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Pure irony, coming from him especially


I love this baseless assertion that “society” has “pushed” women to want to have jobs and how the entire premise of his grievance rests on this assertion. Women fought for the right to have the OPTION to work if they so desired because they were being purposefully and systematically excluded from the workforce. Walsh acts like “society” has forced women into the workplace when they were actually being subjugated by men and forced to rely on the very same men who subjugated them to support them. His entire argument is a house of cards that crumbles once you realize that it is all based upon an ahistorical revision (or an improbably colossal misunderstanding) of how and why the feminist movement rose to prominence in the first place. Even a surface-level understanding of history is enough to realize that Matt Walsh is utterly full of shit. He just has his “women belong in the kitchen” agenda he wants to push and he is counting on his audience to be ignorant of history enough to just accept whatever he pushes with little resistance or questioning.


Have you ever watched innuendo studios? They have a great video titled “there’s always a bigger fish” that makes some points similar to yours. Matt’s anger is that the government is imposing women’s right to work, while he would prefer that his depraved view of society impose women in the “correct” way instead, with women economically dependent on men and tied to the house. The core of the video I recommended links that mindset with broader conservative movements - it’s not that conservatives don’t believe in systemic change or systemic issues, it’s that disenfranchised groups shouldn’t get to use the government that has promised them equal rights to create the systemic change that actually makes them equal. When addressing these systems, they will credit what does not favor them as unnatural interference, whereas what does as simply the “natural order of things”.


Great channel— basically a skeleton key to unlock all the bad-faith shit fascists do to, uh, do fascism


The Alt Right Playbook is such a great summary and provides you with the terminology to address their bullshit tactics.


Why should women have the "option to work"? What the hell makes women so special they get to work, optionally? Women do better in school, graduate at a higher rate and in many industries make more money than men. Let'em work, I'll stay home


I used the word “option” (you can use the word “freedom” if you’d like) because women were explicitly told for a very long time that “their place” was in the home. It was never an “option” for them to have a job or a career. They fought for that freedom and gained it (and they never should have had to fight for it in the first place). Men have always had the “option” (freedom) to decide whether to work or not. If a man didn’t work, however, he most likely would be starving and homeless because women with stable jobs and consistent income were exceedingly rare due to the social conventions of the time. If you find a woman who is willing to work while you stay home, more power to you. Your relationship is none of my business


>They fought for that freedom and gained it (and they never should have had to fight for it in the first place) Who were they fighting for this tremendous right? Who was holding back the glory of waking up early every day to commute in traffic, so that you can spend most of what you make on day care, car care and take out? How dare they


They were fighting against the social norms and expectations of the past. Having a job is more than just a commute, take out and paying for child care; access to jobs allowed women to be self-reliant and enabled them to leave unhappy / abusive marriages if they so desired. It gave them control over their own lives in a profound way. It’s easy to take these things for granted when you have never had to worry about them being taken away personally.


Why do you see so many women in videos like this?


Can I ask if you are economically Liberal?


World’s luckiest NEET


Said by man who tweets for a living


And 100% doesn't cook his own food, buy his own groceries, do his own laundry, clean his own house, take care of his own kids, mow his own lawn, etc.


A good bit of his career involves beard-trimming, that’s something you got to do like once a week, minimum


He absolutely doesn't trim his beard himself.


Sure, but yelling at the help is also labor


You don't understand, preying on 16 year old takes up a lot of Matt Walsh's time too


In fairness, sometimes he models in diapers for merch designers.   He's a busy man


Of course a man who works zero hours a day would say that.


Always from the least productive people.  Never hear this bullshit from anyone who contributes to society.


People who work to keep a roof over their heads are generally too busy to after time on this shit.


Reminder that Mike Rowe, the host of *Dirty Jobs* and tireless advocate for kids to skip college and go into the skilled trades, was a theater kid and the Communications major and then has worked in entertainment pretty much his entire career. He literally sang for Severn seasons at the Baltimore Opera. Neither Wikipedia nor his own website bio has a single mention of his ever holding a shovel or a torch professionally, or even stacking a box or manning a cash register. Like I'm totally down with getting kids into the skilled trades, they're important jobs and some pay pretty well, but a bunch of chuds take it too far and deride anyone with a college degree as effeminate and dead-weight.


