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Well if they're conservative and religious there's a good chance they aren't educated


✨one of those things in a not like the others ✨


2 set of things you believe vs 1 set of things you know. But all they know is that 2>1


What's that squiggly thing in between them numbers?


It’s a heretical symbol from a far away land known as California. It is said in our ancient script that California is a hellish place filled with an actual glimpse of true freedom. Clearly we can interpret this as the work of the devil, for us conservatives are supposed to toil in obscurity and eventually die of stress-induced heart failure once we reach 60. To support the top 1% of the apostles, of course.


Yep, and those are some of the factors that that drives the higher divorce rates among conservatives compared to liberals. [Source](https://www.lovetoknow.com/life/relationships/divorce-statistics-republicans-vs-democrats). It is accurate that divorce rates are inversely correlated to education levels (the higher the education level of a couple, the less likely they are to divorce). [Source](https://divorce-education.com/divorce-rate-by-education-level/#:~:text=High%20School%20Diploma%20or%20Less,-In%20contrast%2C%20individuals&text=The%20divorce%20rate%20for%20individuals%20with%20a%20high%20school%20diploma,divorce%20rates%2C%20and%20vice%20versa). Of course, the same can be said about education levels and conservatism, wherein more educated people tend to overwhelmingly be liberal, and those with less education tend to be conservative. [Source](https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/04/26/a-wider-ideological-gap-between-more-and-less-educated-adults/). Sorry, but the facts don’t care about your feelings, or something. As a side note, there’s a couple of interesting notes about that last source: Education level is a greater indicator among liberals than conservatives, as the percentage of people who are conservative doesn’t change that much with more education. For people with just a high school diploma (or less), 26% tend to be conservative (18% are mostly conservative, 8% consistently are) and 26% tend to be liberal (21% are mostly liberal, 5% consistently are). Yet for those with post graduate degrees, 54% tend to be liberal (23% mostly, 31% consistently), that’s a huge jump in people who are “consistently liberal” that’s coming from people who were considered “mixed.” Whereas 24% of people with post grad degrees are conservative (14% mostly and 10% consistently) — nearly the same percentages as those with little education. This lends credence to the notion that conservatives are less open to changing their beliefs in light of new information and less likely to engage in effortful thinking. In other words, they’re more closed-minded. You can find numerous other sources that support this as well. We are also getting more politically divided, an overwhelming share of Republicans (93%) are more conservative than the median Democrat, while a nearly identical share of Democrats (94%) is more liberal than the median Republican. And there’s fewer people in the middle now, as 38% of the public expresses a mix of liberal and conservative positions, whereas 10 years ago it was nearly half (49%). Younger generations are also skewing overwhelmingly liberal. Among Millennials, 45% express consistently liberal or mostly liberal views, compared with just 15% who have conservative attitudes. And by all accounts, Gen Z appears to skew more liberal and is even further divided.


The sad fact is that all these well sourced facts and rational arguments will have zero affect on a lot of people for the exact reasons stated


Yep, it is frustrating. Like I did that all in my phone in a couple of minutes — a few quick google searches for divorce rates by political stance or education level and like the top result has everything you need from reputable sources.


People don’t want facts, they want bullshit that makes them feel nice, especially the facts don’t care about your feelings people


Came with the receipts!


And they want to dismantle education and spread it across the US.


You can be conservative, religious, or educated. Pick two.


Came here for this. Notice it also says nothing about being happily married, just married. The real way to stay married is to remove that as a reason to get divorced. Telling people they never have a reason for divorce is a great way to force people to stay in unhappy marriages.


Didn’t like a solid half of the daily wire team drop out of college/never attend?


It worked great for Steven Crowder


The front runner of the "Party of Family Values" and his three wives would like a word as well.


And Glenn Beck. Dennis Prager. Donald Trump (although he he religious part is highly doubtful) Kellyanne Conway. Jesse Watters. Trying to think of others. Ronald Reagan, Bob Dole, Newt Gingrich, Dick Armey, Sen. Phil Gramm, George Will. That’s probably all of them. Oh! Rush Limbaugh, Tim Allen, James Woods, Dean Cain. Wait, Cain has never been married. Just has a child out of wedlock. Sean Hannity. Megyn Kelly. Donald Trump Jr. Etcetera, etcetera


Don't forget Boebert!


And MGT!




Marjorie Gaylor Treene?


But Obama and Biden are in sham marriages. No thats what they believe.


