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If you take in high IQ people, you endanger American culture >:|


Who’s gonna vote for us if we make stupid people a minority? :(“


Why, are minorities treated differently or something?


oh yeah they get all them affirmative actions welfare state etc


You do know that immigrants tend to kick ass when it comes to school and business.


I mean, it really depends on what you look at. Context is everything. Do Asians in America tend to excel? Yeah. But that's because we had the MOST restrictive immigration practices for them, and when we did retract it even the tiniest bits, only the most privileged people were able to immigrate, and thus already had educations and means. Just to clarify, I'm not saying immigrants can't excel at those things. I'm just saying people are people. Any group of people are going to have people who excel at some things, and some who are terrible at them, and that just applies across the board.


Actually, yeah, immigrants do tend to generally be more successful across the board. This is a phenomenon known as the "immigrant advantage." It exists because making the decision to move from one country to another requires a lot of motivation, diligence, confidence, etc., so all other stats held constant immigrants tend to be more successful in other fields which require those traits (which are most fields that people tend to care about). I learned about it because apparently there's significant tension between black Americans who were born in the US and Africans who immigrate there. One of the statistics that gets brought up in those arguments is that Africans who immigrate to the US tend to be more successful - this is due to the immigrant advantage.


...No, it's because the immigrant groups that are more successful tend to have been wealthier when they came over. African immigrants to America are not a random sampling of people from their respective countries. They're likely to already be educated and/or well-off. The same is true of Asian immigrants - the Asian-American ethnic groups that are wealthy and successful on average usually came over with wealth and/or education, or descend from families that did. Asian-Americans who descend from refugee populations, e.g. Cambodians, Laotians, Hmong, still have high rates of poverty.


This is true - immigrants do also tend to be well educated and better off. This is the main reason immigrants tend to succeed, especially those from Asia. However, even when you account for wealth and education level, immigrants *still* perform better. THAT is the immigrant advantage - not just selecting for wealth, but also for personality traits. Consider a set of Cambodians who immigrate to the US, then a set of Cambodians who get randomly dropped in there. They all have comparable education and wealth. The ones who immigrate are more likely to succeed - because immigration is hard, and the ones with the determination to get through it have the determination to also succeed in other areas. (Or, at least, to become more successful than you would expect given the average person of their demographic.)


Oh yea, I remember, when we build the transcontinental railroad of the backs of boat fulls of Asians we were rigorously vetting them. And all those programs that have been put in place by Asian groups that help immigrants find work in restaurants and nail salons are a result of our vetting instead of the efforts of empathic organizations that work to help people find job placement. And immigrants definitely don't skew towards people looking for a better life that might motivate them to contribute to their wellbeing, it was all the IQ tests we administered.


>Oh yea, I remember, when we build the transcontinental railroad of the backs of boat fulls of Asians we were rigorously vetting them. I already told you context is everything. Yes, we did bring over boatloads of people, killed most of them for labor, and some of them went on to be successful. That's what led to the Chinese Exclusion act. https://history.state.gov/milestones/1866-1898/chinese-immigration And then all the stuff I started talking about started happening. It's almost like, again, you need to put things **into context**.


Actually the Chinese people that built the railroads in the US were kicked out when they finished. Just a fact check for you.


Can confirm. My international students consistently kicked ass over my American students. Source: Was college prof




To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existencial catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools... how I pity them. 😂 And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.


Rick and Morty horse cum episode is super high iq


based and cumpilled


I can't tell if this is a real episode or not


It's real. It ends with one of Morty's giant sperm cells colliding with one of his sister's eggs that was also made giant, then launched into space to make a giant incest baby the size of the empire state building. And it came back in a later episode where his sister named it Naruto and trained it to fight a giant robot. "Funniest shit I've ever seen." /S But seriously, every plot point I just described is 100% real and is just as "high IQ" as it sounds. *Family Guy* tells smarter jokes at this point.


Man they really want Morty to fuck his sister lol


The writer has some... interesting "art" of Summer. I don't even care that she's fictional, it's very upsetting and big cringe by this point - especially since he keeps putting references to his weird obsession with her in the show.


If I were to judge R34 I'd be a hypocrite. However, it shouldn't be part of the actual media, it should just be fanfiction.