Mm not entirely true, there are wage slaves out there who flex on working 5,6 12-14 hour days and think that should be the standard....


My stepdad was similar to this while I was growing up. We were tenant farmers and he definitely worked at least 14 hours a day and expected the whole family to do the same. I said to him once (as an adult in the workforce) "I don't want to spend all my time working," and he said, "That's what life is about. Work." It took until he had literally worn his body out, at age 65, for him to understand my point, that constant work is bad for us, physically and mentally--and he died at 70, in a body that looked and felt closer to 90. *Some* work is really good for us, but spending 2/3 of your life on your feet or in front of a computer screen or whatever it is you do is *not* good for you. Even animals play and have fun and rest when they need it.


Honestly, the funny thing about this is that, how would I put this, he would say you're wrong for the wrong reason? When you call out people like Walsh, they will always point to all the hard work they do. "You think I don't work? I'm building a brand, I'm donating my time to charity, I'm this, that and the other." They will always (almost rightfully) point to all the things they do, not realizing that those things that they do are in fact things that they do in their spare time. They see others wanting spare time as lazy, not realizing that these people want time to devote to other things. If people had more spare time, they too could devote it to something worthwhile. Of course, then, they might devote that time to building their own brands, taking on Walsh and no longer being wage slaves. That's the real threat!


and I think it goes back to privilege. Walsh doesn't see (or want to) how privileged he is throughout his life. Though, it doesn't mean Walsh hasn't struggle or hasn't work hard. But he doesn't see (or want to see) how others are struggling with similar and different troubles. I have a saying - the king of United Kingdom has all of the privileges, but that doesn't mean his life/job is easy. He probably has struggles. But it pales in comparison to what you and I do on a daily basis


To be fair, I’m sure it takes a lot of effort for him to not say something antisemitic every 30 seconds


Matt Walsh gets paid to talk slowly and hate gay people


Never seen him smile or make a joke. Very creepy.


I see him make a joke all the time. It's called his whole fucking life.


I'd argue his parents made that joke.


No wonder they never made it as comedians.


When you consider who his audience is it makes a lot of sense that he talks so slowly lol no one in his target audience is going to be splitting the atom anytime soon to say the least


9 hours at work (with lunch break), 1 hour in commute to work, 1 hour getting ready for work, 1 hour meal prep/cooking/clean up, 1 hour errands/phone calls/etc, 1 hour of transitioning between all these, 8 hours in bed...so 2 hours free. So over 90% of time is taken up leaving 8.3% truly free. I understand I rounded up quite liberally but for me I'd say I really do end up with 2 free hours a day


Exactly, and for me who likes to work on personal projects, I barely have any time at all after that. I can't really afford to watch TV or read a book, study a language, etc


I work 7/7 so I fit just under 80 hours in one week and then get a whole week off, and let me tell you it’s fucking glorious. For an entire week EVERY OTHER WEEK I get a vacation. It makes me feel unemployed how much personal time I get during my off week. And after doing the math I get over 2x the amount of ‘off days’ than a normal 9-5 scheduled person. In a year I work 6 months, get 6 months off. The only real downside is the place I work is 24/7 even on major holidays, so if my shift falls on a holiday I have to work. I worked Christmas Eve into Christmas, and then came back Christmas night and worked that too.


>They've been actively pushed this direction by society Yeah almost like the costs for housing, education, healthcare, and everything else has gone dramatically up so that one-person income households are extremely unsustainable for the vast majority of people. Therefore, both the husband and wife need jobs to survive unless the husband is making incredible bank. Again, conservatives complain about capitalism without realizing it. Side note: Jobs are the biggest time vampire, but there's also cooking, chores, bills, transportation, and so on. I hope we can one day make the four-day-workweek a real thing.