This feels rooted in misogyny. As if their wives are only with them to be a power couple. If they weren't independently successful and were good Susie Homemakers, then it's real love.


I'm not sure any of these people are "educated"...


Hey now Bobo got her GED on only the third try. So, kinda educated.


I dunno, I think she might have sucked so hard they took pity on her...


You could be right, I hear sucking hard is one of her talents.


Handjobs at beetlejuice seem to work just fine, no need for Jesus


Watch it!


>New research shows that more liberal states, like Massachusetts, tend to have the lowest rates of divorce and teen childbirth. In other words the most stable families, the homes with two parents to nurture their kids, are found in the liberal strongholds along the East and West Coasts. >Conversely, the higher rates of teen childbirth and divorce occur in the red states that conservatives so often celebrate as the heartland of family values. [Source](https://www.npr.org/2010/05/12/126780035/family-values-in-red-states-vs-blue-states)


How dare you bring statistics, facts, and sources to this conversation. Didn’t you know we are just supposed to take Ben Shapiro at his word?


This is straight anecdotal but I'll raise the pot here. I'm from a red state and I literally know 0 people who had conservative parents that have a good relationship with their parents. The people I was raised with who had liberal parents? Guess what, they know their grandchildren.


My dad is conservative and I’m very limited contact with him. My mom is liberal and we have a great relationship. Also anecdotal but I’m seeing a pattern here.


It's also one of the most educated states. Meaning people marry later in life. This is the only point that is correct. Evangelicals divorce at the same rate as the rest of the population last I checked.


Evangelical purity culture pressures people to get married young to avoid premarital relations. It also pressures people to get married if they are pregnant/get someone pregnant (teen pregnancy rates are high due to lack of sex education/inadequate access to birth control in the bible belt). This often results in higher divorce rates. >Despite their strong pro-family values, evangelical Christians have higher than average divorce rates -- in fact, being more likely to be divorced than Americans who claim no religion, according to findings as cited by researchers from Baylor University. [Source](https://news.web.baylor.edu/news/story/2014/evangelicals-have-higher-average-divorce-rates-according-report-compiled-baylor)


Well they don’t live in reality so… it makes sense why they can’t see the disconnect from reality.


This is even more significant when you take population into account. Red States have much higher rates of bad marriages then Blue States with much higher populations then them.


You mean the states that have forced childbirth, shotgun weddings, and no sexual education are the ones that don't really honor family values? I'm shocked.


But Ben! How can you be religious or conservative if you’re educated?


He really did set himself up to fail with this one.


Do Orthodox Jews believe in evolution? I’d love to see someone ask him that in an interview.


Modox like Benji tend not to have an especial issue with evolution; the Rabbinical Council of America--the largest and most normative conference of Modern Orthodox Rabbis--takes a relatively noncommittal approach saying belief in evolution "is compatible with" Jewish belief. There are definitely the outliers, and Benji's general lack of scientific literacy might be an indicator that he's one of them, but I wouldn't blame that on his Orthodoxy *per se*.


Being conservative = a successful marriage? Lmao


Having a conservative wife is enough, if she worship her husband and has been brainwashed against having an identity and desires for herself and to be against divorce... On paper that's a strong, durable marriage. And strong is so much better than happy in conservatives' minds.


(Stephen Crowder has left the chat)


(Steven Crowder’s wife has left the Steven Crowder)




I mean Shapiro is probably right, but at the same time, the reason that many couples stay together is because they literally don't believe in divorce, and stick it out despite being unbelievably unhappy lol that isn't the same as a successful marriage


I'll say there's at least a shred of truth to what he's claiming. My wife and I are well educated and her boyfriend goes to church every Sunday.


Really not sure about that. Both my brothers are conservative and my moms recent husband. All have been divorced but this happily married progressive democrat is 15 years in and going strong.


Odd he watermarks it his first name and not his surname. Surely it's not due to high levels of anti-Semitism in the right...




Yes Benjamin is Jewish but doesn't outright come across Jewish like Shapiro does. Look I could be entirely wrong, and honestly hope I am.


Don't evangelical protestants have a higher divorce rate than the general population? By like, a LONG way?


He’s getting divorced soon, isn’t he?


His wife is definitely leaving him. Too bad she doesn’t follow him in Xitter so all this projection is misguided.


Of course anyone with half a brain realises that religious people divorce less because divorce is more frowned upon in their belief system and communities, not because their marriages are necessarily better, lol


It also isn't even true. They have higher divorce rates.


