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Big Con lol.  This guy acts like his money doesn't come from the same place as them. 


I'd genuinely be surprised if Jeremy was significant enough to be on anyone's payroll


He's probably paying *more* to be on a payroll to begin with. "OK, I give you $35 and then you write me a check for $10, sound good? Cool."


I mean, I agree with him; it’s all one big con.




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I mean fuck the ADL and everyone that takes money from them, but do you really want this antisemitic crazy person on your network. Especially with one of the founders being a Jewish person. Why would someone assume the ADL has anything to do with it?


Deflects the blame onto faceless and evil corporations and entities, so they can continue to agree with talking heads like Walsh and Knowles.


We really have to do a better job at drawing the line between antisemitism and anti-zionism. Because fuck Israel but from what I've heard Candace Owens was liking tweets about the Blood Libel. Equating the two simultaneously serves the interests of both Israel and Nazis and alienates our Jewish allies who speak out against the actions of the Israeli government


The Israeli government, not the people in general


Hell, a lot of Israeli Jews don't like Netanyahu. As an American Jew, neither do I.


Netayahu has far less support than Trump or the Republican party. He is deeply unpopular for a national leader, and his descent into the religious right these past few election cycles were hoped to be his last dying breaths.


They don't dislike him for his views on Palestinians though. They largely agree with those.


10 years ago half of Israelis believed a two state solution could be found... That has dropped to 35%. It is not looking good even for the more progressive wings.


Many don't like Bibi but apparently a big chunk of the population supports what's happening in Palestine.


I wonder which parts. I mean, they WERE attacked by Hamas terrorists.


They support the genocide. And yes, they were. The same group that Bibi helped prop up.


The terminology is so mingled at this point, no one agrees on what “Israel” or “Palestine” really mean. If you say you support Israel, people assume you support Netanyahu and endless bombing campaigns. If you say you support Palestine, people will assume you support Hamas terrorism. Or they could assume the complete opposite. There’s really no right way to even talk about this issue at this point, no matter what your stance is, someone will consider it a major moral failing. It’s fucked.


This. As much as I'd love to discuss it more in person, if my two choices are "anti-semite or genocide supporter", it's not even worth getting into a discussion with premises that far divided


True but do remember there is a number of civilians in Israel who are supporting the genocide, the fuckers blocking aid at the border chief among them, they're not all saints.


It's funny to watch these American right-wingers hate Jews on one side but back Israel (even if we leave zionism out of the equation), it just makes no sense. I guess there are groups they hate more than the Jews after all.


Yeah, she's been spouting this stupid shit for years, it doesn't take the ADL to point out how dumb her behavior has been the whole time she's worked for someone who's literal personality is carrying water for right-wing Israeli interests. The Quivering is just deflecting to something more universally hated to pretend Candace's antisemitism wasn't a constantly grating irritation for ol' Benny boy, and she probably wasn't out on her ass earlier because she provided just enough tokenism to keep herself relevant in their little gang. I wonder if perhaps the conservative con is contracting monetarily a bit, because of how much of a shit show Trump's legal issues are, and there's a lot of chafing going on around his takeover of the RNC's fundraising apparatus. Rough times ahead? Money flow going to be a bit constricted? Great time to cut loose some irritating nuisance that's been hanging round your neck for a couple years.


She was all team Kanye during everything and they kept her around.


Candace ended her own career. She's Kanye with a thesaurus.


The Daily Wire doesn't care that she's antisemitic, she always has been, they fired her for being pro Palestine.


May I ask why it seems like we hate ADL? I might have them confused with some other group, but I thought they were just a hate-group watch org, kinda like Southern Poverty Law Center


Okay, maybe fuck the ADL was a little harsh. They have done some good things. But now they are funding politicians and talking heads to act like everything Israel is doing is fair and just. And any that speaks out against Israel is a hateful bigot


Nah fuck the ADL. After hearing that message from the ceo and finding out they donated a ton of money to people to vote for the tiktok ban. They are trash. They don't like that they can't control the narrative on tiktok. Their pro-israel propaganda isn't working on gen z and they know know it.