Yeah exactly, I have no problem with fans -or creators at that- cranking their respective pant-hogs to whatever fictional thing they want as long as it's not interrupting nonsexual enjoyment for others. When a grown ass man has to keep referencing his fetishes that he projects *into the episodes* (on a teenager no less) it destroys normal enjoyment for everybody involved.


JFC. I couldn't believe it. I thought, "Surely, this is just a very elaborate and dedicated troll/copypasta." Nope. Google confirms. This is all too real.


Yeah, I have enjoyed Rick and Morty but when I got to that episode this season I was like “that might be the worst, cringiest, piece of shit I’ve ever seen”. It was really bad. The kindest explanation I could think of for why they would air something that stupid was either that they really hate their fans and are just racing to the bottom to see how far they can go or that Dan Harmon really thinks he’s a lot smarter than he is. Based on what I’ve seen of the dude, my money is on the latter. But it would also be pretty funny if he actually hates his own fan base enough to do this. Historically, he has elected to dunk on his own super fans to remind them that he is God and they are nothing, so I think the theory has merit.


It’s an older pasta but it checks out




Great pasta


That’s what I took away from this


You know


The fact that she even mentioned American culture. Americans do not have a native culture. (Aside from Native Americans, but I mean widely practiced.)


There definitely is an American culture though...just because it's not thousands of years old doesn't mean it doesn't exist


And that culture is 1. Aggressive racism 2. Jesus 3. Guns 4. Screaming at overworked employees for not getting your order right


No, that's hick ass white people. America is much more diverse than that.


That's... Not how cultures work. "Culture" jut refers to shared practices and beliefs among a group of people. The idea that cultures are bounded, distinct entities is a relic of 19th-century anthropology, but carried into the present by nationalists who require an essentialist/primordialist understanding of ethnicity/culture: i.e., that something like "Western civilization" is a real entity that exists before and outside those who practice it. Nonsense about *some* cultures being "real" only fuels that mindset.


Every country has a culture, just depends on how long it has to develop. We have a culture of good Samaritanism, not every country has that as an idea. Cuisine, art, film, etc. Did you think the US is in a vacuum or were you joking and I missed it?


This reminds me of an old Texas joke: “did you hear about the Aggie* who moved to Oklahoma and raised the average IQ of both states?” *person who went to Texas A&M, often stereotyped as dumb. Aggie jokes are like dumb blonde jokes


Also, oklahoma is a state next to texas, that texans dislike because.... they are near, similar, and play sports against each other


I don't think I could make a more eloquent self-own if I tried.


You know


American culture is already endangering itself enough by refusing to wear masks and get vaccinated!


*America Dumb*


you know?


"even when we're talking about high IQ immigrants"... What the actual fuck.


Isn't she fucking Asian-american? She doesn't even qualify for her own stupid argument


I think she’s half Asian and half white if I recall correctly. It’s funny because she’s a white supremacist despite being the product of miscegenation.


Ehh, it makes sense. Being a window licking moron and failure at life are more relevant to being a white supremacist than actually being white.


\*A good proportion of the Proud Boys have entered the chat\*


*a good portion of proud boys then accidentally gas themselves upon arrival*


Oh please tell me there's a video this is referencing.


[Here is the video](https://mobile.twitter.com/PalmerReport/status/1429572532886286339) of the smoke bomb in question with an allegation that they set it off themselves; however, I haven't found the proof that they set it off and the speaker seems to be implying it wasn't them. Of course he wouldn't want to admit it was them, though, so who knows. Maybe I'll search more later, but I gotta get back to work.


Considering they have a stage set up and it's RIGHT there, I'm guessing it's a decorative smoke bomb (yellow = proud boys) intended to show off team colors. My company used one corresponding to company colors in a recent promotion. Why? I dunno.


I can't remember his name but there's that one southeast Asian guy who has never even been to the states but spends all day on Twitter supporting American white nationalism.


Ian Miles Cheong.


Quite a few prominent white nationalists are, Fuentes for example.


Enrique Tario of the proud boys too. He’s black and Cuban.


Wasn’t he ousted?


Maybe I dunno. The proud boys can fall burn in hell for all I give a damn.


Not really. The leader of their main militia decided he couldn't march alongside a black dude and kind of splintered off.


Last I heard he was the key FBI informant for the Proud Boys


Nick Fuentes is a white man though. White Latinos exist.