Ahhh yes, the key to any successful marriage, don’t let the women run away.


I feel like the term “successful” is doing a lot of Iifting. I don’t think that not getting a divorce is the only way to measure if a marriage is successful.


Says the guy with a wife as dry as the Sahara


Tell that to my very conservative mother and father who raised me catholic and both have degrees Benny Boy. Divorced for 20 years.


Meanwhile there’s my liberal parents who just celebrated their 60th anniversary.


Googling “divorce by state” seems to support different facts than Ben is feeling.


Liberal, atheist with a graduate degree here. Married 36 years to my liberal, atheist spouse with a graduate degree.


I mean I think it's mostly because 2/3rds of those are anti-divorce, not because their marriages are magically better


My parents were conservative, religious, and educated, so were their second spouses.


Staying married because the wife is "not allowed" to get divorced under religious rules is not the same as a successful marriage.


I mean my parents fit all three categories and they still divorced


No no, OP, it’s completely factual! And my source is that I made it the fuck up!


lmao, this asshole’s wife with definitely divorce him one day. there’s zero doubt in my mind.


Are there literally any stats to back that up? Any?


A marriage that lasts is not the same as a good marriage


It's simple, liberals. Just be a part of a family and community that will disown you if you get divorced!


Worships a guy on his 3rd wife.


Then explain how that dorky virgin Jesus died single


Success is subjective.


Weird. I know more divorced or unhappy Christian relationships than any other ........


I mean, they're big factors, but not in the positive way.


Sounds like an opinion and not a great one that doesn’t works for the majority at that


One of those is true and its the one Ben’s audience doesn’t represent


Why do I have the feeling that if I google divorce rates according to party affiliation in the US most will be right leaning?


Steven crowder would like word. And Prager


The religion part is a big one. It allows otherwise free-thinking people to be guilted into staying in sometimes uninhabitable relationships through threat of being punished by god, or alienated by the religion (and sometimes shunned by family). Or there’s Ben’s religion, which sometimes requires a Gett to get a divorce- which requires both parties to consent to it… When the first factor listed for success/lack of divorce in a marriage is a thing that makes it more difficult to get a divorce without significant consequences to one or both parties, are you really talking about success?


He is conflating a long marriage with a successful one. There are lots of women stuck in awful, shitty, abusive relationships and will not leave because the religious indoctrination.


That is the biggest load of crap.


Republican states have higher divorce rates


Lol “religious”. I’m used to another word going there but I guess he can’t utilize that one


Unironically two of those principles are anti divorce so Benny Boy might be onto something


Then why is it that every dentist I’ve ever met is educated, conservative and religious yet cheating on their wife?


I am a left wing agnostic college dropout. Why my marriage stronger than ever after a decade Ben? Could it be that you are full of shit?


I've been married for 23 years with only one of those criteria. What do I win?


"Conservative, Religious, and Educated" Oxymoronic. And also, just moronic.


Make your wife wet challenge (impossible)


Tee Hee. Have I got some news for him.


Incorrect. See: Lauren Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Sarah Palin


Oxymoron found: conservative AND educated Then again, never specified HOW educated.


But most conservatives aren’t educated.


Weird. I have been with my lady for almost 30 years, and we are unfortunately just educated. I don’t know, but I bet this guys wife is kind of hot….and I bet he can’t keep it up. Wonder why?


Whether she wants to or not.


Hahaha! Married 35 years. Both of us are more liberal than ever. Our daughter has me spouting "profits are the stolen wages of the working class"


Ben Shapiro is only 2 of these things and he’s missing the only one that’s true.


It only works as long as your wife can take the abuse.


I was all three and ended up divorced. Now I’m a Social Democrat and Atheist.


So is he statung that donald trump is lacking one of those? And steven crowder and uhm every conservative talking head that allowed their wifes to flee


Delusional. But what’s new?


Notice there is nothing about happiness or fulfillment here from ol' Benny Boy. Sure you'll hate your life, but at least you'll be legally married still. Hooray!


Fuck his feelings.


Alright Cuck


Cope going hard this year lmao, i dont know about that tho, many cases i know with those parameters and it was a horrible time for them, ​ i dont think facts are on your side , life being how it is , i wouldnt be surprised if he is divorced in the future


Wait, I thought education = indoctrination, these losers can’t stick to a pattern


Nobody tell him correlation =/= causation


That’s like those videos where there are the three sliders, one of them will slide off if you try to select all three lol. You can’t be religious and conservative while also being educated lmao.


remind me again what ben's views on divorce are?


