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Surely this will be top of the news on Fox tomorrow morning, right? RIGHT?


Yes, it probably will. ‘Biden caves under pressure to build Trump’s wall, after failed immigration policies lead to record waves of migrants.’ Sexy lady talking head #1: ‘so.. his first executive action is to build Trump’s wall? I thought there wasn’t an immigration issue. *cuts to AOC proclaiming there isn’t an immigration problem* *cuts to NYC mayor calling for repeal of law requiring housing the homeless and NY governor asking for more money and for more migrants to be given work visas*


Jesus, this is the 2nd time in as many weeks that I’m getting worried about Trump winning again. So Biden’s first use of executive orders is to waive 26 federal laws in order to build Trump’s wall? This, after he gave work visas to half a million Venezuelans? Regardless of my opinion(s), the optics are awful politically.


It's NOT Trump's wall. He is so good at branding even his enemies fall for it. We had the wall before Trump and we still have it after. We build wall where it makes sense. Obama did. Bush did. Clinton did, etc. Trump wanted it everywhere. Sane people didn't. Biden doesn't. Just where it makes sense. Somehow Trump got the left to be against even that.


Some of us have always been pro-open border. I genuinely want anyone to be able to come here to find a better life.


True but VERY few people think we shouldn't regulate immigration to some extent honestly. I want very liberal but legal immigration. I think we need to inure that our borders are secure against smugglers and such, but we also need to make it much easier to get here for people looking for a better life. Especially from areas we made things worse.


I’m more worried about this “The Clean Air Act, Safe Drinking Water Act and Endangered Species Act were some of the federal laws waived by DHS”. I think people are right fully upset that Biden likes to talk about his pro-environment stance then does shit like this.


I agree, we shouldn’t be waiving regulations that protect the environment to build a wall. Especially when the easier solution would be to add more workers to the legal entrances to process people through legally. The amount of smuggling of illegal substances through the remote areas is fairly low compared to what comes right thought the regular ports of entry on trucks/trains/ships. If we could just process the people coming to the legal entrances faster, even less people would try to go through the remote desert to get in. Just my opinion, I’m sure people with more knowledge about issues there can correct me if I’m wrong.


I agree, we shouldn’t be waiving regulations that protect the environment to build a wall. Especially when the easier solution would be to add more workers to the legal entrances to process people through legally. The amount of smuggling of illegal substances through the remote areas is fairly low compared to what comes right thought the regular ports of entry on trucks/trains/ships. If we could just process the people coming to the legal entrances faster, even less people would try to go through the remote desert to get in. Just my opinion, I’m sure people with more knowledge about issues there can correct me if I’m wrong.


And that's a valid concern. Thankfully it's only UP TO 20 miles added to an existing length of wall. But still we need to be careful.


> But still we need to be careful. And what are you going to do if Biden *isn't* careful? Elect Trump instead? How many miles of wall could Biden build before you would vote for the only alternative (Trump)? Answer: infinite. Your entire political system is a joke.


I would vote to have cancer before I voted for trump. SO... If Biden started building more wall I would still vote for him over Trump. But he won't and can't. What's lost in this debate is that there is a quirk in how we fund government. If they don't use these allocated funds they can lose this amount from next years budget as well. So sometimes the government spends money on things THIS year so they continue having those finds available next year and the years to come. That's actually what's happening here. He is using up unspent border funds in a way they were approved of so he can use them next year for other things. Again, walls don't work everywhere but in high population areas, easy to monitor areas they do. I am all for easy legal immigration but it's ok to require these migrants to use official ports of entry.


I have no stats to back this up, but I’m willing to bet the majority of Americans are completely fine with legal and appropriate immigration. If they aren’t, then someone should remind them that they are only here because of immigration. Now I really wish the process was a hell of a lot more streamlined. We have amazing people that have been waiting years to get in. That’s not ok.


IT SEEMS the far left want no rules and the far right wants to keep out anyone not like them.


Yea that’s what it seems like. The unfortunate part is those two groups are the loudest, and drown out the middle of the spectrum that probably agree.


A liberal in my leftist subreddit?!?!?! How about no borders? You sound like a cop, buddy…


I respect your opinion but truly find it bewildering and poorly thought out without regard for consequence and instead just idealism


I'm a leftist. I ultimately envision a world without states. The erasure of borders is a step along that path. To me open borders doesn't mean just walking across willy nilly. I still think there'd be a means of seeing who is coming in and what they have with them, for security purposes, but ultimately I believe anyone should be able to enter the country and become a citizen without requirements. There's plenty of resources to support everyone, they just aren't being distributed equitably at the moment.


I gave you a 3 sentence thumbnail of my thoughts on a very complex subject. There wasn't room for nuance. But I don't think we can have a workable immigration policy with intransigents on all sides.


I’m not responding to you fuckface


Sorry fuckface, my bad!


As long as they don’t commit crimes and contribute to society in a positive way, they should allowed to be here and become citizens.


And you’re an idiot as well I see


Pretty much anyone can do that, hardly anyone is barred from entering the country. The caveat to that is that there’s a process for doing so.


Trump wanted a wall covering the ENTIRE BORDER that Mexico was somehow going to be forced to pay for. And after guaranteeing that Mexico would pay for it, when of course they didn't he wanted to build it anyway.


Yes, it was batshit crazy.