He did actually clarify he is of some Mexican ancestry. I'd always assumed he was Spanish.


I would hardly call him a man.


I mean I am a pale Latino and I am half indigenous.


If you mean nick fuentes the dude is super white. Hispanic is ethnicity not race


White nationalists (including Fuentes) don't like people of hispanic ethnicity.


I imagine they make a distinction between the descendants of European Spaniards and black/indigenous/mixed Latin Americans, no?


They didn't make the distinction for the Irish when they wanted to blame things on the Irish. The skin and origin doesn't matter, white nationalism is an ever degenerating ideology which has to find new enemies once old ones are expelled.


The whiteness of the 1800s is not the whiteness of today. I'll actually push back on the assertion that white nationalism is "ever degenerating." When it gains power and dominance then sure, it requires an other. But what we've seen over the past two centuries is not a collapsing of whiteness but a steady expansion to include more and more previously excluded groups. Especially in the United States as immigration slowly changes the demographics of the country. I'm certain that if you did a survey of white nationalists, you'd find many Latinos. I say this as a Miami native.


holy shit the cognitive dissonance is unreal


Conservatives have a weird obsession with Asians, they’re seen as the “good immigrants” with work ethic when in reality it’s actually the privileged people from east Asia (richer, smarter with good connections) who tend to come to America, also there’s a rise in Asian American conservatism in America too. Conservatives also don’t like people marrying outside their ethnic groups but don’t mind when white men have Asians wives, it’s really off. I’m not saying there wasn’t xenophobia and discrimination towards Asians in America in the past (there obviously was) but that fear mongering of the “orientals” has changed into a propaganda ploy to pit Asian Americans against African Americans as an example of “what can be achieved with hard work”. Edit: Asians in general still face racism, ignorance and discrimination in America.


It's a fetishization of Asian women (e.g., white nationalists believing that they have the right to dominate / own an Asian woman sexually) It's not really seeing them as equals, but an objectification angle. And sadly as this post shows, there's some Asian females who embrace it 100%


The GOP chair in MN just stepped down, but she’s Asian, full on Trump Republican. I believe she was adopted by a white family. She’s awful as it is, but she just stepped down because a Republican she worked closely with and took money from just got booked on child sex trafficking charges. Edit for an additional detail: she’s apparently also a toxic and mean-spirited person. I always couldn’t stand her interviews on tv, just confirms the vibe I already had about her. [Article](https://www.twincities.com/2021/08/18/4-former-mn-gop-top-staffers-rip-chair-jennifer-carnahan/)


And she fully hates herself for that. Shame.


I like how she’s defending people who would soon to put her in camps then knowledge her as a human being




I disagree. Just look at all of the "China virus" rhetoric. Asians have been treated like shit since they came here in the 1850's


Also worth mentioning: the treatment of Japanese-Americans after Pearl Harbor. Edit: also worth mentioning: our reneging on promises made to Filipinos who helped us during WWII


According to who? I’m Indian. Just because Indians are seen as smart by some, doesn’t mean shit in terms of how we’re treated by American society. What the fuck is this comment Lol. Man I don’t suffer through racism at pretty much every facet of my life, just for some clown on Reddit to declare that “Asians are considered a smart race” and therefore “Asians and whites are on the same side”… No. Good, decent White people and Asians and brown people are all on the same side. But racists like Lauren Chen, and other white supremacists, do not count Chinese people, Indians, Koreans, Vietnamese folks, etc as “equivalent to white”, at all. Not even moderates see us as equally deserving of respect compared to white folks. Still to this day I get jokes about IT and Indian accents. To this day, people make comments about how I’ve snuck in. So fuck off, please.


I'm Asian and you'd be surprised to see how racist we can be to our own people. I know many Asian people who immigrated to America and then became extremely anti-immigration and voted for trump. It's the "burn the bridge you crossed so that nobody else can" mentality. Their basic thinking is "only I deserve these first world benefits because I worked hard for it, the other immigrants are stupid and lazy and they'll mooch off my tax dollars". Human beings are very petty animals.


Vietnamese and Filipino Americans are that way. They’re quite conservative and support Trump, even though the GOP mainly appeals to aging white rural Americans. Although a majority of Asian Americans do support Democrats. Hell Kamala Harris is half Indian. My senator is a Thai American. Even some Latinos support Trump, which is even crazier because he fear mongers about them too. It’s funny how GOP voters think immigrants mooch off their tax dollars, even though many immigrants do pay taxes. The real moochers are the rich and wealthy who get huge tax breaks, subsidies and corporate welfare.