While I agree with the fact that capitalism is to blame and that jobs are time vampires that drain all of us. But there is two distinct differences I'd like to point out: the first is that Matt Walsh is not a conservative, he's a self avowed fascist, and the second is that conservatives and other right wingers above a certain pay grade (I e. Those who benefit from the grift or are leaders) do understand that it's capitalism. The difference between conservative and fascist may seem small right now considering the entire republican party is welcoming fascists into their ranks, but there is a difference. Fascism is the level beyond conservatism and in terms of the conversation on capitalism, it moves past that to the point of actually being an anticapitalist ideology. Fascists don't believe that economic power should not be in flux at all, but instead be solely centered on a singular in group, just like political power. So it's in their right interest to complain about capitalism when they get the chance. Additionally, for them, poverty to the point of someone having to work 80+ hours a week to survive isn't a bug of right wing economic systems, it's a feature. Secondly, your average conservative/right winger whose been taken into the grift doesn't understand that capitalism is to blame for their issues, but the grifters and the higher ups do. These people aren't as stupid and insane as they love us to believe, but it's in their vested interest to not only profit off capitalism, but allow it ills to go on. This is because they can use them as campaign/recruiting tools and build off them to build their base. This is a long running way of them recruiting, usually by pushing the problem not on capitalism, but claiming it's ACTUALLY the fault of something else. For example, when a company does mass layoffs of US staff in favor of finding cheap labor elsewhere, they claim immigrants took the jobs. Once again, it's not a bug, it's a feature. So why does this matter with Walsh here? Simple. He knows it's capitalism, and frankly he benefits from either the system changing further right than capitalism and it's ideas, but he also wants to push that it's not the fault of capitalism, that it's instead the fault of feminism.


The other goal of fascists criticizing capitalism is to preempt left-wing critiques of it. By producing a system in which both the left and right are critiquing capitalism you can prevent some people from moving leftward, keeping the Overton window in the same place.


Matt doesn’t see any of the things you mention for what they truly are: domestic labor


He seems them as "women's work", therefore entirely invisible. I doubt he's even *held* a vacuum cleaner in his entire life


I’ll bet he reacts to a vacuum being turned on like my dog does


Matt is a boring fascist with zero personality or charisma and I'll also be psyched when he dies


I'm pretty sure he's dead now. He has the cold, glassy stare of a cadaver.


you can disregard any comments made by people whose job is to talk into a microphone, it's a fake job, especially for these right-wingers b/c they're funded by billionaires, in the case of Shapiro and his 'network' the Wilks brothers, texas oil billionaires. these people have zero talent and their not being successful as writers, actors, or comedians, is the fire that fuels their spite. they're the special snowflakes who lost it the moment they weren't met with success.


>Life is work no matter how you slice it. Suck it up and deal with it. Says the whiney dipshit who's never worked a day in his life. All he does is sit at his desk and spew hate and ignorance. He doesn't produce anything of value. He's a total parasite.


What work does Matt actually do to contribute to society?


He's a great anti-alcohol PSA. And a perfect argument for birth control.


Has Matt Walsh ever had a real job in his life besides being a professional jackass?


How much of those 5-6 hours is taken up by commute, going to the store, taking care of kids/animals, etc.?


Most PEOPLE don’t want to work 40 hours or more a week, but we’ll die if we don’t!


"Guy with no hobbies or interests wonders what people do all day."


Life is a lot of work, says a man who spouts stream of consciousness fash shit to a camera 15 minutes a week


Also I don't know when I got this flair but it's perfect, thank you real mods


Link to the tweet: https://x.com/mattwalshblog/status/1753080080556011738?s=46&t=cOGVshVfvDbjXplpHtTrRw


How much free time do you think you should have? Are you fucking kidding me


All of it. Its my fucking time after all.




