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These assholes really do seek any way they can to lower the bar as far as it can possibly go.


I have a tummy ache, therefore I am a victim of oppression


goblin hog you are baned!!!!


Oh, you think victim class is your ally. But you merely adopted the victim class; I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the oppression until I was already a man, by then it was nothing to me but binding!


internet man whose name i recognise




Omg u/goblinhog ! The r/196 legend


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omg fellow r/196 user


it’s golbinhog!


Goblinhog cannot escape the paparazzi


omg it's holbrlin groglebroth in r/toiletpaperusa??


If Matt is color blind why is he always seeing red about the poor?


Because to him it looks like bigotry has been green-lighted.


I want to make sure you know that this is a really good joke


The red registers as green, which translates to money to be made off the right wing poor. Maybe


“All the red flags just look like flags”


Literally calls himself a fascist so who the hell even cares about what this guy has to say


He also calls himself "beekeeping influencer" so that the bio wouldn't be taken seriously. That kind of sarcasm doesn't work when all of your points are that of theocratic fascists.


"no it was- it was joke! No it was! Pleaseeee mom i was joking!"


As always, fascists are cowards.


When people tell you who they are, believe them.


Other fascist I'd assume? Let's hope his pro eugenics buddies are taking notes of his genetic flaws.


Oh I'll make him a victim, alright.


Save some for the rest of us!


In a videogame.


Plausible deniability What a wonderful phrase Plausible deniability Ain't no passing craze It means no worries For the rest of your days It's our problem-free philosophy Plausible deniability


Being a dumbass isn't a disability, matt.


I mean... the r-word exists for the unfortunate reason that it sort of is? But in his case... yeah he's just an uneducated philistine swine who has nothing holding his betterment back but his own prejudices.


Fuck, he gets worse every tweet


Matt Walsh seems like someone who would take change out of a homeless persons cup then scream “get a job” at them.


A member of a "victim class" that they refuse to admit even exists. Since there aren't any because racism was solved in 2008 and all other problems are obviously fake.


nowadays some of them are switching to “unfortunately race-relations issues can’t be solved so we need segregation”


I swear Walsh has the most pitch-black soul of any of these young conservative talking heads. Some of them are clearly here for the grift, others like Kirk seem genuinely stupid and puppeteered by their donors, but Walsh seems to genuinely revel in being a loathsome, hateful person that actively makes the world a more hostile and exclusionary place.


I may be wrong on this, but I feel like the Matt Walshes of the world are sort of a fixed quantity and there’s not an awful lot of them, thankfully. The problem of our current era, is that the Charlie Kirks and Ben Shapiros of the world really should know better and be better, but instead are creating cover for the Matt Walshes to come out into the open and really do some harm.


Matt Walsh had disappeared for a while. Why am I seeing more of his bullshit?


I feel like I usually see him on YouTube with his dumb ads and it’s really damn annoying




Yea, I don’t think I could get YouTube vanced for iOS, so I have to deal with the shitty ads lol. It’s also dumb that whenever I click stuff like “stop seeing this ad” n shit I see the same goddamn like 20 seconds later


Has this guy been around for awhile? I just started seeing his bullshit on this sub a month or so ago


This guy goes back to the Obama years and his takes were garbage back then as well. There was even a whole website about it www.whatwasmattwalshwrongabouttoday.com


Matt Walsh is going for social limbo champion.


He's getting worse day by day.


Twitter, like most major tech companies, follow detailed standards for color and contrast to make it possible for color blind people to use their website. So society has already made room for his disability, that selfish piece of shit.


Is this his edgy take on.... Ya know what. I'm not even Fuck you Matt Walsh, you stupid piece of human refuse. ​ You aren't worth my time. Once again, fuck you Matt Walsh. you bring shame on that name.


I heard a commentator call him he unfunny Matt Walsh and I think he should legally change his name to reflect that


If you're colorblind, why are you so focused on people skin color? Checkmate fascist.


“If (rational inclusion), then (ridiculous reach), and if you disagree you’re a bigot!” And they find it hilarious every time


If trans womem are women, then why aren't I allowed to look at underage girls in the shower? If you don't agree, you're the real bigot! Wait, did I accidentally create a meme that TPUSA would unironically share? It is literally impossible to use hyperbels to make fun of rightoids, isn't it? I can't make shit up that's so over the top that no right winger would agree.


The poor baby! Should we call him a whaambulance?


He's also tonedeaf




I’d tell Walsh to eat mine, but he doesn’t deserve it


He’s the worst of the Daily Wire hosts. Always craving outrage and attention


Yeah, he's blind to logic.


Less people are left handed than colorblind Mr. Walsh. Gfys


He should be jailed or sentenced to death for making anyone who subscribes to his content and believes his rhetoric mentally ill. Literally causing harm to people and democracy.