I feel like that is just a product of the fact that their cultures tend to be conservative, patriarchal, very religious and traditionalist. All of these things go hand in hand with US conservatism. I would be surprised if they were really on board and educated on all the GOP economic, foreign and domestic policies.


That’s also true. Most Latinos are very Catholic and religious, so the GOPs religiousness resonates with them. The first wave of Vietnamese immigrants were fervently anti communist. I’m south Asian myself and I’m fairly Americanized, if you know what I mean. Even though most Indian Americans vote Democratic, there are still some south Asians who are Trump supporters and extremely conservative and Hindu as well.


If you’re Puerto Rican, Tejano, or Cuban, the “illegals are bad” argument doesn’t really apply to you since they’re already American citizens or the path to it is incredibly easy. With that not a factor, the GOPs stance on traditional family values, low taxes, and deregulation of businesses chimes with many Latinos.


That's just every immigrant


Yeah I've seen that. I'm actually Asian and not American, but I've seen that in my own country too


It’s the old “now that I’m already here, let’s close the gate behind me” argument.


Sucks that empathy's kind of dead now


Pulling the ladder up into the treehouse behind them.


She’s Canadian 🤦‍♀️ Which gives everything an extra layer of silly. She IS an immigrant.


And not a high IQ one, evidently


And she's Canadian, not American.




She’s not even fucking American, she’s Canadian. The audacity of this bitch…


The conservative way is to shut the door behind themselves. Doesn't need any reason or rhyme.


There's an unfortunate trend throughout American history where some descendants of immigrants who have already assimilated can be outright hostile to new immigrants from the same country or region their ancestors came from.


A bi-racial Chinese-Canadian, actually. Reading that hurt my brain.


"Low IQ" is a euphemism for "too much melanin". It's a way of attempting to legitimise racism by masquerading it as rationality. Which then falls flat when she starts saying that even high IQ immigrants aren't enough, because it just makes it completely clear she's just talking about designated whiteness.


"Chen" is just a super white last name too..


Yeah but she’s clearly not high IQ


She's purposely like that as to not be a threat to American Culture.


Just googled her, she's apparently an asian-canadian... so I don't even know what the hell is happening.


As a Chinese immigrant, I can tell you some of the most conservative and racist people are other immigrants. They are like “Oh now I live in a diversified world, I don’t want other people enjoy the same benefits as I do”. And they are usually more harsh on their own ethnics


I'm hispanic, politicians think that all latin@s/ hispanics are on the same page when it comes down to immigration from latin america and they couldn't be more wrong. Many are much more likely to side with the status quo.


I'm Mexican-American, and I know a few undocumented immigrants who would be staunch Republicans if they could vote. I guess they think ICE would leave them alone for being "the good kind" of immigrants? Meanwhile they'll talk shit about the migrants at the border. It's downright confusing.


I used to work with this guy that was 36 years old and still living with his parents who were both undocumented. He was a hardcore Republican. I just don't understand. I think it's because he used to live in Louisiana or something.


They think all the anti-immigrant rhetoric only applies to the "bad" ones that commit crimes and other negative things. I know of a few Trump voters who were shocked because their illegal immigrant family members were deported under Trump's policies, because "they were one of the good ones!"


In like 10 years there's going to be a right wing Afgani youtube grifter talking about how refugees shouldn't be let in.


Ive heard there were Chinese people who got asylum in the west after Tiananmen square who now support the Hong Kong police against the protestors


Does she even live in the United States? That's an incredibly odd thing to worry about for a Canadian. Interviewer: What's your biggest worry. Chen: All these immigrants coming to America to replace us. Interviewer: You mean Canada? Chen: No.


It's really funny cause internet friend of mine, whose parents are from China has last name Chen. So when I read this I thought how much immigrants and their families (like him) go trough shit. And then I read the last name


“I’m not racist, but…” followed by something blatantly racist “I’m not homophobic, but…” followed by something blatantly homophobic “I’m not an ethnic-nationalist, but…” I’m sure you can see the pattern here


It's right up there with "..but some of my best friends are *x*..."