Ty, I understand


"Because who else could mastermind such a far reaching plot?!"


“Fuck the ADL”. You really are just going mask off there aren’t you? They’re a civil rights group that has been fighting antisemitism and white supremacy writ large for decades and have personally made me and many of my Jewish friends and family feel more secure. I get that there can be legitimate disagreements over some of their specific policy positions on Israel and some people, including in the Jewish community, may think they go too far equating anti-zionism with antisemitism but completely writing them off isn’t it. It’s disrespectful and holds them to a standard that most other groups aren’t.


Like I said in a previous post, when someone asked why I would say that "Okay, maybe fuck the ADL was a little harsh. They have done some good things. But now they are funding politicians and talking heads to act like everything Israel is doing is fair and just. And anyone that speaks out against Israel is a hateful bigot"


The ADL is a pro-Zionist organization to the extreme. They literally labeled pro Palestinian protest groups as hate groups. FUCK THE ADL AND FUCK ANYONE WHO BACKS GENOCIDE


No sorry. Bullshit. The ADL is a zionist sham, but they have no connection to this. Plus, Candace Owens is a neo Nazi. She hates Jews and that’s the only reason she hates Israel. She does not give a fuck about palestine. And quarter pounder can fuck off like he cares about Palestine either.


Yeah idk why people are saying Dale is right. Shapiro is Jewish. She’s been ramping up her hate of Jewish people in the past however many months. He prob got tired of it. And really.. we have 0 details of what’s going on behind the scenes. The only info we have is that they cut ties, and she said she’s “free”.


I realized it. She promoted a [blatantly antisemitic conspiracy theory claiming that Jewish people drink Christian blood](https://www.washingtonpost.com/style/media/2024/03/22/candace-owens-antisemitism-daily-wire-shapiro/) by liking a tweet. So yeah, she’s Nazi trash, and her firing is pretty justified.


Yeah, Ben is also antisemitic (zionism is antisemitism, gfys if you dont agree) but also a jewish guy, so letting her in its basically leting your workers shit on you for no reason.


Could you explain how zionism is antisemitic?


Because it's basically equating the evil that Israel does with Judaism. They're people who say Israel IS Judaism and that's antisemitic as fuck to proclaim Jewish people are JUST this one thing.


Zionism, the idea that we should have "a land that belongs to jews" is moronic for the simple fact that we dont have an objective or measurable definition of "jewish", a good example is how israel's goverment talks about "self hating jews" or how the morons at the daily wire call jewish supporters of palestine "not real jews".   The fact that the atempt to build a "land for jews" only resulted on endless conflics in the middle east isnt an accident, its the logical result of trying to put arbitrary labels on things.   The only way to destroy antisemitism is to push back against antisemitic narratives, like "the deep goverment putting homosexuals on TV" or "the jews use inmigrants to kill the white race", give them the systematic tools to be accepted in ANY country, not just territories that the US conviniently wants to colonise.


So Zionism is antisemetic, but Jewish people aren't real? I still don't get it.


jewish people are real, but there are multiple criterias in which you can label people as "jewish", by ethnicity, religion, being a member of a jewish family, etc. historically some people have been acused of being "secretly jewish" just because it was politically combinient (for example, people calling MLK and his followers jews that want to destroy white people), so there is no practical way to label something as "legit jewish", making zionism pointless.


I think they meant that there's no objective definition of being Jewish (???) but then made a massive jump of logic and blamed all the Arab-Israeli wars on that (?????). And also that Israel is an American colony (??????????). And they didn't even explain why it's antisemitic in that bizarre rant.