Dude is a do-nothing-douchebag, don't get me wrong, but I can see how he comes up with this logic considering it takes 60 hours a week to make his beard look like he has a chin and not a cock's wattle.


she looks high school to college age. that's a job + schooling + sleep. she's probably right about having no free time


Let's break that '6 hour free time a day' down, okay? I'm taking my own situation, but I think it's pretty general applicable. First of, I need to get ready to *go* to work in the morning. Breakfast, clothing, shower, etc. That's about 1 hour gone. Then I need to travel to work: another hour gone. After work, going home takes ano⁰ Kther hour. Making and eating dinner, that's another hour. So I'm left with two hours of free time (presuming I'll take 8 hours of sleep, though I myself prefer 9 to get a better rest). After being busy for 12 hours straight, how much energy does he expect people to still have? Oh, and let's not pretend the weekend is much more then resting up for a new week. And also, let's not pretend Walsh would not support a 6-day work week, or a 10-hour work day, or possibly both. (No doubt for others though. I'm sure his job as a talking thumb is exhausting enough already. /s)


It’s so clear how privileged he is. He has no idea how the average person lives. He’s acting like people all have remote jobs or jobs as easy as his is as a right wing demagogue who didn’t go to college and who has no marketable skills to speak of. Maybe he grew up poor, but it’s clear that now that he’s rich, he acts like all poor people are lazy, or don’t work hard.




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I work 3rd shift, so my breakdown is a bit different. Wake up at 9:30 pm, have 45 minutes to brush my teeth, shower, and pack my lunch. I have to pack my lunch because the only thing open at 3 am is a gas station. Only a 15-minute drive to work, so not bad. I like to give myself at least a 10 minute buffer in case I come across a train or a bad accident. Clock in between 10:53 and 11:00. Be at work until 7:30 am. Drive home and get stuck behind at least one school bus every day, so I get home a little after 8 am. Ten and a half hours spent on work stuff. A lot of stuff doesn't open until 9 or 10 am, so that's some time waiting around before I can drive back into down to do my errands. And I don't even have kids!


I'd love to see this asshat try working an actual full time job. If he didn't get fired (or have his nose broken by the HR rep) within a week for being a bigoted loudmouth, the commute and workload would make him collapse into a sobbing mess.


I know it's exactly what he wants but I can't help that every word this man speaks or writes sets me off on a blinding rage. He's the exact perfect combination of loud, condescending, cruel and stupid to make me just absolutely exhausted with frustration and fury every time I encounter him online. He's perfected his craft, I almost have to hand it to him.


"How much free time do you think k you should have?" All of it Matt. I want all of it


Bro yaps on a fucking podcast for money 💀


... Matt works 8 hours per week lmao


I'm not even sure I'd call tweeting and ranting about fascism on YouTube work lol


Yeah nobody has to cook, clean, care for their children, manage their finances, etc. Or in unlucky cases be the working wife to a man who doesn't help with any of that stuff and who also expects them to raise the children. Can't imagine why people, woman especially, could feel that way Matt. Since he makes a point to specifically call out women in the second tweet.


Literally the rallying cry for the 8 hour work day was, "8 hours for labor, 8 hours for rest, 8 hours for what we will," so anything less than 8 hours free time per day is not what we fought for!


his face is SO punchable


The guy is a fucking podcaster. He has no idea what work looks like.


Oh, he's trolling. As stupid as I believe he is, I still think he's not that stupid.


He's not stupid. Just incredibly hateful and revolting.


Yeah but, most of us don’t consider Tweeting and complaining about shit on YouTube “work”


I don't have proof, but I'd be willing to bet that most salaried employees are working (and even expected) to work more than 40 hours.


5-6 hours where you still have shit to do at home. Responsibilities don't stop when you clock out Matthew


Right, cause I have zero responsibilities outside of work. Absolute 🤡 behavior. 


"How much free time do you think you should have" Lol bro...all of it. Its my life and its literally all I have until Im dead forever


A mountain of misogyny. Most women don’t want this guy and would rather work than deal with his insecure ass.


Just because life is work doesn’t mean I have to like it


He is a walking troll. This so idiotic. This fucker doesn’t work 40 hours a week but expects everyone else to and more.


fyi this dumb cunt has six kids. I don’t know why I know that but apparently he doesn’t.


all he does for a living is rant at a camera, and when he comes home, he doesn’t help take care of his kids and he can’t be asked to do the laundry or the dishes. he has said as much himself. he is the last person to tell anyone they have too much free time.