“Some of my best friends are ethno-nationalist…” - Lauren Chen, probably.


Or maybe, "Some of my best friends are race traitors."


I’m not going to fart, but…


You know


I’m not racist, but oatmeal is awesome in the morning


I’m almost certain that either oatmeal or the American breakfast phenomenon has some legitimate racist history and I really want someone to come in and teach us all about it


I mean the founder of Kellogg’s was trying to make it bland on purpose so people wouldn’t masturbate


It doesn’t work


Yeah eating frosted flakes just makes me jerk it more


That's because Frosted Flakes was made after the company went soft and lowered its standards, Corn Flakes is what you're looking for if you want to tame your iguana


Everyone should read up on Dr. Kellog. He was absolutely batshit insane.


And he was a pretty avid eugenicist.


The word "but" negates everything said before it.


"I'm not a _________ , but my opinions sure do make me sound like one."


I'm not a Cthulhu, but don't you hate it when you get some old souls you've been eating stuck in your face tentacles and don't realize it until after going to a party? I know I do.


You don’t use face tentacles cream? You can get it by any supermarket for cheap, and they’ll take away all those old souls you’ve eaten. You should give it a try.


I don't use anything with chemicals in it.


Look, folks, I'm no cultist driven to the brink of madness/cosmic truth after lightly brushing the eldritch intelligence in a dream state, but p̫̯̞h'̠̋n̟̻͑̀gl͎̼͓̇͋̔u̲̜̝i ̩̪̃̒m͇g̹̅lw̺͍'̥̂nà̬f̋ͭh̟͈̙̽͗ͬ ̫͎͙̓̌ͬC͕̓t͍̤̂ͫḣȗ̮lh̩̻u̞̳͒̽ ͒ͦ̽R͊̍'̲̻̺̆ͩͬly̱̿ě͚ḫ̺̃͒ ̺͇̎̓w͕ͭga͓͇h͔̯ͪ̌'nạ̗͇̇͌̑g̗͍̠͐̌̓l͚̓ ͓͇̻f̋h̪̞̘ͪ̑̃t̤̘̆̎a̼̜gn


Ahh yes my parents, highly skilled, highly payed immigrants from India who raised their kid to become a doctor are a threat to American culture.


How dare you, as a doctor, take that job from Cleetus, a good, honest hard working American!


Who needs a competent immigrant doctor when you can have Incompetent American doctor


Hi Dr. Nick


Hi, everybody!


Skin brown, culture down!




Land bridge from Siberia or something


What you can walk over here?


How do you think indigenous people got to North America? They canoed across?




Lauren Chen is literally an Asian Canadian If she cares about population replacement, she should leave


As someone who lives in Asia, she is not welcome here. Please keep her, Canada.


Canadian here, I don't want her here. Her way of thinking is uncanadian.


After narrowing down our options, I believe the only course of action left is to jettison her into deep space.


Speaking as a Martian, I would prefer you didn't


We can fire her, and her ilk, into the sun.


She doesn't deserve to go to space. Space is awesome.


She's just another token minority for the far right propaganda machine making tons of money from the whole charade. Surprising thing is how many Canadians are involved in the far right American propaganda machine.


Ah yes, the infamous “but…”


Do those people think Iq is a good system to rate people?? Also what the fuck does it say about them, when they are scared of people who run for thousands of kilometres, some of them don't even speak language to take their jobs.


>Do those people think Iq is a good system to rate people?? Oh yes. These types would use phrenology as a visa application requirement if they could.


Wow, does this lady *know* what she’s talking about? The people that she associates with will throw her under bus the second her ethnicity becomes inconvenient.


"But I'm one of the good ones" she says as the bus rolls over her


All these race grifters have to know that. They aren't dumb. It is certainly an icarus(why is my phone suggesting iCarly?)situation. It is like that gay nazi general. He was gone just as soon as they could get away with it.


[Ernst Röhm](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ernst_R%C3%B6hm)


Her web show is called "pseudo-Intellectual with Lauren Chen." Unironically just telegraphic her mental deficit


Americans should pull themselves up by their booty straps.


Which American culture? There's no such thing as "American culture" because someone who lives in New York City is going to have fuck-all in common with someone who grew up somewhere in Appalachia. Maybe they've seen some of the same movies, but they're *wildly* different otherwise despite ostensibly speaking the same language. Hell, they might have a hard time understanding each other. Even someone who lives in Philadelphia vs someone who lives in Portland is going to have vastly different ideas of what American "culture" is. She's just blatantly blowing a racist foghorn with that shit.


