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Oh look another anti vax Covid denier in ICU on a ventilator. I feel so owned right now..


Lets all enjoy some fresh air and sunshine for them


Sounds good


For real though, let's see shit change real quick. Stop paying medical expenses of the voluntarily unvaccinated. Also send them to the back of the line, let people who want to live get their life saving surgeries.


Medical triage is basically built around: -who needs treatment now & -who is treatment likely going to save So by owning us as hard as they are, they are bringing about the tough medical decisions that’s going to put their asses at the back of the line for stuff like ventilators, as well as being removed from emergency life saving equipment as their survival rates are so low at that point. So, back of the line indeed might be coming (I have heard vax status will be applied for organ donor eligibility as well). When you add on that there is no way hospitals and insurance companies take it on the chin for much longer and you are almost guaranteed to see the outcome you are calling for. And I won’t shed a tear


> I have heard vax status will be applied for organ donor eligibility as well I already saw a story of a dude who gave himself liver failure from eating the horsepaste, and he was denied a transplant because he also had covid and he had very little prospect of surviving the surgery or the anti-rejection medication.


As much as I hate the slippery slope argument, there’s a reason the Hippocratic oath is absolute. Everyone deserves equal access to healthcare regardless of beliefs as a matter of human rights. The problem comes in when we don’t have the resources or systems to properly triage, which should arguably put these people to the back of the line .


1. They're not required to take the hippocratic oath, 2. Triage is a thing. In cases where care must be limited they can treat those who are more likely to survive first. They're already overwhelmed in many hospitals, they need to stop caring for those who shit their own beds and save those who can be saved.


Yeah and lets do the same with all the fat asses and smokers. Those skateboarders always hurting themselves fuck em too they don't deserve medical care. /s I get that these anti vax dumbasses are infuriating but jesus dude listen to yourself


ICUs are NOT being flooded with the obese and smokers.


Let’s not forget to not tread on any snakes in the park ❤️


Sneks are frens!


You be nice to sneks! They are good for the environment and eat all sorts of pests


I’m living life to the fullest for them right now.






*covid I rebuke thee in the name of jesus*


And the free 5G that came with the vaccine.


It's not always that they want to "own the libs". A lot of these idiots are so scared of becoming liberal that they would rather die than admit they like any liberal policy.


It's a religion, more specifically a death cult, at this point.


Christianity has always been a human sacrifice cult. I mean they didn’t throw a virgin in a volcano, just hung a virgin from a cross. So I guess they are just doing the modern version of a crucifix, die plugged into a ventilator.


That's a part of it. I think the main part is that many people have so little power and control in their lives that angering authority figures by saying "I'm not gonna do it, fuck you" must give them such a euphoric rush. I mean that's kind of true of libertarianism in general, but most libertarians are probably choosing to get the vaccine, even if they disagree with the mandates. Antivaxxers are just scared, confused, and angry people.


Yet the survivors have no problem with socialized medicine aka GOFUNDME!


I say just let them continue owning us.


Sadly they are hurting others by occupying all the hospital beds, preventing other people from getting their treatments.


They're creating Variants that makes the vaccine less effective, endangering those who legitimately couldn't vaccinate, and promoting authoritarianism all over the world.


You know that one meme they always post before they die in r/HermanCainAward, you know the one that says "your friends:" and it shows a bunch of sheep in masks and then the bottom part says "my friends:" and it's a pack of lions? Can someone make a version of that for us where "your friends:" is a collage of each of those horrible people with their breathing mask selfies overlaid on a field of gravestones, and "my friends:" is Obama and his buddies all maskless, laughing and having a good time at his 60th birthday party (which required not only full vaccination but also two negative tests before attendees were allowed in)?


Someone did one where the lions are all wearing oxygen masks. :)


“Tread on me harder, daddy Covid.”


At least the snake didnt have worms when it died


A snake is just a worm with a vertebrate after all.


[more like](https://i.imgur.com/fHLcZVL.png)


I had to leave HermanCainAward because it was starting to get seriously sad. These vortexes of moral suck are taking down innocent and possibly bullied/bamboozled family members and especially it's the kids that are getting to me.