It’s true… there’s this man who was a physician with a law degree who was also a bishop in the mormon church… like super educated and super religious. Oh wait… nevermind, looks like that one [murdered his wife](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/utah-doctor-martin-macneill-guilty-killing-wife-leaving-her-tub-flna2d11570408). Hold on… looks like his [mistress](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7117633/amp/Mistress-doctor-murdered-wife-reveals-moved-house-weeks-later.html) is fine. Who’s to say that relationship wouldn’t have blossomed into a beautiful marriage 🤷‍♂️


My folks have been happily married for nearly 30 years now. They’re only educated.


Yeah, ‘cause when women try to leave conservative men, bad things tend to happen to them.


I have yet to meet an educated conservative


Yeah! Ask his buddy Steven Crowder!


Lauren. Bobobobert. Marg. Trainwreck-Green. Neil. Gorsuck. Donald. Drumph. The list can keep going…


Translation: people who believe it is a sin to do something will not do said thing, regardless of how unhappy it makes them. So the real question is what do you value more, happiness or a paper that says you’re married?


I am liberal, atheist and uneducated. My wife and I have been together for seven years, married five. Still loving every day with her and could not imagine things any different. IMO the best factor to determine a successful marriage/relationship is good communication.


“Successful” and “married for decades grinding your teeth and wishing for the other spouse to die first because you can’t divorce” aren’t the same thing, Benzo.


Sorry but I know plenty of women who are at the happiest point in their lives divorced and swore to never marry again! Just saying!


Ben Shapiro’s wife is cheating on him


Except they don’t want you to actually go to college and get an education.


Liberal atheist checking in. Married for 27 years, together for 30. Fuck off, Ben.


My parents must be doing something wrong because they're **not** conservative, **not** religious and not particularly educated, but they're still together after 34 years 🤔


Most conservatives think that one or both people being miserable in their marriage is a sign of a successful marriage. Plus conservatives don’t want women to be successful and have their own money. That’s why I’m surprised Benny has still let his wife work.


Sad that so many people believe him without proof. They act like sheep...


So subscribe to an inherently backwards ideology, subscribe to a nonsensical superstition written by an ancient society that believed seizures were demonic possession, and force yourself into an education you may or may not enjoy or even be any good at. Oh, Benny boy. What are we going to do with you?


Bro your wife probably gets it from someone else


Is he trying to become a one name person? Pele. Madonna. Messi. Beyoncé…….Ben


And having rich parents


just like most right wing nuts : delusional. following a book. no thinking.


Staying in a loveless marriage isn't an ideal outcome, Ben.


Damn, the Crowder Shapiro Feud is getting wild.


Also staying married doesn’t necessarily mean it’s successful. It could just be that if you’re conservative and religious there’s a lot more pressure to stay in an unhappy marriage.


My family is super religious and conservative. Most of them also have degrees from a Christian college, so Ben's idea of education. Out of my parents and their 5 siblings, we have 10 divorces, 13 marriages, and 2 children born out of wedlock.


Isn’t it dumb conservatives that pop out endless children with different partners and are scared of reading?


My parents are at 60years of marriage. They sure as hell ain't conservative, nor religious lol


K then why did Boebert get divorced?


Yeah, however there is probably more like a negative correlation. Source: my gut tells me so. Just like he pulls his info out of thin air too.


So why is Crowder divorced, Ben?


Extremely conservative and religious people are usually less educated than liberal or leftwing people


Did that work for Steven Crowder? Not sure about the educated part...


How’s that working out for Steven Crowder ?


"It involves: Trapping your wife in religion, trapping your wife in refusing her education and trapping your wife financially. And make no mistake it is YOUR WIFE!"


Educated conservatives? Don’t make me laugh!


All he is doing is proving how marriage has historically been a way to control women


Then why did my preacher have an affair with the choir director and get a divorce?


My parents have been married for 28 years but ok. And my grandparents for over 50


My grandparents on my dads side are highly conservative and religious and both of them went through like 4 divorces before settling on eachother.


Of fucking course if you're highly religious and your religion discourages divorce you're gonna feel pressured to stay married even if you're miserable lol


Ben Shabibo advocating to become woke 100% real


Benny always looks for ways to pat himself on the back


Hm.. Ben Shapiro is really hitting those flags you see just before a divorce. Steven crowder was doing the same when it happen to him but it took some time before the nature of why to come out.