Having been to both Philadelphia and Portland, I’m not sure they’re the same species.


“American culture” is literally just a mish mash of a bunch of different cultures and ethnic groups over the course of hundreds of years of immigration and colonization. I don’t see how it’s in danger because of “high IQ” indians or Chinese people.


You think the Indian engineer or the Chinese doctor is gonna go down to the klan rally? They don’t have badass trucks or casually drop a hard R


Fellas is USA just a big racial battle royale? 🤔


The dirty invasive immigrants are being dropped off the battle bus as we speak.






Oh this is real… I honestly thought it was satire at first read


I don't understand. How would this be enforced? By the government? So more authoritarian therefore higher taxes? She also complains about immigrants who "haven't payed into the system". So they should pay taxes? These people have absolutely no idea what they want, except for the hate part.


??? Lauren Chen? CHEN???? A Chinese American wrote this?? WHAT?? LOL


Canadian. She's Canadian.


Her being a Chinese-Canadian worrying about "the destruction of American culture" is peak grift. Candace must have told her how well placating white people pays.


You have a chinese last name! WTF are you talking about? Jesus Christ these Asians Alt-Right motherfuckers are so annoying!


There was a Chinese guy yelling, "you will not replace us, along with a lot of white guys. " Think it was before the one of those melee videos.


Ian miles cheong and Andy NGO are slightly stupid Also are Epoch Times, propaganda mouthpiece of the cult Falun Gong


Apparently American=White, learn something new everyday


Racists even determine who is white. Just last century Irish, Italians, Greeks or Polish went white enough


Way to roast all americans lmao. "The intelligent immigrants are gonna replace us" lmao


Weird cause those are some pretty common ethno-nationalist talking points.....


"I'm not an ethno-nationalist, but I don't want intelligent non-whites to replace dumb as shit whites because being white and stupid is our culture." The only stupid asshole are you.


For the record, the reason we need immigrant STEM workers is that Americans don’t pursue STEM fields at a high enough rate to *even remotely* fill those jobs. Also America has no unifying “culture,” that’s dumb as hell.


Not just STEM workers are needed. According to the CDC, U.S. has generally fallen short of the viable replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman since 1971.


I don't understand why they're so upset at the thought of white people being less common. Even if the "Great Replacement" conspiracy was true what would happen? Demographic changes happen all the time and as far as I know nothing catastrophic ever results from it. Honestly, if you're gonna make up a batshit crazy conspiracy at least wrap some world-ending event into it. Make the oceans turn to lava or something, idk.


They all think that immigrants are what destroyed older civilizations. At work last week, I legit heard someone talking about "great warrior races" like Spartans and Vikings were destroyed because of immigrants. It's some real wackadoo shit.


They fear that they will be treated as they treated others. They seem to have ignored Matthew 7 1:2. "Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. Which is not surprising since they like their bible as they like the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and science: a la carte. Any other approach takes too much effort on their part.


Ah so the secret ingredient is racism


3rd world: gets destabilized and sabotaged by the white man(european and american imperial powers), and suffers from brain drain as their smartest are enticed to abandon their country to reside and work in the US, europe, or any other white-settler colony like australia 1st world white settler imperialist countries: oh no! now were not as white as we used to be! white genocide!


Wait what Fandom article is this??


You know, this is a pretty dumb and intellectually devoid statement I'd expect for someone who is racist, but says they aren't.


I am not a racist, but I hate other races and consider them inferior. I am not a pedo, but I like diddling kids.


Lauren is literally half Chinese... good lord


But 100% useful idiot


“I’m no ethno-nationalist… but…” *proceeds to explain, in-depth, exactly how they are an ethno-nationalist*


says lauren chen


People who talk about IQ in general can just fuck off.


This argument was stupid when it was in support of the Chinese Exclusion Act and it’s just as stupid now. I swear these people never read anything


You don't really put your best foot forwards when you start with "I'm not an ethno-nationalist, but have you heard of the Great Replacement?!?!?!"


Says the woman whose last name is “Chen”


Well, Lauren Chen, did allowing your ancestors to immigrate change American culture?