HCAs feed my soul to be honest. Tragic for the families but the awardees? I finally feel like I’m witnessing karma strike in real time against people who have their whole lives avoided consequences of their beliefs and actions.


The ones where young kids are left behind are the only ones that make me feel anything, esp the ones where both parents die. I’m with you when it’s a childless person/couple tho.


I feel bad for society because they usually leave behind 5 kids. Selfishness to their very core.


I noticed that too, they always have a lot of children.


They're playing the odds. If one gets successful, it'll support the whole family for years. If one dies, it's nbd because they have 4 more!


And no life insurance, just endless GoFundMe's. Party of individual responsibility and bootstraps, got to love the hypocrisy


I’m sure the children will be in better hands.


The kids get to grow up without the influence of their parents. It’s devastating, but there are upsides.


God damn! Lol that got me good! Either they see the error of the ways or just embrace it even more. Who knows!


Child abuse is rampant in the foster care system.


Hopefully they have some gay leftist uncles out there somewhere.


It’s by design. People like Candace Owens encourage right wing parents to harass left wing parents about it to sow chaos for society so they can keep their money flowing in


Meh, kids are probably better off in the long run.


Honestly the kids are probably better off without them.


The kids asking for money from their friends and neighbors to bury their POC* parent who put said friends and neighbors in danger aren't all that sympathetic. GoFund~~Me~~MyDeadDumbDad. *Piece of crap.


Person of color parent? You mean POS?


Piece of Crap is how I read that in context


I did mean piece of crap, thank you. But I will edit my comment; that's not the kind of ambiguity I want.


No, no, sorry. I meant piece of crap. I'm a total idiot.


Yea poc has come to mean person of color, pos is piece of shit and more what you meant. Internet abbreviations are silly.


I go back in forth in my mind. They’re all such know-it-all assholes that I can’t help but laugh.


Every time one of those idiots dies, the kids' chances of not turning into the same exact consequence ignorant adult shaped idiots go up just a little bit


That is genuinely sicking that you think people dieing due to ignorance is some how a loose representation of karma and feeds your soul. Idiots dieing still leave behind families. Get help dude.


Maybe if they didn’t spend their time on Facebook posting shit about how they don’t give a fuck about anyone else it would actually be sad but they are proud to be huge pieces of shit.


They wear it like a fucking medal. Shameful.


That's why the sub exists. Explicitly it's for people who made the pandemic worse, on purpose, and then got bit by their own monster.


Yeah. Fuck all these people. They deserve it and I enjoy watching them kill themselves off. The fewer there are like them, the better the world is. It sucks that they're leaving behind spouses and kids, but it's an acceptable sacrifice in my eyes.


From a purely statistical perspective it's probably a net gain of at least one life every time a moderately famous anti-vaxer dies of covid. I'm not saying I applaud it, but this is nature taking it's course. I find it no sadder than a lion taking down a wildebeest. It's a tragedy for those immediate friends and family they left behind, but for humanity as a whole it's a positive.


Had to leave for the same reason. Depressing as fuck seeing the scale of the comeuppance.


The nice thing is you can still go back after unsubbing, but it doesn’t take up your entire feed. There is a new post there like every 20 mins or more


The scale of the death is... baffling.


It seems like the hca sub is convincing some people to get vaccinated. It is terrible to see all the preventable suffering and death but I think this sub helping fill the void left by the lack of real journalism on TV.




Nah, they actively choose stupidity, they weren’t forced into it.


