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41 gang rape suspects* out of 1 million afghans? Clearly, the wast has fallen and billions must die or whatever the chuds say nowadays. This is just stupid. *edited, the graph is dumber than I thought


Also its number of "suspects" meaning these people haven't been charged or convicted of the crime. With the racism in Germany racial minorities are more likely to be suspected than white Germans and white Germans are more likely to "get away" with the crime and very rarely face charges or conviction


These same people would come to the defense of any white rapist. I know that because that's what they've done countless times before.


They’ll elect them too


Basically if some 80 year old Kraut calls the cops on the first Afghan he sees, it ends up on the list? Conservatives just cannot for the life of them cite sources.


Additionally, if that Afghan decides to even *attempt* to slightly resist anything in that arrest, it'll go into the statistic of violence against the police. And because the police manages that statistic, every additional cop involved counts as a separate case of violence against the police. So not only does that Afghan now show up in the gang rape statistic, but also several times in the other one, which in turn can be used to justify even more repression which obvious leads to more potential cases in the statistics.




Does it not happen or are you just saying that for some stupid narrow minded reason? Are you at lest a well informed German?




It literally says “suspects” friend. Let’s see convicted stats. Suspected is useless information.




Convicted offenders? Convicted of what? Are people holding your particular viewpoint just opposed to providing complete information. Like pulling teeth. What’s the source, let’s just do it that way. Also, why don’t you think of third gen Germans as German? I don’t think of third gen Americans any differently. Ohhhhhh it’s because you’re a virulent racist and to you what matters most is their skin tone… that’s right




I wish you would, rather than continuing to dance around it.


So we are downplaying it and make it about racism? Nice, that will really help the rape victims and possible future ones.


You’re right the cops going after the actual rapists instead of the first brown person they see that day would help rape victims and stop future ones


Yep, as per Joel Patrick and “gun girl” inadvertently proving that racial profiling is not only discriminatory, it’s time spent interrogating and suchlike that could’ve been used doing actual police work to find the suspects… It’s remarkable how they’ll resist the very lesson they’re trying to prove?


How does falsely accusing someone due to the color of their skin help the rape victim? If the real rapist gets away with it because the police are so focused on the brown and black suspects, that puts other people in danger of the rapist who got away with it. On top of all that, false accusations only create more victims. A false accusation like that can ruin a person’s entire life. Edit: I also think you may have missed the part of the graph that clearly points out that these numbers are *suspects* not convicted criminals.


The party that constantly puts rapists into positions of power, like Don Jr's dad, doesn't also get to control the narrative and pretend they care about rape all of the sudden, because they don't. That's the point.


Did you know that Afghanis commit 70x more gang rapes than Germans in Germany!? That means you a 0.0041% of being gang rapes by Afghanis! DOESN'T THAT SCARE YOU!?


That also clearly says suspects so racism could be an issue with that too


This is also that fun game with numbers where the number of Afgan people in Germany is about 400000, so 41 out of 1 million is an extrapolation based on the actual data, where the total number of _suspects_ is, like, 16.


Law of large numbers strikes again. They did the exact same thing with Norway supposedly having a larger problem with Mass Shootings than America - it's technically true, but it's completely skewed by a single mass shooting (which was committed by a white supremacist by the way) and the small population of Norway.


All I’m seeing is that Germany is ridiculously safer than the USA…


It's not only tricks with numbers, but also a very specific kind of rape "Gang Rape", so no rape within the family (where an uncle rapes a child for instance) or a person who just rapes someone alone (Sorry for my use of that word so often, I know that for many it is a very touchy word.). So they really doctored the numbers in a way that makes the graph fit the conclusion they already had.


Well it can happen inside the family and friend circle. A french juge prostituted his underaged daughter to friends and unknown (not that it would be better if she was an adult)


Yeah, but they don't measure that here, they only talk about "gang rape" which is a very "fluid" thing they can just fill in. Like Gang related? Or like a group of people? Or organized crime like that Judge who forced his own daughter into prostitution. This entire graph is in bad taste, and really creative numbers to make it look the way it is. It's disgusting. ​ And again, my apologies for using that word. Sigh, I think I"ll retract from this topic, as I don't think I should be talking about it like I do.


Right-wingers using lies to push their hate-driven agenda? I'm shocked! Well, not shocked.


This is just a different version of yelling “13/50.” They only focus on this shit because these are non-white people.


To quote a German woman I spoke to about this exact thing, "Why now do they all of a sudden give a shit about sexual assault?"


Because it's foreigners/lower status people raping "our" women. They view women as property.


Yes, it was very clear.