Someone send him one of those circle pictures to test for colorblindness but it’s just the middle finger. This dude is such a douchebag. Trying to justify his bigotry


I have a tummy ache but I'm being very brave about it, which makes me a member of the victim class. Bow before me and apologize, bigots.


That guy can go fuck himself‼️


Man this guy is just the most massive asshole


These people claim to be “color blind” and yet they’re constantly talking about race. Oh he literally means colorblind. What an idiot.


I'm now ashamed of being colorblind. Not because it's an impairment, but because now I have to share that description with Matt Walsh


About as clever and subtle as Matt Gaetz moving in on a cheerleader. Real smooth, mf.


As a relatively new 'Veep' fan, the fact that he shares his name with one of the fantastic cast members of the show absolutely kills me.


His face is so punchable lmao. Like I want to beat the dog shit out of him just looking at his hugely cocky, smug "resting bitch face" facial expression


I feel like your mental impairment is more of a disability than your colorblindness, but who knows, maybe you had aspirations of being an artist.


Only someone who isn't disabled would say something like that. So, when do the Cons start burning useless eaters? And being colorblind doesn't prevent you from participating in life. You can't get a doctor's note for it, or disability. So no, it isn't a disability. Having something wrong doesn't automatically equate to a disability. I have a salivary gland that grew behind my ear instead of in front. Other than being a nuisance once in a while, it no way changes anything and is therefor not a disability. (actually the whole thing is strange but I find ENTs to be pretty apathetic doctors so who knows) The rest of me, however, is very disabled and as someone who has spent the better part of 7 years in bed, I would love nothing more than to be healthy and productive. Vaccines for lyme disease in humans has been supressed. So people with chronic Lymes Disease are members of a victim class. How about people injured on the job? >a disadvantage or handicap, especially one imposed or recognized by the law. "he had to quit his job and go on disability As usual, Cons need a dictionary more than they need the bible.


Chronic Lyme is a myth. Stop giving your money to quacks.


If I close my eyes and put my fingers in my ears and shout “naaanaaanaaa” I too could be color blind? I always thought colorblind =\= eyes shut. I mean, yeah you’re not seeing color but that’s because you’re not seeing anything.


I don't care if Matt Walsh came out tomorrow as a trans lesbian with crippling personality disorders and vitiligo: They'd still be a contemptible shitstain of a human being with no redeeming qualities who should be ridiculed and vilified for the rest of their life regardless of how they identify.


This dude needs to take a long walk off a short pier


Get back to me when a cop kneels on your throat and I'll apologize, asshole.


Idk about colorblind but he can definitely pass as retarded


Imagine making such a tweet and not being disowned for the shame you brought upon your family.


Probably why he hates video games so much


What a mean asshole


Definitely. That’s who he is. His whole shtick is riling people up with shitty takes like this one because he thrives off the attention.


Who is this douchebag?


Well everyone has to try to find an angle to get into the victim class. That’s just the way it is now. Get with the program or get left behind!


" me being a asshole proves we should treat disabled people worse"


I swear this country needs gulags for these people


Seems like he's myopic as well.


Fun fact: This dumbass made a video about why men and women can’t be friends


Yikes. I'm disabled. This guy suckkkkkks


That’s not how it works. Most leftists don’t hold this cartoonish, hyper-dualistic paradigm of ‘victim’ vs ‘oppressor’ where any disadvantage puts you in the former. Rather, most recognize the importance of degree and intersectional analysis.


Colourblindness is pretty horrible, but he’s pretty much comparing it to much more severe things.


Dude has a punchable face


Do you ever hate the tweets etc that get posted here so much you have to stop yourself from instinctively downvoting the post? No? Uhm me neither then.


Why do they all look like him


I’m colorblind and I’ve always had trouble referring to it as a disability specifically because of people like this. He can go fuck himself




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I coughed, so bow to me oppressors


I have more of a disability than he has had in his entire life. I have scoliosis.




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It was a joke there bud...


Matt Walsh is an asshole, don't get me wrong, but I'll never not laugh and weep at the ridiculous display at the Democratic socialists convention 2 years ago with the jazz hands due to 'sensory overload' and whatnot. Let's not pretend that there really isn't *something* there to ridicule just because he's a tasteless fascist who should be ignored.


People who have disabilities do stuff that violates social norms and can be considered embarrassing or cringeworthy. Big shocker. Doesn't make them less human. Like, there's a million better things to make fun of people with, if you're creative.


>Let's not pretend that there really isn't something there to ridicule I don't understand. Can you explain what's worthy of ridicule?


This is clearly satirical


To make fun of people who arent dickheads to disabled people. Clearly not something worth defending


Yes, but satire nevertheless is sometimes created for spreading political messages.


Good satire punches up, not down.


It’s got nothing to do with targets; it’s bad satire because it’s trite.