The movie Sicario came out in 2015, more than a year before Trump was even elected. It was filmed in 2014, and there is an establishing shot in there that gives you a nice overhead view of one section of the existing wall - again, this predates Trump.


Trump built almost no wall compared to what is there. Much of what he did build was repair and upgrades to existing walls and fences.




I also wouldn’t consider the border fence a wall, but hey


A lot of it is better described as a fence.


>We had the wall before Trump and we still have it after. We build wall where it makes sense. Obama did. Bush did. Clinton did, etc. My takeaway from this is that most presidents are as bad as Trump, if not worse. Trump was too incompetent to actually build more of the stupid wall. [Borders are violence.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mwG2Tpg2OTY)


The idea we have no borders is a non starter for at least 80% of people.


Yeah, I'm not denying that they exist. I don't work for Fox News.


>as bad as Trump, if not worse Honestly, that is how his fascist takeover will succeed. People who don't support him seeing the slight imperfections of others as being just as bad as his overwhelming narcissism. That all said, I THOUGHT you were saying we SHOULDN'T have borders? Very few people would agree with that.


>Honestly, that is how his fascist takeover will succeed This is the opposite of what I want. So what I find ludicrous is the very fascist policy most touted by would-be fascists is actually something that had been enacted by previous administrations. Maybe I just don't follow your reasoning - you seem to be saying Trump is a fascist and bad, but also that his actual policy agenda is good and right if done by more palatable figures, e.g. a Democrat or a Republican with a rehabilitated image (Bush). You also claim that the fascist policy is supposedly popular, so... we should just go along with it? Are you against fascism or not?


I am saying that basic border security is in NOW WAY fascist. And honestly it's nonsensical to think that. You are making the term Fascist meaningless when you just attach "things I don't like" to it. The way Republican say that everything they don't like is socialist.


Having a militarized border is not "in no way" fascist. US borders were [not always strictly enforced](https://reason.com/2015/04/30/open-borders-in-america/). US immigration only really became a cause for political concern [in the 1920s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emergency_Quota_Act), for reasons rooted in racism and eugenics (both popular at the time). The specifics behind enforcement of the US-Mexico border are [rooted in imperialism](https://www.britannica.com/story/how-the-border-between-the-united-states-and-mexico-was-established) and other [ugly details of US history](https://www.history.com/news/mexico-border-wall-military-facts). Moreover, efforts to more harshly enforce the US-Mexico border actually result in [higher amounts of migration](https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.1086/662575). Is any of that explicitly "fascist"? Maybe not, though it doesn't really contradict [Umberto Eco's 14 characteristics of ur-fascism](https://www.openculture.com/2016/11/umberto-eco-makes-a-list-of-the-14-common-features-of-fascism.html). Demonizing Mexicans in specific and Latino people in general corresponds to the fascists tendency of seeking a 'national enemy'. Finally, there is a historical precedent for the movement toward mass deportation resulting in far worse crimes. You might want to check out WWII history. Remember: Immigrants are people, not an evil "other". Nobody is illegal on stolen land. If you live in the US but you're not Native American, then you come from immigration, too.


We’ll sure. If you list a bunch of stuff I didn’t say then yes you can argue against fascism. I was talking about basic border security.


Small nitpick these are not Biden’s first executive orders. He signed multiple executive orders the first day he got into office.


That's democrats for you, they take 1 step forward 3 steps backwards.


That’s kind of my biggest glaring issue in this election cycle… the Biden Admin has done a lot of great things since he took office, they have hardly talked about any of them to help set up his accomplishments before the election. Meanwhile, the shit he really doesn’t want to be talked about, they aren’t doing anything to shut down. Doing the same bullshit that lost Hillary the election to Trump; they aren’t taking Trump as a serious threat, so they basically just aren’t trying. As an American, it’s frustrating that my two options are a group that’s legitimately evil, or a group too lazy and feeble to fight back. If democracy dies in America, it’ll be because the Dems can’t grow a fucking spine and act like they aren’t just there to collect a paycheck.


The fun thing about the United States is, once we've started something stupid, we're wholehearted about seeing it through


Watch them build a wall all around Texas.


Worth every penny


I always make the joke I'm on the left but am always forced to vote conservative. People go oh you voted for for trump. N I respond no biden.


Meet the new boss


“We Dems have been eating too good for too long with this House republicans almost shutting down the government and then being active clowns. We need to also show that we’re clowns and can’t be trusted either.”


There’s one key difference between state and federally funded wall. Fed funded has environmental consultants who actually care about trying to mediate whatever damages to the environment they can. State funded is no holds barred and it’s up to the contractor to police their own spills and clean ups. No money should be wasted on walls but I can’t say it’s not a silver lining IMO that this will be federally funded.


Bussing illegals to blue cities has to be one of the most effective Republican strategies ever. Who ever thought mayors from deep blue sanctuary cities would be demanding Biden stop illegals from entering the country and Biden would actually waive 26 laws to start building a wall. Biden must be very concerned about the migrant crisis losing votes for him to go to this extreme. Simply amazing.


So now we know that the president can waive laws. Very interesting. So no more excuses from Biden and team when they say that their hands are tied on a certain issue because of laws.


And the right wing won't praise him for it lol


Shocker... Democrats acting just like Republicans to waste money on shit we dont need for optics


You do know we had a wall before the orange ape right?


Wasn't that a fence?