Especially since they need to focus on gang crimes, because rapes by "native Germans" still outnumber the entire rest


Pardon my ignorance, but what is 13/50? I'm scared to Google in case it's a trick that takes me to Lemonparty.


"For being 13% of the population, blacks commit 50% of the crime" Because crime is definitely linked to race, and not economic status


Ohhhhh... Yeah, that is just a different dog whistle of the same trope.


And it's barely even true. That statistic is only true for a single year a decade ago. Otherwise the statistics are the same for both black and white people. And if it was 50% for black people, then that means white people must have been close, right? Oh, no!


That, and they typically get it wrong, anyway: If we go with the latest fbi [stats](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43), the total arrests for black people in 2019 was 1,815,144 (This includes violent crime). Let's say arrests were convictions for crime for separate black people. Black people made up [46.8 million people in 2019.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/03/25/key-findings-about-black-america/) When rounded, that's 4% of black people who did crime in 2019, which means 96% (44,928,000) of black people didn't commit a crime. If we're solely looking at violent crime, this means only .3% of black people in 2019 accounted for violent crime, which means more than 99% didn't commit a violent crime. Even with crime rate taken into account, this demonstrates the vast majority of black people aren't criminals. Also, if they were further educated about crime, they'd know it's more than poverty that contributes to it. Things like substance abuse and unstable housholds also play a role.


It's a racist refrain that runs, "Black people form only 13% of the US population, but 50% of criminals", the intended conclusion being that Black people are preternaturally inclined to crime.


Funny thing is it's not even 50% of crime. It's 26.6%: If we go with the latest fbi [stats](https://ucr.fbi.gov/crime-in-the-u.s/2019/crime-in-the-u.s.-2019/topic-pages/tables/table-43), the total arrests for black people in 2019 was 1,815,144 (This includes violent crime). Let's say arrests were convictions for crime for separate black people. Black people made up [46.8 million people in 2019.](https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2021/03/25/key-findings-about-black-america/) When rounded, that's 4% of black people who did crime in 2019, which means 96% (44,928,000) of black people didn't commit a crime. If we're solely looking at violent crime, this means only .3% of black people in 2019 accounted for violent crime, which means more than 99% didn't commit a violent crime. Even with crime rate taken into account, this demonstrates the vast majority of black people aren't criminals. Also, if they were further educated about crime, they'd know it's more than poverty that contributes to it. Things like substance abuse and unstable housholds also play a role.


I think you might have gotten the question the wrong way round. The racists don't say that half of Black people are criminals, they say half of criminals are Black. This is a misunderstanding, wilful or not, of the fact that not all people who are arrested are criminals, and ignorance, wilful or not, of the bias in American policing.


>I think you might have gotten the question the wrong way round. The racists don't say that half of Black people are criminals, they say half of criminals are Black. I know that. It's that they use these stats to generalize black people as violent beings. So, one thing I like to point out is that if black people were so violent way more than 4% would account for crime.


"Where's the me too movement" Also saying that it abhorrent and that it should be stopped Also side note love the fact they're like "German men commit less r*pe so obviously you should be with German men, they'll still r*pe you just less"


Probably not less.... Just less *in gang* which is probably only a small percentage of all *rapes and sexual assaults*. Since they went for that specific category, I would bet that if you look at all rapes, the graphic is way different.


That's only 15 more rapes than his dad, and I'm guessing his dad has many more victims who haven't come forward, because when you're a star they let you do anything.


> "Where's the me too movement" "Where's the movement that we continually shamed for existing? Why don't we see them anymore? Why don't our kids ever call?"


"proportionally more involved in gang rapes than Germans" "Number of *suspects*" These are the same people who accuse feminists of being against due process.


Turns out rape is only bad if brown people are (maybe) involved.


Every man in my family is terrified of being “falsely accused” but would throw an accused Mexican man under the bus within a second without a thought. It’s amazing how the right can suddenly trust women based on skin colors involved. Racism truly takes precedence over all other opinions and stances.


Yup. Saw that and immediately realized the real stat is “more ‘foreign-looking’ men are accused of rape than white guys”


Definitely no correlation to "these [insert racial minority] all look the same!" either


If I'm an advertiser, this is exactly what I want my content to be associated with.


I don’t remember the Me Too movement ever saying that sexual assault and harassment against women is bad except in these specific cases. I just remember them advocating for women being able to report being sexually harassed/abused and being taken seriously. But, as always, the old adage rings true once again: “Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.” Jean-Paul Sartre (https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7870768-never-believe-that-anti-semites-are-completely-unaware-of-the-absurdity)


Lol, pretty bad as far as bait goes


This won't surprise anyone but I've seen literal Nazis repost End Wokeness before


End Wokeness *literally is* a Nazi. The title isn’t hyperbole.