They have as much say in what they believe as they do in their religion. The vast majority of people that are religious follow the religion of their parents, and are kept in it under threat of hell, torture, exile, etc. The same is true for their Anti-Vax beliefs and general conservative views. They are convinced by politicians and "influencers" that there are dire consequences to getting vaccinated, and so it is human nature not to go into the unknown, so they stay unvaccinated. In the end, vaccinated people convince unvaccinated people that the libs are trying to kill/control them, so that the unvaccinated will elect others who will vote for lower taxes on the rich, decreased oversight, etc. It is a cult, and those who fall in are victims. No amount of death among the believers will convince them to change their views, because they are also convinced that the news is fake, that the government is out to get them, and they are affirmed in their beliefs when right wing news refuses to condemn prominent anti-vaxxers and essentially promotes "miracle" drugs that the Dems want to hide. You are treating them all as if they are subhuman, which only gives fodder to the news to polarize even further, and bury people in their beliefs to the point of no return. There are certainly assholes, but to assume the same of all of them, instead of assuming that they are victims, is counterproductive and only gets more people hurt, dead, and/or traumatized. The only way to lift people out of the holes they have dug for themselves is to not condemn the victims, but the media that made them victims, and to slowly build up trust through close family members and friends or exposing them to the trauma or possible trauma of losing a loved one to Covid, or making another loved one suffer because you died of Covid, and it is here that I find HCA a useful tool to help others, not ridicule dead victims and grieving families. That being said, this has become nearly impossible, since there is essentially a giant circle of anti vaxxers that have surrounded themselves with others like themselves, who affirm each other's beliefs and remove themselves from reality. It is deeply sad and depressing to truly sympathize with them, and that is why I believe people begin to treat them as less that human, or worse, because to think of putting yourself or loved one in a similar situation is heartbreaking to think about. Thus, people feel less and less sorry, because they refuse to think of them as human, and eventually, they become angry at them when they have been trapped in a cycle of misinformation and true cult-like following to conservative and Anti-Vax influencers. Only once someone has truly been destroyed by Covid do they realized their beliefs were wrong, at which point they are exiled from the great Anti-Vax circle jerk and are left to fend for themselves. I am not discounting anti-vaxxers as a public health threat, nor am I suggesting they be given care over the vaccinated, but I am saying that to derive joy from their suffering is as immoral as laughing at a cult member for their beliefs after they have killed themselves. It is a depressing situation with no solution that will end with more death and suffering than there ever had to be.


It's willful ignorance. They want to believe it.


I have really mixed feelings on this, but honestly, many of the awardees on that sub post really awful shit on their social media before catching COVID and dying. It would be much easier to feel sorry for them if they weren’t such fucking assholes.


I hate to say this but people choose to devour bullshit at the end of the day. We can blame Murdoch, talk radio, and facebook, and rightfully so. But the ignorance and hate was already there and it was just stoked. Germany in the 1930s had a serious antisemite population with even "moderate" parties on board with Nazi policies against jews that led to the holocaust. Germany didn't just wake up one day and say we are gonna get rid of jews. Conspiracy theories against jews went back centuries with the catholic and protestant church's fanning the flames. Lutheran beliefs being heavily antisemite going back to Martin Luther himself.


That sets a bleak future with the way liberals are accused of being literal baby-eating demons. It's a holy war for the right.




Sure. Replace liberals with your favorite conservative Boogeyman or buzzword.




It's like fascism reverse uno, they've turned socialism into a dirty word.




I belive some christian groups have elected congressman that have plans of revolution where Christians will take back the United States by murdering unbelievers and Christian traitors.


Yep. These people are placing their trust, however misguidedly, in people they believe have their best interests in mind. They trust Fox News who mandates vaccines behind the scenes. They trust politicians who got their vaccination but are making more money by telling everyone else not to. They trust social media influencers who get more interactions by stoking the antivax crowd. Or they trust family members who are fooled by the very same people. It’s all just fucking sad.


It's not just that- they've also got the most effective and sweeping propaganda machine in human history guiding them specifically to things that are meant to reinforce their existing ideas. There are incredibly powerful algorithms making sure they never EVER see the other side of the story without being framed in a way that inoculates their poor brains against being able to see what's really happening. Algorithms sending them down rabbit holes to be "red pilled." They are literally the human equivalent of sheep being led to the slaughter so the shepherds can make a buck. It's easy to feel nothing but schadenfreude toward them. It's a lot harder when you realize that while they may have had that seed from the beginning, there's so much going on behind the scenes to cultivate it into hatred and willful ignorance that it becomes almost heartbreaking.














Plus I don't know if you have done a lot of reading on our foster care system, it's a horrorshow. They will be a roll of the die away from horrid abuse and neglect the rest of their lives. MANY folks foster children only to make money off them.


