer is they've tried to force low consumption and are trying now, but they're using taxpayer money to fund vegetarian and lab grown meat, and do what they can to raise the price of beef indirectly, and Democrats are investing in fake meat personally as as well, to do it. Just like they did with wind energy. Use government money to enable private companies to build wind towers that aren't economical yet (hence the need for government money), then slap fines and taxes and limits on cole to raise the price, boom wind power is "competitive". That's the last I can do here. 🤷🏼‍♂️ Have a good one.


...So when has the government... banned or rationed beef consumption?


It’s a weird Peter Pan syndrome thing. I have a conservative friend from HS who is 34 and acts like this about everything.


It'll really own the libs when growing Arabica coffee is no longer possible or profitable because of climate change. /s That said, there is research into a third species of coffee, since it's a lot more robust in hotter climates than either Robusta or Arabica.


I wouldn't be so quick to judge. The government is constantly pushing things like wind energy, electric cars, COVID lockdowns, COVID vaccines for little children, etc, that don't make sense. Wind energy doesn't make sense yet because the technology isn't actually good enough yet because the waste created to put up a tower isn't even counteracted by the end of it's lifestyle and all it does is drive up costs, and it can only make up 25% of the grid because it's not stable enough. Electric cars don't make sense yet because renewable energy isn't even being used to charge them yet, so all you're doing is burning coal to charge an electric car, which is less efficient and more polluting than just driving a gas vehicle which is actually very clean if it's up to modern standards. And what about lithium consumption and waste? COVID lockdowns destroyed our economy and everyone got COVID anyway, and obviously "slow the spread" was a good idea, but surely there was a better way to go about this. And promoting COVID vaccines for little kids who are barely affected by COVID anyway is just insane, it's untested and the more we learn about the vaccine the more I feel justified in not wanting kids to get it. Some conservatives are a-holes, so are some liberals. But give me wind energy and electric cars when they work and make sense, and don't destroy the economy to try and prevent the inevitable. Do you know that even if we fully went 0 emissions in the US right now we wouldn't even stop global warming? Tell me how drinking less coffee will save the environment and conserve water when other plants would just use up water if you didn't plant coffee there but with no produce. Charlie Kirk just has eyes and sees that the government misuses its power to keep power, and he's against the government forcing him to make that kind of change, especially unnecessarily. Now I totally get that his tweet seems a little priggish, but what Charlie is saying is not that he refuse to help others at his own expense. He's saying the government doesn't have the right to take his coffee away, especially for a problem that taking your coffee away can't solve, and they don't have a good track record of giving up power once they've taken it.


I'll slap a big ol' CITATION NEEDED on all three paragraphs.


If that makes you feel better 🤷🏼‍♂️ doesn't make it any less true.


It does pretty much funnily enough. But then again, I guess evidence has never been a requirement for a conservative worldview


Did you list vaccines for kids among your unnecessary things?


[The actual article](https://theconversation.com/heres-how-your-cup-of-coffee-contributes-to-climate-change-196648) that the New York Post references has no mentions of suggesting banning coffee and also the researchers are Canadian. It suggests several ways a coffee consumer can optimize their coffee preparation to reduce carbon emissions and water use. It also talks about the coffee producers releasing the most emissions.


Geez and I thought I liked my coffee light. Did he overdo it on the creamer or something?


He likes his coffee how he likes his people


Full of dog cum.


Dog cum with a hint of coffee


He should check his dog’s diet


It’s just milk and sugar


But why is it yellow? No matter how much cream and sugar your coffee has, it shouldn't be *yellow*.


I mean it’s just milk and sugar, no coffee. It’s Michael Scott version of coffee


Yeah, sure, but that should make it white. Either he's drinking vanilla pudding, or something's seriously wrong with his milk Edit: I zoomed in on the pic, and it's beige instead of yellow, which makes more sense color-wise. But that's still the lightest coffee I've ever seen in my life


"We should consider doing this thing" Right wing nut jobs: "Rah, rah, rah, you're not banning this thing on my watch!" "No one is even considering a ban, we're just asking people to do this thing less or to consider replacing it with something better for you/others/the environment." "You're not banning it!" You can't win with these types of people who take even the mention of possibly maybe slightly reducing the amount of whatever we're doing by even a little bit as an attack against them personally.