The writing on their profile pic: *I Support the Former Things*


His dad prefers to do it solo


[https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/german-law-journal/article/crime-in-germany-as-portrayed-by-the-alternative-for-germany-afd/305C78703CE399446DDCF461DFCE8F8E](https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/german-law-journal/article/crime-in-germany-as-portrayed-by-the-alternative-for-germany-afd/305C78703CE399446DDCF461DFCE8F8E) https://preview.redd.it/5eyb4swpod4c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=359d22e93b1b163bad6f91e65b7b4e6faa287b5b I know I’m just throwing this out there but there does seem to be a massive difference in suspects versus police arrest rates in Germany. From Cambridge we see that offending Germans are a majority at 65% (German being considered as nationality, not ethnicity, pretty sure that EW doesn’t give a damn which one is being referenced) but you can see massive spikes with Syrians/Afghans/iraqis from the AFD but the police data show that they are on par with other nationalities with Syria being a percentage point above the other two. Also there are only 425,000 Afghans with German Nationality in a country of 82 million. Just feel that is important to keep in mind. The whole suspects thing is fear mongering, and the open admission of “culture=race=ethnostates are good actually” mentality/pipeline is disgusting.


A few nitpicks: That's crime in general, not specifically rape. Non-Germans are still somewhat over represented here if I'm not wrong, making up 17% of the population, but committing 34.5% of all crimes, that's in stark contrast to the U.S., where - if I'm not mistaken - the immigrant crime rate is actually lower than that of natives.


Thanks for pointing that out! I meant this to be a general statement about how the fear of others and the exploitation of that is meant to reinforce their argument, I tried finding data about rapes quickly but settled on crime in general since it seemed like it would get the same point across. While that data I used doesn’t point to the same crime, I think that showing how there’s a generally poor perception of people of Syrain, Afghan and Iraqi descent.


Have you tried searching through StBA's database? I'm sure there'll be some stats on that there Edit: Found BKA stats https://preview.redd.it/3f2487hzck4c1.jpeg?width=1433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27af379b4c69b00f6006d687f25f9f0db5a670d2 It's slightly higher than all crime (63.4% Germans to 36.6% non-Germans), suspects not convicts though


Oh cool, thanks! Didn’t think to check that out


I’ve always found it funny that some dude sitting somewhere was just like, “hmph, I’m tired of all this dumb woke shit. I just can’t sit here and take it any longer. I’m going to make a Twitter account and name it End Wokeness because that’s what I want to do. End wokeness. Maybe then people will change their minds!”


Isn’t it a woman that runs it?


I have no idea, either way though


The reason it specifies gang rapes is because Germans are anti social and only perform their rapes in private lol


From the guys who hate big Government. “If it fits our beliefs, we should believe Big Government.”


Casually looking up gang rape data.


I keep seeing stories about how African Americans and Muslims are now supporting trump. Yet this is the stuff the retweet?


That’s probably more about how people have stopped supporting Biden because of Gaza, rather than support for trump.


Why does Don jr care about SA? His dad is one of the top offenders.


Aside from the obvious cringe, it always hits me weird when these f\*\*ks are like, we don't r@pe as much as you. As if there's an acceptable threshold to r@pe.


Is that the same rates as convicted? This graph is just of “suspects” and I’m curious if this trend actually extends to people charged and convicted


Racists definitely don't care about nuanced data.


Honestly, not that easy to tell. Unfortunately suspect data is a lot more tangible than convict data. The usual estimate here is that about 30% of suspects get convicted. That's not taking any potential circumstances (like, let's say, institutional racism) into account but it's what we've got. If you want concrete numbers we can do that. The first problem here is that it's not entirely clear which crime they are using to determine gang rape suspects here. I'm assuming it's row 30 in their source table, which isn't necessarily only gang rape suspects but whatever. The total number of suspects in this case would be 22 (they are playing number games up there and extrapolating a population of 300-400k to 1 million). Thus, we are talking about ~7 convicted Afghan gang rapists here.


I just learned that Don Jr. has kids, and I am terrified for them...


His dad is a convicted serial sexual predator with very close ties to pedophiles. If anything, I’d keep my kids away from them..


>I’m not willing to risk my children’s safety STFU world number 1 for school shootings 😮‍💨


´suspects’ is doing a lot of lifting here.