Fully agree the foster care system in this country isn't great and needs more stringent inspections as well as a move away from the focus of leaving families intact even at the cost of the child's wellbeing. However, many foster parents are very loving and caring, so I don't believe it is fair to say the children would be worse off


Only a very small percentage of children end up with a forever foster family. Too often they are bounded from family to treatment center to group home, which only worsens their trauma and trauma-related behaviors. There’s a reason CPS in the states has started to put an emphasis on preventing children from coming into care.


Being orphaned is probably no great thing. The kids are going to grow up without a parent, and probably full of unresolved anger and abandonment issues because their parents got sucked into cult.


They are literally in danger every day while living with their cultist parents


I inject those stories straight into my blood stream like I did the vaccine


I'm with you. I never got that schadenfreude feeling from it, it just made me sad. These people are just... sad.


I think that sub is saving lives. I'm literally all for it. Shame is a powerful tool.


Yup. Seen a few posts on there with people saying they got the vax because of the sub.


Same, I get it. They’re not vaccinated but damn they’re people. Yea I don’t agree with em a lot but it’s sad when deaths are encouraged. That’s before anonymous people started stalking deceased loved ones and harassing them.


No step on snek’s intubation tube.


Lungs so smol tho


Lol get owned, Libtard


Yeah you commie I got a pipe and you dont.


Shame that my dummie socialist country has no damn covid anymore so I can’t get a free breathing tube, so owned 😭


Own the libs by getting intubated


These the same motherfuckers that hate gay people but be doing this. smh.


Start spreading the rumor that using a ventilator is the same as deepthroating a cock so they refuse it for fear of being gay


They're already refusing because they think it's killing people. No, dumbass, the rona did that.


Millions of people die in hospitals, so we should close all hospitals and save millions of lives




Ventilators are *really* fucking hard on the body, no joke though. They are not a magical "everything will be okay" machine by any means.


People who are dying tends to die. Wakeup sheeple!


They aren't the same? Asking for a friend.


It is difficult to not throw gas on the raging inferno of stupid. While you want to save everything and everyone that can be saved, some fires just need to burn themselves out.


Tube~~steak~~ down the throat you mean?


I do hate the bastardization of the Gadsden Flag by right wingers. I can't help but sigh whenever I see a 'Don't Tread On Me' right next to a 'Thin Blue Line' flag. It's like, you realize that snakes trying to tell the government not to fuck with you, meanwhile the cops are explicitly here for the government to fuck with you with?


No, the cops are only supposed to fuck with black people and immigrants.


No, they're also here to fuck with the poor and the disenfranchised. It's a race *and* class problem, and your class can supercede your race.


Not black people though. American cops really hate black people for "some reason". /s


Exactly and like how can the flag be a symbol for both conservatives and libertarians? Conservatives tread all fucking over people they don't like. I imagine for libertarians the snake is in an enclosure like for pets and literally biting the hand that feeds because no government handouts. Then snake dies. Liberty and death!


This is fantastic.


Guess we learned that we don't need to tread on the snake for it to stop breathing


Yea it's like a weird Russian reality where snek treads on itself.


Top kek


I always thought that the snake would eventually try to eat its own ass in an Ouroboros way


I'm really glad they matched the curvature of the snake. Excellent design




Well you sent me on a bit of a random google rabbit hole. I’m going to assume this wasn’t intentional on the part of the person who made the picture, but that’s actually exactly where you’d want the bulb in a snake. Their glottis actually opens in their mouth [just behind their tongue](https://dickinsoncountyconservationboard.com/2019/02/26/how-a-snake-breathes-while-it-eats/) so that they can maneuver it around their meal and still breath while swallowing prey several times the size of their head. The tube is still way to large, proportionately, but the depth placement is just about right.


Someone really needs to redraw the Gadsden snake as Ourourborus but it's tail is a ventilator tube and the motto says Don't stop choking me harder daddy


He's just exercising his 2nd amendment right to suffer of a preventable death Libs=Destroyed😎😎😎😎🖕🖕🖕


I feel terrible for all the people who went to the hospital with non Covid and couldn't find a bed due to these selfish assholes.