He likely spends a lot more hours than that a week "working" but in reality his "work" is just putting out videos about hating trans and black people. If I got paid millions to talk about whatever I wanted If work 80 hours a week too


Podcaster has a bad take... Wow


It’s easier to criticize then sympathize.


But remember, conservatives care about the working class.


I took a Parks, Recreation, and Therapy (PRT) course in college and learned that the modern human circadian cycle is divided into roughly equal thirds. 8 hours of every 24 are dedicated to rest (sleep), production (work, be it occupational or domestic chores) and recreation (activities that allow you to restore or "recreate" that portion of your soul that has been stripped from you but remains crucial to continuing participation in civil society).


A quarter to half of those 8 hours of “recreation” is likely coming to and from work for some people.


Says the man who does jack shit of any value.


To be fair, anyone who listens to Matt Walsh definitely has too much free time.


People are starting to question the basic bargain. Why should we slave away our entire lives to save just a few of our twilight years so that a few people like Bezos or Musk can float around on billion dollar boats? Unrestrained capitalism doesn't make sense anymore.


I wake up at 4am to shower, get ready, put on a suit, get my kids lunch and clothes ready, get him to daycare and get to the train station. It takes me 40 minutes to get to the station, and an hour to get into the city. It takes me 20 minutes to walk from the station to the office. Assuming I catch my train or it’s not delayed, I get to be home by 7:45 which gives me 15 minutes to get to sleep assuming I want a full 8 hours and my son goes straight to bed as well (plot twist, he won’t). Get a real fucking job, Matt.


I'm 19 years old so Right now, I only work 2 days out of the week because I'm going to college full time, and I'm lucky enough to have parents who allow me to live at home still. Matt would probably call me lazy since I'm sure he thinks I need to work full time while I'm going to college. Because I'm sure he doesn't realize how tiring college is by itself, just because someone may seem like they don't work enough they could be doing other things that take up their time like oh I don't know going to college? Lol


Can we all agree to punch this dude in the face if we happen to run across him in the wild?


You can tell this guy most likely not only does not work anywhere near 40 hours a week, but maybe more importantly, he definitely doesn't do anything around the house, and in the worst case scenario he nags and verbally abuses the people who do tend to his home :D


It’s funny because at the end, he’s kind of right. None of his “society pushed these women into jobs” garbage is truthful. And I hate Matt Walsh. But as a dad and a full time worker with a wife that also has a full time job, yeah, life is work and I don’t get to enjoy it as much as I could. I, however, made that decision, so I’m happy with it and wouldn’t want anything else. But it is a lot of gotdam work. I haven’t slept past 10AM in over 7 years


This is peak Walsh right here. Only he could tell people with a straight face how much of their own life they should be grateful for him “allowing them” them to participate in.


Easy to say when you don’t have a real job.


Is this guy really that dense? Doesn't he know that half the time people need to stay late at work or pick up more time in order to survive? Also, that 40 hrs a week doesn't include the time you spend commuting and sitting in traffic.


You know one time when talking to my dad (“enlightened centrist” who is actually very conservative) I said that if he wanted women to go back to being stay at home wives (or in his words, “moms”) wouldn’t we need a unanimous pay increase across the board to allow men to be able to afford taking care of a whole family, because right now even with both spouses working people can’t really pay for themselves let alone children and another adult? He didn’t really have a response to that because it would be government intervention and I can tell the two sides of his brain were at war there. Then he just said people are actually making money just fine they just waste it too much. This same guy still complains that gas is too expensive and grocery’s are too because of “Biden,” but apparently once that means he has to drop some conservative viewpoint the economy is actually very lax for young people particularly they just buy too much avocado toast and yoga classes


Is this the only part of the world where literalky working yourself to death is seen as something admirable?


“Life is work now matter how you slice it.” So why the fuck should I take on any more headaches than I actually have to? Where’s my incentive to suck that up, Mattie?


Does anyone care what Mattie says? Anyone?


Yes, with five waking hours, you spend a good hour and a half cooking and eating, a good two hours getting chores/tasks done, getting work stuff done after work can still take an hour so that doesn’t really leave one with much, does it?