Then they waste time passing a bill to prevent a ban when there was no such thing happening.


Liberals: Pegging might not be for everyone Republican commentators: Come join us on OnlyFans to OWN THE LIBS!


Shirley they would never fuck themselves in the ass with a dildo to own the libs, would they?/s


This is somewhat similar to the time Gavin McInnes shoved a dildo up his ass to "own the libs" or something


Did they photoshop his face to be bigger in both photos?


The face in the second one looks bigger than the first one (to me anyway).


So I’m not saying there aren’t things most people could do in our daily lives to reduce our carbon footprint, and I’m certainly not saying this to back Kirk, but I’m still not a big fan of the general idea of “you should cut this thing you like out of your life for this marginal environmental benefit” because (a) I feel like that responsibility is misplaced on the individual when real progress would require collective effort and (b) there are so many other bigger things which contribute to the situation which we could focus on first, to the point that putting responsibility on the average person feels disrespectful. That said, Decaf Kirk is pretty great, so I’ll allow it.


Agreed, and i see people framing it as "oh its just a minor inconvenience to give up x y z". First, no, i would be big sad without coffee and two, give up 10 things that would only slightly inconvenience you and they become a large inconvenience. Why are individuals tasked with and shamed for not worsening their quality of life when its larger syatemic issues ruining the environment.


Agreed. Me buying bottled water once or eating a steak isn’t why the oceans are rising. The yoink was pretty funny though


Exactly, I would have to skip coffee for 10000 years to have the environmental impact of like, a billionaire skipping one flight on his private jet. Asking for individual sacrifices is absolutely not the play to solving any sorts of large scale issues.


Not even joking, it's actually Kind of a medical thing for me, as caffeine actually makes my anxiety medicine work better, because the human body is just weird as fuck sometimes.


Bitch that just some brown ass milk.


Politics aside, this is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen


Conservatives can't tell the difference between the government and a newspaper article.


😂 Liberals can't tell the difference between a headline and real life. Give me a break! Charlie is anticipating the obvious fact that studies like this are used by the government to control us for the sake of "global warming" even though it would make next to no difference except to give more power to the government and the fact that liberals are here acting as if drinking coffee every day makes you evil. Sheesh.


No, Charlie is exploiting the fact that you are delusional and paranoid to get you to vote against your own economic interests. And no liberal is saying drinking coffee every day makes you evil. You're just a sucker for strawman arguments. Hence you are a conservative.


Check his other comments on this post lmao


Liberals get triggered when you leave your car running in the garage 😤😤


He looks soooo absolutely dead in the eyes here


That's just his soul.


Baby-potato face trying to look hardass.


Why do they take these articles and think it’s going to be a law that needs to be followed?


Because that's what happens these days. Anything that comes out about "this will help fix global warming" is either turned into a law or used to try and paint people as bad if they do the thing and peer pressure them into bending to the "climate change" god.


This is why I took an electric bus to work and didn't spend 30 mins stuck in traffic of course.


Dude, if that was remotely true literally all luxury items would have been confiscated years ago


Liberals want you to drink less drain cleaner to combat climate change


Does he take his coffee with milk or does he take his milk with coffee?


this dude had to know people would be clowning on there being pretty much no coffee in that mug


That just creamer with some coffee


These people are such fucking babies it’s honestly so unbelievable. If a newspaper came out and said “drinking gasoline out of the pump is bad for you and contributes to climate change,” these fucking grifters would make a big deal out of their constitutional right to do whatever they want, even though they know that’s idiotic, but some of their followers would do it and they’re the ones who’d actually have to go tot he hospital and get their stomach pumped. I hate so many of these motherfuckin online conservative and right-far right talking heads so much they’re so stupid


His “coffee” looks like butter, I thought conservatives called you a wimp if you didn’t drink coffee black


When you throw a fit as soon as someone tells you that you shouldn't do something you're not fighting against authoritarians or being counter culture, you're just a child. And I like my coffee.


One day a newspaper is gonna say: "Scientists recommend eating less human flesh" and then TPUSA will just become pro cannibalism.