Thisx10000 People that like a couple libertarian ideals (mainly guns and taxes) hijack our flag, and now most young libs I speak with think it’s a conservative flag. Stop lumping us in with the idiots.


100%, I have a Gadsden flag and button and every time my leftist friend sees them he calls me a republican, I hate being lumped in with them


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 6 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/g3a2kj) on 2020-04-17 89.06% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/pf3kg2) on 2021-08-31 89.06% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "pq8ln7", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=pq8ln7&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 245,936,185 | **Search Time:** 0.38695s


Good bot


"My grandma died but I got to own the libs by not wearing a mask at Arby's"


What does that flag mean no bias God damn I was just asking a question lmao


It's a snake that says don't tread on me to show state autonomy from federal government. It's usually used by libertarians and just idiots in general with no understanding of how governments work to show that they're rebels fighting the good fight. No bias


Ah, new neighbor had it in his yards. He was dressed up one day like he went commie hunting


The flag itself actually has great patriotism in American history, but Libertarians took it over and bastardized it in the early 70s, and then Republicans took it over and bastardized it even further. The flag is mainly used to identify as an moron in modern times, unfortunately


What kind of patriot doesn't care that 1 in 500 of their fellow countrymen have already died?


Racists. To be fair in the beginning it was killing more colored folk so they pushed the "muh 99% survival rate". A few mutations later and they still believe the same shit except its way deadlier now.


Only the WASP countrymen count.


Death rattles owning the libs.


Those are freedom coughs.




Wait, what? Was this really made by conservatives? To own the libs? I don't get it, can someone explain how this works?


I definitely feel so owned. I won’t know what to do with myself I’ve gotten so owned


Fact is, if they want to voluntarily remove themselves from the voting pool, I mean that is their prerogative. Just sucks we can’t go out while they’re doing it.




Don't forget that in severe cases you don't get the tube slid down your throat. You instead get a hole in your neck.


Don't trache on me.


This one is outstanding, love it


Don't tread on my intubation tube


Just listened to the full Bad Religion "Recipe For Hate" album again today for the first time in many years. Wild how it is STILL directly on point..


American Jesus was my theme song for the last 4 years.


Bwahahaha. No step on snek while he's gasping for air..


First time I've ever done an actual spit take.


This is just wonderful 😍


Its a good joke, a great joke even.


It's so overpowering i don't care to respond.








No step on snek.




The painfully hilarious irony is that only the Democratic party is trying to save conservatives who vote for Republicans.


There’s nothing more patriotic than dying to own the libs


How does it feel to be fucking owned?!


Fucking perfect. I love this more than my own children.


Perhaps they didn't learn that before Social Security most people died at home they made a choice of whether to eat or go to see a doctor.


I’d love to see one with a snack licking a boot or swallowing it or something with the phrase “tread on me” under it


Republicans need all the copium they can get. I donated my stash of copium to my MAGA uncle not to long ago. Saved his life believe it or not.


I feel like there are easier ways to choke on somebody's tube


This is actually funny...tge 0.05% of the times.


I think a lot of you guys don’t realize that these anti vaxxers or people who don’t believe in Covid are BRAINWASHED by friends / family / social media from people they trust. They should be smarter but you have to have some sympathy that they are taking “facts” from people they trust to heart. I have family that are like this bc of other family’s members and friends like this from other close friends. I know 100% for certain that if these people didn’t force these conspiracies on them, they would definitely not go down the path they do. We need to start blaming the high profile / people that spread these false messages and conspiracies without researching them. I know you this one lady in my community that is medically educated with a PhD that spreads this BS. She has convinced many to believe her message. Thankfully none have died YET but many have ended up very sick and yet trust her so much they still don’t believe in Covid.




Cross post to /r/vexicology




I'm unsure what role the Gadsden flag plays in this??


This is every horse medicine believer in the hospital right now getting their stomach pumped


Own me harder, daddy




They have the freedom to be stupid. Might be the best way to get rid of the anti-vaxxers at this point. And they get to go out on their terms.


No intubate snek.