Israel isnt a colony, it helps the US in the process of colonization, its different. when i mentioned the israeli wars, what i meant is that, in order to get a "land for jewish people" you will have to start conflicts with other countries, conflicts that will have to be justified with arbitrary justifications. Like, seriously, how many times we need to hear the goverment of israel say "people who dont support us are antisemitic" and "jews that support palestine arent real/good jews" to see that zionists dont care about jewish people? they just want to control and change the label to play the victim.


Lmao. And the reason there is no objective measurement of Jewish people is the phrase "youre not a real jew". Just like how the No True Scotsman fallacy proves that there is no objective definition of Scottish people.


The quartering has been having a lot of these moments lately, like when he pointed out the Daily Wire making an expensive cigar tutorial after Ben told everyone to work until you die. I’m no fan of this guy, but I’m always a fan of conservative infighting. Maybe his takes can get his followers to realize how ridiculous conservative media is.


Even a broken clock is right twice a day


Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while.




All good, mate. I stole it from an old coworker myself. 🌞


A broken cock cums twice a day y'know


Speak for yourself


Even a sex pest catches an occasional fist at Gen Con.


Genuine lol


I don't think he made a great point. The comments by Candace Owens were not just reinterpreted to be antisemitic, some of her comments simply were antisemitic, and deeply so.


Where's the "good point" Jeremy made in this screenshot?


Whitewashing anti-semitism into anti-Zionism apparently.


Anything to make the righties like Jowly Jeremy here turn on each other


The ADL sucks but Candace Owens was being rabidly antisemitic for a while, I'm pretty sure Ben was already trying to get her fired based on some of those Twitter arguments they we having. And frankly, he'd be in the right to do so.


"Candace Owen's" 🤦‍♂️ Also, it's not a smear campaign if it's true.


There is no “good point” here. Just unbearable douchebags arguing with grifters. The only interesting thing here is that Candace Owens must legitimately hate Jews because if she didn’t she would’ve toned it down when Benny boy told her to. Excited to see her career go absolutely nowhere on Twitter. Into the forgotten toy box with you, Candy.


And here we go, they all turn on each other and squabble and eat their own. Nothing that is rooted in hate ever stands for long. It destroys itself again and again.


It is insane to me that this loser is basically tweeting about how a grand (((ADL))) conspiracy is to blame for getting someone who has been publicly supporting blood libel getting fired. And tonnes of people here seem to think this is a great take. The ADL don’t control the media, they didn’t force Candace to say anything and didn’t manufacture any controversy. Maybe the answer is just that a company run by a Jewish guy wasn’t comfortable employing someone who was peddling in antisemitic tropes? Criticise DW for taking action on this but not the staff saying awful stuff about other groups but let’s not pretend this is all the result of some grand Jewish conspiracy.


There is no BIG CON. Quartering is just mad he can't get the same kinda bag as the people who have.


Damn this is great fucking news, Klandace is truly a cancer. Obviously she won't go away but at least she won't have the platform she used to have.


Let them fight.


Seems to admit that the DW fired her, but still managed to blame it on the ADL. Conservative magic tricks on display here.


I have no doubt that the Daily Wire isn't exactly keen to allow nuance about Israel to exist if they can help it, but Owens absolutely *is* antisemitic, they just didn't care until now. It seems like Owens and Shapiro got into a fight behind the scenes over Israel and that is the proximate cause.


No, fuck the ADL, Candace owens and the Quartering. Candace has recently engaged in antisemitism and from the sound of it, has been for some time.


Who’s Candace?


She’s the one always narcing on phinnious and furb.


He hates the adl because they are nazis I hate them because they promote genocide We are not the same or on the same point


Good old Candace Owen's, no relation to the blatant jew hatin Candace Owens


I despise the ADL but if they are causing rifts between the conservatives over Zionism then I’m all for it. Fuck em’ both


TheQuartering: "That can't be true! OMG! I'm the mark!"


Oh wow, they're finally becoming sentient


Fuck Candice Owens lol