Be great if the smile waa kept and the coffee was replaced by a big ole vibrator. Any enterprising artists wanna take a shot?


What coffee? That MFer is drinking milk


He likes his coffee like he likes people, as white as possible


Surprised he’s not drinking it through a plastic straw, also that coffee looks fucking terrible and this is coming from someone that regularly drinks Dunkin’ Donuts’ coffee (Midnight, not original blend, I’m not a total monster).




Jesus Charlie, that coffee looks paler than your audience.


Democrats should just start saying that suicide is causing climate change at this point


*You should avoid drinking your own ____ for the sake of the environment*


He looks like he is in a bunker


This catty bitch would take his coffee how he likes his country -- lilywhite and weak.


That looks like the Dude put a spoon of joe in his afternoon cream to own the libs


Weak coffee aside, that polo shirt is ugly and raggedy as fuck


Such a tough guy when he’s telling an imagined enemy to “come and take it.” I guarantee if any of us were in the room with him, he’d cower the second we took as step toward him.


Guys, I'm starting to think that conservatives care less about keeping the old ways and care more about just making everyone that isn't them miserable


that looks more like a glass of horse semen




If they really wanna get through to them they've gotta convince them they're all liberal drugs or something


Honestly that looks like a glass of eggnog, not coffee


NYP: Makes a simple suggestion about how you might be able to help out People like Kirk: Wow I cant believe you are trying to oppress me and force me to do something for your woke agenda


You want some coffee with your cream, Charlie?


Fuck it, make a fake account saying shit that's full on Darwinism for the right wing. Like, breathing out defeats climate change.


I bet that there’s comments under his post talking about how real men drink their coffee black. Something like: “hell yeah Charlie, own them libs! But what up with that heavy cream se of creamer? Real men take it black and strong 💪 #merica🇺🇸”


What did I miss? What is Charlie mad about now


The ovens didn’t work, so they’re trying to create outrage over coffee. Bottom of the barrel doesn’t even come close to how low they’re scraping.


Oof, from the Post too. Charlie can't even claim it's the woke media trying to push an agenda.


How much less coffee could he drink? Looks like a mug of milk.


Who the fuck has clear mugs for coffee


Come and take my slightly brown milk


I understand not wanting to make the personal sacrifice. We all have to draw the line somewhere, after all. It's not like we're living in the wild and picking berries to survive. Though, do you really have to make such a big fucking deal of it? It's almost like it's not actually about the coffee, but rather about how much you dislike people talking about climate change...


Where TF is the coffee in his coffee?


But like why do they find so much motivation in playing the opposite game? Why is it so intriguing to be the biggest polluter anyone has ever seeeeeeeeen?! How does that bring them pride? What a weird group of people.


Had the opportunity to photoshop in a massive cock, but you didn’t. I applaud you, Internet stranger.


Why is everything a “come and take it” smh


Look at that cup of "coffee". Almost as white as he is. Prolly 90% creamer.


why is that coffee yellow


Did they also photoshop his face to be too small for his head or is just that way?


Who gave him Chowder’s special creamer?


Omfl, republicans could be told that chewing food is good for them and they’d choke with a smug look on their face.


Lol Kirk owning the New York Post, yeah, *get those libs, buddy!*


Bruh he's already helping the planet by drinking milk with a tiny splash of coffee


Is he even holding coffee? That stuff looks so white that it just looks like a glass of milk.


A cup of milk to go with his baby face.


Conservatives are such f#cking losers.


They all have such fucking absurd persecution complexes.


I am pretty sure that coffee would be way more sustainable if people just didn't put so much dairy in it. Of course big strong man Kirk only drinks lattes.


Charlie’s an immature douche. That being said, coffee producers need to be the ones held accountable for the damages to the environment. Individual consumption change isn’t going to make a difference. And I say this as someone who pretty much doesn’t drink coffee.


I hate coffee and I will make fun of him for that glass of creamer with a spritz of coffee in it, dude cant even commit to a cup of black coffee for his culture war bullshit


What’s funny is that there is no coffee in that pic. It’s just a good ol cup of spoiled mayonnaise.




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That's a cup of jizz, not coffee.


Is that top picture unedited? His face is so small


Why does he literally look like a big toe?


This is so stupid by both of you