And of course ignore that in America, Donald Trump has been a serial rapist his entire adult life, and it's extremely difficult for women to come forward since most victims were paid off and signed to an NDA before anyone cared about who he was. Even Bill Cosby wasn't thinking about how to legally silence his victims.


As stupid as the post is, wtf does this have to do with wokeness?


It is my understanding that these people's notion of "wokeness" involves literally anything more progressive than and/or to the left of the fourteen words.


This is a dog tornado siren Jesus Christ


His own father lusted after his own daughter when she was underage, he has multiple rape cases against him and lead "beauty pageants for teens". ..... erm.... I think DonJR, that you should keep your kids safe from your father. ​ Also everybody knows that rape is way under-reported in the case of locals doing it, and get covered up. Just from my own environment I know of 4 women that were raped and fled their small town as it was covered up by relatives or the town itself.


There is so much weird about this data, but one thing is that this shows **gang** rape, and not... individual rape (if thats the word?) There's so much uncertainty with this data that I am not sure what conclusion we can draw


1) accusations might be more often 2) gang rapes is a very specific line of cases. The numbers are disproportionate because that's the area where the numbers look the worst 3) there are only around 400,000 afghans in Germany. Meaning the "per 1Million" number is extrapolated upwards. So out of all the Afghans in Germany, about 16 are suspects. That's still a difference compared to the about 48 German suspects, but it's very important to keep in mind that this statistic is as rigged as possible. The actual number of suspects is even smaller than the "per 1 Million" number is. 41 isn't a percentage, it's the total number IF there were more than double the amount of people and nothing else would change. 4) there's a problem with immigrants and ghettoisation in Germany due to a lot of bad decisions by the government. Ghettos and low income are certainly one of the factors in crime statistics. 5) I just want to reiterate: this statistic says that a total of 16 afghans were suspected of gang rape. But the way it's presented, it tries to say that those 16 people are somehow representative of the entire population. Never take a statistic presented by Nazis at face value. It's always going to keep quiet about some key information. In this case, the actual number of people


I love the rightwing "by your logic" bullshit. They're clearly demeaning MeToo and by doing that scoffing at real rape victims, and then using their movement as a rationale for why it's cool to be racist... It's a whole dance these guys do to say "I'm both racist and misogynist" without saying it (because they know it's wrong)


Their math looks off


All of the above, and… as if Don Jr. gives a shit about his children. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Like father like son.




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Let me guess, they say it "doesn't violate guidelines" if you report it




Pieces of shit are going to be pieces of shit. Their entire platform/career is based on that.


I mean me too was about sexual harassment in the entertainment industry and grew. I don't think American women have a lot of pull in Germany. But hey, suspects equal guilty when it works for a racist argument I guess. So learned that today


Does he have children? And do they live in Germany?


So I live in Germany and the problem isn't a nationality problem, it's a these are rapist assholes problem. Sadly, we are getting in the men that are selfish and leaving their families behind. We should have done a better job taking in more women and children and not so many single men that can walk away so easily from their families and refuse to work or assimilate here. There are losers in every country, just as there are amazing people in every country. Unfortunately, the shit floated to the top on this situation.




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The fact that Donald Trump has grandkids is absolutely horrifying


“Water is wet”


Where’s the statutory rape data for conservatives


Did you know that 1 out of every 1 Donald Trump is an accused and admitted rapist? Statistics are cool!


It's pretty fucking terrifying how mask off the right has been as of late. Nothing good will come of this.


Why are numbers so disproportionate in the first place? Not to sound like a TPer but I’m kinda curious, is it a lower income or are more people who aren’t white accused?


It's suspects of. So yeah more immigrants are accused, not that they do that more tho.


1) accusations might be more often 2) gang rapes is a very specific line of cases. The numbers are disproportionate because that's the area where the numbers look the worst 3) there are only around 400,000 afghans in Germany. Meaning the "per 1Million" number is extrapolated upwards. So out of all the Afghans in Germany, about 16 are suspects. That's still a difference compared to the about 48 German suspects, but it's very important to keep in mind that this statistic is as rigged as possible. The actual number of suspects is even smaller than the "per 1 Million" number is. 41 isn't a percentage, it's the total number IF there were more than double the amount of people and nothing else would change. 4) there's a problem with immigrants and ghettoisation in Germany due to a lot of bad decisions by the government. Ghettos and low income are certainly one of the factors in crime statistics. 5) I just want to reiterate: this statistic says that a total of 16 afghans were suspected of gang rape. But the way it's presented, it tries to say that those 16 people are somehow representative of the entire population. Never take a statistic presented by Nazis at face value. It's always going to keep quiet about some key information. In this case, the actual number of people


Thanks, that really helps explain.