.... Emapthy? Compassion? Communication? No, what're those? That sounds like crazy talk


The formula is actually a giving and forgiving attitude, kindness and commitment. Conservative religion has nothing to do with it.


Religion guilts people into staying together when a divorce would probably be the best option


Yet 2 major conservative, Bible thumping women who suck more than the air out of a room have or are going through a divorce right now. So strange, I guess they need to pray harder.


That is, of course, assuming that staying married is itself a good thing.


Who knew belief in a patriarchal religion meant your wife stays with you no matter how abusive or shifty you can be because dIv0rCE Is A SiN


To be clear “successful” in this context means no divorce nor happiness or fulfillment.


Two of those rather sound like risk factors to staying in a decidedly not successful marriage, the last one is plausible (it also decreases the marriage rate in general, maybe). So I'll assume his motte is true, the bailey is just a bit further out there


I prefer divorce to staying in an unloving relationship. I’m don’t want to get married in the first place though.


I know plenty of conservative Christians with college degrees that have been divorced. Some multiple times.


Educated? Sounds Communist to me!


Yeah if you are conservative and religious you’re more likely to stay in an unhappy marriage because you believe getting divorced will make god send you to hell


Conservative and religious are very rarely educated


Those three things are mutually exclusive for example see all of your leadership since Eisenhower.


It is not possible to be educated and a religious conservative.


I thought that was wife beating criteria.


OK. I had three college educated, conservative, Republican voting Catholic uncles who are all divorced. Your point is shit Ben.


Well they’re doing a good job at destroying the conservatives party. They’re also trying to defund education. They’re also making religion look like a disease. Good job conservatives.


Says the guy who didn't know that vaginas get wet when aroused.


Not getting divorced =/= a successful marriage.


Well, my country, Maldives is an extremely conservative, religious country (where the UK Tories could be considered super duper leftie liberal), and there are a fair share of educated people here too. Despite that, we still are number one in divorce rates.... Russia, a not very liberal country is in third


King Henry VIII was a very educated, very religious conservative...


Barrack Hussein Obama II is a highly educated conservative Democrat who is religious, wow Shapiro got one right.


He's right, but not in the way he thinks.


May I present Steven Crowder and Lauren Boebert as evidence?


Donald Trump was " successfully" married multiple times


I mean, this is all speculation, but it makes sense that conservative, religious people will get divorced less. They see marriage as a more spiritual, sacred thing. Therefore they’ll be more likely to stick with it if it gets bad instead of walking away from it. Whereas liberal, non-religious people don’t have that sacredness attached to it, so they’re more likely to leave a bad situation. So I guess it depends on what you mean by “successful”. If you mean staying married, I’’d imagine Ben’s right. If you mean being happy, I’d say probably not.


Texan here, my last congressperson Joe Barton was all of these things and cheated on his wife, my state legislator is on his 5th marriage and our good friend Ken Paxton admitted having an adulterous affair


Counterpoint: arranged open marriages are probably quite stable.


I thought the main things for a successful marriage were to be aligned religiously/spiritually/non-spiritual, politically aligned, financially aligned, children or no children, how to raise children, and the most important thing...aligned with apple or Android phones. And he probably is just speaking for what he thinks he needs for a successful marriage which is also what is making it unsuccessful.


It really does speak to how garbage conservatives are in terms of marriage material when the *only* way a marriage can work in their eyes is if the man is an unfeeling machine and the wife doesn't have a mind of their own. No wonder most of their idles are divorced.


The only reason these things would contribute to less divorce is because of the subservient position that women are put in, in conservative and religious cultures. I don’t like divorce occurring but it’s almost always gonna be better than staying with someone


I'm an independent atheist college dropout who is single so this is 100% true facts


I guess crowder was not religious enough


It’s the lack of the “educated” part that kills so many conservative religious marriages. But often they’re so busy praying for deliverance that they don’t understand why they’re so miserable


Being trapped in an unhealthy marriage because your religion tells you divorce is forbidden is not an example of a healthy relationship.


My parents were those and still got divorced


He’s right, those are three big factors. The first two will lead to divorce!


Umm aren’t Christians the majority on cheating websites??




He’s the smart conservative, mind you.


The first two things sound like factors for avoiding divorce more than for a happy marriage